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Teen 'snipers' apprehended at anti-govt protest in Bangkok


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Teen 'Snipers' Apprehended At Anti-Govt Protest
By Khaosod English


BANGKOK: -- The police have apprehended a group of teenagers who carried BB guns into anti-government protest site near Ratchadamnoen Avenue.

Seven men, all of them underage individuals, were stopped at a police checkpoint in Khattiyani Intersection as a part of police procedure to search for weapons that could be smuggled into the protest site.

The police officers were surprised to find what resembled a sniper rifle and a handgun in backpacks carried by the teenagers.

Although the police quickly realised that the weapons were in fact BB guns, the rumour of police intercepting snipers as spread widely on the social network - both anti-government protest leaders and governmental officials have in recent days claimed that shadowy armed militants are attempting to infiltrate the protest site and cause chaos.

For instance, Mr. Suthep Thaugsuban, the former Democrat MP now leading the protests, told the crowd on stage he is being targeted by government-allied snipers who could finish him off at any time.

The fact that the teenagers were carrying Guy Fawkes Masks at the time also compounded fear that the group was related to the protests; anti-government protesters in the past have adopted the white masks as their symbol.

The concern over the news eventually forced spokesman of the Bangkok Metropolitan Police to announce in a press conference earlier this afternoon that the teenagers were carrying the BB guns to film their own parody of the popular first-person-shooter video game Payday.

The teenagers decided to walk through the anti-government protests to board their buses to the venue for film shooting, the police spokesman said, before they were eventually stopped and searched by the police at the checkpoint.

"The young individuals had no intention to cause any disorder in the rallies," said the spokesman, Pol.Maj.Gen. Adul Narongsak, "Their guardians were summoned to pick them up and the BB guns. No charge was filed against them".

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNE5USTROakl4T0E9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-11-25

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Yay! They caught themselves some black shirts at last!

Some serious common sense lacking in these idiots "if" they were indeed doing as claimed. If there was an ulterior motive, what they wear, colored shirt, mask etc has no bearing on who they might "represent". Anyone can wear a "disguise".

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<deleted>? Clearly in this case, their "guardians" does not refer to their parents, but someone far more influential who can order the cops to give them a free pass, having helped them concoct some cock and bull story. Heading off to shoot a parody of video game Payday......about as likely as Thaksin becoming a Jehovah's Witness I'd say. I hate tired cliches, but....."Amazing Thailand!" rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

Looking at the two boys on the left (not "men", if they are indeed "underage teenagers" as stated in the article), judging by their haircuts, I'd be pretty darn confident they are junior soldiers, and their so-called "guardian" is a military top brass. whistling.gif

Stupidity is not confined to any particular political persuasion, age or social status.


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<deleted>? Clearly in this case, their "guardians" does not refer to their parents, but someone far more influential who can order the cops to give them a free pass, having helped them concoct some cock and bull story. Heading off to shoot a parody of video game Payday......about as likely as Thaksin becoming a Jehovah's Witness I'd say. I hate tired cliches, but....."Amazing Thailand!" rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

Looking at the two boys on the left (not "men", if they are indeed "underage teenagers" as stated in the article), judging by their haircuts, I'd be pretty darn confident they are junior soldiers, and their so-called "guardian" is a military top brass. whistling.gif

I agree that the two on-the-left look to be older than the rest.

But perhaps they might be doing their military-training at week-ends, while still at school, an option which some teenagers prefer to the military-service lottery ?

They certainly displayed extremely-poor judgement, don't they know that only plain-clothes policemen without any ID, are permitted to carry arms within a protest ?

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Those aren't the same el cheapo V for vendetta masks that are sold at the protests, they are safety masks for airsoft (note the heavier duty straps).

I'm going to take a wild guess, that they were 5 young men off for a game of airsoft at the local field which suprisingly are run on Sundays ALL over Bangkok.

I was at a paintball field yesterday (was even going to bring my gear back untill I thought that perhaps today wouldn't be the best day for a farang to have paintball gear in a taxi while driving back down sanam luang) ... they were still up and running (it was just hard to get a taxi back home).

I had a BB gun that looked like the real thing and they look quite a bit different than any paint ball gun I've seen. Anyway, it was silly of them to try to get them through a police checkpoint. That's the sort of thing that gets you killed by the police very quickly in the west.

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At least they put "snipers" in quotes in the lead .... but this is blatantly a bit OTT on reporting .. The lead should have read "BB Guns"

Sorry for the off-topic but I'm slightly confused by the way some news headlines appear in the media. The point mentioned by jdinasia is a valid one as they weren't actually snipers but sometimes I see stuff ( and the BBC are especially fond of this ) like " Man "killed" by rhino" etc. So what the bloke is still wandering round like a zombie after being gored to death?

Anybody care to help put a fool out of his confusion?

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Nothing is really what it seems.

Misdirection is often paraded for the intention of its purpose.

Covert is kept under wraps by all means necessary.

Hmmm......trying to lull us into complacency that the police are doing their jobs well while in actuality the "real snipers" are getting into position not only unhindered but supported by intelligence from out-of-uniform police minglers?

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The police don't seem to realize that young people can lie, heck they get plenty of inspiration from MP's.

At the very least it was gross stupidity.

If they had produced these weapons (yes I know what they are but those in the crowd wouldnt) in the middle of the crowd, instant panic.

And panic can kill as surely as weapons themselves, there are many instances of dozens and even hundreds being killed in crowd panic situations.

These so called young people should have had their asses kicked severely then a few nights in jail to demonstrate to them the error of their ways.

Instead they are given back the weapons and sent home, no doubt to have a good laugh about it all.

They now know they can do it again without a problem.

Way to go cops.

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