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Pattaya For The Occasional Visitor


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At the moment there are two threads going one the tragic death of a Brit, the other deadwood Pattaya.

I have only been there a few times in the past five years. only problem I had was during Sung Kran, a Brit high on Yaa Ba. Got a gun stuck in my face. But even with that had my attiutde been a little better probably would never have happened.

I enjoy it there fpr an occasional get away. I pretty much restrict myself to the tourist areas and know of nothing of the rest of the city. I figure I'm going to get ripped off ny the bar gorsl but it han't really happened that much and usually jut being overcharged, so no biggy, figured into the budget in the first place.

So lets say a guy wants to visit for a few days, get spoiled a bit by the cuties and go home a happy man. Doesn't get drunk out of his mind, doesn't flash cash or jewelry where are the best areas to go and the ones that you would need to be more informed to participate in, I'm not.

Seems like from what I can see most of the violence isn't happening on walking street for example.

So for us novices what would be a good safe trip plan? :o

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Good tourist area to hang around is soi 7. Very safe, just don't sit on beach road at 2 am in the morning. Of course common sense tells you not to do that anywhere in the world. Pattaya is as safe as any big city.


Pretty much. There were stories awhile ago about the "Fitness Park" just below the Big Buddha, but nothing recent. Bali Hai pier might not be the best place to hang around after the bars/discos close, but again, no recent news from there.

Beach Road (the "beach" side), late at night is probably not a place you should be strolling either. Although, I walked home from there the other night (at 03:30) after seeing some friends off, and never had any problems. Had a few "girls" try to proposition me, but my quick stride and a polite "no thanks" got me through easily.

I actually think Pattaya is safer than many big cities. The bad stories get blown out of proportion when you compare the number of crimes (involving farangs) with the number of tourists that come every year, and the number of ex-pats that live here. It's not as bad as it may seem to be. If those bad stories were coming every day, or every second day, yeah, then maybe things are getting out of hand, but we are no where near that level of trouble (yet).

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Well I enjoy my little escapes form Udon to there, just a much a Used to enjoy going to Vegas from L.A. I can usually find the things I want ther that I can't get in Udon. The night life is exciting and fun, but never Sung Kran again.

What seemed to be missing in the othr threads is that people tend to go to places like this to do something different. That i believe shoufd be done with common sense, anywhere yuo go there are bad things that happened. That tiny little city ga a such transceint aspect with a many visitor, it has makes it easier for the bad guys to play the games. Just like anywhere else that has that number of visitors.

Thanks guys it was good to hear from you that live and know the city. I always will my remember my first reaction to it, this is an adult disneyland. well when I visited Dineyland in the states I didn't walk around with my wallet hanging out of my pocket, so probably not a good idea there either. :o

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Statistically I would guess you have at least 500 farangs killed or seriousely hurt in traffic accidents for each one killed by robbers/hitmen.

Not nice to cop a bullet but you are much more likely getting run over by a car before that happens, not sure which would sting the most.

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Stay off the beaches (Pattaya and Jomtien) after dark - there have been numerous attacks - some serious - on westerners down there in recent years. Some robberies - some purely racist attacks - local Thai males with nothin' taking their frustration out - envy and resentment - on unsuspecting tourists and occasional visitors, in the main.

Nasty attack on Jomtien beach a couple of months ago. Westerner lured onto the beach and then viciously attacked and robbed. Serious injuries.

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There were stories awhile ago about the "Fitness Park" just below the Big Buddha, but nothing recent. Bali Hai pier might not be the best place to hang around after the bars/discos close, but again, no recent news from there.

There was the old guy out jogging a couple of weeks ago at the fitness park.


There are certainly lots of roudy teenagers on motorcycles hanging around Bali Hai at all times of day :D Although I never had any trouble with them I just feel a bit uneasy around them so leave when they turn up. :o

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I live in Bangkok and this is an honest question, i am not trying to stir up conflict so please dont think i am.

I have noticed mentioned in a number of posts to avoid Beach road later at night. Why is this, what are the usual problems there?

Too many nasty chix with dix. :o

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I live in Bangkok and this is an honest question, i am not trying to stir up conflict so please dont think i am.

I have noticed mentioned in a number of posts to avoid Beach road later at night. Why is this, what are the usual problems there?

Too many nasty chix with dix. :o

Exactly. That seems to be where most of the katoeys and freelancers hang out, especially after everything else is closed.

Plus the beach side of the road is quite a bit darker, and has the beach next to the walkway, making it a good place to jump unwary strollers. I've heard the same about the bike/walking path along Jomtien Beach as well.

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Too many nasty chix with dix. :o

:D Quite right.

All is OK walking along Beach Road up until 1am or 2am, but after that the katoeys can become a lot more agressive in trying to earn (I use that term loosely) their money.

Walking Street has regular police patrols (both uniform and undercover) and provided tourists remain fairly sober and exercise common sense, they should be safe.

Drink spiking is gaining in popularity and crossing Second Road is a thrill. Caution required for both.

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You would think that the B.I.B. would have a regular patrol alopng Beach Rd considering the main police station is in the middle of it. :D

Oh I forgot, there are no more problems with Katoeys since they were all rounded up and given 20 sittang fines ,problem solved. :o

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Common sense is the key here. You can't believe how many people seem to check it in at the airport and forget to reclaim it!

Trust me Pattaya is far safer than the likes of Benidorm, Magaluff etc which are clogged with battling Euros every night, most of whom don't seem too be much bothered about who they involve in their violence.

Gimme Pattaya anytime!

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You would think that the B.I.B. would have a regular patrol alopng Beach Rd considering the main police station is in the middle of it. :D

Oh I forgot, there are no more problems with Katoeys since they were all rounded up and given 20 sittang fines ,problem solved. :o

I don't go down that area too often, but I have noticed recently that the numbers of katoeys/freelancers seems to be less than a few months ago. Could be I've just been there at "non-peak" times as well. :D

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Another problem for Pattaya is that it has to contend with snobbery. There is this mentality which is rife in expat circles and also put about by some guidebooks, Lonely Planet the main culprit here, that Pattaya is merely a sex shop and somehow not 'real Thailand'

The truth is that most of those who knock Pattaya have probably spent a hel_l of a lot of time there in the past and now somehow see themselves as being 'above it all' now.

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I've never been to Pattaya but have lived in Phuket for a few years. Seems like the problems are fairly similar. I've learned a few hard lessons from my own experience and from friends of mine. This is coming from a lady but some of this advice applys to men too.

Definitely avoid beaches after dark.

Females should try to avoid getting a taxi alone at night. If you have no choice at least get a friend to "see you off' so that the driver knows he could be identified if there is an incident later. Agree on the fare and have the correct money ready. Don't unlock your front door until the driver leaves or is at a safe distance for you to get inside and lock the door. Obviously hotel reception is better. If you think the driver is drunk or is taking you to somewhere other than where he should be GET OFF THE BIKE

Don't use ATMs in quiet areas. Go to a very busy 7/11 and use the ATM there.

Don't carry a shoulderbag while riding a motorcycle as a driver or passenger. Put your wallet and cell phone in your pocket if you can and use a bungee strap to secure your belongings in the front basket with a jacket or spare helmet on top. You don't want someone to pull you off the bike in an attempt to steal a bag. Females should wear a jacket on a bike at nighttime.

Watch out for drinking games, free shots ect...know your own limitations.

Keep your cellphone and wallet secure.


As I write this my boyfriend has just called and told me that a young Swedish guy I was talking to on Saturday night got robbed and raped in the early hours of Sunday morning. When I spoke to him he was very drunk and his friend was trying in vain to get him to go home. Apparently he wandered down to the beach (Patong). He made it back to the hotel at 10am yesterday in his underwear. And it could have been worse...

I guess basically if you are going to go out and get drunk, do it with friends and watch out for each other. I used to lament the fact that I couldn't do anything alone after dark but now I've faced up to reality.

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Too many nasty chix with dix. :D

:D Quite right.

All is OK walking along Beach Road up until 1am or 2am, but after that the katoeys can become a lot more agressive in trying to earn (I use that term loosely) their money.

:o I'm heading to Pattaya soon for the first time and from reading through numerous threads the local katoeys seem pretty vicious!! :D

In samui you just have to blank them once then they leave you alone.....

.....or maybe that's because im an ugly b*stard!! :D

Edited by game4shame
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Too many nasty chix with dix. :D

:D Quite right.

All is OK walking along Beach Road up until 1am or 2am, but after that the katoeys can become a lot more agressive in trying to earn (I use that term loosely) their money.

:o I'm heading to Pattaya soon for the first time and from reading through numerous threads the local katoeys seem pretty vicious!! :D

In samui you just have to blank them once then they leave you alone.....

.....or maybe that's because im an ugly b*stard!! :D

Beach rd watch out but otherwise they are ok. :D

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There is this mentality which is rife in expat circles and also put about by some guidebooks, Lonely Planet the main culprit here, that Pattaya is merely a sex shop and somehow not 'real Thailand'

pattaya ? ....... merely a sex shop.

pattaya ? ....... not the real thailand

how on earth can anyone with even one brain cell functioning , let alone an expat , come to the conclusion that pattaya is a sex shop.

do these people walk around with their eyes closed ?

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At the moment there are two threads going one the tragic death of a Brit, the other deadwood Pattaya.

I have only been there a few times in the past five years. only problem I had was during Sung Kran, a Brit high on Yaa Ba. Got a gun stuck in my face. But even with that had my attiutde been a little better probably would never have happened.

I enjoy it there fpr an occasional get away. I pretty much restrict myself to the tourist areas and know of nothing of the rest of the city. I figure I'm going to get ripped off ny the bar gorsl but it han't really happened that much and usually jut being overcharged, so no biggy, figured into the budget in the first place.

So lets say a guy wants to visit for a few days, get spoiled a bit by the cuties and go home a happy man. Doesn't get drunk out of his mind, doesn't flash cash or jewelry where are the best areas to go and the ones that you would need to be more informed to participate in, I'm not.

Seems like from what I can see most of the violence isn't happening on walking street for example.

So for us novices what would be a good safe trip plan? :o

I've been living in Pattaya/Jomtien for over 5 years. If you are as you say, you should be able to go anywhere in town and do just about anything you like. The main thing here is to have fun, as long as you're not overly aggressive or threatening to a Thai, almost all else is forgiven. Generosity is obviously looked upon fondly in your dealing with the girls and staff at your hotel, restaraunts etc.. Come and spend your money with a smile on your face and you should have no problems. Act like a loud, cheap, lout and you get what you deserve both in service and in the type of attention you attract. It's really pretty simple. I hate to make the sweeping generalization, but its been my experience, that the falangs who tend to have the most trouble here invariably bring it on themselves, by treating the locals as inferiors. Behaving in a way that is certain to bring the worst out of

them. For the type of town it is and the entertainment and night life it provides I doubt there is a safer "Sin City" anyplace else in the world. Come and enjoy.

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is Beach Rd so bad, I was in Pattaya a month ago a walked from Walking St to Hard Rock several times with no problems at all. Someone said dont go there after dark, are you saying its dangerous after 7 pm. I also went at sat with some free lancers several times after 11 around Mike Mall. I tend to wal most places, for several reasons, for exercise and cause I don't feel that safe on the road. I will get on baht bus but not the motorcycles. Anyhow are you guys aware of the kiwi guy who got killed by locals (shot dead) on the way to the gym. Story is he lives there, good looking 41 years old guy who was going to buy property in his Thai girls name then changed his mind and broke up with her. She could not deal with it so put a hit on him.

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I was in Pattaya about 3 weeks ago for the first time. On my off-nites from the go-go and beer bars, I'd stroll up and down the Beach Road & even the beach as late as 4am by myself with no incident except for the occassional approach from some freelancer or aggressive katooey (haha). Luckily, no bad experiences. Of course, being muscular and looking like a tattoo'd Yakuza boy doesn't hurt. :o Regardless, I'm a stubborn New Yorker, and those 2 features above do not make you michete- or bulletproof. :D

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There is this mentality which is rife in expat circles and also put about by some guidebooks, Lonely Planet the main culprit here, that Pattaya is merely a sex shop and somehow not 'real Thailand'

pattaya ? ....... merely a sex shop.

pattaya ? ....... not the real thailand

how on earth can anyone with even one brain cell functioning , let alone an expat , come to the conclusion that pattaya is a sex shop.

do these people walk around with their eyes closed ?

Maybe they do.....or maybe they haven`t visited Pattaya for at least EIGHT years :o

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