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Personal experience of corruption


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The big money comes from the bars. They all pay every month to about 10 groups, in Pattaya Chonburi and BKK. They come here for a monthly payment. There man goes around and collects.

If a bar has a problem like a girl under 18, or whatever they can find, than it is numbers like 500,000 and more. A few years back, 30-40,000 would have fixed any problem, now its 10 times that

This is your personal experience?

Think they saw him coming if it was.....come in spinner

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Land Office for the purchase of land 600,000 THB.
"In my case this field has a value of 1,100,000THB so is the reference value to pay the fee to be 80,000 THB. But if you give me 15000 THB I accept your price and you will pay only 20,000."

Sounds to me as if the seller worked a fast one on you.

The seller would have been there at the same time, the seller was trying to reduce his tax payment, not your problem.

Its very common to undervalue the price as a way of reducing tax payment on the sellers part.

If you refused to pay it, what would have happened?

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Have not left Thailand in many years and have not had an experience with corruption. Far more problems with it when I lived in Chicago. Chicago City Council Chambers has long been the center of public corruption in Chicago. The first conviction of Chicago aldermen and Cook County Commissioners for accepting bribes to rig a crooked contract occurred in 1869. Between 1972 and 1999, 26 current or former Chicago aldermen were convicted for official corruption. Between 1973 and 2012, 31 aldermen were convicted of corruption. Approximately 100 aldermen served in that period, which is a conviction rate of about one-third. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_City_Council

Wasn't Chicago was run by La Cosa Nostra during that period?

1869 no. Richard J. Daley Mayor 21 years Richard M. Daley Mayor for 22 years. Thailand is a relative baby when it comes to family corruption. Daley family 43 years in power. GDP Chicago 571 billion Thailand 365 Billion

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I had a two day overstay as I was flying out of Phuket. I was shown to the office to pay the fine. Told to pay

1,500 baht. Told him I thought it was 1000. Had to pay 1,500 when I got the receipt it was for a 1000.

Also stopped here in Pattaya on my scooter. Wearing my helmet, had my licence, been stopped a hundred

times before. no troubles. Told to produce my international licence. It was at my condo. I had never needed

it before. Told me the fine was 600 baht, I could pay him direct or leave my bike, go to the police station

pay the fine, find my way back, show it had been paid and be on my way. I offered 200, he said 500,

I said 300, he said 400, I gave him 300 and got on my bike and left. Needless to say my international

licence which does not have a Thai translation in now under the seat of my bike.

One other story but it is not my story. I have a Thai friend (lady) that owns a small bar in Patong.

She tells me she makes a monthly payoffs to police, city officials etc.. so she can remain open.

It is a small bar with a couple of pool tables. Never asked what the amounts were but it sure

does squeeze her.

Edited by Ulic
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The big money comes from the bars. They all pay every month to about 10 groups, in Pattaya Chonburi and BKK. They come here for a monthly payment. There man goes around and collects.

If a bar has a problem like a girl under 18, or whatever they can find, than it is numbers like 500,000 and more. A few years back, 30-40,000 would have fixed any problem, now its 10 times that

This is your personal experience?

Obviously delusional person with no idea about real world!

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Here's my experience of non-corruption. I'm waiting a month for my visa application to be processed. Nobody her asked for a bribe to speed up my paper-work, it's just business as usual. I have not been asked for a bribe in my 2 years here, on the road or otherwise. Not yet...

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The big money comes from the bars. They all pay every month to about 10 groups, in Pattaya Chonburi and BKK. They come here for a monthly payment. There man goes around and collects.

If a bar has a problem like a girl under 18, or whatever they can find, than it is numbers like 500,000 and more. A few years back, 30-40,000 would have fixed any problem, now its 10 times that

This is your personal experience?

Obviously delusional person with no idea about real world!

So how much they pay in the real world?

Most of the clubs that stay open beyond the official closing time pay the police and you would be surprised about the amount of money involved.

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I went to Issan with my Thai girlfriend.She took me to her village to what she called a "Welcoming ceremony". I had to pay the villagers 1,000 bt.After the ceremony I asked if this was the normal way to welcome people. They told me I had just been married. Corruption!

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As for rejected attempts at corruption - when I worked in Thailand a project manager thought he could he could buy people off so we didn't need work permits. We had to get work permits. Another guy thought he could buy people off so our senior engineer could extend his visa without the usual palaver. He couldn't extend it and had to leave Thailand.

I think these things failed because our Thai partner took offence at the suggestion that there was corruption in Thailand...smile.png

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I went to Issan with my Thai girlfriend.She took me to her village to what she called a "Welcoming ceremony". I had to pay the villagers 1,000 bt.After the ceremony I asked if this was the normal way to welcome people. They told me I had just been married. Corruption!

It's unfortunate when this happens. blink.png

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The big money comes from the bars. They all pay every month to about 10 groups, in Pattaya Chonburi and BKK. They come here for a monthly payment. There man goes around and collects.

If a bar has a problem like a girl under 18, or whatever they can find, than it is numbers like 500,000 and more. A few years back, 30-40,000 would have fixed any problem, now its 10 times that

This is your personal experience?

Obviously delusional person with no idea about real world!

So how much they pay in the real world?

Most of the clubs that stay open beyond the official closing time pay the police and you would be surprised about the amount of money involved.

I think everyone knows abt payments...rest of the story is something "else"

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Wrong way on my motorbike once 500B

Skip the queue in immigration once 2000B

Got stopped for being in the inner lane on my bike once and was demanded to pay 2k. After ten minutes of pretending I didn't understand the cop waved me on.

I'm surprised more video evidence doesn't make it on to youtube. That would be good.

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Well I do live here and of course I have!!!!

I think my first experience was when I came as a tourist in the '80s.

Hardly see any point describing the circumstances of the 'more than once' occurrences......surely posted already!

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Don't know what the Op is on with that one.

Cops stopped me last week, when I had some beers too much. The cop asking me: " Khun mao, mai khrap?" My answer: "Mei chai, phom penn kee mao leo."

Cop gives me 200 baht to buy some liquor. Not sure if that's considered corruption.-laugh.png

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Before I start, there is a distinct difference between a "tip" and a "bribe". The former is given after you have received service you are happy with whereas the latter is a "sweetener" to facilitate something.

In three decades of living here I've had tips returned very often, usually from regular Thais who don't have much contact with foreigners. I must admit that a sweetener or tea money to BIB has never been refused. Thin on the ground I'd say, perhaps it is 1% who would refuse here and 1% who would take it at home.

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I had a two day overstay as I was flying out of Phuket. I was shown to the office to pay the fine. Told to pay

1,500 baht. Told him I thought it was 1000. Had to pay 1,500 when I got the receipt it was for a 1000.

Also stopped here in Pattaya on my scooter. Wearing my helmet, had my licence, been stopped a hundred

times before. no troubles. Told to produce my international licence. It was at my condo. I had never needed

it before. Told me the fine was 600 baht, I could pay him direct or leave my bike, go to the police station

pay the fine, find my way back, show it had been paid and be on my way. I offered 200, he said 500,

I said 300, he said 400, I gave him 300 and got on my bike and left. Needless to say my international

licence which does not have a Thai translation in now under the seat of my bike.

One other story but it is not my story. I have a Thai friend (lady) that owns a small bar in Patong.

She tells me she makes a monthly payoffs to police, city officials etc.. so she can remain open.

It is a small bar with a couple of pool tables. Never asked what the amounts were but it sure

does squeeze her.

Almost all businesses in the entertainment industry pay the cops by the month. Fact.

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No one in their right mind is going to post their personal experiences of corruption in Thailand on this web site and name names. Suffice it to say, I have experienced first hand corruption at all levels from the B.I.B. tea money to the multimillion baht "incentives" paid to "The Usual Suspects" to attain major contracts. The going rate on the major contracts is well known at 30%, but it was amusing during Thaksin's clamp down on corruption, that a discount to 28% was being asked for the 7 major construction projects. The Hopewell Henge Project was stopped by Hopewell, after there was a change of Prime Ministers, whereby a second "Brown Paper Envelope" was requested after incentives had already been paid at the start of the contract. The same PM, I might add, who had Thaksin indicted for corruption.


The current troubles are caused by the parties that are not in power, trying to remove the incumbents on the basis of corruption, when they themselves are corrupt. Like pigs, they just want "Our turn at the trough" (A well known quote from a Thai Politician). Because the opposition cannot remove the Government through democratically held elections (They do not have as much money to buy the votes), they have resorted to rent-a-mob demonstrations and the illegal occupation of Government buildings. These demonstrations "against corruption" are led by some persons who have been found guilty themselves of corruption. Whilst some of the demonstrators on both sides are unpaid, in my 30 years personal experience, many are paid to demonstrate and/or at least provided with meals. You can imagine one demonstrator asking another "who are we demonstrating against this time?" and the reply "I don't know but the pay is good".

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No one in their right mind is going to post their personal experiences of corruption in Thailand on this web site and name names. Suffice it to say, I have experienced first hand corruption at all levels from the B.I.B. tea money to the multimillion baht "incentives" paid to "The Usual Suspects" to attain major contracts. The going rate on the major contracts is well known at 30%, but it was amusing during Thaksin's clamp down on corruption, that a discount to 28% was being asked for the 7 major construction projects. The Hopewell Henge Project was stopped by Hopewell, after there was a change of Prime Ministers, whereby a second "Brown Paper Envelope" was requested after incentives had already been paid at the start of the contract. The same PM, I might add, who had Thaksin indicted for corruption.


The current troubles are caused by the parties that are not in power, trying to remove the incumbents on the basis of corruption, when they themselves are corrupt. Like pigs, they just want "Our turn at the trough" (A well known quote from a Thai Politician). Because the opposition cannot remove the Government through democratically held elections (They do not have as much money to buy the votes), they have resorted to rent-a-mob demonstrations and the illegal occupation of Government buildings. These demonstrations "against corruption" are led by some persons who have been found guilty themselves of corruption. Whilst some of the demonstrators on both sides are unpaid, in my 30 years personal experience, many are paid to demonstrate and/or at least provided with meals. You can imagine one demonstrator asking another "who are we demonstrating against this time?" and the reply "I don't know but the pay is good".

A feudal kleptocracy.

Can't link it because it's the BKKPost but . . . .

The cost of corruption adds a prohibitive 30-35% to any investment, he said.
Edited by MJP
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The big money comes from the bars. They all pay every month to about 10 groups, in Pattaya Chonburi and BKK. They come here for a monthly payment. There man goes around and collects.

If a bar has a problem like a girl under 18, or whatever they can find, than it is numbers like 500,000 and more. A few years back, 30-40,000 would have fixed any problem, now its 10 times that

This is your personal experience?

Obviously delusional person with no idea about real world!

So how much they pay in the real world?

Most of the clubs that stay open beyond the official closing time pay the police and you would be surprised about the amount of money involved.

Why would I be surprised? If you have a club tell us.

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Been here three years . Never been hit up for tea money . Got stopped expired registration office wrote me took my dl I paid 500 baht at the police station got my dl back. When getting my yellow book after all was done I gave the official 500 baht . I got a very funny look from him like whats this for . I replied thank you for you .. Some fruit to the lady at the counter that helped us as well .. Im sure there are a lot of stories , but you cant judge everyone in Thailand as excepting tea money ... Its a different culture here and so many things have been expectable over the years . Live and learn ,, when in Rome do as the Romans hahahaha

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Have not left Thailand in many years and have not had an experience with corruption. Far more problems with it when I lived in Chicago. Chicago City Council Chambers has long been the center of public corruption in Chicago. The first conviction of Chicago aldermen and Cook County Commissioners for accepting bribes to rig a crooked contract occurred in 1869. Between 1972 and 1999, 26 current or former Chicago aldermen were convicted for official corruption. Between 1973 and 2012, 31 aldermen were convicted of corruption. Approximately 100 aldermen served in that period, which is a conviction rate of about one-third. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_City_Council

Key word here is "CONVICTED."

Please enlighten us as to how many Thai officials have been CONVICTED of corruption?

Save yourself the embarrasment and don't compare apples to oranges, okblink.png

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Have not left Thailand in many years and have not had an experience with corruption. Far more problems with it when I lived in Chicago. Chicago City Council Chambers has long been the center of public corruption in Chicago. The first conviction of Chicago aldermen and Cook County Commissioners for accepting bribes to rig a crooked contract occurred in 1869. Between 1972 and 1999, 26 current or former Chicago aldermen were convicted for official corruption. Between 1973 and 2012, 31 aldermen were convicted of corruption. Approximately 100 aldermen served in that period, which is a conviction rate of about one-third. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_City_Council

Key word here is "CONVICTED."

Please enlighten us as to how many Thai officials have been CONVICTED of corruption?

Save yourself the embarrasment and don't compare apples to oranges, okblink.png

I have to admit I am at a loss. What embarrassment. What is apples to oranges?

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Have not left Thailand in many years and have not had an experience with corruption. Far more problems with it when I lived in Chicago. Chicago City Council Chambers has long been the center of public corruption in Chicago. The first conviction of Chicago aldermen and Cook County Commissioners for accepting bribes to rig a crooked contract occurred in 1869. Between 1972 and 1999, 26 current or former Chicago aldermen were convicted for official corruption. Between 1973 and 2012, 31 aldermen were convicted of corruption. Approximately 100 aldermen served in that period, which is a conviction rate of about one-third. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_City_Council

Key word here is "CONVICTED."

Please enlighten us as to how many Thai officials have been CONVICTED of corruption?

Save yourself the embarrasment and don't compare apples to oranges, okblink.png

the embarrassment of looking silly by comparing corruption in Chicago to Bangkok/Thailand.

You really don't understand the saying "comparing apples to oranges?"

You should get out more;)

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Have not left Thailand in many years and have not had an experience with corruption. Far more problems with it when I lived in Chicago. Chicago City Council Chambers has long been the center of public corruption in Chicago. The first conviction of Chicago aldermen and Cook County Commissioners for accepting bribes to rig a crooked contract occurred in 1869. Between 1972 and 1999, 26 current or former Chicago aldermen were convicted for official corruption. Between 1973 and 2012, 31 aldermen were convicted of corruption. Approximately 100 aldermen served in that period, which is a conviction rate of about one-third. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_City_Council

Key word here is "CONVICTED."

Please enlighten us as to how many Thai officials have been CONVICTED of corruption?

Save yourself the embarrasment and don't compare apples to oranges, okblink.png

the embarrassment of looking silly by comparing corruption in Chicago to Bangkok/Thailand.

You really don't understand the saying "comparing apples to oranges?"

You should get out more;)

The city of Chicago does more business than Thailand. GDP Chicago much more than the country of Thailand. I ran business in Chicago and Thailand. Chicago was much more corrupt. Why is that apples to oranges? The flaming parts of your post about embarrassment and I should get out more I will ignore but for future reference drop the flames. You can debate without flaming.

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Have not left Thailand in many years and have not had an experience with corruption. Far more problems with it when I lived in Chicago. Chicago City Council Chambers has long been the center of public corruption in Chicago. The first conviction of Chicago aldermen and Cook County Commissioners for accepting bribes to rig a crooked contract occurred in 1869. Between 1972 and 1999, 26 current or former Chicago aldermen were convicted for official corruption. Between 1973 and 2012, 31 aldermen were convicted of corruption. Approximately 100 aldermen served in that period, which is a conviction rate of about one-third. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_City_Council

Key word here is "CONVICTED."

Please enlighten us as to how many Thai officials have been CONVICTED of corruption?

Save yourself the embarrasment and don't compare apples to oranges, okblink.png

the embarrassment of looking silly by comparing corruption in Chicago to Bangkok/Thailand.

You really don't understand the saying "comparing apples to oranges?"

You should get out more;)

The city of Chicago does more business than Thailand. GDP Chicago much more than the country of Thailand. I ran business in Chicago and Thailand. Chicago was much more corrupt. Why is that apples to oranges? The flaming parts of your post about embarrassment and I should get out more I will ignore but for future reference drop the flames. You can debate without flaming.

I was born and raised in Chicago. It is a heavily regulated city but not corrupt; not that corruption doesn't exist but real and true efforts are made to stamp it out and punish wrongdoers.

Just look at Blago, Burge, Rosty etc. etc.

Examples like that would NEVER happen in Thailand, so again you are certainly, without a shadow of a doubt comparing apples to oranges.

And you're probably a Cubs fan toowhistling.gif

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So how much they pay in the real world?

Most of the clubs that stay open beyond the official closing time pay the police and you would be surprised about the amount of money involved.

Why would I be surprised? If you have a club tell us.


Unlike me you have lived in Thailand so long that you are exempted from surprise.

No I don’t own a club and if you do or did then please explain the economics behind the amount that need to be paid to the police in order to stay open beyond closing time.

I’m genuinely interested and I assume it’s related to the number of customers a club draws in after hours and if there are for lack of a better word other nefarious activities taking place on the premises which would need a blind eye of the police.

The BKK Post had an article about two years back in which they claimed some clubs paid a miilion a month with the owners lamenting that they'd rather pay tax if given the chance.

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the embarrassment of looking silly by comparing corruption in Chicago to Bangkok/Thailand.

You really don't understand the saying "comparing apples to oranges?"

You should get out more;)

The city of Chicago does more business than Thailand. GDP Chicago much more than the country of Thailand. I ran business in Chicago and Thailand. Chicago was much more corrupt. Why is that apples to oranges? The flaming parts of your post about embarrassment and I should get out more I will ignore but for future reference drop the flames. You can debate without flaming.

I was born and raised in Chicago. It is a heavily regulated city but not corrupt; not that corruption doesn't exist but real and true efforts are made to stamp it out and punish wrongdoers.

Just look at Blago, Burge, Rosty etc. etc.

Examples like that would NEVER happen in Thailand, so again you are certainly, without a shadow of a doubt comparing apples to oranges.

And you're probably a Cubs fan toowhistling.gif

One day I was walking home from my restaurant close to the Key Club (nude restaurant that Playboy got the idea from) I stopped in for a beer. I lived close to Lincoln Park. My favorite draft beer was gone. All the draft beers on that street had changed in one day. The Alderman had bought an interest in a new beer company. My building inspector, health inspector and fire inspector all hit me up once a year for cash or my restaurant got closed. The cops always ate for free. Hit and run. My car got hit. I found the car that hit me and told the cops where it was. They laughed and asked me if I thought the Chicago police department was like the TV shows . The Alderman also told me who would do my restaurant's laundry.

I assume you did not live downtown. I lived in both downtown Chicago and Arlington Heights. Like night and day. Outside of the City might as well been a different planet.

Corrupt police? Google 68' Democratic convention. The nation watched on TV in rage and disbelief as the democratic process was torn apart. Makes Bangkok look mild.

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