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I killed a soi dog - now I'm being blackmailed


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I havnt taken the time to read all this thread...

But i would have made out that.. "Your the owner..great, I have bills in the house for rabies shots that need paying"

"Lets go and ask the other bite victims if they have any claims to make too"

And that would be last you hear from her...

Then take a little more time reading because no counter-bluff was needed and the matter was closed with no confrontation.

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From OP: "On Sunday evening I killed a soi dog, on purpose. I ran over it in my car. I knew what I was doing. Beforehand it seemed like a good idea but I instantly regretted it afterwards."

How could it ever seem like a good idea?

Well OP regretted it, guess that counts for something.

What is the status OP?

Edit: OK, just read that the matter was resolved.

Edited by arminbkk
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So many different cultures showing here wrt to our relationship with dogs.

To the westerners, some are pets to be treasured. Others are working animals only fed until they're no longer useful, barely a step up from the sheep or cattle they tend. Some are truly wild animals and fair game to be culled at will if they interfere with our business.

None of these scenarios apply to soi dogs in Thailand, or more generally pariah dogs in many asian cultures.

They aren't "owned" by anyone in what we consider the normal sense of the word, but they certainly aren't wild or "stray" as defined by our style of animal control laws.

The Thais take care of them collectively, they "belong" to the community and especially to those that do take some limited responsibility for them, but no one individual takes FULL responsibility. If a human is injured by one, that's just life and an accepted cost of living here, just like vehicular accidents, cancer from tobacco, alcohol poisoning etc. Thais believe these dogs are sentient beings and give them every right to live as they do, just as much a right as the people do.

This is Thailand, we are the outsiders here and have no right to tell them how to organize their community or their lives just because it offends our sensibilities.

Now from a practical POV if you want to be a vigilante and take matters into our own hands fine, but don't expect there to be no consequences, this is not like killing a bird that is eating your crops, they are part of the community of which you are a guest. Next time take care how you do it, use a more humane and less traceable method.

That said of course this woman's claim was outrageous, but not in principle just the amount.

just aswell dogs can't read or they would be rubbing there paws together, look at all these juicy felangs in our country that have got to let us terrorise and bite there families because it's in our culture, imagine standing on a soap box in London telling everyone whose living there that they have to abide to English ways and customs you wouldn't last long, Thais give them the right to roam in packs because they can't be arsed to take care of them or control there numbers, av seen them just kill pups in the village and not bat a eyelid, this is all about gettin fleeced and a chance to rinse the ferang of money, ok the red mist may av come down and his spare of the moment actions have been wrong, but being terrorised is the same in any country but just coz your in Thailand don't feel you have to tip toe round there culture, nobody does in our country.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Give her the 20k she wants... as soon as she pays 20,000 baht compensation for your cat killed by "her" dog...

Good suggestion.

Do not admit anything

First try to totally ignore the woman while smiling and telling her you did not do what she is accusing you of.

If it escalates then Have the Thai wife go to the lady and re-confirm she is the owner of the dog and then present her with a compensation bill of 20,000 baht for each cat that the dog killed...saying: I know your dog killed my 2 cats

Do not admit anything.

Go to the Local police and feel them out and learn if they would intervene on your behalf if you need them while telling them the lady is accusing you of something you did not do......but meantime you know that her dog killed your 2 cats while the dog was a constant menace to everyone in the Soi.

Besides, dogs are run over accidentally often enough so have your wife ask her why she let the dog run wild all over the street and tell her because she did not take proper care of her dog , now look what happened, your dog is dead.

Smile a lot and play their game but let the Thai wife do all the talking.

Edited by gemguy
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Would have been a simple solution.

1) Claim you did not kill the dog.

2) The dog attacked you and ripped your shoes or jeans and you will now be making a claim for the $1000 value against the owner.

Lesson, when a Thai tries to blackmail/extort you.

You always deny and always make a counterclaim against them.

Thais do the same.

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Would have been a simple solution.

1) Claim you did not kill the dog.

2) The dog attacked you and ripped your shoes or jeans and you will now be making a claim for the $1000 value against the owner.

Lesson, when a Thai tries to blackmail/extort you.

You always deny and always make a counterclaim against them.

Thais do the same.

3) learn to read.

Matter has been closed even without your wise advice.

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^ 4) Learn to understand English tenses:

"Would have been a simple solution."

Used for matters in the past, not the present. wink.png

Ouch! giggle.gif

3 postings and already coming through as surrogate language teacher, arrogant attitude, and depository of all wisdom. Congrats, you will have a great career on Thaivisa

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You have done nothing wrong

If an animal is a danger to humans then you have done someone else's dirty work for them

They should call all soi dogs in a human way

Ones that are not in a fully walled compound ones that have no owners

Specially ones that chase bikes as even of they don't bite they can cause accidents

Before I go into details about this, I know I've done wrong. To be perfectly honest, I don't know what came over me. I'm not pleased with myself for what I've done - far from it in fact.

On Sunday evening I killed a soi dog, on purpose. I ran over it in my car. I knew what I was doing. Beforehand it seemed like a good idea but I instantly regretted it afterwards. This is completely out of character for me. I would actually call myself a dog lover, I've owned dogs all my life, I even worked in a dogs home during the summer holidays when I was at college.

The issues behind what I did on Sunday have been bubbling for about a year. Basically, our soi (like many others in Thailand) has a number of dogs that live in it. One dog in particular has been a particular nuisance, going through bins, constantly barking and being aggressive towards people. More seriously, I know for a fact that this particular dog had killed one (maybe two) of our cats, it had bitten the elderly lady who lives next door and has left the other neighbors kids quite traumatized after it attacked their young girl when she was riding her bike. On that occassion I just happened to be in the garden and saw the events unfold and managed to distract the dog enough by hitting it with a big stick so the little girl could get away and run into her house.

Anyway, over recent weeks, this dog has got more aggressive with just about everyone who passes through our soi. On Sunday evening about 9pm I was coming home from visiting my friend when I got out the car to open the gate to my house when this dog ran right upto me, snarling and barking to the point where I thought it was going to attack me. I don't really know what happened next but I just snapped. I got back in my car and just floored it in the direction of the dog before hitting it and leaving it to die right there in the road.

I went back inside, showered and went to bed. After a pretty sleepless night I woke up in the morning and my wife said that the old lady next door had told here that 'the' dog was dead after it looked like it had been ran over. I acted like I knew nothing about it but felt as guilty as hell.

Now, fast forward 48hrs and the sister of a lady who lives on our soi came round to our house last night saying that she knows I killed the dog, which she now claims is hers and she wants 20,000 Baht off me as compensation otherwise she goes to the police! Bare in mind that the woman is the sister of the supposed owner of the dog has never once mentioned that she is the owner to us before.

Also, you can imagine how delighted my Mrs was when I had to come clean about me running the dog over, so she isn't speaking to me now. And to make things worse, this incident is the talk of the soi.

I'm worried though as I don't want to get in trouble with the police. I realize I'm in the wrong but now I am being blackmailed by someone who I think is trying to take me for a ride.

Can anyone give me any advice on what to do?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Try to get out in front of this: Go to the cops, and tell them you feared for your safety.

Worst idea ever.

they will go straight to the blackmailing sister and try to blackmail against detention and more money

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Would have been a simple solution.

1) Claim you did not kill the dog.

2) The dog attacked you and ripped your shoes or jeans and you will now be making a claim for the $1000 value against the owner.

Lesson, when a Thai tries to blackmail/extort you.

You always deny and always make a counterclaim against them.

Thais do the same.

3) learn to read.

Matter has been closed even without your wise advice.

Who cares! You.re not a mod!

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Try to get out in front of this: Go to the cops, and tell them you feared for your safety.

That's good advice I think. I can't see you did anything wrong, those aggressive dogs deserve to die

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Funny, feared for your life while in a car. "No really! Officer, I didn't do it. My car feared for its life & it killed it!"

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Unfortunately it's Thailand. If you pay, the act of fear could make it into ongoing payments; or anyone else in the neighborhood could do the same. Always consider legal counsel. The police will be as corrupt as your neighbors.

So much that in this case the police was not corrupt, and acted reasonably, no confrontation happened and no knee jerked legal advice was needed.
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Unfortunately it's Thailand. If you pay, the act of fear could make it into ongoing payments; or anyone else in the neighborhood could do the same. Always consider legal counsel. The police will be as corrupt as your neighbors.

So much that in this case the police was not corrupt, and acted reasonably, no confrontation happened and no knee jerked legal advice was needed.

Good to hear, always good to have a favorable turnout. I only came across a single real policeman in Thailand in four years, but there was a Thai witness that backed up my friend's story.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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