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Yingluck denies Thaksin is 'mastermind' of govt; shrugs off 'stupid' comment


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shrugs off 'stupid' comment

Had anyone expected a different answer from Yingluck to ANY question asked during this whole debate .

You wouldn't have thought she would be able to give a reasonable explanation for anything that has happened in the past 2 years do you .

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Problem is there isnt any party that isnt totally corrupt and out for what they can grab, Thais have no patience for elections or democracy hence the 22 or so attempted or successful; coups in the last 100 years rather than fight it out at election time.... no patience at all.

Politics are a joke in Thailand, always have and for the foreseeable future always will be.

Are you saying that there is a country in the world that has a party that is Lily white?

My wife was watching coverage of the hearing yesterday.There was a point where the cameras showed Chalerm standing in front of a seated Abhisit, chalerm didn't look happy but Abhisit had a wry smile. I would love to know what they were talking about, probably wasn't the weather.

Discussing Chalerms possible position in the new governmentlaugh.png alt=laugh.png>

He was explaining to him that the position of Minister for toilets was already filled.clap2.gif

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If the former ousted PM fugitive living in self exile in Dubai is not in control,

then why all the Bangkok Post headlines about what TS approves of or disapproves of and

what he's going to allow or not allow?

Is it anything short of obvious he's running the show?

There are a lot of good researchers on this forum, if I have time, maybe I'll put together a composite

of all the headlines. But for Yingluck to say she is in control and the only one running the government

means she must really think the Thai people are stupid.

It looks like a case of say it enough times until you believe it yourself and maybe the masses will do the same.

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"People who work with me know what I am"

Finally. A comment, unscripted, off the cuff. Now just have to find if she's done any work with anyone else around.....

"People who work with me know what I am" - Yep and i think it's called........ 'stupid'

If YL is so "stupid"

then what dose that make Kentucky state University after giving her a Masters degree? "STUPID" American university that have no even clueblink.png

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Yesterday was only the preliminaries today the details of the accusations should be brought out.

Remember there were 20 Dem MP's set to give evidence, so far it would seem only 2 have spoken.

Each of the 20 will have been given a specific topic to look into and compile details of.

Today will be the day all the proof of yesterdays accusations comes out.

Will be an interesting day.

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I don't think it really matters who is in office. They are all easy targets; some more than others, but always they are easy targets; past, present and in all probability the future.

Discarding the fact that Thailand's economy is not largely dependent on the export of a single limited-resource product (e.g. brain-damage), they certainly are beginning to fit the definition of a proper banana republic.

If Parliament were an Australian Rules football team, they would hold the record for the longest scrum in the history of that sport.

What a bunch of never-ending bickering, quarreling, squabbling. miserable lunatics all!

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"People who work with me know what I am" and "There is only one Thai Cabinet and its led by me"

In which case many might wonder why 'her' Ministers & MPs are constantly flying-out to meet with her brother overseas, lobbying him for positions in the frequent reshuffles, and why the former-PM feels the need to Skype to Cabinet-meetings or issue instructions to stay-in-power at-all-costs, is it really any surprise that many of the public don't think she's in-charge at all ? rolleyes.gif

So, is the 'real' PM delusional, or merely stabbed-in-the-back by all 'her' Cabinet Ministers, on a regular basis ? wink.png

The sad thing is, had Thaksin had less of a role in 'her' government, and had PTP & Yingluck been less-than-fully committed to bringing him home stain-free, 'her' government might have lasted the full four years, which now seems very unlikely.

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I don't think she is stupid, she seems to have average intelligence. That isn't the problem. The problem is that she gets orders beamed down to her from the Death Star.

Problem with Yingluck is that the average IQ in Thailand is 91 (typical of high school grade).

Most other countries the IQ of the premier would demand much higher.... say 120+ so as to be able to understand the more complex academic theories required in running a country. No way does she fall anywhere near into this category.

The problem with Thailand, is that you don't need .above average intelligence. to become prime minister, you just need money and corruption. Which is why Thailand struggles to move forward.

The PTP would be a lot better off 'by taking this opportunity' to assist in the stepping down of Yingluck. She is their biggest liability and the tether between their party and Thaksin. Even the Dems would be happy if the PTP agreed to cut the Thaksin house away from the government and run the country without that monkey on their backs.

Then we may start to see some more civil parliamentary decisions and a true step towards reconciliation. Both politically and at street level.

Come on PTP... This may be your last chance to come out of this in one piece and finish your term in office.

You might want to rethink that IQ bit120 is genius common sense is much more profitable here. The world is full of genius's who can't even tie their shoelaces but they can come up with complicated therapies. What is needed is a Prime Minister who can separate the nonsense from the B S and the sensible doable. Also assign different projects to people capable of doing them.

Also your "complex academic theories" statement might be a little off kilter. Have you listened to the Academics in Thailand. They told her and she bought it that Thailand did not need any help from The Netherlands in water management.

They also suggested a tunnel 100 miles long and 10 miles deep would solve the water management problem and in the off season could be used to help relieve traffic.

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Yingluck denies Thaksin is 'mastermind' of govt; shrugs off 'stupid' comment

I believe her.

Who needs a mastermind when there is so much fine talent in government:

Chalerm - belligerent, incoherent, uncontrollable, greedy

Plodprasob - foot in mouth, hand in mouth, foot and mouth disease, greedy

Jatuporn - uncouth, thuggish, loutish, greedy

Yingluck - duh, what happened ?, duh, blond

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It is almost universally true that stupid people are too stupid to know that they are.

True. A stupid person does not have the ability to analyse oneself and conclude that they are indeed stupid. If she were able to do this then by default her levels of intellect would be higher then "stupid". As it is though she clearly doesn't have the ability as she simply says "others who work with me know what I am", a very childish (stupid) comment by anyones standards, let alone a person governing the country. A clever person in her position accused of being stupid would likely laugh it off and tackle the oppositions questions.

In conclusion, yep she's stupid.

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"People who work with me know what I am"

Finally. A comment, unscripted, off the cuff. Now just have to find if she's done any work with anyone else around.....

"People who work with me know what I am" - Yep and i think it's called........ 'stupid'

If YL is so "stupid"

then what dose that make Kentucky state University after giving her a Masters degree? "STUPID" American university that have no even clueblink.png

Getting a degree does not prove you are not stupid. They are mutually exclusive.

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"There is only one Thai Cabinet and it's led by me."

And most of her cabinet members fly in and out of Dubai because suddenly they're fascinated by the desert climate, burkha wearing women, prohibition of ear medicine and varied landscape... That makes sense.

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BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday responded to persistent claims her administration is run by her brother, the former PM Thaksin, saying: "There is only one Thai Cabinet and it's led by me." Except for when I am not busy traveling or shopping then my brother calls in to the cabinet and runs it.

As for remarks from opposition MPs that she was "stupid", Yingluck said: "People who work with me know what I am." This is the first time that she has responded to this accusation.

Some times I think people that call her stupid are giving her to much credit. Honest I swear there are times she is not that smart.

I wish Abhist would bring up the calling into the cabinet meetings and ask if it would be OK for me to do it? Or do caddies get special privileges?

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Unfortunately, rather like in the Bible where it states there is only one God and he created the Earth in six days and then took Sunday off, her credibility is immediately compromised when she states that there is only one cabinet and it is led by her.

And in both cases however many times you repeat it doesn't make it any more believable.

She hasn't actually lied here though. There is only 1 cabinet and it is led by her, this is accurate just incomplete, it should say...

"There is only one cabinet and it is led by me,,,,,,,,,,,,,, after i get my instructions from big brother"

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"People who work with me know what I am"

Finally. A comment, unscripted, off the cuff. Now just have to find if she's done any work with anyone else around.....

"People who work with me know what I am" - Yep and i think it's called........ 'stupid'

If YL is so "stupid"

then what dose that make Kentucky state University after giving her a Masters degree? "STUPID" American university that have no even clueblink.png

KSU readily accepts academically challenged students who do not qualify for other universities.

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She is the Prime Minister of the country so she shouldn't worry only about people who work with her. She should know that as Prime Minister she has the responsibility to be an open book for all the people who are Thai, even for the ones who didn't vote for her. For me poor she as she has to follow orders of someone in middle east..... She was better in her business. Why could gentleman in middle east not trust anyone else in his party? IS he so insecure?

Why everything is revolving around 1 person in Thailand. How long will it go on? He should follow the court ruling or just stay away from local politics. Haven't enough people dead already? You will only add finess to your legacy by following court rule and not by running away from it.

It is time for Thailand to decide how they will achieve peaceful democracy. Yes, everyone says Phue Thai will be back in power but let us not forget there were 15 million voted for PT and 11 million for democrats. Many countries in this region have coalition governments for me even better so as every action of government is carefully Scrutinised.

It is so sad in thailand that whenever I speak to many graduates in provinces they only say that " We don't have an alternative to PT" When asked why they don't know. They are utterly confused lot.

Again there is no one perfect and no government is perfect BUT then less problems are better than more problems.

Thai changed to present day from Monarchy so further changes are possible only for betterment of the country and equality. Over to you Thai Nationals.....do anything, bring any change BUT without violence....

Edited by tamvine
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thay can't just dump thaksin's baby sister...!!!

She is a total lame duck in the water. The sooner PTP dumps her the better their chances of getting more MPs in the next election.

Unfortunately for YL, Thais, like most of the worlds voting public, are very fickle and she is last year fashion. Other than a few forum posters, she has been well and truly 'dumped' by the public; notice how few people are leaping to her defense - The UDD? Are they still at Rajamakala stadium in their tens of thousands? They have been very quiet, which is unusual as they normally want attention! Whats going on there?

If PTP has one gram of sense in it, they need to do dump her. Otherwise it will be a case of the ship going down with the captain, as opposed to the captain doing down with the ship. Otherwise it's checkmate with Suthep the victor.

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