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Thai PM Yingluck offers dialogue to end political debacle


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Dissovle parmliament and pave the way for new general elections. If you and your party win again then everybody has to go back home and live in relative peace and quiet again. For at least some short period of time.

haven't you realised elections don't work in this country, the system is too corrupt to support proper fair democratic process - they need another solution until such times as there are enough safeguards put in place the protect democracy and the election process - until that happens they are fooling themselves if they think an election will solve this - it won't

There is no democracy in Thailand - democracy is much more than having an election, if they want to move forward they need to agree to outside help because it's obvious they can't manage it themselves

coup after coup - dissolved governments - banned MP's - convicted criminals running the government from a foreign country, what more evidence do you need, it has been proven over and over that these people have no idea how to self govern or understand the principles of democracy

another election = rampant vote buying = fail

it doesn't work- it's as simple as that

how many times does history have to repeat itself before they realise

Once they have gotten rid of this corrupt crowd of thieves get the auditors in to got through the books and see how many billions are missing - then arrest and lock the whole lot up if they can be found

I think finding them would be a challenge even for the Mossad.

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The Prime Minister was probably just informed that a offical complaint against her support group (PT mps') has been accepted for consideration. We knew it was coming but not this quickly. This is just another problem (potentially massive) that she and brother have to consider. The protestors have yet to agree to disband for the Kings birthday celebration, although it has been mentioned as probable.

Knowing the PM's past record on choices for a spokesman for peace talks, dialogue might be a totally misleading term. This could be due to her not understanding the term as well the mindset of her entire cabinet. I seriously doubt that she would be capable of handling the position herself, just due to the personal stake she and her family have in any outcome other than their total victory..Further I doubt the opposition would even welcome her to a parely table, but I have been wrong before.

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if she is so adamnant that their is no thaksinism involved all she has to do is revoke his passport and issue an international arrest warrant, that would stop everyone in their tracks but she will not and cannot as thaksin is the one pulling her strings. She is so stupid with her pathetic comments, maybe if she actually attended parliament a bit more, stopped the shopping trips as well as stopping all the rorts we might start to listen.

Didn't AV get an arrest warrant issued?

NO! On November 20th DSI confirmed it would not issue arrest warrants for Abhisit or his mother.

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Dissolve parliament,hold new elections.

Democrats lose yet again and then with yet another mandate from the electorate Suthep and cronies can be held to account for inciting riot etc.


Admirably presumptive comment.clap2.gif

and if the Democrats win, than all the money is lost....

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I also notice that no governments or international institutions have offered any support for the current Thai government

They including the recent US statement address to the Thai people in general to up hold the principles of democracy and the law, it is a very careful statement that IMO is not supporting the current sitting government and make no mention of it or offer support to them

For me that is a very clear message that there is no international support for this government that refuses to abide by the courts and is refusing to do the right thing and step down

and an election won't work either as it is also corrupt to the core with vote buying etc - I'd be interested to know who is sitting in the governing body that enforces elections and what changes have been to that body in the last 2 years - that would make some interesting reading

The US State Department announced that "We urge all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law. Violence and the seizure of public or private property are not acceptable means of resolving political differences."

Uh, read between the lines. All sides are staying neutral except on key points, but most foriegn powers frown on seizing government offices.

I don't take sides either; however, I do have opinions about specific events. This isn't my country and no amount of rants from ferang will have much say here ever, and which is proper.

Both sides are clearly acting out of turn--the current government sneaking policies through (as bad as the US Congress, and I wonder where they learned that nasty trick?) AND the protestors demanding that democracy be abolished until whoever is in control at the time, Suthep and his allies, can establish a way to solidify unyielding power that supercedes democracy in a permanent way.

I was happy when the Thais protested the amnesty bill and the surgical removal of conservatives, who are usually fiscally responsible. Mob rule is chaos and financially unsustainable. I was not happy when they escalated the protest issues to a new version of a coup, and are demanding an all-appointed government.

I do not like or hate TS. I recognize him for what and who he is, being the only member of the shadow government who is both untouchable and living overseas.

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Honestly I don't know what else she can do. Especailly as Suthep has indicated that even resigning and dissolveing the house is 'not enough'.. So then what.

I think it's time for the PM to strike a deal with some of the more level headed figures in the Democrat Party. Anything that will still allow the loonies to claim some sort of victory, while the country as a whole can move on.

Well Winnie you might be on the money, discuss it fully in very simple language with the Democrats so that she fully understands the problems and then resign and dissolve the parliament. Hopefully by the 4th December, that would be a great gesture on her part.

What's the point of dissolving the parliament and having another election.PT would romp home again.Its the Marcos template, promise the poor you will lead them to the promised land and they will follow you to their grave. Thaksin Asia's self appointed Nelson Mandela aka the self proclaimed Poverty Doctor sees Thailand as his personal play thing and that will never change. Thai voters don't change their thinking its a loss of face issue.have you ever heard a Thai say "I was wrong "

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What's the point of dissolving the parliament and having another election.PT would romp home again.Its the Marcos template, promise the poor you will lead them to the promised land and they will follow you to their grave. Thaksin Asia's self appointed Nelson Mandela aka the self proclaimed Poverty Doctor sees Thailand as his personal play thing and that will never change. Thai voters don't change their thinking its a loss of face issue.have you ever heard a Thai say "I was wrong "

You are making assumptions on facts certainly not in evidence. PTP failed to get a majority of the votes when they were popular upcountry. They are no longer nearly that popular.

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Yingluck is right, there should be dialogue. And the place to talk is in Parliament where everyone can hear what you're saying.

Where of course we have proof of fraudulent voting by P.T..P. members and their coalition partners. Parliament. Where strict guidelines are laid down from the puppet master on how to vote and stipends are paid according to ones level of groveling to the puppet master.

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What's the point of dissolving the parliament and having another election.PT would romp home again.Its the Marcos template, promise the poor you will lead them to the promised land and they will follow you to their grave. Thaksin Asia's self appointed Nelson Mandela aka the self proclaimed Poverty Doctor sees Thailand as his personal play thing and that will never change. Thai voters don't change their thinking its a loss of face issue.have you ever heard a Thai say "I was wrong "

You are making assumptions on facts certainly not in evidence. PTP failed to get a majority of the votes when they were popular upcountry. They are no longer nearly that popular.

That's why it's in their best interests to wait. Yingluck should just have a look what Abhisit was saying in 2010 and repeat his rhetoric more or less verbatim. Make it clear she's taking a firm stand against mob rule, yet at the same time try to appear magnanimous enough by offering a sit-down with the opposition and making a (non)-concession she knows they won't accept. She should say there are protesters with genuine grievances, she accepts that, and she'll set up a panel to study those grievances. Then she should offer house dissolution in nine months, on the condition that things remain peaceful. She'd rather resign, of course, but people should realize she's actually making a great sacrifice by staying on and saving the country from anarchy.

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wen they have said they wont accept court verdict and pushed through a bill to give her brother amnesty for his crime and all others.

The only discussion should be when are you going and when will you dissolve parliament.

Enough is enough and her brother has just gone to far.

You don't have discussions with a snake or scorpian

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Precisely. Dialogue is the way conflicts are resolved in the grown up world.

Have spent a lot of time working with peaceful conflict resolution, and can only say that Thais need to do a lot of work

on negotiation techniques. That means compromise, and seeking common ground. Emotional and absolutist thinking is

counter-productive. Some Thais seem incapable of accepting international law, like the World Court ruling on the Praya Vejar ( sp?)

temple on the Cambodian border. These same Thais appear incapable of accepting election results.

Somehow, they have to learn that in order for any society to function, there has to be some flexibility so people can work

together in spite of differences.

I pray that they gain this understanding quickly so there is no further violence. The democratically elected government has

shown admirable restraint. If these demonstrations had been in , say. London or New York, there would have already been

mass carnage.


Yingluck is right, there should be dialogue. And the place to talk is in Parliament where everyone can hear what you're saying.

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I like that. Next to St. Thaksin the Just we'd get St. Yingluck the Saviour. Machiavelli would be proud.

Now back to 'rhetoric', 'non-concessions' and the like. Wasn't that what we already had from PM Yingluck when after the 'blanket amnesty bill' was pushed through two readinds and two votes in slightly more than 24 hours? "please wait, there is much more process to follow". If no one spoke up would the Senate conclude "no one against, so let's vote in favour'?

I'm afraid that in the eyes of many protesters PM Yingluck has lost any credibility she might have had.

What's the point of dissolving the parliament and having another election.PT would romp home again.Its the Marcos template, promise the poor you will lead them to the promised land and they will follow you to their grave. Thaksin Asia's self appointed Nelson Mandela aka the self proclaimed Poverty Doctor sees Thailand as his personal play thing and that will never change. Thai voters don't change their thinking its a loss of face issue.have you ever heard a Thai say "I was wrong "

You are making assumptions on facts certainly not in evidence. PTP failed to get a majority of the votes when they were popular upcountry. They are no longer nearly that popular.

That's why it's in their best interests to wait. Yingluck should just have a look what Abhisit was saying in 2010 and repeat his rhetoric more or less verbatim. Make it clear she's taking a firm stand against mob rule, yet at the same time try to appear magnanimous enough by offering a sit-down with the opposition and making a (non)-concession she knows they won't accept. She should say there are protesters with genuine grievances, she accepts that, and she'll set up a panel to study those grievances. Then she should offer house dissolution in nine months, on the condition that things remain peaceful. She'd rather resign, of course, but people should realize she's actually making a great sacrifice by staying on and saving the country from anarchy.

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Honestly I don't know what else she can do. Especailly as Suthep has indicated that even resigning and dissolveing the house is 'not enough'.. So then what.

I think it's time for the PM to strike a deal with some of the more level headed figures in the Democrat Party. Anything that will still allow the loonies to claim some sort of victory, while the country as a whole can move on.

Well Winnie you might be on the money, discuss it fully in very simple language with the Democrats so that she fully understands the problems and then resign and dissolve the parliament. Hopefully by the 4th December, that would be a great gesture on her part.

What's the point of dissolving the parliament and having another election.PT would romp home again.Its the Marcos template, promise the poor you will lead them to the promised land and they will follow you to their grave. Thaksin Asia's self appointed Nelson Mandela aka the self proclaimed Poverty Doctor sees Thailand as his personal play thing and that will never change. Thai voters don't change their thinking its a loss of face issue.have you ever heard a Thai say "I was wrong "

interesting how all red TVF experts can predict the outcome of an election well before it is called, it also seems they are also better qualified than the strategist employed by PTP to monitor these trends and it also appears that the party in question isn't prepared to put it to the test. So does that mean or tell you something.

If the PTP were so sure of winning a new election they would grab the opportunity to be re-elected for another full term rather than having to go to the polls again in couple of years time and it is very obvious the fugitive is hanging on to the bitter end knowing that if he allows YL to capitulate he runs the risk having his arse kicked in a new election.

So you think Sparkles is a red apologist too now? You did actually read his post where he compared Thaksin to Marcos didn't you? I'm not sure you could express a more anti-red view than Sparkles did there. lol. The way I read it is that he wants the government out, but sees no point in following that with an election that PT would probably win. And you don't need to be a 'red TVF expert' to believe that PT would probably still win despite their relative recent unpopularity.

I cannot see the Democrats picking up enough seats in the N & NE even if people aren't voting for PT. Maybe if Abhisit weren't leader and they were serious about Alongkorn's reform plan they'd have more of a chance. A lot of discontent in the NE came after the amnesty bill that would give amnesty to Abhisit and Suthep, so vast amounts of people switching their vote to the guy that they're worried will go free doesn't seem too likely. But perhaps there will be space for a new party to exploit this discontent.

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What's the point of dissolving the parliament and having another election.PT would romp home again.Its the Marcos template, promise the poor you will lead them to the promised land and they will follow you to their grave. Thaksin Asia's self appointed Nelson Mandela aka the self proclaimed Poverty Doctor sees Thailand as his personal play thing and that will never change. Thai voters don't change their thinking its a loss of face issue.have you ever heard a Thai say "I was wrong "

You are making assumptions on facts certainly not in evidence. PTP failed to get a majority of the votes when they were popular upcountry. They are no longer nearly that popular.

That's why it's in their best interests to wait. Yingluck should just have a look what Abhisit was saying in 2010 and repeat his rhetoric more or less verbatim. Make it clear she's taking a firm stand against mob rule, yet at the same time try to appear magnanimous enough by offering a sit-down with the opposition and making a (non)-concession she knows they won't accept. She should say there are protesters with genuine grievances, she accepts that, and she'll set up a panel to study those grievances. Then she should offer house dissolution in nine months, on the condition that things remain peaceful. She'd rather resign, of course, but people should realize she's actually making a great sacrifice by staying on and saving the country from anarchy.

"..........people should realize she's actually making a great sacrifice by staying on and saving the country from anarchy."

How right you are. She's making a great sacrifice. Not spending valuable time with her son and bedmate.

They must miss her terribly.

Also, of course, she makes a sacrifice every time she has to pass ( not often, I agree) on a decent trip to Milan or Paris or even the lo-so Emporium and Paragon here in Bangkok.

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I like that. Next to St. Thaksin the Just we'd get St. Yingluck the Saviour. Machiavelli would be proud.

Now back to 'rhetoric', 'non-concessions' and the like. Wasn't that what we already had from PM Yingluck when after the 'blanket amnesty bill' was pushed through two readinds and two votes in slightly more than 24 hours? "please wait, there is much more process to follow". If no one spoke up would the Senate conclude "no one against, so let's vote in favour'?

I'm afraid that in the eyes of many protesters PM Yingluck has lost any credibility she might have had.

I doubt she ever had much credibility amongst many of these protesters*. Many wanted this government out well before this amnesty business but before that catastrophic mistake there was no real opportunity. The protest was initially supposed to be to block the amnesty bill, and I'm glad people protested against it and forced the government to reconsider. But now it's gone far beyond that. Supporting these protesters now means you support bringing down an elected government and I don't see that as either necessary or good for Thailand's future at this point.

Suthep has made this an all or nothing thing and I hope it doesn't work out for him.

*I know people that said they were willing to give the government the benefit of the doubt initially but changed their mind pretty quickly after seeing the way things were going. In fact there was conviction that this government 'has to go' as long as a year ago!

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Dissolve parliament,hold new elections.

Democrats lose yet again and then with yet another mandate from the electorate Suthep and cronies can be held to account for inciting riot etc.


Admirably presumptive comment.clap2.gif

But he's right, you know. What a waste of time the Bangkok governor election was. And the Don Muang and Pathum Thani by-elections. Everyone knew that the PTP would romp home in each.

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"Many wanted this government out well before"? You mean to say this Pheu Thai led government didn't have a mandate?

As for 'bringing down' a government. When a government is trying to sneakily push through a "blanket amnesty bill', tell people "please wait a bit" they are clearly no longer functioning in a democratic way. The increasing number of protesters all over the country and from all social strata show that now many want this government to step down and therefore are trying to get it to do so by having their voice heard. If you think that type of 'bringing down' is undemocratic I think you need to do some more reading.

As for you not seeing it as necessary or good for Thailand to have this government step down, that's nice, really nice but I'm afraid totally irrelevant. especially since you don't give good reasons as to why.wai.gif

I like that. Next to St. Thaksin the Just we'd get St. Yingluck the Saviour. Machiavelli would be proud.

Now back to 'rhetoric', 'non-concessions' and the like. Wasn't that what we already had from PM Yingluck when after the 'blanket amnesty bill' was pushed through two readinds and two votes in slightly more than 24 hours? "please wait, there is much more process to follow". If no one spoke up would the Senate conclude "no one against, so let's vote in favour'?

I'm afraid that in the eyes of many protesters PM Yingluck has lost any credibility she might have had.

I doubt she ever had much credibility amongst many of these protesters*. Many wanted this government out well before this amnesty business but before that catastrophic mistake there was no real opportunity. The protest was initially supposed to be to block the amnesty bill, and I'm glad people protested against it and forced the government to reconsider. But now it's gone far beyond that. Supporting these protesters now means you support bringing down an elected government and I don't see that as either necessary or good for Thailand's future at this point.

Suthep has made this an all or nothing thing and I hope it doesn't work out for him.

*I know people that said they were willing to give the government the benefit of the doubt initially but changed their mind pretty quickly after seeing the way things were going. In fact there was conviction that this government 'has to go' as long as a year ago!

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You're looking a bit stressed in that photo, YL - better get yourself off to the hair dresser and beauty therapist quick smart. - don't worry about parliament you won't be missed and anyway we can cover for you.

I was about to write exactly the same thing - you beat me to it! smile.png

She is looking pretty hassled in that photo, isn't she? The joys of public office - it's not all about flying off to Paris and buying more handbags and shoes ...

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What do they want? Bring down the government and then what?

She knows what the protestors want. No need for fake dialogue. Address what they want or don't. No one's going to believe her when she says she wants to sit down and have a 'dialogue' because it's all talk but the Shinawatras never listen.

Thinking ahead forms no part of Thainess.

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Debacle, I see someone has been following the news in America on Obamacare and is eager to use the new word they learnt. Kind of apt actually. The president lied and the website doesn't work meanwhile here in Thailand the whole government is made up of liars who do no real work and are making the country not work - kind of an apt analogy actually....This government is the biggest Thai political debacle in decades....

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This government has been elected. Abhisit's wasn't. I remember this. You?

The red shirts wanted a dialogue in 2010, Abhisit sat down with them. They said get out, he said we will have elections in 4 months, they said get out. Hardly a constructive conversation. To hear them whining now about wanting a dialogue now, is sickening. The problem for them now is that everyone remembers how they reacted, burning, looting, bombing, storming hospitals and raising a private army, complete with their own general. How do they have any credibility now, asking for a dialogue.

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The Dems tried to talk in parliament and they were met with forced removal by police, not being allowed to speak by the person in charge who was totally partisan whilst he should be non partisan and amendments to bills rammed through without and discussion in the middle of the bloody night. Your bluff has been called PM liar and the time for talking has passed. Now you have to pay the piper....

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