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What would be your 6 point plan for Thailand reform


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In a speech made 27th Nov protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban outlined his six-point plan for the reform of the country.

Suthep six-point plan is listed below, but what would your six-point plan be?

Suthep 6 point plan
Point 1: An electoral system free from vote buying

Point 2: Effective measures to end corruption

Point 3: People should have the power to remove politicians and administrative power should be decentralised by electing provincial governors

Point 4: A police reform, so that the police force would "truly belong to the people" and perform their duties under the command of the elected governor of their respective province

Point 5: A bureaucracy reform

Point 6: Solving the problems inherent in education, social affairs, public health and transport, an economic system free of monopoly. Investment in transport infrastructure as answer to the country’s needs, not to politicians’.

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OP, you have a good list, but the points are very general.

How do you end corruption, when it's an integral part of their culture?

How do you make police do what they are supposed to?

I believe the main problem is that the vast majority of Thais are not aware of what life is like in other countries, and since they don't have good English (or any other foreign language), they can't access such information.

They are made to believe that Thailand is one of the best/richest/most advanced countries in the world, and usually have no means or will to even check this info.

My belief is that once people have access to information, and are aware of what's out there, change will come.

So, I have two ideas which help, although it would take many years.

1. Make English the number one priority of schools

Teach it from grade 1, show the kids TV programs in English, make them watch movies in English, do whatever is necessary so that they master this language.

2. Incorporate in the school system a mandatory program that teaches about other countries, especially western countries.

- Show how cities can look like when they are maintained, cleaned, and taken care of

- Teach about social security systems (unemployment benefits, pensions, disability benefits, etc)

- Teach how other countries try to deal with traffic congestion

- Show how countries try to lower pollution, reduce waste, recycle water, save energy

- Teach about road safety measures and enforcement in western countries

In other words, make people aware that there are viable alternatives to the "nobody gives a damn about anybody/anything unless they are relatives" policy

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I don't see a 6 point plan, I see a wish list with 6 wishes.

What I think gets in the way of a truly democratic, fair, just, prosperous, healthy country, free of corruption and discrimination, with equal rights

and genuine focus on improving life for all in Thailand.......is Thai nature itself (aka the Thai way).

How to change that one, I don't know.

Edited to add: soomak's last point would be a good start though: "make people aware that there are viable alternatives to the "nobody gives a dam_n about anybody/anything unless they are relatives" policy".

Edited by arminbkk
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.soomak said: OP, you have a good list, but the points are very general.
arminbkk said: I don't see a 6 point plan, I see a wish list with 6 wishes.

Note that the six points I included in the OP where the original list of points made by Suthep himself, not my ideas.
I agree with both of you in that I think that Suthep list is just a very general wish list and could easily just turn into empty words.
This is why I raised the question to see if any TV members can come up with anything more concrete, original, imaginative, inspirational.

Edited by ChatterRat
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1. A constitution

2. Rule of law

Both requirements are in place already, but the system isn't delivering.

I think it is because people are not held to account and justice is not seen to be done. Reform must start at street level where people get privilege for a small sum to police; surprising when they cry out against privilege obtained through corruption on a grand scale. The people are the foundation, if you cut away at the foundation you bring the house down; that isn't going to happen.

I suspect that it was systems like Thailand's in neighbouring countries which made colonisation necessary for business to be done. Business here needs colonisation, again, they call it a military takeover.

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I wouldnt ,its not my country ,not for me to get involved ,just like people who come to the west should fit in and not try to change us

Sure, but why do folk try to come to the west in their zillions............?

Its for the money ,honey!!!!wink.png

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My 13 point plan:

1/ The Monarchy is the Head of State of Thailand

2/ All members of parliament should be directly elected. There should be no more party list members. (An interesting fact Thaksin and Yingluck were never directly elected, they were party list MPs.

3/ The Prime Minister and all ministers should be members of parliament.

4/ Anyone over the age of 25 who is a Thai citizen and is literate in the Thai language should be able to run for parliament and should be able to run as an independent if desired.

5/ The senate should consist of one elected member from each province and the same number of members appointed from a committee composed of representatives of the professional associations and unions in Thailand. Senate Members should not belong to political parties and should not have a close family member who is also a senator or member of parliament. Elected and appointed senators should be elected and appointed for 6 years and one third should be elected every two years. They should not be allowed to serve more than one term, but after being out of office for one term they should be allowed to run in an election if so desired. After 12 years, the senate should be re-examined and if it is felt that the Thai democracy has matured enough, maybe all senators should be elected.

6/ All foreign treaties should be ratified by parliament. Parliament and the people should be informed and consulted about the general details of the treaties, but parliament does not have to give approval until the treaty is final.

7/ The constitution or any part of it can only be amended if 66% of the parliament and senate agree. Then it should be voted on by the people at the next senate election and receive a 50% plus 1 ratification before it is presented to the King to become law.

8/ People should be tried by a jury of their peers and not by a panel of judges.

9/ There should be complete freedom of speech in Thailand.

10/ No member of parliament or senator should receive any extra money to be a member of parliament or senator except for what is decided as payment for them by them. In other words they cannot be paid extra by their parties or individuals. Also no member of parliament or senator can be employed in another job while serving as a member of parliament or senator.

11/ There should be a special auditing Committee set up that on a random bases will audit MPs and Senators and their families to make sure there is no unusual wealth acquired. This committee should also audit senior civil servants, police, and military.

12/ Provincial Governors should be elected and have an appropriate budget to run the areas they are incharge of.

13/ Each province should have their own police that report to a committee of citizens.

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Here are the main problems:

We have a large majority of people who just want to get on with their lives and have a Government that has the working class public interests at heart, including health care, education, a social security system, plus employment schemes and incentives.

Then we have the other end of the spectrum, the so-called minority elite, who believes that the majority poorer working class Thais are ignorant and not intelligent enough to know who and what they are voting for or what is best for the country. The so-called elite believes that they are the only groups intelligent enough to be dictating the terms and running the show, which they believe is of benefit and essential for the prosperity of the Thai people and Thailand, especially for themselves. They hate to see their power compromised in any way.

There seems to be no in-betweens, the attitude is, it`s either our way or nothing, no compromises. This is much more than just political disputes, but rather a total split between the poorer classes and the more well off in Thailand, it`s really a class war and in fact could also be considered as an ethnic battle between the poorer native Thai people and those of Chinese ancestry who consider themselves as superior to the pure ethnic Thais. This is why in many South East Asian countries in the past; the native populations have turned against those of Chinese ethnicity.

I estimate that most of the prominent Thais are of Chinese decent, who although being the minority, want overall power over the country and believe that the poorer average working class Thais, although being the majority, should know their place in the society and never be permitted to obtain any positions of power in Thailand.

The only solutions to these problems are compromise between all the different factions, living as one people under King and country. This has to be dealt with first, and then they can consider and debate the six-point plan at the discussion table later on. This is called, democracy.

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