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Suthep declares December 1 as "People's Victory Day"

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This guy is not one bit less dangerous, than the red criminals of 2010!

...and that shows, that the people who follow him are as "stupid" as the ones who cheered on Jatuporn!

Call him what you will but don't forget the most accurate description which is that he is correct.

Thailand has been led by convicted criminals (and those yet to be convicted) for what seems like 'forever' and is still being led by the same factions.

Chicago which has a higher GDP than Thailand was led by the Daley family for 42 years. One thing everyone always said about it is, "Chicago works." It would be nice if the world said that about Thailand.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Get all the morons into Rajamangala Stadium, cut the power and lock the doors.

Som tum and sticky rice 3 times a day

Please if you can get Suthep and all the moron protestors into the stadium and lock the doors - it will be great !!! Go for it !!!

Only a fool would ignore the majority

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So many repetitive posts here - many utter drivel. So many new posters speaking in very similar language and in small batches until the button is passed - patting each other on the back and ignoring any argument to their statements and assertions. I hope the mods are checking ip addresses of these new sign ups, as right now there is a serious danger of this forum being blitzed by the same two or three people using several lodgings to flood it with bs that has been regurgitated and very successfully poopooed time and time again.

Please enlight us, young and ignorant posters, with your arguments in favor of an unelected council ?

Enlight us with what the democrat achieved for Isaan and poor people?

Enlight us with your knowledge of thai culture and why 1% of the country should have the right to get rid of an elected government and why the democrats were unable to win any election for more than 20 years and need the army to achieve their goal each time?

Tell us why us, young and ignorant posters should agree with a full reversal of democracy concept and why being in favor of election make us pro thaksin.

OF course i have Thaksin face tatooed on my shoulder, Yingluck on my heart and Abhisit on my bum as i do not agree with you..

Just where did I mention an unelected council? Indeed where did I mention my political views in the quoted post at all? Where did I post which camp the posters posting drivel came from? Interesting that you claim them though! As with all of your ilk context is not relevant as long as you get to repeat something, however irrelevant to the quoted post. You prove my point entirely.

My post was quite explicit, too many new posters caning and going in threads with the same phrasiology, and pseudo-facts - all with similar post counts and following in the same threads one after the other - this smacks of multiple accounts.

As to my political in this regard, as you seem to be so interested: I do not like the current government, but I do not like the invasion of ministries etc nor the request for an unelected anything. I would like to see an early election because I feel a significant sector of society is far from happy with the government and the direction they have been going - and that given the fact that they are pushing through unbudgeted and without finance office approval loans that will cause massive ongoing debt for the next 30 odd years, the people have little choice but to protest (peacefully). I also did not like the airports take over or the Red riots in 2010 or buying of votes on any side or the turning of election booths to check voter's votes and so on.

So now you know, so you can feel happy going back to lauding yourself on your other handles.

Edited by wolf5370
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So many repetitive posts here - many utter drivel. So many new posters speaking in very similar language and in small batches until the button is passed - patting each other on the back and ignoring any argument to their statements and assertions. I hope the mods are checking ip addresses of these new sign ups, as right now there is a serious danger of this forum being blitzed by the same two or three people using several lodgings to flood it with bs that has been regurgitated and very successfully poopooed time and time again.

Please enlight us, young and ignorant posters, with your arguments in favor of an unelected council ?

Enlight us with what the democrat achieved for Isaan and poor people?

Enlight us with your knowledge of thai culture and why 1% of the country should have the right to get rid of an elected government and why the democrats were unable to win any election for more than 20 years and need the army to achieve their goal each time?

Tell us why us, young and ignorant posters should agree with a full reversal of democracy concept and why being in favor of election make us pro thaksin.

OF course i have Thaksin face tatooed on my shoulder, Yingluck on my heart and Abhisit on my bum as i do not agree with you..

Just where did I mention an unelected council? Indeed where did I mention my political views in the quoted post at all? posted however!

My post was quite explicit, too many new posters caning and going in threads with the same phrasiology, and pseudo-facts - all with similar post counts and following in the same threads one after the other - this smacks of multiple accounts.

As to my political in this regard, as you seem to be so interested: I do not like the current government, but I do not like the invasion of ministries etc nor the request for an unelected anything. I would like to see an early election because I feel a significant sector of society is far from happy with the government and the direction they have been going - and that given the fact that they are pushing through unbudgeted and without finance office approval loans that will cause massive ongoing debt for the next 30 odd years, the people have little choice but to protest (peacefully). I also did not like the airports take over or the Red riots in 2010 or buying of votes on any side or the turning of election booths to check voter's votes and so on.

So now you know, so you can feel happy going back to lauding yourself on your other handles.

my mistake, i was thinking you were one of those TV poster who think this is an "evil vs good" problem and if you don t like what s happening now then you are a TS lover

Sorry for this

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Suthep is raising a clenched fist Communist style. Reminds me of Mandela. The government and military are charged with enforcing the law and maintaining peaceful order in society. Allowing protesters to enter and occupy their buildings is a FAILURE. Using force to prevent this is justified and warranted. Protesters have "crossed the line." The government is committing suicide. Perhaps this is a good thing. Time will tell. I wish the US government would commit suicide too...

All boils down to Sutheps pending murder trial.

Underneath it all in my view he is trying to provoke violence, he would like, in my view, the police to use force and then for a few protestors to die - he will then use this to try to get out of the murder charges he is facing by saying that YS should also be tried for murder.

This why why the red shirts, the police and everyone is just letting them break the law, because the clock is ticking down and in around 3 weeks Suthep has to be in court to argue the murder charges against him.

I think its the 20th Dec that he is due in court for the murder charges - so he is hell bent on having a coup, overthrowing the govenment before then - or if that fails then, in my view, he wants some protesters dead at the hands of the police.

Just my view and my opinion.

Disagree on all points.

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Chicago which has a higher GDP than Thailand was led by the Daley family for 42 years. One thing everyone always said about it is, "Chicago works." It would be nice if the world said that about Thailand.

ummm not everyone said that, and Daley is certainly a good example of what life under the "Thaksin Regime" (that still sounds silly to me ... should just be life under Thaksin)


So, as we evaluate Richard M. Daley's numerous superficial achievements, let us not forget how his "ideas a minute" impacted the average citizens wallet. Friends, family and political cronies raped the city blind while Daley ran the city.

and then there is this ... http://www.examiner.com/article/chicago-s-political-family-dynasties

February 16, 2012. Chicago. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century, Chicago is named the most corrupt city in the nation. So it was again yesterday when the University of Illinois released a study on the subject. ...Many in Chicago are in voluntary denial and will never admit that organized crime has had a presence in their city government since the 1800’s, especially if they happen to be one of the tens of thousands of Chicago city workers that collect a nice paycheck and continually re-elect whoever

the party bosses tell them to. ....

The differences between Chicago and Thailand are massive. Thailand has no real safety net for its citizens at all, and in all these years Thaksin is the only PM ever actually convicted of abuse of power.

There has always been corruption in Thailand as far as I can tell. There always will be as far as I expect. That being said, under Thaksin and his puppet parties it has been far more blatant under the guise of majoritarianism.

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Chicago which has a higher GDP than Thailand was led by the Daley family for 42 years. One thing everyone always said about it is, "Chicago works." It would be nice if the world said that about Thailand.

ummm not everyone said that, and Daley is certainly a good example of what life under the "Thaksin Regime" (that still sounds silly to me ... should just be life under Thaksin)


So, as we evaluate Richard M. Daley's numerous superficial achievements, let us not forget how his "ideas a minute" impacted the average citizens wallet. Friends, family and political cronies raped the city blind while Daley ran the city.

and then there is this ... http://www.examiner.com/article/chicago-s-political-family-dynasties

February 16, 2012. Chicago. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century, Chicago is named the most corrupt city in the nation. So it was again yesterday when the University of Illinois released a study on the subject. ...Many in Chicago are in voluntary denial and will never admit that organized crime has had a presence in their city government since the 1800’s, especially if they happen to be one of the tens of thousands of Chicago city workers that collect a nice paycheck and continually re-elect whoever

the party bosses tell them to. ....

The differences between Chicago and Thailand are massive. Thailand has no real safety net for its citizens at all, and in all these years Thaksin is the only PM ever actually convicted of abuse of power.

There has always been corruption in Thailand as far as I can tell. There always will be as far as I expect. That being said, under Thaksin and his puppet parties it has been far more blatant under the guise of majoritarianism.

They tell me you are wicked and I believe them, for I

have seen your painted women under the gas lamps

luring the farm boys.

And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it

is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to

kill again.

Fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action, cunning

as a savage pitted against the wilderness,

Laughing the stormy, husky, brawling laughter of

Youth, half-naked, sweating, proud to be Hog

Butcher, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with

Railroads and Freight Handler to the Nation.



All Thaksin needs is a good poet.

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This guy is not one bit less dangerous, than the red criminals of 2010!

...and that shows, that the people who follow him are as "stupid" as the ones who cheered on Jatuporn!

Call him what you will but don't forget the most accurate description which is that he is correct.

Thailand has been led by convicted criminals (and those yet to be convicted) for what seems like 'forever' and is still being led by the same factions.

...which includes him!

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Get all the morons into Rajamangala Stadium, cut the power and lock the doors.

Som tum and sticky rice 3 times a day

All the morons?

Wouldn't it be better to keep red and yellow apart?

I'm intrigued

Where are the yellows?

Nowhere, of course! They are now People's Committee for Changes of Thailand into Complete Democracy under Constitutional Monarchy...

I said it before: just because a cow is born in a horse- stable, doesn't mean it can win the Derby!

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Have any readers noticed the striking resemblance between the speeches of Mr. Suthep and equally rousing (and worrying) speeches by the late Fuhrer: Adolf Hitler? I wonder if perchance, they are related?


I did notice the penchant for reinforcing Godwin's law though ..... Suthep is a bit of a firebrand but he sounds nothing like Hitler.. It takes a very special kind of headgear to make two very different things anything close to the same.

MF, you never ever seemed to speak out against the reds even when they were burning BKK, Yet when faced by non violent protest (without the violent rhetoric) you get all squirmy .... I don't want to dig back in your posts to May 19th 2010, bu did you ever speak out against the violence of the reds? Before that did you ever make a single statement about the grenade attacks condemning the reds? I do not think you did.

Was'nt it the Black shirt men who did the burning at Bangkok except for a few tyre's which were set to blockade.

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I did notice the penchant for reinforcing Godwin's law though ..... Suthep is a bit of a firebrand but he sounds nothing like Hitler.. It takes a very special kind of headgear to make two very different things anything close to the same.

MF, you never ever seemed to speak out against the reds even when they were burning BKK, Yet when faced by non violent protest (without the violent rhetoric) you get all squirmy .... I don't want to dig back in your posts to May 19th 2010, bu did you ever speak out against the violence of the reds? Before that did you ever make a single statement about the grenade attacks condemning the reds? I do not think you did.

The Reds in 2010 were protesting about the fact that a government led by Abhisit which was not the elected choice of the Thai people, was in power due to the intervention of their friends in the judiciary. Almost simultaneously with the burning of central World, over 100 people were murdered by the army, allegedly under orders from indicted murderers, Mr Suthep and Mr Abhisit. This, a day or two after the assassination of Red leader Seh Daeng whilst in the middle of a TV interview by the type of high calibre weapon only held by the military. In the melee a fully insured rich peoples shopping mall was unfortunately burned, maybe by Red protesters, maybe by agents provocoteurs. we will probably never know.

I am listening to Suthep on TV behind me as I type this and his tone sounds very similar to Hitler at Nuremberg.

So.you totally accept the burning and violence ... the grenade attacks etc and have not spoken out against the violence of the reds. Thank you for being honest about that.

I won't bother correcting your dates, and numbers, and who had military weapons since that is common knowledge to 99.5% of the people only the .05% buy into those lies any more.

Let me leave you with one last quote from your buddy A. Hitler and please tell me who it calls to mind for you....

We will not capitulate - no, never! We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us - a world in flames. March 1945

Because that sounds like the reds you admire so much. Nuttawut and Jatuporn said almost the same from the stage at the end .... just like that was Hitler at the end. It also reminds me of Arisaman before he arrived in BKK.

OMG! "grenade attacks" what crap, you have obviously never been through a grenade attack. Stop making such stupid statements.

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Was'nt it the Black shirt men who did the burning at Bangkok except for a few tyre's which were set to blockade.

Nope .... the black shirt crowd had bugged out early on the 19th. It was the reds and they were filmed doing it.

Were you not here to watch it live on TV? If so, you could not have forgotten.

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PeterSmiles declares December 1 as the day that the Thailand civil war started.

RT@simonroughneen: Anti thaksin protestors push a bit closer to redshirt rally, just smashed up a taxi, #thailand pic.twitter.com/Fq6upHgn9i

RT@Saksith: Very, very volatile and chaotic scenes right now on Blue Sky Channel, looks a mob frenzy chasing after every car that looks like red shirts

RT@Saksith: Screengrab of taxi smashed up by mob at Ramkhamhaeng RT @PanusD pic.twitter.com/WcUyltGHgi

RT@Saksith: I’m afraid that things are about to heat up at Ramkhamhaeng now between red shirts and anti-govt students!

RT@wayne_hay : A red shirt appearing to be badly injured outside university. Student stage now retreating into university

RT@wayne_hay: The injured man has been taken away in ambulance unconscious #Thailand

RT@georgehenton: Red shirts with sticks running to stadium entrance toward road where fight took place. pic.twitter.com/YMczgObRGK


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OMG! "grenade attacks" what crap, you have obviously never been through a grenade attack. Stop making such stupid statements.

Yes grenade attacks .... again if you were actually in Thailand in April and May 2010 you would have seen some of the results live on air ... filmed by international press.

I have never had an M79 grenade shot at me ... I rather doubt many here have including you. Kindly refrain from telling me what to post or not post. Your one liners are sad and trite but feel free to keep posting them :)...

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apropos "V for Vendetta"... a few months ago, I saw some pics of yellow shirt folks wearing the masks, which as we know are associated with Anonymous. I wonder if they knew what they were doing?

The masks are associated with Guy Fawkes in the first place, signifying rebellion against an oppressing government. Anonymous adopted that symbol later.

At that time a lot of people (not only yellow shirts) started protesting against the changes in the constitution. They (the mask wearing people) were mostly students and younger people. After that goal had been reached, I believe many of them have now retracted, leaving behind middle aged yellow shirts, who now have a much wider and I'd say selfish political agenda.

Don't quote me on this. Just my opinion.

We can only hope they meet the same fate as Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators.

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The Reds in 2010 were protesting about the fact that a government led by Abhisit which was not the elected choice of the Thai people, was in power due to the intervention of their friends in the judiciary. Almost simultaneously with the burning of central World, over 100 people were murdered by the army, allegedly under orders from indicted murderers, Mr Suthep and Mr Abhisit. This, a day or two after the assassination of Red leader Seh Daeng whilst in the middle of a TV interview by the type of high calibre weapon only held by the military. In the melee a fully insured rich peoples shopping mall was unfortunately burned, maybe by Red protesters, maybe by agents provocoteurs. we will probably never know.

I am listening to Suthep on TV behind me as I type this and his tone sounds very similar to Hitler at Nuremberg.

It always bewilders me how any impartial guest in this country can have subscribed to the brainwashing and propaganda put forward by the terrorists that held a country to ransom for 2 months and provoked a battle with an army to sacrifice dozens of it's supporters that were only there because they were being paid to attend.

"We are not terrorists, we are peaceful protesters" was a banner that they gave a speech under right after the Red shirts fired an M79 rocket into the BTS station at rush hour murdering and injuring civilians who were nothing to do with any of the riots, there were dozens of other rocket attacks on innocent bystanders too. All of the shake downs all over the country where mobs of red shirts were stopping cars and civilians and robbing and beating them. The arson of provincial buildings all over Thailand, not just the 30 yellow associated buildings that were torched in Bangkok. Is any of this coming back to you yet? Do you need me to go on with the huge list of crimes committed by the red mob over just those 2 months?

If they really had a true and just cause then maybe you could understand why they and their supporters did what they did, but it was purely done for the benefit of 1 extremely rich man, nothing else. All of the deaths and destruction they caused was just because they wanted to bring back a criminal that had gone on the run and to get his ill gotten gains back to him. That is exactly what it was all about and it still is. And all of the deaths and arson were pre-planned and unavoidable, no matter what Abhisit did the reds were going to destroy Bangkok and take many people's lives with it. Abhisit offered the red shirt leaders early elections before the crackdown which was what the red shirt leaders said this was all about, and what did they do? They immediately changed their demands to completely unacceptable terms so they could continue to ravage the country until the army finally was forced to crack down on their supporters

The red shirt leaders are villains who were never held accountable for their horrific crimes. How any non biased expat spectator can side with the red shirts and portray them as peaceful protesters and victims in all of this is a complete idiot in my book.

And when a nation goes to the polls and votes and wins over and over again and then a man with a big mouth and heaps of money starts unrest just because he was on the side that lost the vote over and over again. I consider this man to be a complete idiot in my book!

Edited by oldsailor35
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Was'nt it the Black shirt men who did the burning at Bangkok except for a few tyre's which were set to blockade.

Nope .... the black shirt crowd had bugged out early on the 19th. It was the reds and they were filmed doing it.

Were you not here to watch it live on TV? If so, you could not have forgotten.

Oh yes i forgot, it was soldiers that were seen inside the building before the fire ! Sorry about my Blackshirt mistake, so now that's cleared up. However the Blackshirts were seen to be wearing army issue boots !

Might or might not have been Sae Dengs men ?

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So many repetitive posts here - many utter drivel. So many new posters speaking in very similar language and in small batches until the button is passed - patting each other on the back and ignoring any argument to their statements and assertions. I hope the mods are checking ip addresses of these new sign ups, as right now there is a serious danger of this forum being blitzed by the same two or three people using several lodgings to flood it with bs that has been regurgitated and very successfully poopooed time and time again.

Please enlight us, young and ignorant posters, with your arguments in favor of an unelected council ?

Enlight us with what the democrat achieved for Isaan and poor people?

Enlight us with your knowledge of thai culture and why 1% of the country should have the right to get rid of an elected government and why the democrats were unable to win any election for more than 20 years and need the army to achieve their goal each time?

Tell us why us, young and ignorant posters should agree with a full reversal of democracy concept and why being in favor of election make us pro thaksin.

OF course i have Thaksin face tatooed on my shoulder, Yingluck on my heart and Abhisit on my bum as i do not agree with you..

Just where did I mention an unelected council? Indeed where did I mention my political views in the quoted post at all? Where did I post which camp the posters posting drivel came from? Interesting that you claim them though! As with all of your ilk context is not relevant as long as you get to repeat something, however irrelevant to the quoted post. You prove my point entirely.

My post was quite explicit, too many new posters caning and going in threads with the same phrasiology, and pseudo-facts - all with similar post counts and following in the same threads one after the other - this smacks of multiple accounts.

As to my political in this regard, as you seem to be so interested: I do not like the current government, but I do not like the invasion of ministries etc nor the request for an unelected anything. I would like to see an early election because I feel a significant sector of society is far from happy with the government and the direction they have been going - and that given the fact that they are pushing through unbudgeted and without finance office approval loans that will cause massive ongoing debt for the next 30 odd years, the people have little choice but to protest (peacefully). I also did not like the airports take over or the Red riots in 2010 or buying of votes on any side or the turning of election booths to check voter's votes and so on.

So now you know, so you can feel happy going back to lauding yourself on your other handles.

Black Sabbath!

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Was'nt it the Black shirt men who did the burning at Bangkok except for a few tyre's which were set to blockade.

Nope .... the black shirt crowd had bugged out early on the 19th. It was the reds and they were filmed doing it.

Were you not here to watch it live on TV? If so, you could not have forgotten.

Oh yes i forgot, it was soldiers that were seen inside the building before the fire ! Sorry about my Blackshirt mistake, so now that's cleared up. However the Blackshirts were seen to be wearing army issue boots !

Might or might not have been Sae Dengs men ?

Good grief man, at our little Cambodian market I could have bought a pair of boots that would pass as army issue this morning..... on the way out I could have bought a pair of real army issue boots.

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And when a nation goes to the polls and votes and wins over and over again and then a man with a big mouth and heaps of money starts unrest just because he was on the side that lost the vote over and over again. I consider this man to be a complete idiot in my book!

Complete idiot ? maybe but unfortunately probably more calculating and likely to get a lot of otherwise clueless and innocent people hurt or worse.

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There's nowhere for Suthep to go now.

Looks like the authorities' crowd control tactics are way more effective than ever before and there just doesn't seem to be the kind of support required to overcome it.

He must climb down now otherwise any further escalation will just keep the Dems out of government for another 20 years.

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