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PM Yingluck's 10 year old son targeted by protesters


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Kids and spouses should be kept out of this.

However, using words like "ambush" and "protestors" when it's just a few parents is poor journalism from a pro government organ

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And add, because there was a pick up with southern number plates there is automatic assumptions it's there to kidnap the boy.

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The latest incident of harassment was said to take place on the afternoon of 28 November, when a black pick-up truck, bearing license plate registered in Surat Thani province - a stronghold of the Democrat-led anti-government protests - pulled up at the school compound.

let it be pick-up trucks bearing license plate of southern provinces take turn to show up one by one, it will be more convincing

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A unidentified source from the Prime Minister's security team is/was the source of this, 'Rumor'.???? Forgive me for being a 'doubting Thomas', but the history of this family.s "truthful information" proganda groups has about as much credibility as some of the Prime minister and her Cabinet member promises. Assination attempts, beheadings, make you wealthly, no corruption, we have made your life better, etc.

The low point of any humans life is when. they are willing to donate a offspring/sibling for their own gain, be it financial, political, or social. In the Shin family's case they have all three avenues.

The decision to use her own son in a propaganda game could have actually just given the red shirts an idea to bring fury down on the peace loving protesters. Way to go.... you probably HAVE made this kid a target now.

Bomb threat my arse.... The police would have to have notified the school who would have had to inform all the parents who definitely would have withdrawn every child from the school and the press would have been all over that story.

The police are about as low as you can get with this desperate attempt to inflame a situation that is already very tense. Shameful as it gets folks.

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Quite scary to see how foreigners in this forum seems to have taken sides in the ongoing political conflict in Thailand. The story about the boy could be true, but a lot of people has without any support branded it as false. And at the same time calling anyone who believe the story for idiots. As i see it, in any conflict around the world there will be propaganda from the involved parties. Who are we to say what is false and what is true. But as i see it, and i wonder, where is this mostly one sided support for Suthep and his cronies coming from. A man who by now has broken nearly every rule in the book, and as far as i understand is up for murder charges from when he was in power in 2010. This is what the Thai news media report. And this man many of you put your faith in it seems. Me i am suspicious of his real intentions, and i think it all comes down to the wanting for power. But we will see how this play out.

Edited by affen02
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Yet another bunch of morons here ask for cctv videos on youtube and speak about propaganda. We also wait for the video of the redbull son dragging the cop so it must also be propaganda...

You really should think twice before writing.. the mor you write the more we see you are the bottom of the manure pit

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This kind of thing has been on the cards for some days now, since Suthep reached a fork in the road, between peaceful massprotest and overthrow-the-enemy type of rhetoric. You can't just fire people up like he has done most recently, without there being repercussions. I am still perplexed as to why he chose this wrong fork in the road, when the destination can only be a very bitter and tragic one.

Perhaps he was influenced by the unending campaign to vilify him, coming from the government & supporters like the DSI, it would be almost funny if their own propaganda had contributed to driving him over the edge, and into using these tactics.

Meanwhile his former-colleague Abhisit stays calm, fights on within-the-system in Parliament, but has suffered similar abuse and pressure, in an failed attempt to force the Dems to accept the whitewash & return of the Chosen One.

'Hoist by one's own petard', is that the appropriate phrase ?

But, as with the public reaction to news of the sale to Temasek in 2006, I can't help but feel that much of the current anti-government feeling is outside Suthep's own control, and comes from people who are usually non-aligned.

The silent majority are not amused, with PTP's antics, and I suspect this week-end will see another very-large crowd on-the-streets in Bangkok, before (hopefully) all go home to make way for important birthday-celebrations.

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If this is true, it is just wrong on so many levels.

Yes, but most posters have already decided it isn't and is in fact a disgusting propaganda trick. I am skeptical myself but I don't see how they'd know for sure either way. What I am 100% sure of is that Democrat spokeswoman Mallika tweeted (approx. translation) "blow a whistle at Nong Pipe. If it's too much we say that's good. Nong Pipe will go back and ask mum at home why they are whistling to chase away mum all over the city/country". Then she deleted it after provoking outrage. It's not so much the fact that she tweeted that she thought it was a good thing that people whistled at him, but she actually confirmed that she thought it was true by tweeting that.

They sure know how to pick them, don't they? Since there are apparently no witnesses other than the PM's own team, why bother commenting at all at this point? Unless of course you were to say something like 'I don't know if this is true, and I am skeptical given the source, but if such behaviour did take place, then I find it disgraceful'. Play it safe. I guess it shouldn't be surprising. After all, it's only a couple of years since she called for the banning of Facebook and Youtube. She's obviously still got some growing up to do.

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Quite scary to see how foreigners in this forum seems to have taken sides in the ongoing political conflict in Thailand.

You must be scaring yourself then.

The story about the boy could be true, but a lot of people has without any support branded it as false.

Without any support? The support is the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever. You should be questioning the people who have without any support, branded it as true.
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Unfair to target a 10-year-old, for the misdeeds of his Mum & Uncle.

But these were fellow-parents, of other kids at the school, not outside-protesters.

So what to do, when even some of your fellow-parents think you should go, after the 'suspended' amnesty-bill & attempt to rig the Senate, perhaps a nice bomb-threat like old Uncle tried ?

Or consider relocating, to a school in the Gulf, perhaps ?

There is no excuse for such behaviour, especially from the parents of other kids! And no he should not have to go to another school or country to be educated.

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Targeting a 10 year old boy? Why do I think of Czarist Russia?

The local anti-thaksinistas doubters forget that when a mob is fired up (as in this case) many of them act as independent agents of the hatred fostered by the rhetoric coming from their leaders.

Furthermore, HI-SO school means nothing in terms of civility.

ITEM: Abhisit, son of one of the members of the board of CP Foods (arguably the richest and hungriest company for new lands and factories in Thailand) studied in Eton, was PM and now as a MP is behaving like a HI-SO thug inciting people to commit illegal acts: invasion of government property, disruption of their business activities and functions, and more. What ideals can be expressed for the good of the country when hatred of a family name is their prime target?

When a mob is on the move where and when will it stop?

A gory reminder: Historical fact. In czarist Russia, 1918 the fired up mob assassinated the Czar and wife (including their four daughters and their son and all those who chose to accompany them into exile and all members of the family,) the murder had been ordered in Moscow by Vladimir Ilitch Lenin, the leader of the mob.

A mob is a mob, is a mob... regardless of the language they speak and the ideals they claim to be fighting for.

What a classic. We shouldn't lay the sins of the fathers on the children, but Abhist is bad because his father is on the board of CP. You must be one of those red intellectuals we keep hearing about.

Sophistry. Look it up!

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Wow, that's nasty. I haven't heard of that happening in Thailand since after Black May in 1992 when kids of senior officers involved in the massacre of protestors around Democracy Monument couldn't go to school.

It does show the depth of feeling that has boiled over in Thailand since the Amnesty Bill. Yingluck should take responsibility for that fiasco and resign. Get her own family life back together and leave big bro to wallow in his billions.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Targeting a 10 year old boy? Why do I think of Czarist Russia?

The local anti-thaksinistas doubters forget that when a mob is fired up (as in this case) many of them act as independent agents of the hatred fostered by the rhetoric coming from their leaders.

Furthermore, HI-SO school means nothing in terms of civility.

ITEM: Abhisit, son of one of the members of the board of CP Foods (arguably the richest and hungriest company for new lands and factories in Thailand) studied in Eton, was PM and now as a MP is behaving like a HI-SO thug inciting people to commit illegal acts: invasion of government property, disruption of their business activities and functions, and more. What ideals can be expressed for the good of the country when hatred of a family name is their prime target?

When a mob is on the move where and when will it stop?

A gory reminder: Historical fact. In czarist Russia, 1918 the fired up mob assassinated the Czar and wife (including their four daughters and their son and all those who chose to accompany them into exile and all members of the family,) the murder had been ordered in Moscow by Vladimir Ilitch Lenin, the leader of the mob.

A mob is a mob, is a mob... regardless of the language they speak and the ideals they claim to be fighting for.

SO you have proof that it was a small group of anti Thaksin demonstrators who appeared in front of the school? Just what has Abhisit got to do with this particular incident? Did he go to the same school?

I also think you need to read your Russian history

again. Just a slight generalisation how a firing squad turned into a mob?

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A group of anti-government protesters has attempted to ambush the 10 year old son of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at his school.

With the way this article states the above as a fact, you are expecting to read that protesters were apprehended as they made their ambush attempt, and the police then found evidence of their plans, and then the protesters confessed.... or something along those lines. Instead what the article goes on to reveal is simply that some dodgy looking people were spotted in the area... urm... and that is it. The rest, including what is stated above as a hard fact, is simply speculation... and speculation that is coming from a source with a vested interest in trying to illicit public sympathy for the supposed victim.

Point of order ----at the end that should read .... "coming from someone with a vested interest in discrediting the political opposition"

If this happened it needs to stop and the headmaster of the school should participate in filing charges against people involved and dismissing their children from the school. Not to use the kids as pawns but so no future abuse happens.

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Nothing more than propaganda. Since Suthep stated that the Air Force has been ordered to assassinate him, Ms. Poo needs this to keep up with him by making people feel sorry for her as well. I do not believe one word of this, especially since it came from her security team. What does the school have to say?

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As has been posted by others, the area surrounding the school is certainly monitored by cctv. If this had actually happened, YL would have already held a teary eyed press conference showing the evidence. And she would have effectively gained the upper hand at a strategic moment.

Surat Thani license plates? C'mon, how gullible do they think people are?

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parents do act like this and take out their vengeance on children for something that their parents may have done. Heard of it many times in Australia with the children of sporting heroes celebrities etc so yes I think this is story is probably true.

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