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the best drinking water


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why not PERRIER. . . but the OP asked for THAI water . . .

my folk here drink from rainwater. They collect it in concrete drums, then transfer it to 20 liter CLAY-drums. Clay will purify the water just enough so it is safe to use for drinking. Being rainwater source, it is safe. Unless they don't let their dogs slurp from it as it can get infested by tape worms.

I would drink rain water that went through a clay drum without hesitations. However i prefer the mountain mineral water to anything else, as long as I can obtain it from the store.

You might experinece muscular spasms after a long period drinking the pissed-through cheap waters that are sold everywhere. It means that you are in fact drinking de-mineralized water. Be aware that it drains essential mineral supplements from your body.

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why not PERRIER. . . but the OP asked for THAI water . . .

my folk here drink from rainwater. They collect it in concrete drums, then transfer it to 20 liter CLAY-drums. Clay will purify the water just enough so it is safe to use for drinking. Being rainwater source, it is safe. Unless they don't let their dogs slurp from it as it can get infested by tape worms.

I would drink rain water that went through a clay drum without hesitations. However i prefer the mountain mineral water to anything else, as long as I can obtain it from the store.

You might experinece muscular spasms after a long period drinking the pissed-through cheap waters that are sold everywhere. It means that you are in fact drinking de-mineralized water. Be aware that it drains essential mineral supplements from your body.

MINERE and BIGc or LOTUS mineral water also.

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My choice is the 1 baht water machine outside my condo.. Tastes like water, does the trick. Better than the tap water that's for sure, only go for tap when cooking rice pr similar. Wish works ok, cant say I can taste the chlorine in the rice. And I guess most of u have eaten rice that way at one time or another, since most people don't buy water to make rice. At least not in Bkk where the water is drinkable (not lethal...)

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the perrier they sell in asia must be a copy because it tastes like crap after you have dosed yourself with AURA for any length of time. aura even beats what is being pushes as evian here.

only one of the expensive waters is any good, it is.was sold in a opaque blue bottle in phnom penh a while back for $1 for a 1.5 liter bottle. think it was french origin but cant recall the name.

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My Choice is AURA . . it's none of this "Ozone Treated" or "Reverse Osmosis" cleared what they call drinking water. It is comparable to what EVIAN is in France, it got UV-sterilized and IMHO has the best taste of all bottled water available in Thailand.

Only location wise I would say that some natural spring water tastes better - but where you are living, you can only dream of it.

Drinking water should contain all essential minerals . so all sources from mountain springs are top choice. Anything else is . . Tap water from ground wells and rainwater caught in reserves , filtrated and run through osmosis . . . pure destillated shit.

Be aware . . some bottled waters they offer you for drinking here in the west would be classified Battery Water (destilled) . ..

you can immdiately taste it after opening the bottle. . it tastes sour

AURA being my first choice, NESTLE's drinking water being next and then NEPTUNE ( the one with the pink screw caps)

Fair enough but i totally disagree though taste is TASTE and probably varies considerably.

Distilled water should taste like NOTHING, maybe it is the plastic you are tasting, if it tastes sweet or sour it is not distilled and it is NOT pure.

You and I have complete opposite tastes in water, all the brands you mention taste impure/tainted or have some additives of one kind or another.

You must try them at room temperature for true taste and if you don't mind report back.

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why not PERRIER. . . but the OP asked for THAI water . . .

my folk here drink from rainwater. They collect it in concrete drums, then transfer it to 20 liter CLAY-drums. Clay will purify the water just enough so it is safe to use for drinking. Being rainwater source, it is safe. Unless they don't let their dogs slurp from it as it can get infested by tape worms.

I would drink rain water that went through a clay drum without hesitations. However i prefer the mountain mineral water to anything else, as long as I can obtain it from the store.

You might experinece muscular spasms after a long period drinking the pissed-through cheap waters that are sold everywhere. It means that you are in fact drinking de-mineralized water. Be aware that it drains essential mineral supplements from your body.

Very interesting especially the dog part.

How much of a risk are we talking?

How common is it for dogs to have tapeworm?

How transferable is it?

Dog licks his ass, drinks water, drops some eggs???


Maybe i shouldn't touch street dogs ever?

Now the leeching minerals thing i would have to research, but i'd rather take chances with that than with impurities.

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I buy the 7/11 'select' brand with the green coloured advertising. It used to be another brand but 7/11 bought it out - that tells me it must be good.

I used to buy that freshy brand but it started to taste a bit sweet to me.

Sweet water is just not right in my book,but could be just me.

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why not PERRIER. . . but the OP asked for THAI water . . .

my folk here drink from rainwater. They collect it in concrete drums, then transfer it to 20 liter CLAY-drums. Clay will purify the water just enough so it is safe to use for drinking. Being rainwater source, it is safe. Unless they don't let their dogs slurp from it as it can get infested by tape worms.

I would drink rain water that went through a clay drum without hesitations. However i prefer the mountain mineral water to anything else, as long as I can obtain it from the store.

You might experinece muscular spasms after a long period drinking the pissed-through cheap waters that are sold everywhere. It means that you are in fact drinking de-mineralized water. Be aware that it drains essential mineral supplements from your body.

Very interesting especially the dog part.

How much of a risk are we talking?

How common is it for dogs to have tapeworm?

How transferable is it?

Dog licks his ass, drinks water, drops some eggs???


Maybe i shouldn't touch street dogs ever?

Now the leeching minerals thing i would have to research, but i'd rather take chances with that than with impurities.

Oh and cats too!?

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As one poster stated, "Water is Water, buy the cheapest", I drink filtered rain water, not counting the initial cost of my water purification system, it is "Free" which makes it also the cheapest.

The system paid for itself years ago, as I have not purchased bottled water for about 7 years.


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