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Thai govt urges Bangkok public to stay indoors overnight


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Apparently Suthep and Yingluck have spent an hour together with all Military Chiefs.

Suthep gave his usual government not legitimate speech. No solution.

No doubt Suthep is many things that can not be said out loud, but he is no fool, he has been in politics for most if his life.

I believe he knows what he is doing and i believe his strategy covers many basis and outcomes.

I do not believe he wants to be the PM,though he could be paving way for someone else.

I also think he is very very well backed by some very very powerful people

Suthep says it was a good meeting because the military top brass has shown that their stance is with Thailand

what a joke, Yingluck could say the same about the army being with thailand. Prayuth clearly stated earlier the army won t take any side in this conflict

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Apparently Suthep and Yingluck have spent an hour together with all Military Chiefs.

Suthep gave his usual government not legitimate speech. No solution.

No doubt Suthep is many things that can not be said out loud, but he is no fool, he has been in politics for most if his life.

I believe he knows what he is doing and i believe his strategy covers many basis and outcomes.

I do not believe he wants to be the PM,though he could be paving way for someone else.

I also think he is very very well backed by some very very powerful people

Suthep says it was a good meeting because the military top brass has shown that their stance is with Thailand

Does that mean what i think it means?

it means the army don t take side...yet

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Is anyone really surprised by the female PM? When she was selected or chosen by her brother as candidate for PTP's PM,She was incapable of taking part in any of the leader debates,restricting her campaign to shaking hands with her own supporters and smiling.This ineptitude continued throughout her 3 years as PM .rarely speaking in the parliament and her performance in the censure debate was ,even though expected, quite pathetic.She is clearly out of her depth,whether it's leading her incompetent corrupt government or dealing with a crisis.She must be running around asking her puppet masters "What do I do?"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by kingalfred
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Wasnt she supposed to go see her brother in Singapore this weekend?

This could be plausible.

There is a photo of someone who looks a lot like Thaksin taken at Patek Phillipe in Singapore. This would definitely be one of his favorite shops.

Ms Bino tells me that she heard on TV that Yingluck has departed the Kingdom for Malaysia. Depending on where in Malaysia... could be a short ride across the causeway for a meeting with big brother.

He might just load her up in his jet and take her back to Dubai. (Wishful thinking I know.)

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Anyone have a link for the Bangkok Curfew? Why not in the news thread?

It's not in the news thread because there isn't a curfew.


There is no curfew its just good sensible advice to not be out and about in the night time with all thats currently going on.... perfectly sensible thing to do and im sure most sensible businesses will take it on board. a few nights not out on the town wont hurt anyone, spend it with family seems to me to be a good piece of advice.

There are only a few days to go and then its Dec 5 and a certain persons birthday... by Dec 4 eveyone will have to go home and cease and desist out of respect.

It is not such a great time to be encouraging unrest or confrontation and the current Gov is probably aware of this. So far there is no threat of a forceful crackdown which they would be well entitled to enforce as the legitimate government which im sure they realise could lead to further violence and human injury, to me that is smart to avoid yet a lot of people here seem to be baying for it....

People that die dont wake up and to be killed over a meaningless thing such as politics in Thailand is a total waste of life, that is maybe what some should consider if their own child died for such a pathetic cause to line a few rich pockets, shameful and totally needless.

All things considered it seems the Gov has been extremely gentle and not playing into the hands of a seemingly increasingly unruly and desperate mob. In any other Asian country this would have been dealt with swiftly and with major force, thankfully there is a reluctance to use force and I see no one praising that restraint... well I for one do. Sometimes it is better to be silent and absent than to flap ones mouth and glaringly visible.

A lot of things have been said, claimed and alleged in the last few days, the majority of which is questionable at best and total fabrication at worst.

I hope the Gov continues to avoid confrontation with this Mob led by desperate elites who have no respect for an electoral system in a country they claim to love so much and even have the audacity to call their party democratic, hypocrites dont even respect the word let alone the process.

Roll on Dec 5 and calmer waters.

Respect? Utter garbage.how about some respect for the rule of law by the court?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by kingalfred
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Is anyone really surprised by the female PM? When she was selected or chosen by her brother as candidate for PTP's PM,She was incapable of taking part in any of the leader debates,restricting her campaign to shaking hands with her own supporters and smiling.This ineptitude continued throughout her 3 years as PM .rarely speaking in the parliament and her performance in the censure debate was ,even though expected, quite pathetic.She is clearly out of her depth,whether it's leading her incompetent corrupt government or dealing with a crisis.She must be running around asking her puppet masters "What do I do?" Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Is this a sexist remark...or are you just "out of your depth"?

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Channel News Asia just broadcast part of Suthep's speech. He said that he doesn't want YS to resign. All he wants is to set up a People's Council. (Go figure)

He declared tomorrow a national holiday for the civil servants. (Delusions of grandeur before the fact?)

His speech pattern is reminiscent of Khmer Rouge, Sendero Luminoso and other banana republic revolutionaries of the extreme left.

Other arm chair analysts from different Thai universities are blasting the government for the harsh measures to protect Government House and lauding Suthep.

Academia and the intelligentsia once again feel superior to everybody to us mere mortals.

I think that Suthep is losing it.

no not at all, he already controls the media and met the military, so she cannot use them. He is just slowly taking control. btw If she resigned she cd just make a comeback and be reelected

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I am just a normal person that does`t know a great deal about politics.I read the news and try to be open minded ,but the way I see the current situation is that the present government has with the help of the red army of puppets aided by brother T.S.have organised this chaos .My heart goes out to thailand and the anti gov.protesters.I prey to god that they find a sollution soon and bring peace to Thailand whith a true democratic government.

Look around you, open your eyes, show me a third world country that is not corrupt to its heart that is democratic. Second thoughts don't bother as it will take you ages.

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I am just a normal person that does`t know a great deal about politics.I read the news and try to be open minded ,but the way I see the current situation is that the present government has with the help of the red army of puppets aided by brother T.S.have organised this chaos .My heart goes out to thailand and the anti gov.protesters.I prey to god that they find a sollution soon and bring peace to Thailand whith a true democratic government.

Look around you, open your eyes, show me a third world country that is not corrupt to its heart that is democratic. Second thoughts don't bother as it will take you ages.

Thailand is 3rd world? according to whom or what source?

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Excellent how this was published on all TV channels and also in English, so tourists and expats would get that warning too and stay safe....what?...oh , right...it wasn't!coffee1.gif

Get with it, this was announced by CAPO tonight (in english) on television. Wife was watching it but I didn't take much notice as to what channel it was.

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"The people behind these protests are the same people behind the 2006 coup. It's impossible that Suthep is acting alone," said Kan Yuenyong, executive director of the Siam Intelligence Unit, a Bangkok think tank"

'They are spending around five million baht (HK$1.27 million) a day on sustaining the protesters, so he must have people behind him providing that money.".

In August some PAD die hards in Bangkok told me that the people behind the 2006 coup were counseling and preparing demonstrations and "guerilla-style' tactics.

Interesting article. http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1369801/thai-protest-leader-suthep-son-elite-axe-grind

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Is anyone really surprised by the female PM? When she was selected or chosen by her brother as candidate for PTP's PM,She was incapable of taking part in any of the leader debates,restricting her campaign to shaking hands with her own supporters and smiling.This ineptitude continued throughout her 3 years as PM .rarely speaking in the parliament and her performance in the censure debate was ,even though expected, quite pathetic.She is clearly out of her depth,whether it's leading her incompetent corrupt government or dealing with a crisis.She must be running around asking her puppet masters "What do I do?" Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

*sigh* it has nothing to do with being female, it is the elected party by legitimate election and they have the right to choose their leader, if some don't like it then go and vote otherwise in the next election. Stamping of the feet and throwing the toys out the pram when you dont get the result you want is in no way acceptable and only diminishes the entire system and respect of the countries electoral process and being taken seriously as a stable nation. Which at the moment it is anything but thanks largely in part by the lack of patience or willingness to fight it out where it should be, at the next election and not on the streets.

Neither side really cares about the country this is true only their own pockets, the only difference is one is elected and legitimate whilst the other is just a mob stamping their feet. Like it or not elections have a purpose and that is to avoid exactly what was seen in 2010, needless violence and death. Be thankful so far that is mostly being avoided, Only a fool encourages mob rule to get what you want, for if it becomes accepted practise then the rule of law goes out the window.

This is called anarchy not democracy wink.png Not so smart a road imo

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This is nothing but a scare tactics from the useless government.

Protesters have not attacked any civilians and do not seem to have any intentions on doing so, why would public need to stay indoors?

In another source, Deputy PM also claimed government is in full control, well Sherlock it sure does not look like it

uh...yes they have..i wittnessed first hand, as a taxi driver just tryed to leave a protest area people jumped on his car smashing the shit out of the windsheild and windows next to the stadium the red shirts where rallying while he was giving some one a ride out of there.

I think yingluck is just a pawn of her brother and i understand why people are rallying up against a bought and paid off system left by the X=PM but if you where to think its safe going wherever while riots are going on with out any kind of caustion , well that would be foolish..

and yes the smoke bombs being thrown at police buses being lit on fire with power being cut to the police stations and government areas being over thrown is obviously all apart of their plan... everything is in full control :P LOL

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"The people behind these protests are the same people behind the 2006 coup. It's impossible that Suthep is acting alone," said Kan Yuenyong, executive director of the Siam Intelligence Unit, a Bangkok think tank"

'They are spending around five million baht (HK$1.27 million) a day on sustaining the protesters, so he must have people behind him providing that money.".

In August some PAD die hards in Bangkok told me that the people behind the 2006 coup were counseling and preparing demonstrations and "guerilla-style' tactics.

Interesting article. http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1369801/thai-protest-leader-suthep-son-elite-axe-grindExcellent

Excellent article and interesting observations....a must read for all of our redneck card wavers and credit to SIU.

Still a sad day for the dead no matter what side they may be on...

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you are wrong. the peasant supporters are so ignorant and still strongly believe in TS and the red army.

Yingluck was in a building which was about to be captured by protesters, so I guess her protection squad hustled her out. Fair enough.

But to then vanish, leave the big announcement to a panel of the deputy PMs, and maintain a blanket silence for several hours is going to go down very badly even with her peasant supporters.

If there's one thing they understand, it's standing up when there's a stoush on. Crying in the corner doesn't cut it.

Whatever the outcome of this, Yingluck is toast.

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This is nothing but a scare tactics from the useless government.

Protesters have not attacked any civilians and do not seem to have any intentions on doing so, why would public need to stay indoors?

In another source, Deputy PM also claimed government is in full control, well Sherlock it sure does not look like it

PS. What happened to Yingluck, any reason why current PM is not the one doing the warnings or statements?


Maybe Thailand should ask The Lady sitting on the left if she would be willing to try and sort this mess out.

I don't think she has as many strings attached as the lady on the right.

The female on the left isn't under hosue arrest anymore right?

She's not running the govt and yes she is symbolic but why is she relevant today?

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This is nothing but a scare tactics from the useless government.

Protesters have not attacked any civilians and do not seem to have any intentions on doing so, why would public need to stay indoors?

In another source, Deputy PM also claimed government is in full control, well Sherlock it sure does not look like it

PS. What happened to Yingluck, any reason why current PM is not the one doing the warnings or statements?

It's not about "planned" attacks on foreigners. It's about risk and danger of the proximity and the possibility of injury or death as a bystander. Foreigners should leave Thailand until it stabilizes. Why take a risk?

One can easily see the deep core issues that are at the root of the unrest and frustration in Thai society. Do you really think that the Suthep led group, the proposed installed new government or the existing government can evolve Thailand?

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This is nothing but a scare tactics from the useless government.

Protesters have not attacked any civilians and do not seem to have any intentions on doing so, why would public need to stay indoors?

In another source, Deputy PM also claimed government is in full control, well Sherlock it sure does not look like it

PS. What happened to Yingluck, any reason why current PM is not the one doing the warnings or statements?

She is in a panic room until further notice clap2.gif

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Anyone have a link to the "don't go outside or you might get shot" advisement status tonight for Bangkok and Pattaya?

Would the following be sufficient enough for you?

Clashes intensifying at metropolitan police HQ http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/686020-clashes-intensifying-at-bangkok-metropolitan-police-hq/

No. I would like to see some real time reports by geographic locations. I want to check what parts of Bangkok taxis are going to right now. And what stores are open or closed. I would like to see information in the Bangkok and Pattaya forums in the areas that are effected or not effected. What is it now 4 killed and teargas and chemically treated water being pumped in the city. It would be nice to know where and when by location as opposed to incident.

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