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farangs all times insulting thai people on forum here


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hmmm the first time I have seen a supposed Thai use an "s" to make the word "farang" plural. (I see farang do it all the time, never Thais though.

The OP also seems to have a natural instinct for verb tenses that don't exist in Thai whistling.gif

You guys should back off on the "Thais can't use the English language properly" thing!

I tutor a group of 16-18 year old Thai students on weekends and they are capable of writing and speaking as good as the OP.

In some cases, they do better than many native English speakers who post on TV.

I t is wrong to paint all of any culture, country or race with the same brush.

Any Thai who has spent a good deal of time reading the hogwash posted by some TV members has a lot of both very good and very poor examples of how to use the English language.

Now who will be the first TV ninny to point out a misspelled word or missing comma in this post?

It's expected, that's how some minds keep busy.

Now, can you please address the Op's issue rather than trying to discredit him?

He makes some very valid points.

I agree. This was written by a Thai who emails me every day. I received this today. They are always written this well.

HI xxxxx,

I just did take a bath, the water is cold. *:(( crying

Are you awaking? How are you doing today? Did you see wedding clips?

My house is finished and they will clear the area around the house this week. I've got a loan already. A contractor informed me to transfer the house within this week.

I see the link you sent and I think it is a splint, thank you so much. :D

The weather is still cold and you would like it surely. I don't have a water heater for a shower but I can take a bath in the morning and evening, I also can wash the clothes with hands.

Nice to hear that you are feeling pretty good. :)


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What these people do not consider is a simple fact. Go back 50 years, Thailand did not have a functioning organized education system. At least not to western standards. People lived a simple life that was void of many of the newest inventions and ones they had were outdated. Only those with wealth could enjoy modern improvements. Thailand has come a long way in only 50 years and are still advancing. It takes time to grow as a country. In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

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In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

That is the problem with many Thai people's attitudes, they are very in the box closed minded thinkers. They are indoctrinated from a very young age to have a herd mentality. Part of what they have been taught is to be wary of foreigners, especially European(looking) people. This was set up cleverly to fortify the state propaganda machine. The days of colonialism are long gone, Thai people need to get with the program.

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That's not true. I pointed that out. And you started flaming.

Before you engage me, get your facts straight or expect your error to be pointed out.

What is not true? received a [/size]MPA degree (specialization in [/size]Management Information Systems) from [/size]Kentucky State University in 1991.[/size]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yingluck_Shinawatra

Before i engage you? i am sick and tired of you, just like another posterrolleyes.gif

You wrote, "What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there.

She did not. She graduated from Chiang Mai University in 1988 and then she went to the US for her masters in 1991. She did not graduate from USA university she graduated from Chaing Mai University in Thailand and then went to the USA for her masters as opposed to what you wrote.

Get your facts straight. It makes a difference in her ability to speak English. tongue.png

If you were a gentleman you would now admit you got your facts wrong about university in the USA.

But you can't admit you are wrong can you?

Edited by thailiketoo
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In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

That is the problem with many Thai people's attitudes, they are very in the box closed minded thinkers. >> They are indoctrinated from a very young age to have a herd mentality. << Part of what they have been taught is to be wary of foreigners, especially European(looking) people. This was set up cleverly to fortify the state propaganda machine. The days of colonialism are long gone, Thai people need to get with the program.

<< Emphasis added>>

It would be equally valid to say "Thai people care more about the group dynamic rather than individualism." To say that they are indoctrinated is absurd, frankly. Everyone in the world learns most that they need to know about life at a "very young age".

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In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

That is the problem with many Thai people's attitudes, they are very in the box closed minded thinkers. They are indoctrinated from a very young age to have a herd mentality. Part of what they have been taught is to be wary of foreigners, especially European(looking) people. This was set up cleverly to fortify the state propaganda machine. The days of colonialism are long gone, Thai people need to get with the program.

That might make sense if the Thais were ever colonized or if Thailand had a propaganda machine or if one could find two Thais that agree with one another as they riot in the streets of Bangkok. You do know that a herd mentality would not pick sides and different political parties or 50 different languages. The days of dumb Farang generalizations are over. Get some knowledge and get with the program. Trying to get a group of Thais to do the same thing is like herding cats.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Part of what they have been taught is to be wary of foreigners, especially European(looking) people.

Can you substantiate this statement concerning "European(looking) people" ?

Why shouldn't Thai people be taught to be wary of foreigners ?

They are Thai people & it's their own country; it's not yours. They can run it how they want (for the benefit of Thai people) Do you have a problem with the concept of sovereign nations ? It all seems very reasonable to me.

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What these people do not consider is a simple fact. Go back 50 years, Thailand did not have a functioning organized education system. At least not to western standards. People lived a simple life that was void of many of the newest inventions and ones they had were outdated. Only those with wealth could enjoy modern improvements. Thailand has come a long way in only 50 years and are still advancing. It takes time to grow as a country. In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

Lets compare the Chinese or Japanese empires to your model. Long periods with no contact with the West did them more good than bad. You are looking only at technology. Take a look at the number of people on psychoactive drugs in the West as opposed to Thailand.

Why do you think so many people retire in Thailand? The West drives old guys crazy. Thailand is relaxed and a fun place where the generations coexist in harmony.

In order for the West to grow it must look to the East for many things. The second largest economy is China soon to be the first. Europe needs to ask for help the same way America did when it began to get large inflows of Chinese capital.

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That's not true. I pointed that out. And you started flaming.

Before you engage me, get your facts straight or expect your error to be pointed out.

What is not true? received a [/size]MPA degree (specialization in [/size]Management Information Systems) from [/size]Kentucky State University in 1991.[/size]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yingluck_Shinawatra

Before i engage you? i am sick and tired of you, just like another posterrolleyes.gif

You wrote, "What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there.

She did not. She graduated from Chiang Mai University in 1988 and then she went to the US for her masters in 1991. She did not graduate from USA university she graduated from Chaing Mai University in Thailand and then went to the USA for her masters as opposed to what you wrote.

Get your facts straight. It makes a difference in her ability to speak English. tongue.png

If you were a gentleman you would now admit you got your facts wrong about university in the USA.

But you can't admit you are wrong can you?

Rightyyyyyy, so Masters do not require an ability to speak English? and Masters from university is NOT graduating?

Do you actually know what masters is and what is involved? Try to Google it instead of trolling

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That's not true. I pointed that out. And you started flaming.

Before you engage me, get your facts straight or expect your error to be pointed out.

What is not true? received a [/size]MPA degree (specialization in [/size]Management Information Systems) from [/size]Kentucky State University in 1991.[/size]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yingluck_Shinawatra

Before i engage you? i am sick and tired of you, just like another posterrolleyes.gif

You wrote, "What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there.

She did not. She graduated from Chiang Mai University in 1988 and then she went to the US for her masters in 1991. She did not graduate from USA university she graduated from Chaing Mai University in Thailand and then went to the USA for her masters as opposed to what you wrote.

Get your facts straight. It makes a difference in her ability to speak English. tongue.png

If you were a gentleman you would now admit you got your facts wrong about university in the USA.

But you can't admit you are wrong can you?

Rightyyyyyy, so Masters do not require an ability to speak English? and Masters from university is NOT graduating?

Do you actually know what masters is and what is involved? Try to Google it instead of trolling

You wrote, "What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there. That is not correct. To be correct you should have written, Yingluck gratuated from university in Thailand and went to the US for her masters.

There is a big difference between a masters and a bachelors degree. A masters concentrates on one area while a BA or BS (4 years in the US) is a general program which would require a much greater degree of English fluency than a MA which is 2 years or less.

Big difference taking general courses with normal students for 4 years as opposed to 2 in a much smaller class environment where English fluency becomes less important.

So you were wrong but I don't expect you can admit it. You said two things, 1. Yingluck graduated from USA university and 2. and also did her masters there. You meant two levels of education. You wrote two levels of education. That statement is not true.

Edited by thailiketoo
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What these people do not consider is a simple fact. Go back 50 years, Thailand did not have a functioning organized education system. At least not to western standards. People lived a simple life that was void of many of the newest inventions and ones they had were outdated. Only those with wealth could enjoy modern improvements. Thailand has come a long way in only 50 years and are still advancing. It takes time to grow as a country. In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

Lets compare the Chinese or Japanese empires to your model. Long periods with no contact with the West did them more good than bad. You are looking only at technology. Take a look at the number of people on psychoactive drugs in the West as opposed to Thailand.

Why do you think so many people retire in Thailand? The West drives old guys crazy. Thailand is relaxed and a fun place where the generations coexist in harmony.

In order for the West to grow it must look to the East for many things. The second largest economy is China soon to be the first. Europe needs to ask for help the same way America did when it began to get large inflows of Chinese capital.

What a great, useless inaccurate load of drivel.

Please post for us official stats on psychoactive drugs use in Thailand?

Then post for us official stats on suicide rate in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats for alcoholism and alcohol poisoning rate in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats on drug uses in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats of psychiatrists available in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Once you have done all that, define "West" and compare it in direct proportion to the population

After all that is provided, Take a calculator and compare Chinese Population and economy size in comparison to defined "West" population and economy.

After we covered all of the above, please post official stats on "Why so many people retire in Thailand?" and compare it to the newly defined "West" retiring people locations

Can not wait for the answers and official stats, Google will be burning with your searches

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You wrote, "What is your problem with attacking YInglucks inability to string few words together in English, when she graduated from USA university and also did her masters there. That is not correct. To be correct you should have written, Yingluck gratuated from university in Thailand and went to the US for her masters.

There is a big difference between a masters and a bachelors degree. A masters concentrates on one area while a BA or BS (4 years in the US) is a general program which would require a much greater degree of English fluency than a MA which is 2 years or less.

Big difference taking general courses with normal students for 4 years as opposed to 2 in a much smaller class environment where English fluency becomes less important.

So you were wrong but I don't expect you can admit it. You said two things, 1. Yingluck graduated from USA university and 2. and also did her masters there. You meant two levels of education. You wrote two levels of education. That statement is not true.

You do not expect? who exactly do you think you are to expect anything?

I know exactly what i wrote and also know you just a troll who has nothing better to do but to argue with people over nothing and keep on doing so. As i said before like a mosquito which keeps coming back for more blood each and every time.

One has to be able to string 3 words together to do the masters, unless of course it was all bought one way or another and someone else was doing all the work for her.

Its an embarrassment for so called educated PM not to be able to speak decent English, even more so, one with masters from an English speaking country

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insulting Thais, how do you think we feel with all the double pricing for everything, 1 price you double price us, we don't do that when you are in our birth countries, then go to the scams; eg: taxi, jet skies, sick buffalo etc etc, suck it up and cop it sweet the same as we have to if we want to be there

you said it all!! you want to be there!! while you are there behave!

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What these people do not consider is a simple fact. Go back 50 years, Thailand did not have a functioning organized education system. At least not to western standards. People lived a simple life that was void of many of the newest inventions and ones they had were outdated. Only those with wealth could enjoy modern improvements. Thailand has come a long way in only 50 years and are still advancing. It takes time to grow as a country. In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

Lets compare the Chinese or Japanese empires to your model. Long periods with no contact with the West did them more good than bad. You are looking only at technology. Take a look at the number of people on psychoactive drugs in the West as opposed to Thailand.

Why do you think so many people retire in Thailand? The West drives old guys crazy. Thailand is relaxed and a fun place where the generations coexist in harmony.

In order for the West to grow it must look to the East for many things. The second largest economy is China soon to be the first. Europe needs to ask for help the same way America did when it began to get large inflows of Chinese capital.

What a great, useless inaccurate load of drivel.

Please post for us official stats on psychoactive drugs use in Thailand?

Then post for us official stats on suicide rate in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats for alcoholism and alcohol poisoning rate in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats on drug uses in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats of psychiatrists available in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Once you have done all that, define "West" and compare it in direct proportion to the population

After all that is provided, Take a calculator and compare Chinese Population and economy size in comparison to defined "West" population and economy.

After we covered all of the above, please post official stats on "Why so many people retire in Thailand?" and compare it to the newly defined "West" retiring people locations

Can not wait for the answers and official stats, Google will be burning with your searches

Feel free to answer your own questions. Your post brings up some interesting points none of which are related to anything I posted. Or if they are the idea of answering a question with a question is not something I would choose to be involved in. Plus I don't like your dictatorial style of posting.

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Schoolyard bullies ganging up on a non-native English speaker. In his own country - no less. Just imagine if more Thais read this thread. I wonder if Thai Visa will still be allowed to continue. Someone might just post a link on their Facebook page and show to other Thais the Bigots they have among them. Perhaps, you won't feel so comfortable the next time you go to a shopping mall, or the bank, or a Taxi. If the OP turns out to be a farang masquerading as a Thai - Bravo! You got me - Although I doubt that very much. The feelings expressed by the OP are valid. Farangs just have to accept being called that - whether the perceived that term as an insult or not. I personally don't mind. Other people in other countries have been called much worse.

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What these people do not consider is a simple fact. Go back 50 years, Thailand did not have a functioning organized education system. At least not to western standards. People lived a simple life that was void of many of the newest inventions and ones they had were outdated. Only those with wealth could enjoy modern improvements. Thailand has come a long way in only 50 years and are still advancing. It takes time to grow as a country. In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

Lets compare the Chinese or Japanese empires to your model. Long periods with no contact with the West did them more good than bad. You are looking only at technology. Take a look at the number of people on psychoactive drugs in the West as opposed to Thailand.

Why do you think so many people retire in Thailand? The West drives old guys crazy. Thailand is relaxed and a fun place where the generations coexist in harmony.

In order for the West to grow it must look to the East for many things. The second largest economy is China soon to be the first. Europe needs to ask for help the same way America did when it began to get large inflows of Chinese capital.

What a great, useless inaccurate load of drivel.

Please post for us official stats on psychoactive drugs use in Thailand?

Then post for us official stats on suicide rate in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats for alcoholism and alcohol poisoning rate in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats on drug uses in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Then post official stats of psychiatrists available in Thailand in comparison to the "West"

Once you have done all that, define "West" and compare it in direct proportion to the population

After all that is provided, Take a calculator and compare Chinese Population and economy size in comparison to defined "West" population and economy.

After we covered all of the above, please post official stats on "Why so many people retire in Thailand?" and compare it to the newly defined "West" retiring people locations

Can not wait for the answers and official stats, Google will be burning with your searches

Feel free to answer your own questions. Your post brings up some interesting points none of which are related to anything I posted. Or if they are the idea of answering a question with a question is not something I would choose to be involved in. Plus I don't like your dictatorial style of posting.

I do not need to answer anything, i am not the one posting drivel as facts

As for what you like or do not like, again i could not care less and only hope you stop to troll

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To start with, if you want to be respected, how about NOT referring to us in rather derogative term such as "Farang"

yeah! why do you call us foreigners? call us brothers!


Naam who was/is called...

-in Saudi Arabia "Franjieh"

-in Iran "Ferang"

-in Afghanistan "Ferang"

-in Pakistan "Ferangi"

-in India "Ferangi"

mind you! Farang, Farong, Farung, Furlong, Fareng, Forong, Ferong is an insult!


So where are you from?

i'm a "foreign Farang" from Central €Urope.

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What these people do not consider is a simple fact. Go back 50 years, Thailand did not have a functioning organized education system. At least not to western standards. People lived a simple life that was void of many of the newest inventions and ones they had were outdated. Only those with wealth could enjoy modern improvements. Thailand has come a long way in only 50 years and are still advancing. It takes time to grow as a country. In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

and will no have in 50 years...to reply in the OP's way...

Excuse me...if you can't write in your own words or think for yourself, don't post. Don't hijack another person's post just to make you look intelligent. If you quote someone do it the right way. I do believe it is a violation of ThaiVisa rules.

Mods advise please.

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To start with, if you want to be respected, how about NOT referring to us in rather derogative term such as "Farang"

yeah! why do you call us foreigners? call us brothers!


Naam who was/is called...

-in Saudi Arabia "Franjieh"

-in Iran "Ferang"

-in Afghanistan "Ferang"

-in Pakistan "Ferangi"

-in India "Ferangi"

mind you! Farang, Farong, Farung, Furlong, Fareng, Forong, Ferong is an insult!


Not Yellowfoot in Germany?
no- we call them "kanacke"
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hmmm the first time I have seen a supposed Thai use an "s" to make the word "farang" plural. (I see farang do it all the time, never Thais though.

The OP also seems to have a natural instinct for verb tenses that don't exist in Thai whistling.gif

You guys should back off on the "Thais can't use the English language properly" thing!

I tutor a group of 16-18 year old Thai students on weekends and they are capable of writing and speaking as good as the OP.

In some cases, they do better than many native English speakers who post on TV.

I t is wrong to paint all of any culture, country or race with the same brush.

Any Thai who has spent a good deal of time reading the hogwash posted by some TV members has a lot of both very good and very poor examples of how to use the English language.

Now who will be the first TV ninny to point out a misspelled word or missing comma in this post?

It's expected, that's how some minds keep busy.

Now, can you please address the Op's issue rather than trying to discredit him?

He makes some very valid points.

And is seems some tutors can speak as well as the OP too.


Even though I tried to address the problem of people criticizing the use of the English language rather than addressing the OP's topic, we get the criticism anyway!

Yes, we have our ninny!

I could comment on your use of it Harry, but that's not why I'm here.

It's that clear?? cheesy.gif

Thanks for proving my point Harry, even if we didn't need proof!

Once again, the Op has made some good points.

Let's try to stay on topic!

Edited by willyumiii
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Take a look at the number of people on psychoactive drugs in the West as opposed to Thailand.

I know this one.

Almost everyone I meet under the age of 30 in Thailand takes loads of Yaa-Baa or Yaa-Ice.

In the villages, in the towns, in the clubs and pubs.

In the UK, I knew a few people who would smoke a joint or two at the weekends.

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today I tell hotel manager I do this on thai visa and he say I must not tell name of hotel I working he say is ok if I give my phone numberbut say

I should be care for doing. I have learning many new english words you make in reply for me. thank you for that. but I not say thank you for

say I not thai and say I troll because I check up word meaning. I not know many things you complaining about canot buy land house business

and working Thailand. I think is not correct because in my village and korat is many forener/s who make very big house and having land.

I cranky when read that one man here say that thai family sending daughter to pattaya for having sex with farangs how daring for saying

that thing. I not understanding why he say insulting about thai family. it not problem for me when some people not believe things I say here

but is problem when reading you calling me not have intellect. maybe I not smart same as some forener/s but I not buffalo. is because my

english not good that and you not understanding correct about me. I 24 age years and knowing there is much for me to learning more.

today I will go to beach at pattaya where is many foreners and asking for try finding out if is any person there who are on here thai visa.

if I can find someone I will telling him me koratesanguy at thaivisa and my name is noom. he can telling you then here I am thai guy.

is not thai people making hard for forener/s for living Thailand happy, is goviment that doing laws so not complaining here about everything you

cannot be doing in Thailand maybe is better that you make complaing to goviment about all them problems you having. so not make complaining

by saying wrong things about Thailand and thai people please .

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Take a look at the number of people on psychoactive drugs in the West as opposed to Thailand.

I know this one.

Almost everyone I meet under the age of 30 in Thailand takes loads of Yaa-Baa or Yaa-Ice.

In the villages, in the towns, in the clubs and pubs.

In the UK, I knew a few people who would smoke a joint or two at the weekends.

for fiftytwo person

you are saying wrong here is not correct things that is what I try saying here thai visa , why you people say these things . I not understanding your reason

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Schoolyard bullies ganging up on a non-native English speaker. In his own country - no less. Just imagine if more Thais read this thread. I wonder if Thai Visa will still be allowed to continue. Someone might just post a link on their Facebook page and show to other Thais the Bigots they have among them. Perhaps, you won't feel so comfortable the next time you go to a shopping mall, or the bank, or a Taxi. If the OP turns out to be a farang masquerading as a Thai - Bravo! You got me - Although I doubt that very much. The feelings expressed by the OP are valid. Farangs just have to accept being called that - whether the perceived that term as an insult or not. I personally don't mind. Other people in other countries have been called much worse.

Trust me. that will only fire up the aforementioned schoolyard bullies, but it seems there are only two groups that you can openly insult on TV - 'lowlife' Farang and Thais. If it transpires that the OP is the former pretending to the be the latter, well that's a party right there. Pass the pitchforks and hand me that burning torch, would you ? ;)

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