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PM Yingluck dismisses possibility of military coup


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People′s Committee For Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD) They had to add that last part; but then that means it is not an absolute democracy - funny convoluted word play

Not so much, as the King doesn't do anything in politics.

It is of course not absolute...but absolute democracy isn't possible at all. Absolute would mean that at every election even the last village idiot must get the same time on air in TV like the major player. It would mean that everyone must be asked for every minor decision.

So there is no absolute democracy possible in anything than a village with more than 500 people. But copy for example the swiss system.

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At least she is looking at peace and considering Thailand. I have had a lot of criticism for her over the past but not on this. Suthep will be rubbing his hands together as power and wealth are getting closer for him.

Which totally disregards Suthep's statements over the last few days.

1) initially he said he would not accept PM position or other positions in a new government.

2) Last night be publicly broke all ties with the Democrats, and stated that he has retired from politics totally.

He went on to say in his 64 years he has done everything except be a prisoner. If that was next, then he would accept that.

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Y. was elected by democratic elections with a huge majority of Thai people. This did not change because of a small percentage of rioting mob. Even she made mistakes Thai society has to follow existing laws, not brainless so called leaders as Suthep. His days are counted.

To dissolve parliament will be a way for new elections and a new/old PM.

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"We are ready to invite experts in laws and other fields, including ordinary people, to find solutions for our country, and to return the happiness to the people".

What does she mean by "including ordinary people"? I thought Democracy was about ordinary people.

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How I read today's events, with the announcement that te top brass would meet again after the 5th, and the top BKK police officer opening up Metro police HQ to the protesters this morning is that a timeframe for acceptable resolution has been given.

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"I run the country on my own without listening to my brother."

Does anybody know of a PM uttering what is considered to be lies by most of the country and retaining their position?

Yes, many US Presidents have said such lies and retained their positions, including Bush the Lesser, Clinton, Nixon -- and add quite a few Tony Blairs in there too.

Correct. ALL politicians - everywhere - lie...period. Why would YL be any different and why would her lying surprise anyone? It's what they do.

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Y. was elected by democratic elections with a huge majority of Thai people. This did not change because of a small percentage of rioting mob. Even she made mistakes Thai society has to follow existing laws, not brainless so called leaders as Suthep. His days are counted.

To dissolve parliament will be a way for new elections and a new/old PM.

And again and again:

The elections was won due to massive vote buying.

Even if you are elected you are not allowed to destroy the democratic system and the separation of power or checks and balances.

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"We are ready to invite experts in laws and other fields, including ordinary people, to find solutions for our country, and to return the happiness to the people".

What does she mean by "including ordinary people"? I thought Democracy was about ordinary people.

I means she put in a majority of red shirt supporters to ensure that the solution is in favor of the Shinawatra clan.

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"I run the country on my own without listening to my brother."

Does anybody know of a PM uttering what is considered to be lies by most of the country and retaining their position?

Yes, many US Presidents have said such lies and retained their positions, including Bush the Lesser, Clinton, Nixon -- and add quite a few Tony Blairs in there too.

Correct. ALL politicians - everywhere - lie...period. Why would YL be any different and why would her lying surprise anyone? It's what they do.

And there is no reason at all why she shouldn't go the way of Nixon...

Edited by Local Drunk
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At least she is looking at peace and considering Thailand. I have had a lot of criticism for her over the past but not on this. Suthep will be rubbing his hands together as power and wealth are getting closer for him.

Which totally disregards Suthep's statements over the last few days.

1) initially he said he would not accept PM position or other positions in a new government.

2) Last night be publicly broke all ties with the Democrats, and stated that he has retired from politics totally.

He went on to say in his 64 years he has done everything except be a prisoner. If that was next, then he would accept that.

Oh, he said that....gee, I must have been wrong about him. Such an honest and trustworthy guy after all....

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Y. was elected by democratic elections with a huge majority of Thai people. This did not change because of a small percentage of rioting mob. Even she made mistakes Thai society has to follow existing laws, not brainless so called leaders as Suthep. His days are counted.

To dissolve parliament will be a way for new elections and a new/old PM.

Y was NOT elected by a huge majority. PTP was elected by a very large minority of voters (under 50% on both direct and party list votes)

One of the requirements of a government is that they follow the rules, (Like allowing for minority participation in parliament. They did not do that.) She did not "follow existing laws". Her brother did not follow existing either. They have a lot in common!

Yingluck could have taken all the wind out of Suthep's sails early on by admitting the massive mistake of the amnesty bill and that people on all sides were not happy with that, apologized, promised to do better if re-elected, and dissolved parliament and called for snap elections. She should have, at that point, been able to hold on to the lower house with at least one minor coalition partner.

So why didn't she do that? Her big brother tried snap elections to try and white wash scandals and it backfired on him, directly leading to his ouster when he was outplayed by his political oponents and those snap elections resulted in no government.

I submit that Suthep not only knows his days are numbered, he welcomes that. If he can go out of politics being the guy that eliminated Thaksinocracy from Thai politics, and helped with reform in places like the electoral system and merit based promotions in the police and civil service; his entire checkered past will fade away and he will be remembered as a catalyst for positive change in Thailand. Of course, should he fail he will be remembered not as a man that tried and failed, but as a politician with a corrupt past that vainly attempted to stifle progress.

It is the victors that write history.

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"She insisted the government is not clinging to power at any cost.
The Prime Minister also claimed she is willing to consider resignation or House dissolution if the protesters agree to leave the governmental buildings and disperse their rallies.

Not at all, not at all ...

And yesterday, : "I am ready to resign if needed but Suthep said it was not enough..."

Mrs PM, throw the darn towel before more people die, stop the idiotic excuses...

Basically you will only resign if Suthep agrees to it and ask you personally?

Want some roses and a box of chocolate from Prophet Suthep as well?

Do it for your country, do it for the people, which trust has been abused enough already....

Don't do it for Suthep... facepalm.gif

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Which totally disregards Suthep's statements over the last few days.

1) initially he said he would not accept PM position or other positions in a new government.

2) Last night be publicly broke all ties with the Democrats, and stated that he has retired from politics totally.

He went on to say in his 64 years he has done everything except be a prisoner. If that was next, then he would accept that.

Oh, he said that....gee, I must have been wrong about him. Such an honest and trustworthy guy after all....

Words that direct made on Live TV and in front of the world press are very hard to call back..

Some people will obviously be leary and that is rational. but most will actually believe him. Including his political adversaries.

Nothing in what he said prevents him from acting like Chamlong in the future, if he can claim he is doing it for the people. (English has so many idioms you just cannot use in Thailand ... grrr) He can obviously remain as something of a power broker, and even stronger as a power disrupter but his days sitting in parliament are obviously over.

I am convinced he won't do a runner. That is a nice change!

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Is she now saying that "if the people" want her out (resign) and House dissolution, she will comply? I thought to date she quite categorically stated that neither of these things will happen?

She is repeating since the beginning of the protests she is ready to resign and dissolute House, if that's what needed for peace. But not willing to fulfill Suthep's (out of the world) requests.

She's the only one who are doing steps to keep Thailand in peace, Suthep is throwing benzine on a well lit fire.

I wonder: could they both reach her brother in Dubai and do a big favor to Thailand?

Wrong. Initially she maintained the stance that she would not resign or dissolve the house. She stated this several times. One of her party revealed this was also Thaksin's instruction. Check the posting and you will find them easily.

This offer to resign and dissolve the house is more recent.

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Bolt cutters have been used on Gov't house, protesters have not yet entered. If they enter the grounds and that is allowed, then they have only the final target of Nat'l Police headquarters. (I am fully expecting that they will not enter the buildings.) Some blogers are gonna have some egg on face if they enter the grounds) and YL will have a lot to explain with Metro Police HQ already allowing the protesters on the grounds.

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RT @Aim_NT: Protesters are marching into Govt House compound. Crowd, whistle sound r very loud.12.51pm 3 Dec 2013 pic.twitter.com/blCDIXx7UC

and they are inside the Gov't House complex grounds.


Question now is, with YL in a chopper on the way to HuaHin is it for the upcoming celebrations there or to dissolve the lower house and resign? Both require her presence, but I think only one would require her in her Khaki uniform today.

Edited by jdinasia
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At least she is looking at peace and considering Thailand. I have had a lot of criticism for her over the past but not on this. Suthep will be rubbing his hands together as power and wealth are getting closer for him.

If anyone out there is privy to Sutheps inner circle, please share. Otherwise, I suppose we must continue to endure speculation.

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Bolt cutters have been used on Gov't house, protesters have not yet entered. If they enter the grounds and that is allowed, then they have only the final target of Nat'l Police headquarters. (I am fully expecting that they will not enter the buildings.) Some blogers are gonna have some egg on face if they enter the grounds) and YL will have a lot to explain with Metro Police HQ already allowing the protesters on the grounds.

I prefer to stay away from the "I told you so" and "You were wrong, I was right" position. Eggs are perfect for making omelettes, however, quite useless on the face.

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Y. was elected by democratic elections with a huge majority of Thai people. This did not change because of a small percentage of rioting mob. Even she made mistakes Thai society has to follow existing laws, not brainless so called leaders as Suthep. His days are counted.

To dissolve parliament will be a way for new elections and a new/old PM.

And again and again:

The elections was won due to massive vote buying.

Even if you are elected you are not allowed to destroy the democratic system and the separation of power or checks and balances.

And again and again and again:

The election was held under massive vote buying by both sides.

Why is that so hard to understand?

I wish them all the pox but to think one side is better than the other when it comes to leading a campaign is childish

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Sure, but "the people" are the majority of Thailand. A small mob of 50,000 at most out of over 50 million Thais on a good Sunday afternoon is hardly "the people". It's a minority.

on the other side, the red shirts in 2010 were also a minority only. it's always the noisy minorities who create troubles - and in the end often decide things, come to think of it.

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At least she is looking at peace and considering Thailand. I have had a lot of criticism for her over the past but not on this. Suthep will be rubbing his hands together as power and wealth are getting closer for him.

well, a lot of the errors made by her government were not only hers - but of course, at the end of the day the buck stops with her. also remember, that sometimes prior to the elections she was saying at some point that she really did not want to be prime minister. maybe she really meant it? maybe pressure from the family, the party and her brother made her take the job? maybe she is herself quite satisfied to leave the job after all?

and all in all, yes, her handling of the current affair was quite ok...

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