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Secrets to the Promised Life ...


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What are your Secrets to the Promised Life?

What did you change once you came to Thailand that makes your life more enjoyable, more fun and importantly ... more relaxed?

Was it what you left behind more important to happiness then what you came to?

One thing I forgot ... I learned not to sweat the small stuff ... things happen as they do.

You can't change the things you can't change.

One thing Thailand taught me ... David ... why so serious?

Sanok ... find a little bit of fun in most things you do.

OH - The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live ... biggrin.png


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There are no secrets.....the more money you have, the more choices you have, which gives you more reasons to be happy in the "promised life".





Yes, you'll be happy for a short time but after that. Did you try to ask yourself I am really happy?

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There are no secrets.....the more money you have, the more choices you have, which gives you more reasons to be happy in the "promised life".




Yes, you'll be happy for a short time but after that. Did you try to ask yourself I am really happy?



I reckon there's a bit of truth in both statements.


Money doesn't make you happy, but what it does is gives you options.


I'd rather be with money then without.



Yes, that's true.

Sometimes I even asked myself Am I happy? The answer is yes i am happy but that's happiness isn't complete. Then I asked my parents why I feel like this they replied to me you need to find someone that makes you complete. Yes, you're a strong woman you can get what you want but it doesn't mean you don't need someone beside you.

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I'm all for the up beat posts, yeah coming from England its all too easy to take things too serious, don't sweat the small stuff

and its all small stuff,

also thanks for the santa wisdom, I did not realise that before, but it explains everything

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I gave up knowing where I was going.

Without trying to be to philosophical ... happiness isn't a destination ... it's a journey.

That's why I appreciate the Thai concept of Sanok, a little bit of fun in everything you do ... frustrating as it can be at times. It's made me a less stressed person, my blood-pressure is down, I sleep better and longer, I'm less tired.

John Lennon said it well ... Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans

Doesn't mean you don't have an end goal ... but enjoy the journey as well ... thumbsup.gif


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There are no secrets.....the more money you have, the more choices you have, which gives you more reasons to be happy in the "promised life".


Yes, you'll be happy for a short time but after that. Did you try to ask yourself I am really happy?

I reckon there's a bit of truth in both statements.

Money doesn't make you happy, but what it does is gives you options.

I'd rather be with money then without.


Yes, that's true.

Sometimes I even asked myself Am I happy? The answer is yes i am happy but that's happiness isn't complete. Then I asked my parents why I feel like this they replied to me you need to find someone that makes you complete. Yes, you're a strong woman you can get what you want but it doesn't mean you don't need someone beside you.

My best wishes to you. I'm of the belief that no one else can make you happy. In fact, the opposite might come true. Life is more complicated with a partner and it could end in disappointment.

If I'm not happy within myself, It's also possible that I could lay that on someone else. Then both people could get discouraged.

I say live for today and make the most of it. We don't know the future, and if we wait for a certain event to occur before we can be happy, we may never find it.

Good luck!

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Secrets to the Promised Life ...

DON"T OWN ANYTHING, i entered this country with 1 suitcase and now i leave with 2 suitcases, and when i arrived in my western country i wondered why did i pack so many clothes hangers, i suppose it happens when i decided to leave in a rush.

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My secrets:

1) Join the US Peace Corps when you're 22 years old and learn the language, including to read and write and speak tonally. After about 35 years of practice, you'll be able to communicate effectively. You'll make life-long friends, and learn how to relate to your neighbors.

2) Marry a Thai woman that you meet in the USA as she's finishing her doctorate. This helps to ensure she's not just out for your money, but has career goals of her own. Stay married to her for at least 25 years while raising a child together, just to be sure you can trust her.

3) Find a decent job in your home country, preferably with a pension hanging out there at the end. Hoard at least 10% (more is better) of your income every year in a tax-free retirement account.

Three simple steps! thumbsup.gif

Spare me the flames. I know I have been fortunate, but I also made some good choices. I feel I spent my entire life preparing to retire here. I'm continually amazed by the folks who seem to drop in thinking that Thailand will be a breeze, then are disappointed by the language barrier, the scams, the traffic, the cost. I find the Thai people to be open, friendly, inquisitive, and almost always with a sense of humor, but you can miss that when you don't speak Thai.

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I discovered I would rather be happy then right, so had to learn to overlook many a thing........In the relationship department, when my wife says something that makes absolutely no sense to me, I remind myself of the two most important words for a happy life...."Don't Ask". (before I would question her statements for long periods only to discover that to her way of thinking there was a certain logic to what she said).

Remember that saying, something about understanding the female mind.....well add in Thai.....and the words "Don't ask" have proven they're worth their weight in gold......for me.

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There are no secrets.....the more money you have, the more choices you have, which gives you more reasons to be happy in the "promised life".


So you're saying that if you have no money,.. or just a moderate amount that you can't be happy!

I've had both and I can tell you that the "more money" brought more misery than happiness for me. Yes it gave more choices but that doesn't necessarily equate to more happiness.

"Happiness is when you choose what you've got",... and old Zen saying, which as I get older and seeing much relevance and wisdom in.

Yes I would like and intend to have more money than I currently have which will expand choices and some added privileges BUT it won't make me any happier than I am already!

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There are no secrets.....the more money you have, the more choices you have, which gives you more reasons to be happy in the "promised life".


Yes, you'll be happy for a short time but after that. Did you try to ask yourself I am really happy?

It's the 'choices' part that's the most important, not 'things'.

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There are no secrets.....the more money you have, the more choices you have, which gives you more reasons to be happy in the "promised life".


So you're saying that if you have no money,.. or just a moderate amount that you can't be happy!

I've had both and I can tell you that the "more money" brought more misery than happiness for me. Yes it gave more choices but that doesn't necessarily equate to more happiness.

"Happiness is when you choose what you've got",... and old Zen saying, which as I get older and seeing much relevance and wisdom in.

Yes I would like and intend to have more money than I currently have which will expand choices and some added privileges BUT it won't make me any happier than I am already!

Said the expat ending up in some Godawful government hospital rather than a nice comfy private one. Being able to get the hell out of Dodge when the Rainy Season's full on, etc etc.

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There are no secrets.....the more money you have, the more choices you have, which gives you more reasons to be happy in the "promised life".


So you're saying that if you have no money,.. or just a moderate amount that you can't be happy!

I've had both and I can tell you that the "more money" brought more misery than happiness for me. Yes it gave more choices but that doesn't necessarily equate to more happiness.

"Happiness is when you choose what you've got",... and old Zen saying, which as I get older and seeing much relevance and wisdom in.

Yes I would like and intend to have more money than I currently have which will expand choices and some added privileges BUT it won't make me any happier than I am already!

Well said Mr Falangadang, why do people always want to shove the ' I'm better off than you' crap in others faces? Most of us came here to get away from all that bulls**t. You are probably much more content in your life than all those who need to let everyone know that they are happy because they can afford it...but are they?
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True happiness comes from within...WHERE ONLY YOU YOURSELF HAS CONTROL OVER IT... If your happiness depends on money....or the beautiful house you own....then the thief who steals your money also stakes away your happiness. If a punk burns down your house, he has destroyed your happiness too. In both the above instances your "happiness" is in the hands of other people. I think it's about the ability to detach from the material things for your happiness and find it deeper down within yourself.

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There are no secrets.....the more money you have, the more choices you have, which gives you more reasons to be happy in the "promised life".


So you're saying that if you have no money,.. or just a moderate amount that you can't be happy!

I've had both and I can tell you that the "more money" brought more misery than happiness for me. Yes it gave more choices but that doesn't necessarily equate to more happiness.

"Happiness is when you choose what you've got",... and old Zen saying, which as I get older and seeing much relevance and wisdom in.

Yes I would like and intend to have more money than I currently have which will expand choices and some added privileges BUT it won't make me any happier than I am already!

Said the expat ending up in some Godawful government hospital rather than a nice comfy private one. Being able to get the hell out of Dodge when the Rainy Season's full on, etc etc.

How do you know he hasn't got a good private health care insurance? You are just assuming this, people like you are so annoying. Ok, so you have 'big' money, but just keep that to yourself, don't you know how crass you sound. When you get out of Dodge, please do me a favour, don't come back, cheers.
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