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Thaksin opponent says free forum proposal a lie


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Thaksin opponent says free forum proposal a lie


BANGKOK: -- Spokesman of the People’s Committee for Democratic Reform (PCDR) says the government’s proposed public forum to resolve the current political crisis and violence is just “a lie”.

Ekkanat Promphan, the PCDR spokesman said that proposal of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to hold a public forum with participation from all disputed sides and academics was another lie which it always told.

He said past experiences have shown that it never abide by what it said, and this time it was the same lie when the prime minister said she was ready to take on the resolution reached at this free forum to implement.

He cited examples of the amendment to the constitution on composition of senators and on amnesty which it never took them seriously to consider after it was called by many sectors.

He said the people’s council as proposed by the PCDR would also be rejected by the government with simply claim that there was no law to support the formation of such council.

He said proposing the public forum was just another tactics of the government to “buy time” and prolong its illegitimacy in service.

The PCDR will continue with its movement to uproot the Thaksin regime.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thaksin-opponent-says-free-forum-proposal-lie/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-04

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

Boy I missed that. When did she say she would resign and dissolve parliament?

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

Boy I missed that. When did she say she would resign and dissolve parliament?

just a couple of days ago she said that she would resign and dissolve parliament if this would help the situation to improve...

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Thai wife says

just a couple of days ago she said that she would resign and dissolve parliament if this would help the situation to improve...

Suthep should have called her bluff, the out come was easy to see she was lieng

Suthep needs to understand he need to win a few battles to win the war

not try and do it all in 1 hit

The only reason the PM made this offer, was because she was bluffing using Sutheps mad rage for power, made it clear he would not except the offer

So back to the drawing board

And put the pressure back on

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Thai wife says

just a couple of days ago she said that she would resign and dissolve parliament if this would help the situation to improve...

Suthep should have called her bluff, the out come was easy to see she was lieng

Suthep needs to understand he need to win a few battles to win the war

not try and do it all in 1 hit

The only reason the PM made this offer, was because she was bluffing using Sutheps mad rage for power, made it clear he would not except the offer

+1 for your wife!

-1 for Yingluck, that at least could have kept her mouth shouth to keep her momentum...

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

She actually said that she was prepared to dissolve parliament and resign IF that would solve the current crisis. The other side has said it doesn't want this, they want something else entirely.

Logically her resigning and dissolving parliament doesn't solve the crisis, and there is only one side to blame for that.

How strange to ask the electorate to make their opinion heard in a democracy..

There was an interview yesterday on the BBC with one of the leaders of the protesters in which he said, 'We do not want Parliament dissolved, and we don't want an election, because we would lose'! Can't be plainer than that. An election is the last thing Suthep and his backers want, they see democracy as the problem, they have an elitist attitude to the rural poor who they consider too uneducated and stupid to vote the right way. They know they are incapable of winning elections because the vast majority, including all those in the countryside, would never vote for them. They refuse to accept that a poor persons vote is equal to a rich persons.So they abolish democracy, and appoint a 'peoples council'. 'People', of course, means professionals and the elite, not farmers. And who will do the appointing? No prizes for guessing the answer to that! For all Thaksin's faults, (and there are many), he did implement policies that benefited the rural poor. For the first time in generations they saw a leader who actually acknowledged their existence. Of course they will support him. Of course Thaksin and his cronies are in politics to enrich themselves, as are Suthep and his supporters, he is as bad as any of them and worse than most, they are all as bad as each other in this regard. But he was clever enough to outsmart the democratic party elite and give the rural communities in northern Thailand affordable health care, proper roads, and other populist policies. Some people think the word 'populist' is a dirty word, but it isn't. If a politician comes along and gives material benefit to the poor, who constitute the vast majority here, when they have had generations of being ruled over by people who think that they are too stupid to vote anyway, so they don't matter, and they should just get on with their lot, of course it's going to be popular. It's not rocket science! It is naive to believe that the only reason these people vote for this government is all of them are given 500 baht. Of course there is some vote buying, by all sides, surely nobody is naive enough to believe that only one party is guilty of it. Anyway, to all intents and purpose vote buying goes on everywhere in the world, just in a more subtle way, that's all! Does anyone seriously believe that when any politician anywhere puts forward a policy his main consideration isn't how many votes will it win him, or cost him? But if by some miracle vote buying in Thailand was eradicated overnight, the Democrats would still lose any election by a large majority. That is the truth of the matter, and the reason why they won't contemplate elections, and instead want to disenfranchise the ' Buffaloes' as they see them, abolish one person one vote, indeed abolish democracy itself. Like it or not, Thaksin opened Pandora's box, and for the first time in their living memory made the have nots, who are the vast majority here, realise that their vote had value, and was equal to the vote of the elite. The lid will never go back on the box. If Suthep and the people he is representing believe that the rural and poor communities of North and North East Thailand will just shrug their shoulders and go back to the way it was, with a minority of already rich people running the show and totally ignoring them, denying them a voice, they are surely dreaming. There is a word for the abolishing of elections, and the ruling of a country by an appointed council of hand picked people from the elite, who don't have to concern themselves with anything as 'vulgar' as democracy. The word is Fascism.

A well written post thanks

I would like to think that Thailand could rid itself of the corrupt cancerous group of politicians presently in Parliament.

What the average voter needs are politicians working for the benefit of the electorate and not doing what the Shinawatras and Thaugsubans and countless others have been doing for generations, robbing the country blind.

This same problem exists in so many other countries too.

Thaksin has turned Thailand in to his own personal business and ATM. Yingluck is merely his attractive mouthpiece.

I am no great fan of Suthep, but unless the present government realize that there are millions of people not pro PTP and Red Shirt that want to see an end to this nepotism and domination of national politics by the Shin family, then these problems will carry on.

The Shins are just the Thai version of the Marcos family with the absence of excessive shoes.

Anyway after tomorrow, normal chaos will resume as soon as possible.

If PTP can try and win the next election, let them try and do it without a Shinawatra.

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

She actually said that she was prepared to dissolve parliament and resign IF that would solve the current crisis. The other side has said it doesn't want this, they want something else entirely.

Logically her resigning and dissolving parliament doesn't solve the crisis, and there is only one side to blame for that.

How strange to ask the electorate to make their opinion heard in a democracy..

There was an interview yesterday on the BBC with one of the leaders of the protesters in which he said, 'We do not want Parliament dissolved, and we don't want an election, because we would lose'! Can't be plainer than that. An election is the last thing Suthep and his backers want, they see democracy as the problem, they have an elitist attitude to the rural poor who they consider too uneducated and stupid to vote the right way. They know they are incapable of winning elections because the vast majority, including all those in the countryside, would never vote for them. They refuse to accept that a poor persons vote is equal to a rich persons.So they abolish democracy, and appoint a 'peoples council'. 'People', of course, means professionals and the elite, not farmers. And who will do the appointing? No prizes for guessing the answer to that! For all Thaksin's faults, (and there are many), he did implement policies that benefited the rural poor. For the first time in generations they saw a leader who actually acknowledged their existence. Of course they will support him. Of course Thaksin and his cronies are in politics to enrich themselves, as are Suthep and his supporters, he is as bad as any of them and worse than most, they are all as bad as each other in this regard. But he was clever enough to outsmart the democratic party elite and give the rural communities in northern Thailand affordable health care, proper roads, and other populist policies. Some people think the word 'populist' is a dirty word, but it isn't. If a politician comes along and gives material benefit to the poor, who constitute the vast majority here, when they have had generations of being ruled over by people who think that they are too stupid to vote anyway, so they don't matter, and they should just get on with their lot, of course it's going to be popular. It's not rocket science! It is naive to believe that the only reason these people vote for this government is all of them are given 500 baht. Of course there is some vote buying, by all sides, surely nobody is naive enough to believe that only one party is guilty of it. Anyway, to all intents and purpose vote buying goes on everywhere in the world, just in a more subtle way, that's all! Does anyone seriously believe that when any politician anywhere puts forward a policy his main consideration isn't how many votes will it win him, or cost him? But if by some miracle vote buying in Thailand was eradicated overnight, the Democrats would still lose any election by a large majority. That is the truth of the matter, and the reason why they won't contemplate elections, and instead want to disenfranchise the ' Buffaloes' as they see them, abolish one person one vote, indeed abolish democracy itself. Like it or not, Thaksin opened Pandora's box, and for the first time in their living memory made the have nots, who are the vast majority here, realise that their vote had value, and was equal to the vote of the elite. The lid will never go back on the box. If Suthep and the people he is representing believe that the rural and poor communities of North and North East Thailand will just shrug their shoulders and go back to the way it was, with a minority of already rich people running the show and totally ignoring them, denying them a voice, they are surely dreaming. There is a word for the abolishing of elections, and the ruling of a country by an appointed council of hand picked people from the elite, who don't have to concern themselves with anything as 'vulgar' as democracy. The word is Fascism.

sorry but I stopped reading the minute you mentioned it came from the BBC. Not a good source of information for what is happening here in Thailand. I listened to there supposed to be man in Thailand a few days ago and just shook my head. The man is clueless.

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

Boy I missed that. When did she say she would resign and dissolve parliament?

She did not say it...........it's just another opposition lie

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

She actually said that she was prepared to dissolve parliament and resign IF that would solve the current crisis. The other side has said it doesn't want this, they want something else entirely.

Logically her resigning and dissolving parliament doesn't solve the crisis, and there is only one side to blame for that.

How strange to ask the electorate to make their opinion heard in a democracy..

There was an interview yesterday on the BBC with one of the leaders of the protesters in which he said, 'We do not want Parliament dissolved, and we don't want an election, because we would lose'! Can't be plainer than that. An election is the last thing Suthep and his backers want, they see democracy as the problem, they have an elitist attitude to the rural poor who they consider too uneducated and stupid to vote the right way. They know they are incapable of winning elections because the vast majority, including all those in the countryside, would never vote for them. They refuse to accept that a poor persons vote is equal to a rich persons.So they abolish democracy, and appoint a 'peoples council'. 'People', of course, means professionals and the elite, not farmers. And who will do the appointing? No prizes for guessing the answer to that! For all Thaksin's faults, (and there are many), he did implement policies that benefited the rural poor. For the first time in generations they saw a leader who actually acknowledged their existence. Of course they will support him. Of course Thaksin and his cronies are in politics to enrich themselves, as are Suthep and his supporters, he is as bad as any of them and worse than most, they are all as bad as each other in this regard. But he was clever enough to outsmart the democratic party elite and give the rural communities in northern Thailand affordable health care, proper roads, and other populist policies. Some people think the word 'populist' is a dirty word, but it isn't. If a politician comes along and gives material benefit to the poor, who constitute the vast majority here, when they have had generations of being ruled over by people who think that they are too stupid to vote anyway, so they don't matter, and they should just get on with their lot, of course it's going to be popular. It's not rocket science! It is naive to believe that the only reason these people vote for this government is all of them are given 500 baht. Of course there is some vote buying, by all sides, surely nobody is naive enough to believe that only one party is guilty of it. Anyway, to all intents and purpose vote buying goes on everywhere in the world, just in a more subtle way, that's all! Does anyone seriously believe that when any politician anywhere puts forward a policy his main consideration isn't how many votes will it win him, or cost him? But if by some miracle vote buying in Thailand was eradicated overnight, the Democrats would still lose any election by a large majority. That is the truth of the matter, and the reason why they won't contemplate elections, and instead want to disenfranchise the ' Buffaloes' as they see them, abolish one person one vote, indeed abolish democracy itself. Like it or not, Thaksin opened Pandora's box, and for the first time in their living memory made the have nots, who are the vast majority here, realise that their vote had value, and was equal to the vote of the elite. The lid will never go back on the box. If Suthep and the people he is representing believe that the rural and poor communities of North and North East Thailand will just shrug their shoulders and go back to the way it was, with a minority of already rich people running the show and totally ignoring them, denying them a voice, they are surely dreaming. There is a word for the abolishing of elections, and the ruling of a country by an appointed council of hand picked people from the elite, who don't have to concern themselves with anything as 'vulgar' as democracy. The word is Fascism.

sorry but I stopped reading the minute you mentioned it came from the BBC. Not a good source of information for what is happening here in Thailand. I listened to there supposed to be man in Thailand a few days ago and just shook my head. The man is clueless.

Er, it was a leader of the protesters who said 'We do not want parliament dissolved, and we don't want an election because we will lose'! Not the man from the BBC.

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

Boy I missed that. When did she say she would resign and dissolve parliament?

She did not say it...........it's just another opposition lie

Yes she did say it, go back few posts / a few days and you'll find it as, as clear as a bell.

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

Boy I missed that. When did she say she would resign and dissolve parliament?

She did not say it...........it's just another opposition lie

Yes she did say it, go back few posts / a few days and you'll find it as, as clear as a bell.

"The PM had said on Monday that she would do whatever it takes to bring peace back to the country. She later said to reporters that she would be willing to resign and dissolve parliament if it could stop the protests. “The government is not trying to cling to power” she explained."


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If there was an election next week the party in power would win yet again the only way the opposition can get in is by the back door ther are more poor than wealthy in thailand and as long as that remains they the poor will vote for only one party, it is not the poor who are corrupt it is those with wealth after all that is how they got it Democracy can only be achieved by the people voting in a party not by a party forcing its way into power by using force and unlawful means.

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

She actually said that she was prepared to dissolve parliament and resign IF that would solve the current crisis. The other side has said it doesn't want this, they want something else entirely.

Logically her resigning and dissolving parliament doesn't solve the crisis, and there is only one side to blame for that.

How strange to ask the electorate to make their opinion heard in a democracy..

There was an interview yesterday on the BBC with one of the leaders of the protesters in which he said, 'We do not want Parliament dissolved, and we don't want an election, because we would lose'! Can't be plainer than that. An election is the last thing Suthep and his backers want, they see democracy as the problem, they have an elitist attitude to the rural poor who they consider too uneducated and stupid to vote the right way. They know they are incapable of winning elections because the vast majority, including all those in the countryside, would never vote for them. They refuse to accept that a poor persons vote is equal to a rich persons.So they abolish democracy, and appoint a 'peoples council'. 'People', of course, means professionals and the elite, not farmers. And who will do the appointing? No prizes for guessing the answer to that! For all Thaksin's faults, (and there are many), he did implement policies that benefited the rural poor. For the first time in generations they saw a leader who actually acknowledged their existence. Of course they will support him. Of course Thaksin and his cronies are in politics to enrich themselves, as are Suthep and his supporters, he is as bad as any of them and worse than most, they are all as bad as each other in this regard. But he was clever enough to outsmart the democratic party elite and give the rural communities in northern Thailand affordable health care, proper roads, and other populist policies. Some people think the word 'populist' is a dirty word, but it isn't. If a politician comes along and gives material benefit to the poor, who constitute the vast majority here, when they have had generations of being ruled over by people who think that they are too stupid to vote anyway, so they don't matter, and they should just get on with their lot, of course it's going to be popular. It's not rocket science! It is naive to believe that the only reason these people vote for this government is all of them are given 500 baht. Of course there is some vote buying, by all sides, surely nobody is naive enough to believe that only one party is guilty of it. Anyway, to all intents and purpose vote buying goes on everywhere in the world, just in a more subtle way, that's all! Does anyone seriously believe that when any politician anywhere puts forward a policy his main consideration isn't how many votes will it win him, or cost him? But if by some miracle vote buying in Thailand was eradicated overnight, the Democrats would still lose any election by a large majority. That is the truth of the matter, and the reason why they won't contemplate elections, and instead want to disenfranchise the ' Buffaloes' as they see them, abolish one person one vote, indeed abolish democracy itself. Like it or not, Thaksin opened Pandora's box, and for the first time in their living memory made the have nots, who are the vast majority here, realise that their vote had value, and was equal to the vote of the elite. The lid will never go back on the box. If Suthep and the people he is representing believe that the rural and poor communities of North and North East Thailand will just shrug their shoulders and go back to the way it was, with a minority of already rich people running the show and totally ignoring them, denying them a voice, they are surely dreaming. There is a word for the abolishing of elections, and the ruling of a country by an appointed council of hand picked people from the elite, who don't have to concern themselves with anything as 'vulgar' as democracy. The word is Fascism.

Spot on! Finally a post that sums up all this suthep nonsense in one concise paragraphclap2.gif

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If there was an election next week the party in power would win yet again the only way the opposition can get in is by the back door ther are more poor than wealthy in thailand and as long as that remains they the poor will vote for only one party, it is not the poor who are corrupt it is those with wealth after all that is how they got it Democracy can only be achieved by the people voting in a party not by a party forcing its way into power by using force and unlawful means.

Looks good on paper but the poor Thais I know have no love for Thaksin or his family. Also they are all Thai educated.wai2.gif

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Frankly speaking - Abhisit Vejjajiva: Thai PM 'got priorities wrong'

But most of TV forum readers also posters got it right.

Speaking to the BBC, former prime minister and Democrat Party Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, suggested that the protesters were "disillusioned" and accused the government of wasting "a number of opportunities to restore order".

He also suggested that Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had "got her priorities wrong" since coming to power and should "get us out of this by taking that first step to show accountability".

Take a look here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-25200221 Video & text.


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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

Sure her words today did not help the cause...

Her mouth maybe moving but the words are from another source!!

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Can't blame them for believing so.

First she says she'll resign and dissolve parliament and not she insists she won't. How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

Sure her words today did not help the cause...

Her mouth maybe moving but the words are from another source!!

I thought she said she would resign and dissolve Parliament if it would help. Obviously it won't as she would only get elected again. When the minority party overthrows the majority party by a coup (people or military) it is still a coup. When a democracy changes rulers it is done with elections.

It doesn't make any difference if the majority party is wrong or corrupt they are still the majority. Why don't all you anti democracy people do some research on how democracies change power. I think it is about 63% now don't like the leader of the USA. Are the people asking for a coup?

Wait until the term is up, grit your teeth about the corruption and lies and vote for someone else next time.

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