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Suthep insists charter paves way for interim govt


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Suthep insists charter paves way for interim govt
By English News


BANGKOK, Dec 5 – Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban said the Thai people’s fight he is leading against the government was to protect the Constitution and return sovereignty to the Thai people.

He told demonstrators at the Government Complex last night that the government and Parliament have abused their powers for the interest of the prime minister’s brother and family.

"It is rightful to retrieve the people’s power and in such an abnormal situation, Section 7 of the Constitution is applicable to resolve the political impasse," he said.

"If Ms Yingluck Shinawatra resigns from the premiership without taking the caretaker position, other person in charge can seek His Majesty the King’s endorsement for a new prime minister,' Mr Suthep said.

The former Democrat MP said a similar practice was made after the October 14, 1973 student uprising but the point is how to convince Ms Yingluck to resign without acting as a caretaker prime minister.

Mr Suthep’s explanation was in response to criticisms on the use of Section 7 of the Constitution to appoint an interim prime minister and Cabinet members in case the present government resigns.

Anti-government protesters will organise candle-lighting ceremonies at three separate rally sites – the Democracy Monument on Ratchdamnoen Avenue, the Finance Ministry on Soi Aree and the Government Complex on Chaeng Wattana Road – to mark HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s 86 birthday anniversary.

A similar ritual in respect of the King will be held by the government at Sanam Luang, about a kilometre from the Democracy Monument, this evening. It is customary for the government to conduct such an event on December 5 every year. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-12-05

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That extra money would have made BKK a half-way decent airport but of course , sadly,the 40% would have disappeared whoever was in power..

1 kilometre apart for these functions doesn't seem enough but one would hope that today of all days, they will keep it peaceful

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That extra money would have made BKK a half-way decent airport but of course , sadly,the 40% would have disappeared whoever was in power..

1 kilometre apart for these functions doesn't seem enough but one would hope that today of all days, they will keep it peaceful

It doesn't matter what colour shirt people wear, all Thais know that today is a special day and will behave accordingly. (99.9% of Thais love the king.

What happens on Friday is anybody's guess.

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That extra money would have made BKK a half-way decent airport but of course , sadly,the 40% would have disappeared whoever was in power..

1 kilometre apart for these functions doesn't seem enough but one would hope that today of all days, they will keep it peaceful

Either side of this Thai fiasco is no good. Words are NOT enough.

Too much gets skimmed off. Maybe the news should be what is happening in Nigeria or the Congo as that would be more interesting.

Nothing has changed here in decades. Corruption STARTS at the very very top. That is obvious as look at the rabble trying to prfess greatness for the Thai People.'

As I said before bar boys and girls would do a better job of running this country

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There was an interesting as well as funny snippet in the BKK Post with the headline "Underwear hero' earns Jay's respect" about a simple guy, who was so incensed, when he saw an elderly lady suffering from tear gas, that he single-handedly fought the police at one of the barriers (the "Failed State" barrier).

I saw it last night, but today the snippet (under breakingnews) was gone, completely. I guess the Post took it down for unknown reasons.

Dies anybody have either a copy of it or a link to where the complete text is mirrored?

It is really worthwhile reading!

Sam M.

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That extra money would have made BKK a half-way decent airport but of course , sadly,the 40% would have disappeared whoever was in power..

1 kilometre apart for these functions doesn't seem enough but one would hope that today of all days, they will keep it peaceful

Where would a fellow find a link explaining the sources for the 40% figure? Not denying it's true - just trying to catch up.

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not sure about the 40% figure ( I just accpeted the estimate from the previous poster as it seemed 'in the range' )

The underpants guy story is still on the BP website ( not the app version). He did get the (slightly) grudging admiration of the police ...who were quoted as saying " wow, here comes fatty, again" ( to throw the 20th teargas canister back at them). Many pictures with the story. Lifetime tickets given to concerts by a famous singer. I think though it's fair to say , he's had his 15 minutes of fame.

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Thai fascist leader Suthep "They are sending special forces and helicopters to arrest me!" Delusional, paranoid, mad.

Just curious, what is the connection between King Taksin the Great and Suthep Thaugsuban?

Well, both are Thai.

Taksin was judged to be insane (Jury still out on Suthep)

Taksin was killed by how own Generals (we can only hope for the same with Suthep)

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not sure about the 40% figure ( I just accpeted the estimate from the previous poster as it seemed 'in the range' )

The underpants guy story is still on the BP website ( not the app version). He did get the (slightly) grudging admiration of the police ...who were quoted as saying " wow, here comes fatty, again" ( to throw the 20th teargas canister back at them). Many pictures with the story. Lifetime tickets given to concerts by a famous singer. I think though it's fair to say , he's had his 15 minutes of fame.

I posted the 40%, but quite frankly I can't recall the source. However, as PRBKK states, it is well within the range for such projects.

As for the Underpants Guy could anybody please post the URL, as I didn't find it when I was looking at the Post website (from a PC, not a mobile device). The photographer has a website of his own at http://www.gavingough.com/tag/thailand/, where the pictures are still uploaded. Worthwhile to look.

Hopeless in Bangkok

Sam M.

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Suthep is the reincarnation of Il Duce Mussolini. And he doesn't like farangs.


You have a point. After this 'battle in Bangkok" is over, let's see if he ends up hanging around in Korat.

I'm disappointed he doesn't like farangs. I wonder why?

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Thai fascist leader Suthep "They are sending special forces and helicopters to arrest me!" Delusional, paranoid, mad.

Just curious, what is the connection between King Taksin the Great and Suthep Thaugsuban?

Absolutely none.

Same as he has absolutely no idea of who the statue depicts in the photo he posted.

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As posted very recently in world news :

Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud-No Word From US Media

Can you imagine participating in a protest outside the White House and forcing the entire U.S. government to resign? Can you imagine a group of randomly chosen private citizens rewriting the U.S. constitution to include measures banning corporate fraud? It seems incomprehensible in the U.S., but Icelanders did just that. Icelanders forced their entire government to resign after a banking fraud scandal, overthrowing the ruling party and creating a citizen’s group tasked with writing a new constitution that offered a solution to prevent corporate greed from destroying the country.

full story ... http://guardianlv.co...-from-us-media/

It would seem that Thailand is not the only country where the ordinary decent people want to rid their country of corruption and in the above case have succeeded in dumping a corrupt Government.

No, Suthep is not mad and is no idiot.

He does not think up things on the spur of the moment, he has a strategy team behind him.

He has far more people behind him than can ever turn up BKK.

I know there are many here local who would love to be there supporting him but cant for various reasons.

And those who are there in BKK are not being paid.

I know these things for a fact as The Mrs is involved and is there in BKK now.

She is paying her own way and when she went she took a large envelope of voluntary donations from people who wanted to help.

Suthep has made some mistakes like having a go at the media but the major mistakes have come from the Govt.

If they had opened the gates to the police HQ, Gvt house and all other Govt departments right at the start, as they have done now, then it would have prevented all the fighting.

Letting the reds get involved was another of their major mistakes, a mistake which led to deaths.

Suthep has a precedent now and the new corruption index to work with so tomorrow it will be all on again.

right! and the strategists are ex- PAD leaders as I was told by their supporters in August, they told me the plans were ready and the guerilla, occupancy tactics explained.

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Thai fascist leader Suthep "They are sending special forces and helicopters to arrest me!" Delusional, paranoid, mad.

Calimotty, before you call Suthep names, you should define faschism and then explain, what exactly makes Suthep a faschist.

My best guess is, you're just throwing around s**t and hope, some of it will stick. That in fact was a measure, the faschists loved to apply, but others do that also.

You don't have to love Suthep, but you have to see him for what he means to the present uproar over the self-serving Shinawatra-clan cleptocracy...

Imagine: Of the amount of money used to build the new airport, 40% was said to have been skimmed off. Now take the two trillion infrastructure plan and see, how much of that would land in private pockets. And the rest of us would have to pay for it the next 37 years. Will you still be around in 2050???

Sam M.

A suggestion: look up the word " Fascist" or " Fascism" in Wikipedia, and learn what it means.

Then learn how to spell it!:)

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right! and the strategists are ex- PAD leaders as I was told by their supporters in August, they told me the plans were ready and the guerilla, occupancy tactics explained.

Thanks for today's installment of your near-daily-posting-of-an-often-queried-on-but-never-answered-to claim.

Looking forward to tomorrow's reposting.

Posted by khunsiam on 2013-12-02 06:27:22 in Thai protest leader meets PM, refuses to back down

In August a few friends of mine, students involved in the '76 revolt and now PAD'rs, Santi Asoke and Chamlong Srimuang- admirers in Bangkok, told me that the people behind the 2006 coup were counseling and preparing demonstrations and that they were "very good in guerilla-style tactics". I just can't believe why so many people here on TV are still denying the PAD involvement.

Posted by khunsiam on 2013-12-02 00:02:45 in Thai protest leader meets PM, refuses to back down

In August some friends of mine, students involved in the '76 revolt and now PAD'rs, Santi Asoke and Chamlong Srimuang- admirers in Bangkok told me that the people behind the 2006 coup were counseling and preparing demonstrations and "guerilla-style' tactics, that's what I know.

Posted by khunsiam on 2013-12-01 22:59:00 in Thai govt urges Bangkok public to stay indoors overnight

In August some PAD die hards in Bangkok told me that the people behind the 2006 coup were counseling and preparing demonstrations and "guerilla-style' tactics.

Posted by khunsiam on 2013-12-01 09:02:35 in 1 dead, four people shot at Ramkhamhaeng University after clashes

In August some die hard PAD'rs told me about the plans for the marches and guerilla-tactics to occupy the ministries, they said the PAD leaders were brainstorming and counseling and that it wouldn't take long before action.

Posted by khunsiam on 2013-11-29 01:33:53 in Abhisit: Democrats determined to evict Thaksin regime

these marches and occupations were planned long in advance and they were waiting for the right time to strike, leaders of the yellow shirts are the masterminds, they are the strategists who took counsel, preparing the tactics, this was told me in August

Posted by khunsiam on 2013-11-26 03:55:49 in Govt to restore control

the old hands of former student rebellions and the leaders of the yellows are the masterminds of the tactics, they are the strategists who took counsel months ago, in August the plans were ready and they remain in the background now

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Thai fascist leader Suthep "They are sending special forces and helicopters to arrest me!" Delusional, paranoid, mad.

if which your not your right hell get on well then with your hero Taksin but IMO its Taksin who is greatest danger to thialand by a mile

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Ratcatcher, these two pixes (post # 18) don't mean anything. Any soccer player may produce this gesture and certainly 150% of all politicians do...

As to the definition of fascism (post # 23) and how it fits who here in Thailand:

"a dictator having complete power,forcibly wishing to suppress opposition and criticism,..." certrainly does NOT fit Khun Suthep. Does he have complete power? Is he forcefully suppression opposing views? Looks much more like Taksin is the fallen guy, going for complete power and throwing litigations in the 100s of million Baht at anybody, who critizised him. All forgotten?

IMHO Taksin is quite similar to Berlusconi, who also would not want to let go and thought he is the next best thing since the invention of the wheel...

Now, we know, what happened to Berlusconi and what happened to Taksin.

As to Suthep being anti-foreigner, that is absolutely new to me. That Taksin didn't like foreigners is known and obvious: The weren' so easy to dupe and they weren't so easy to subdue. And stil aren't!

Sam M.

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