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Advice: The service was so bad I calmly insisted we leave and go elsewhere


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The OP asks for advice and gets it but doesn't like the answer. Anyone can see that the best thing for you to do is to walk away, quickly, and don't look back. Find another lady with no kids, husband, boyfriend or tuk tuk driver hangers on. But you're not going to do that because deep down inside you crave the chaos of an unhealthy relationship. Some day you will look back at this and wish you'd listened because this is going to cost you a lot, and I don't mean just money. You need to give your head a good shake, trusting a tuk tuk driver for sideline items...you do realize that as soon as things go south he will turn on you?

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It's amazing to me how many of these types of posts appear here, bad treatment by gf and then needing advice. In an adult world, you talk it out and if that is not working, there is always the front door. Seems too many are taking the emotion blackmail, where is your self esteem that you put up with this crap.

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Ditch them all and start over?

Ditto. What's your real problem that would allow you to tolerate all of this? w00t.gif

Tuk Tuk driver in the mix??????????????

Only in that he has her as a regular customer for driving her. He's not physically involved - there are lots of falang ex's but he's definitely not in the picture in any way.

Become the latest "Farang ex" many Thai girls out there who will treat you right.

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You seem like you haven't been in Thailand very long and are putting up with a load of shit from a "girlfriend", mate girlfriends here are a dime a dozen dump her and play the field for a while till you get your head straight.

Better yet, get a dog and you will enjoy more meaningful dialogue.

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Assuming this is a real situation and not a wind up, the OP has been given the right advice. Move along. She is a serial wife and knows this game better than you.

Your clarivoyance is truly amazing. You must be right. Every Thai that ever had to work in a bar for money is secretly married to one or more of the several tuk-tuk drivers she uses. None of them were good wives traded in by their husbands on a new model and found themselves skill-less in Thailand having to go it alone. And the kid I met yesterday was just playing the part of her 14 year old daughter who lives with her obviously not ex-husband in Sukhothai (she's just up here as part of the scam and they traded in the upgraded ticket I was scammed out of when I realized how bad the bus she was going to go on was and insisted in getting her a better one). Also her facebook page that dates back 4 years is a just part of the setup. Like all those pictures of the actress playing her daughter and all the interested falangs who've slept with her sympathizing with her being unhappy due to her situation and making laughable promises in the hopes of getting laid again next time they're in CM.

Yep they are all bad.

A dime a dozen - or maybe, just maybe, it just the ones that let you treat them like kleenex that are like that, eh!

No mine is different!

Honest! She's only been in Pattaya 3 days, met her on her first night in the bar!


Edited by DekDaeng
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Tell her to find a better farang. Really, up your level, you should not have to fish in the same pond at tuk tuk driver. Your Thai GF and her friends are laughing their pants off about your softy behavior

Funny how so many guys escaping Caucasian women come here, pick up the first girl they see who's only English is 'Hey sexy man', then immediately begin converting them into caucasian women.

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Tell her to find a better farang. Really, up your level, you should not have to fish in the same pond at tuk tuk driver. Your Thai GF and her friends are laughing their pants off about your softy behavior

Funny how so many guys escaping Caucasian women come here, pick up the first girl they see who's only English is 'Hey sexy man', then immediately begin converting them into caucasian women.

I saw a farang today with his gf/wife behind him on his moped, she was hanging on tight so doubt it was the maid....but should have been the maid.

In fact the look of her she should have been the gardener.

Seriously wonder why guys choose the runt of the litter....but I know, she had a good heart bla bla bla

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Oh this has all the makings of a great Thai TV soap opera. Should run for weeks; loads of steely stares, mysterious Tuk Tuk drivers, devious best friends, all coupled with copious amounts of screaming and face slapping

.....I'm salivating at the prospect of the next episode

Edited by GinBoy2
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Oh this has all the makings of a great Thai TV soap opera. Should run for weeks; loads of steely stares, mysterious Tuk Tuk drivers, devious best friends, all coupled with copious amounts of screaming and face slapping

.....I'm salivating at the prospect of the next episode

Waiting for the (ex bg) GF inviting the tuk tuk driver in for a threesome.

Heck what do you expect when farang coffin dodger retirees hit these shores, she have good heart, lub me long time, not same all the rest, my girl different, not same my fat knacker western wummin take my house and half my pension, Little Lek jing jai.

Lets get back to the OP, how much does this little minx cost you per month, do you rent by the day or the month?

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Tell her to find a better farang. Really, up your level, you should not have to fish in the same pond at tuk tuk driver. Your Thai GF and her friends are laughing their pants off about your softy behavior

Funny how so many guys escaping Caucasian women come here, pick up the first girl they see who's only English is 'Hey sexy man', then immediately begin converting them into caucasian women.

I saw a farang today with his gf/wife behind him on his moped, she was hanging on tight so doubt it was the maid....but should have been the maid.

In fact the look of her she should have been the gardener.

Seriously wonder why guys choose the runt of the litter....but I know, she had a good heart bla bla bla

It is a terrifying thought imagining the type of western woman/women that would make some of our "teeraks" (thai significant others) seem relatively desirable.

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