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Advice: The service was so bad I calmly insisted we leave and go elsewhere


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If you can't handle the truth....don't ask the question.

Move on!

More clarivoyance - seems to be a lot of it here - and, btw


I asked how to handle a standard Thai / western culture issue which stems from the concept of Face.

If you dump every Asian because of a culture class issue you don't handle well, make no effort to fit within the culture you have chosen to live in or, IMHO, if you don't know about / accept the Asian concept of Face then you won't be able to comprehend the question and your opinion is of no value to me.

Don't confuse "loss of face" with petulant behavior.

You've been advised that all of the danger sides are there.

You asked "how to fix it?" and have received some good advice.

Your choice. Either knock it on the head now or continue to be

a door mat for ever and a day,

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If you can't handle the truth....don't ask the question.

Move on!

More clarivoyance - seems to be a lot of it here - and, btw


I asked how to handle a standard Thai / western culture issue which stems from the concept of Face.

If you dump every Asian because of a culture class issue you don't handle well, make no effort to fit within the culture you have chosen to live in or, IMHO, if you don't know about / accept the Asian concept of Face then you won't be able to comprehend the question and your opinion is of no value to me.

if you don't know about / accept the Asian concept of Face then you won't be able to comprehend the question and your opinion is of no value to me.

Its got SFA to do with face, its already been explained to you, but for some reason you either missed it or dont understand the concept of greng jai.

There are other Thai terms I could use, why bother doubt if you would understand them.

As a matter of interest how long have you lived here, how much of the language can you speak, how many other Thai women have you been involved with.

This is a train wreck waiting to happen, unless of course you are quite willing to play the subservient cuckhold in this relationship.

A spolied brat acting like a kid because she didnt get her way.

Fasten your seat belt and hold on tight, you are sure in for a rough ride.

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Assuming this is a real situation and not a wind up, the OP has been given the right advice. Move along. She is a serial wife and knows this game better than you.

Your clarivoyance is truly amazing. You must be right. Every Thai that ever had to work in a bar for money is secretly married to one or more of the several tuk-tuk drivers she uses. None of them were good wives traded in by their husbands on a new model and found themselves skill-less in Thailand having to go it alone. And the kid I met yesterday was just playing the part of her 14 year old daughter who lives with her obviously not ex-husband in Sukhothai (she's just up here as part of the scam and they traded in the upgraded ticket I was scammed out of when I realized how bad the bus she was going to go on was and insisted in getting her a better one). Also her facebook page that dates back 4 years is a just part of the setup. Like all those pictures of the actress playing her daughter and all the interested falangs who've slept with her sympathizing with her being unhappy due to her situation and making laughable promises in the hopes of getting laid again next time they're in CM.

Yep they are all bad.

A dime a dozen - or maybe, just maybe, it just the ones that let you treat them like kleenex that are like that, eh!

No mine is different!

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I don't have problems with girlfriends.They are with me 100% ,or against me?If they are against me I find one that is with me 100%.As far as A tuk tuk driver goes.He is employed by me.He needs to stay quiet.It's not of his concern.

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Ditch them all and start over?

Ditto. What's your real problem that would allow you to tolerate all of this? w00t.gif alt=w00t.gif width=18 height=20>

Tuk Tuk driver in the mix??????????????

Only in that he has her as a regular customer for driving her. He's not physically involved - there are lots of falang ex's but he's definitely not in the picture in any way.

yeah right n there is a father xmas.

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ok reckless this is when you own up to this being a windup, if not as many others have warned you, you are in deep

trouble and at the mercy of both these people, don't speak to anyone phone a taxi and book a flight, get out of town

while you can.. good luck.

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With all due respect, your girlfriend whatever her real age is, acts like a 5 year old kid who didn't get the toy that she wanted. At the restaurant she refuses to eat, then the protest continues by not talking to you.

So the best answer for how to fix this: when dealing with a child, act accordingly. Let her give you the silent treatment. After just a little while, she is going to start talking to you again anyway and will forget this whole thing. But if I were you I would let her know when the treatment is over: I love you but I want a woman on my side not a kid. So unless you want to make me feel like you are my daughter, stop acting like this.

I agree, but give her the toy she really wants/needs and the silent treatment at the same time, apart from the vinegar stroke that is.

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I wonder if there's another point here.

Many farang don't realize how strongly most Thais will avoid anything which looks even remotely like confrontation (in a broad sense).

Maybe. But being kind of a jerk, I think a little more confrontation around here might do some good. As a quick for instance, the caged and chained constantly barking dogs, the terrible pop music blasting through the hood, the impromptu karaoke "bars" ruining people's day-to-day existence, the stopping and parking in the street, the stupid false friendliness until your back is turned... Oh, and the scams. Let's not forget milking the expat dudes and the scams. The benefits outweigh the downside, for sure. Just sayin'...

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Forget the judgmental critiques and others who like to give their egos a check mark for the day. Rise above the situation, be a better,stronger person from it. Analyze the core reasons that enabled the negative behaviors.

Never be in a rush for food or the continuity of food delivery. Slow it down and embrace the moment. Cool behavior in the day always is rewarded by hot passion at night.

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Welcome to Thailand.

Thais don't complain and see such situations as loss of face.

Wait until you buy your first white goods from Homepro and your partner 'sides' with the spotty assistant who tells her not to buy a particular item. The fact that you, with your worldly experience know tons more than the spotty youth, it won't matter - he is Thai and you are the Farang,

I was a 747 Pilot, but the "engineer" in the building knows better how to fix broken stuff. I also have a Thai wife hahaha

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Just ignore it and pretend everything was fine. That's what we do when our 12 year old daughter starts sulking.

If the sulking has no effect, she stops.

Seriously? The silent treatment for moving restaurants?

Just enjoy the peace and quiet wink.png

Well I am going to get flamed for this but I think you are exactly right.

Deal with them as you would a 12-14 year old!

My TGF used to get the sulks on and in those days she was given her bus fare and told to go visit mama in the village.

Call me before you come back!

Given time .... she now never behaves that way.

Grown women pouting and sticking their bottom lip out..... ridiculous!:D

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".....well my girlfriend gave me dirty looks and practically refused to eat anything at the better restaurant while her best friend tried to keep me from noticing and our regular tuk-tuk driver...."

So the OP was in a party of four?

So they went to a restaurant and all ate until OP decided to leave and OP paid, then went to another restaurant and all but one ate and OP paid?

Maybe the service was bad but you already had your food, why go to another restaurant and order food again?

Anyway OP, how's your gf acting today?

And how is the tuk tuk driver today? 555

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Get up, walk out, and head to the nearest Agogo bar. Tell her to call you when shes in a better mood.

Why waste your time with a go-go bar. Go to the pharmacy, buy a bunch of Viagra and some KY jelly (the Thai viagra is cheaper) and take her home.

Why would the OP want to take her home? She was sulking because he switched restaurants. Who wants to have sex with a sulking woman when theres others out there?

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