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Anti-Thaksin guards shot and wounded at Democracy Monument and Finance Min


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Apparently one of the dek vans may have been beaten to death by the guards. Unconfirmed as of now though. This is supposedly a video of the incident:


I note this was removed by you tube as meant to harass or intimidate. You tube should at least admit when it plays politics.

i think larry page has better things to do

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Perhaps he didn't mean "lunch" but insted

The mind boggles at how those ping pong bombs were launched. rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

never saw a ping pong show? There the female instructors show how to lunch it.

How to lunch it?

The mind boggles. clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif width=31 height=25> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif alt=w00t.gif width=18 height=20>

Perhaps he didn't mean "lunch" maybe "supher"..................................!!! lol

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The nature of the injury of the guard who lost an arm seems to suggest he was about to hurl a bomb or throw it back to the attackers...

As to the persons suggesting this is the work of the reds, I would suggest to reconsider. The interest of Yingluck and the reds right now is to defuse the situation to avoid fuel coming to the protests. Considering these attackers seem mercenaries, I would suggest that they might be hired by the party having an interest in the government being unstable.

Too reasonable and logical for some on this forum.

Picture is of folks who might benefit from violence at this stage of developments..........

You missed one, philw, our old friend whose initials begin with " S "


Good point.

I would think there is a lot of Thai politicking going down tonight.

This either gets a lot worse or it will be over by monday with Suthep in custody.

I hope it's the latter.

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The nature of the injury of the guard who lost an arm seems to suggest he was about to hurl a bomb or throw it back to the attackers...

As to the persons suggesting this is the work of the reds, I would suggest to reconsider. The interest of Yingluck and the reds right now is to defuse the situation to avoid fuel coming to the protests. Considering these attackers seem mercenaries, I would suggest that they might be hired by the party having an interest in the government being unstable.

The nature of the injury ......... are we to assume that you are now an MD with a specialty if blast wound forensics?

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I don't know about anywhere else, but all around my neighborhood "ping pong bombs" were raining down like 'fireworks'.In fact, at 19:29 hours, it sounded like WWIII !

I hope no one was 'wounded'.

Are you located near one of the Go-Gos?

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I don't know about anywhere else, but all around my neighborhood "ping pong bombs" were raining down like 'fireworks'.In fact, at 19:29 hours, it sounded like WWIII !

I hope no one was 'wounded'.

17:29 is exactly when fireworks started last night to honor the King's birthday.

Yes December 5th, 1927, at 9:29 PM was when the King was born. Hence, the onslaught of mayhem. If I simply thought it peculiar, I would have put the time at around 7:30.

My point was that Thailand was a mass of explosions throughout the evening, with a crescendo at 7:29.

I also followed up with a PDRC spokesman, referring to those 'bombs', at the Finance Ministry, as 'firecrackers'!

I am amazed more people aren't maimed more often.

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such a sad waste... people giving their lives to help one corrupt guy take power from another...

if only those at the top would show half as much bravery by stopping this childish squabble

instead of blaming each other why doesn't one / both sides accept they need to change themselves...?

Don't know what you mean, this situation has bee made because the current government change the laws to make everything that is illegal legal as it suites them but not the same for everyone else

This has to be stopped. People have to get us and do something about it.

The final straw was when they tried to change to law giving amnesty to all yingluks and Thaksin goons but not to anyone else

Abbist and Sutep have been charged with murder for deploying the army when the men in black were throwing grenades at the police and shooting people from roof tops

Not being funny but what would have happened of he did not call the army in?

Then you have the stupid bbc taking the red shirts side even though the police back in the UK shot an in armed man who had nothing to do with the bus bombings saying that Abbhist was wrong for calling in the army when bangkok was being attacked

sometimes my 1-year old son slaps my 3-year daughter, if she tries to retaliate i break them up - she normally protests her innocence by saying words to the effect of "he started it" or "he's a naughty boy" but i tell her two wrongs don't make a right and that she should set a good example to her younger brother

likewise, the fact that yingluck (looks aside) is bad, does not mean overthrowing her by the force of "peaceful" protests is a sensible solution, rather it will inevitably lead to a continuation / escalation of the troubles

The only thing you are teaching your kids is to get bullied. In real life if someone hits you and you don't hit them back twice as hard then you become the victim

I always teach my kids. If someone hits you that smack them back harder!

How would you go about over throwing a dictator policy. I am open to suggestions really

Thaksin ragieam is that based on dictatorship

Everyone knows you can only over through a dictator by force. Look at Iraq , Lebia, cyria, Iran ( if they could )

Your are clouded by a dream of democracy working to help the people unfortunately you are miss lead this power has been using democracy to manipulate for their own selfish reasons

So they have the attitude that they can invest their corrupt money into buying votes then changing the laws so no one can touch them and they can do anything. That behavior has to be stopped

Why is it that you se a bit of news and all of a sudden all of is forangs reckon we are an expert of Thai politics and Thai behavior plus the way they think and do things

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

while advising your kids to retaliate to a slap with a bigger slap may discourage the attention of the bullies in the school playground (depending how big your kids are), they will reach an age when retaliating to a slap with a harder slap may lead to punches / kicks / worse from several directions

putting the analogy aside, the red-shirts include a few nutters (some even more nutty than suthep) who will be frothing at the mouth at the prospect of a coup / overthrow of pheu thai (and the supporting material that will give them to motivate their fanatical followers to create more conflict)

with regards to understanding thais - most of them are neither red nor yellow extremists, and most would be very happy to be presented with a more centrist (orange?) way forward by a modernization of either party (which is the only possible stable equilibrium solution to this horrible mess)

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Maybe the families of the 3 red shirts that Suthep's yellow thugs shot at the stadium wanted to send them a message :rolleyes:

Or maybe it is a sign to tell these thugs who want to topple an elected government that the vast majority of the Thai people don't agree with their nonsense :rolleyes:

These crazy extremists should go home, it's safer...

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The nature of the injury of the guard who lost an arm seems to suggest he was about to hurl a bomb or throw it back to the attackers...

As to the persons suggesting this is the work of the reds, I would suggest to reconsider. The interest of Yingluck and the reds right now is to defuse the situation to avoid fuel coming to the protests. Considering these attackers seem mercenaries, I would suggest that they might be hired by the party having an interest in the government being unstable.

Too reasonable and logical for some on this forum.

Picture is of folks who might benefit from violence at this stage of developments..........

You missed one, philw, our old friend whose initials begin with " S "


Good point.

I would think there is a lot of Thai politicking going down tonight.

This either gets a lot worse or it will be over by monday with Suthep in custody.

I hope it's the latter.

there is nothing good about suthep but him being arrested would not mean an end to this mess

this will not be solved quickly either way and any hopes that it will, only go to prolong the situation

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Seems Thaksin's third hand is becoming more active........

"Shots were fired and ping pong bombs were thrown at two protest sites of the anti-Thai regime demonstrators last night at the Democracy Monument and the Finance Ministry, wounding two security guards and a youth."

"Five Cambodians have been arrested by protest guards at Ratchadamnoen Avenue for allegedly attempting to torch the protest stage on December 5 on the occasion of His Majesty the King’s birthday."

"Motorcycle-mounted assailants shoot anti-government protester guards at Finance Ministry, 1 wounded; bomb hurled at Khok Wua Intersection, 2 wounded /MCOT"

Plenty of proof there Waza? Or just your usual knee jerk reaction, it's the reds, its the reds!

I have to point out that I said "Thaksin's third hand", but I cant argue with your initial assumption that, " it's the reds, its the reds!" Like you most intelligent poster would draw the same conclusion given their violent history and the fact that all violence started the once they came to Bangkok.

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On what basis would you consider 'impeachment' of Yingluck appropriate? She is Thailand's democratically elected Prime Minister who I cannot see has put a foot wrong in dealing with Suthep's rabble rousers

Clearly the protesters are becoming desperate, particularly at the admirable restraint being shown by government supporters and a rogue element of a handful of motorbike riders has been clearly paid by Suthep's supporters to try to smear the government

It is all so predictable

There is no justification for ANY of the demands on the government by the protesters to be met. There is a democratic system in place within which policies can be modified and, if necessary, changed

With Thailand's educational achievements lagging well behind those of it's S E Asian neighbours in the latest PISA tests instead of blowing whistles like infant school children students would be far better engaged in paying attention to their studies

Does anybody work in Thailand? Thousands seem able to abandon their labours at the drop of a hat

This argument is so pathetic its borders on idiocy.  let me put it in terms you may understand, imagine you employ a Lady to run your store and this person starts a promotion where they give small amounts of money away to customers who come there to shop.  This makes her very popular, the turn over and profit increases, the amount of customers quadruples and she takes loans out to fund and expand this promotion.  Then you find out she is taking money from the till, the amount of money she is taking is becoming so large that it not only threatens to bankrupt the business but the loans are not being repaid and you are personally liable for these loans. 

However, she is legally employed by you and her contract of employment lasts for 4 years.  The contract says she can only be dismissed for proven misconduct, so you call the police to have her charged with embezzlement.  The police investigate but she brides them with some of the money she stole from the til and they find that there's not enough evidence to prosecute.

How would you resolve this issue?  Would you just accept it because she is legally employed and she thwarts all attempts to legally dismiss her?

Good point especially if the lady fiddled the contract so she could take anything she liked from the store and could not be prosecuted by manipulating the other majority share holders to help her change the agreement of her employment contract

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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On what basis would you consider 'impeachment' of Yingluck appropriate? She is Thailand's democratically elected Prime Minister who I cannot see has put a foot wrong in dealing with Suthep's rabble rousers

Clearly the protesters are becoming desperate, particularly at the admirable restraint being shown by government supporters and a rogue element of a handful of motorbike riders has been clearly paid by Suthep's supporters to try to smear the government

It is all so predictable

There is no justification for ANY of the demands on the government by the protesters to be met. There is a democratic system in place within which policies can be modified and, if necessary, changed

With Thailand's educational achievements lagging well behind those of it's S E Asian neighbours in the latest PISA tests instead of blowing whistles like infant school children students would be far better engaged in paying attention to their studies

Does anybody work in Thailand? Thousands seem able to abandon their labours at the drop of a hat

This argument is so pathetic its borders on idiocy. let me put it in terms you may understand, imagine you employ a Lady to run your store and this person starts a promotion where they give small amounts of money away to customers who come there to shop. This makes her very popular, the turn over and profit increases, the amount of customers quadruples and she takes loans out to fund and expand this promotion. Then you find out she is taking money from the till, the amount of money she is taking is becoming so large that it not only threatens to bankrupt the business but the loans are not being repaid and you are personally liable for these loans.

However, she is legally employed by you and her contract of employment lasts for 4 years. The contract says she can only be dismissed for proven misconduct, so you call the police to have her charged with embezzlement. The police investigate but she brides them with some of the money she stole from the til and they find that there's not enough evidence to prosecute.

How would you resolve this issue? Would you just accept it because she is legally employed and she thwarts all attempts to legally dismiss her?

brilliant analogy... but the problem is that the shopkeeper was only appointed as a result of a customer survey and the customers love the shopkeeper (and hate you as the owner since you spoke badly about your customers in the press) and they are ready to burn the shop down if she is removed (for what seems to them to be no reason and replaced by a new shopkeeper (who has a history of having his hands in tills)...

the sensible solution is to open a new better shop, which provides more utility through superior products that the customers will prefer - although the shopkeeper gives a tiny bit of money to the customers, she doesn't give them that much, and she has decorated the shop with such distasteful decor (and it stinks) that going to the collect the cash is a really unpleasant experience... so customers will be happy that a new better shop has opened so they don't need to waste time in the stinky shop (and with all the losses saved could even offer them a special new customer promo)

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On what basis would you consider 'impeachment' of Yingluck appropriate? She is Thailand's democratically elected Prime Minister who I cannot see has put a foot wrong in dealing with Suthep's rabble rousers

Clearly the protesters are becoming desperate, particularly at the admirable restraint being shown by government supporters and a rogue element of a handful of motorbike riders has been clearly paid by Suthep's supporters to try to smear the government

It is all so predictable

There is no justification for ANY of the demands on the government by the protesters to be met. There is a democratic system in place within which policies can be modified and, if necessary, changed

With Thailand's educational achievements lagging well behind those of it's S E Asian neighbours in the latest PISA tests instead of blowing whistles like infant school children students would be far better engaged in paying attention to their studies

Does anybody work in Thailand? Thousands seem able to abandon their labours at the drop of a hat

This argument is so pathetic its borders on idiocy. let me put it in terms you may understand, imagine you employ a Lady to run your store and this person starts a promotion where they give small amounts of money away to customers who come there to shop. This makes her very popular, the turn over and profit increases, the amount of customers quadruples and she takes loans out to fund and expand this promotion. Then you find out she is taking money from the till, the amount of money she is taking is becoming so large that it not only threatens to bankrupt the business but the loans are not being repaid and you are personally liable for these loans.

However, she is legally employed by you and her contract of employment lasts for 4 years. The contract says she can only be dismissed for proven misconduct, so you call the police to have her charged with embezzlement. The police investigate but she brides them with some of the money she stole from the til and they find that there's not enough evidence to prosecute.

How would you resolve this issue? Would you just accept it because she is legally employed and she thwarts all attempts to legally dismiss her?

brilliant analogy... but the problem is that the shopkeeper was only appointed as a result of a customer survey and the customers love the shopkeeper (and hate you as the owner since you spoke badly about your customers in the press) and they are ready to burn the shop down if she is removed (for what seems to them to be no reason and replaced by a new shopkeeper (who has a history of having his hands in tills)...

the sensible solution is to open a new better shop, which provides more utility through superior products that the customers will prefer - although the shopkeeper gives a tiny bit of money to the customers, she doesn't give them that much, and she has decorated the shop with such distasteful decor (and it stinks) that going to the collect the cash is a really unpleasant experience... so customers will be happy that a new better shop has opened so they don't need to waste time in the stinky shop (and with all the losses saved could even offer them a special new customer promo)

Hold on do you think the owner of the shop would put someone in charge that hates the owner even if the customer survey said that they liked her

Possibly because she was giving some of the proceeds of her theft to the local people that like her. Which in order boosted her popularity in the survey

Then when the lady finally got taken out by the boss won help of some secutiry guards and was replaced with someone more trust worthy

That she came back with all her corrupted women and hit men and insisted on coming back

Thank god I am not Thai right now as the stress would be driving me crazy

It is not about Suthep being arrested as he is going to hand himself in once Thaksin policy is crushed

This is all about Thaksin shinatra

If he was dead all this would be over

Also have to remember how does the shop keeper have the money to bribe the police and the customer survey people on a normal shop keeper wage

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Edited by BigC
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So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

my wives niece is at Ramkhamheng and she saw red shirts change into black caring guns and firing from bushes at students She is a sweet girl who would not hem a fly yet protested because she was fed up like many and was/is shit scared of red shirts since all in BKK had experience of what they id in 2010

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So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

further id prefer to believe my wives niece and friends since i know them but i guess you'll just believe what fits in your mindset and any red BS given to you

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So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

further id prefer to believe my wives niece and friends since i know them but i guess you'll just believe what fits in your mindset and any red BS given

Its obvious. Should be especially so for a westerner, huh? Even the lowest of educations, we know about the black shirts, well documented in youtube. I don't know how these guys could ever be duped by Thaksin, especially as foreigners, and probably from countries like ours, with much blood shed trying to stop dictators. No alcoholic binge nor drug could ever conceivably make me result in such brain damage that I don't notice Thaksin using skype to operate a puppet government, and recognize him as a murderous cowardly corrupt despot, that which he clearly is. How sad ex pats sympathize with this man is as much of a crime as the atrocities he's committed.

Real men, like say Abhisit, will face the heat. Especially if innocent. Cowards flee in fear.

Edited by gemini81
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Apparently one of the dek vans may have been beaten to death by the guards. Unconfirmed as of now though. This is supposedly a video of the incident:


I note this was removed by you tube as meant to harass or intimidate. You tube should at least admit when it plays politics.

Yes, got pulled for being inappropriate according to the guy who put it up there. Yet to hear more concrete details on this. Looked like a severe beating, but hopefully he was the one mentioned in the report as injured, i.e. not killed.

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So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

further id prefer to believe my wives niece and friends since i know them but i guess you'll just believe what fits in your mindset and any red BS given to you

YES! Taking what your wifes nieces friends are saying as fact really does seem more legit! cheesy.gif1zgarz5.gifcheesy.gif

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So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

my wives niece is at Ramkhamheng and she saw red shirts change into black caring guns and firing from bushes at students She is a sweet girl who would not hem a fly yet protested because she was fed up like many and was/is shit scared of red shirts since all in BKK had experience of what they id in 2010

So she was inside the university (in which case how did she see this?) - or was she part of the mob that assaulted the red shirts? If she was, she would've been one of the few women that were part of it. Witnesses state that the majority were drunken young men. How does a sweet girl get herself involved in something like that?

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On what basis would you consider 'impeachment' of Yingluck appropriate? She is Thailand's democratically elected Prime Minister who I cannot see has put a foot wrong in dealing with Suthep's rabble rousers

Clearly the protesters are becoming desperate, particularly at the admirable restraint being shown by government supporters and a rogue element of a handful of motorbike riders has been clearly paid by Suthep's supporters to try to smear the government

It is all so predictable

There is no justification for ANY of the demands on the government by the protesters to be met. There is a democratic system in place within which policies can be modified and, if necessary, changed

With Thailand's educational achievements lagging well behind those of it's S E Asian neighbours in the latest PISA tests instead of blowing whistles like infant school children students would be far better engaged in paying attention to their studies

Does anybody work in Thailand? Thousands seem able to abandon their labours at the drop of a hat

This argument is so pathetic its borders on idiocy. let me put it in terms you may understand, imagine you employ a Lady to run your store and this person starts a promotion where they give small amounts of money away to customers who come there to shop. This makes her very popular, the turn over and profit increases, the amount of customers quadruples and she takes loans out to fund and expand this promotion. Then you find out she is taking money from the till, the amount of money she is taking is becoming so large that it not only threatens to bankrupt the business but the loans are not being repaid and you are personally liable for these loans.

However, she is legally employed by you and her contract of employment lasts for 4 years. The contract says she can only be dismissed for proven misconduct, so you call the police to have her charged with embezzlement. The police investigate but she brides them with some of the money she stole from the til and they find that there's not enough evidence to prosecute.

How would you resolve this issue? Would you just accept it because she is legally employed and she thwarts all attempts to legally dismiss her?

brilliant analogy... but the problem is that the shopkeeper was only appointed as a result of a customer survey and the customers love the shopkeeper (and hate you as the owner since you spoke badly about your customers in the press) and they are ready to burn the shop down if she is removed (for what seems to them to be no reason and replaced by a new shopkeeper (who has a history of having his hands in tills)...

the sensible solution is to open a new better shop, which provides more utility through superior products that the customers will prefer - although the shopkeeper gives a tiny bit of money to the customers, she doesn't give them that much, and she has decorated the shop with such distasteful decor (and it stinks) that going to the collect the cash is a really unpleasant experience... so customers will be happy that a new better shop has opened so they don't need to waste time in the stinky shop (and with all the losses saved could even offer them a special new customer promo)

Hold on do you think the owner of the shop would put someone in charge that hates the owner even if the customer survey said that they liked her

Possibly because she was giving some of the proceeds of her theft to the local people that like her. Which in order boosted her popularity in the survey

Then when the lady finally got taken out by the boss won help of some secutiry guards and was replaced with someone more trust worthy

That she came back with all her corrupted women and hit men and insisted on coming back

Thank god I am not Thai right now as the stress would be driving me crazy

It is not about Suthep being arrested as he is going to hand himself in once Thaksin policy is crushed

This is all about Thaksin shinatra

If he was dead all this would be over

Also have to remember how does the shop keeper have the money to bribe the police and the customer survey people on a normal shop keeper wage

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

giving opinions on who is to blame for problems feels good but does not necessarily fix the problems

nobody with any sense is suggesting thaksin is anything but a corrupt nutter but forcing him / his sister out of office to be replaced by another corrupt nutter is not going to help... it is just going to infuriate the red-shirts and lead to more unpleasantries

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On what basis would you consider 'impeachment' of Yingluck appropriate? She is Thailand's democratically elected Prime Minister who I cannot see has put a foot wrong in dealing with Suthep's rabble rousers

Clearly the protesters are becoming desperate, particularly at the admirable restraint being shown by government supporters and a rogue element of a handful of motorbike riders has been clearly paid by Suthep's supporters to try to smear the government

It is all so predictable

There is no justification for ANY of the demands on the government by the protesters to be met. There is a democratic system in place within which policies can be modified and, if necessary, changed

With Thailand's educational achievements lagging well behind those of it's S E Asian neighbours in the latest PISA tests instead of blowing whistles like infant school children students would be far better engaged in paying attention to their studies

Does anybody work in Thailand? Thousands seem able to abandon their labours at the drop of a hat

This argument is so pathetic its borders on idiocy. let me put it in terms you may understand, imagine you employ a Lady to run your store and this person starts a promotion where they give small amounts of money away to customers who come there to shop. This makes her very popular, the turn over and profit increases, the amount of customers quadruples and she takes loans out to fund and expand this promotion. Then you find out she is taking money from the till, the amount of money she is taking is becoming so large that it not only threatens to bankrupt the business but the loans are not being repaid and you are personally liable for these loans.

However, she is legally employed by you and her contract of employment lasts for 4 years. The contract says she can only be dismissed for proven misconduct, so you call the police to have her charged with embezzlement. The police investigate but she brides them with some of the money she stole from the til and they find that there's not enough evidence to prosecute.

How would you resolve this issue? Would you just accept it because she is legally employed and she thwarts all attempts to legally dismiss her?

I most certainly wouldn´t find it justifiable for the shop-owner to run amok and occupy government buildings and threaten the media and telling them what they can and can´t broadcast just because he/she has a problem with one of his/her employees.

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Is it ever really going to change here? I doubt it and every couple of years one group or another will be aggravated enough to protest therefore turning violent. Best let them get on with it and when the country burns they can them blame all their woes and lack of any foreign investment on the farang.... as usual.

i can't complain the baht has weakened now i can change some pounds and save money

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So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

further id prefer to believe my wives niece and friends since i know them but i guess you'll just believe what fits in your mindset and any red BS given to you

YES! Taking what your wifes nieces friends are saying as fact really does seem more legit! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif alt=1zgarz5.gif width=34 height=29> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

so are you saying they are all liars ????

Funny how you find it funny to take the word from people in the crowd to be silly

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So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

further id prefer to believe my wives niece and friends since i know them but i guess you'll just believe what fits in your mindset and any red BS given to you

yes i would also prefer to belive to know what the people see on the ground rarther than baffled news reports. I also know for a fact that south Thais ( some of the older ones ) are in Bangkok because of what happened in the university which is mainly full of Southerners. Now maybe it is all BS but i dount they would be going up there for a holday

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