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Urgent meeting for ruling Pheu Thai members


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I predict Thaksin will negotiate and sell out the Red Shirts and PTP as well.

Would he dare try this again??

If it comes down to his head on a spike, or theirs?

They will need more than one spike.

In that case, to conserve spikes he should do the decent thing.....I forgot, he is worth more (to himself) than all the red shirts put together.

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Urgent meeting for ruling Pheu Thai members today

Let's see what's on the agenda...

1. How do we buy more votes

2. How can we create more corruptiion and white lying populist policies

3. How can we avoid the laws

4. How can we create new ways to brainwash the poor freeloaders into vote buying

5. Which one of the banned politicians do we put in charge of key positions

6. How can we drench our hands and put through the megaprojects with the objective to drain out money for ourselves

7. How can we punish critical thinking and freedom of expression and itensify RED Anarchy brainwashing propaganda?

8. How can we get Thaksin back to give us even more money?

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I predict Thaksin will negotiate and sell out the Red Shirts and PTP as well.

Would he dare try this again??

If it comes down to his head on a spike, or theirs?

They will need more than one spike.

In that case, to conserve spikes he should do the decent thing.....I forgot, he is worth more (to himself) than all the red shirts put together.

The beheadings should be a real Christmas treat.....Chalerm...Thaksin...

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Mr Prompong said Mr Suthep’s call to implement Section 7 of the Constitution to form an interim government was not possible and that it was unlawful as the charter clearly states that the prime minster must be an elected MP.

WHY not change it so it is possible ? PT twits are very fast to try and change things whenever it suits them....

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Mr Prompong said Mr Suthep’s call to implement Section 7 of the Constitution to form an interim government was not possible and that it was unlawful as the charter clearly states that the prime minster must be an elected MP.

Then how come a list MP who has not been elected by the people but is only there because of the number of seats a party got can be PM ?

But hay, no problem really, all it needs is for an MP to be the PM.

I nominate Korn.

Anyway once the court dumps the PT party and all the parasites who voted with them for their shady deals to pass the 2.2 billion bill there will only be one party left in parliament.

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Well because they just can't. The academic community has also called Suthep's 'plan' out as bullshit. The protesters have no realistic solutions and plans, like many other extremist groups, all they do is just bash everything w/o coming up with an alternative plan.

Mr Prompong said Mr Suthep’s call to implement Section 7 of the Constitution to form an interim government was not possible and that it was unlawful as the charter clearly states that the prime minster must be an elected MP.

WHY not change it so it is possible ? PT twits are very fast to try and change things whenever it suits them....

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There is a way out of this but it is not going to be popular with anyone but the Thai people in 15 to 20 years.

It is agreed by the PT and Dem that the military in the name of the King and the people will head a joint political leadership. Much the same if in Canada or UK you had a minority government.

The joint leadership would be Yingluck ( after swearing an oath that it will be her and her alone that will make decisions and that she will at no time discuss Thai politics with her brother under penalty of forfeiture of her position. AV would be the co leader and the other ministerial posts would be divided equally among the academic and business communities.

The other point as I have stated is that Thaksin would be formally advised by the leaders of Dubai that if he or his family in any way try to interfere that the Thai government will issue an international arrest warrant and will seek to freeze his assets in other countries.

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kingstonkid, on 06 Dec 2013 - 20:33, said:

There is a way out of this but it is not going to be popular with anyone but the Thai people in 15 to 20 years.

It is agreed by the PT and Dem that the military in the name of the King and the people will head a joint political leadership. Much the same if in Canada or UK you had a minority government.

The joint leadership would be Yingluck ( after swearing an oath that it will be her and her alone that will make decisions and that she will at no time discuss Thai politics with her brother under penalty of forfeiture of her position. AV would be the co leader and the other ministerial posts would be divided equally among the academic and business communities.

The other point as I have stated is that Thaksin would be formally advised by the leaders of Dubai that if he or his family in any way try to interfere that the Thai government will issue an international arrest warrant and will seek to freeze his assets in other countries.

On Sunday it will be snowing in Thailand and all the pigs will be flying to a warmer climate.

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kingstonkid, on 06 Dec 2013 - 20:33, said:

There is a way out of this but it is not going to be popular with anyone but the Thai people in 15 to 20 years.

It is agreed by the PT and Dem that the military in the name of the King and the people will head a joint political leadership. Much the same if in Canada or UK you had a minority government.

The joint leadership would be Yingluck ( after swearing an oath that it will be her and her alone that will make decisions and that she will at no time discuss Thai politics with her brother under penalty of forfeiture of her position. AV would be the co leader and the other ministerial posts would be divided equally among the academic and business communities.

The other point as I have stated is that Thaksin would be formally advised by the leaders of Dubai that if he or his family in any way try to interfere that the Thai government will issue an international arrest warrant and will seek to freeze his assets in other countries.

On Sunday it will be snowing in Thailand and all the pigs will be flying to a warmer climate.

Don't be so stupid!!!

Everyone knows that pigs can't fly in snowy conditions.

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There is a way out of this but it is not going to be popular with anyone but the Thai people in 15 to 20 years.

It is agreed by the PT and Dem that the military in the name of the King and the people will head a joint political leadership. Much the same if in Canada or UK you had a minority government.

The joint leadership would be Yingluck ( after swearing an oath that it will be her and her alone that will make decisions and that she will at no time discuss Thai politics with her brother under penalty of forfeiture of her position. AV would be the co leader and the other ministerial posts would be divided equally among the academic and business communities.

The other point as I have stated is that Thaksin would be formally advised by the leaders of Dubai that if he or his family in any way try to interfere that the Thai government will issue an international arrest warrant and will seek to freeze his assets in other countries.

There is another option, the old fashoined way, mano a mano, T vs S:

1. pistols at 10 paces

2. jousting

3. penalty kicks

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when you look at the past, almost all the time Thaksin and before Chavalit had the power. The real big ones, Singha, Beer Chang, CP, the car manufacturer always sponsor both sides (ruling parties and opposition), so they always win no matter who wins.

Only Abhisit tried to make a small tax for large land owner and there was a big agreement between all the wealthy that this can't happen.

So I don't see two wealthy groups battle for power. You have the biggest part of the money that don't care. You have the super rich Shinawatra clan and you have a few wealthy but not super rich Democrats. You have a lot middle class that donates to the Democrats and surely you have some wealthy that make some small donations (small by their standards),

But no super rich who want to come into power again.

Dont know where to start with this but here goes....

All wealthy people have a political allegiance... In Thailand that is unquestionably the Democrat party (for the old money and some new) the PTP has mainly "new wealth supporting it (Chang is new money...remember them not being allowed to list on the Thai Stock exchange so they listed in Singapore). Thaksin is officially 23rd on Forbes Thailands rich list. Which leads to the question who are the 22 wealthier than him. CP apart (who flip flops between allegiance - dependant on the government of the day...well he can afford to) they are old money, wealth gained by the Dems having no opposition for 50 years. They want to keep the staus quo and Thaksins popularity seriously threatens this happening.

It is a myth to think that all the middle classes vote and donate to the Dems in this climate. Many 'middle classes now vote PTP (as shown in the election result and the Bangkok Governer election, where the PTP candidate increased its vote by over 400,000)

The Dems have serious wealth backing them that dwarfs Thaksins wallet but sadly they canmt convert this wealth into votes for their chosen party.

I am only a 2 finger typist so please spare me having to type out the backers of the dems and alledgly the backers of this protest. Start with Thailands rich 50, copy and paste the people on their list and you will find their allegiance. Try numbers 3, 4 and 7 on the list for starters.

Armed with this free information I am trusting you will make more knowledgable post in the future

Sorry you got several things wrong.

Chang was best buddy with Thaksin and also sponsored ASTV. 23rd in Forbes Thailand doesn't mean anything because Thaksin is known to fake...recall all the stocks his children, wife and driver has....

And if you think the money sponsors the Democrats over years for nothing, than you are naive. As I told they sponsor just everyone, just in case. They don't care which government as long as it does what they want. They are opportunists. And BKK governor: Bangkok is not only middle class.....

And if the Dems would be so rich, they could simply by the votes, or if that wouldn't work they could simply buy the MPs. Put money on the table and I am sure half the PTP would split away and form a new party which makes a coalition with the Democrats....Just pay more than Thaksin.

It is all about money and Thaksin has it...The Democrats obviously don't have it else they would pay their way.

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when you look at the past, almost all the time Thaksin and before Chavalit had the power. The real big ones, Singha, Beer Chang, CP, the car manufacturer always sponsor both sides (ruling parties and opposition), so they always win no matter who wins.

Only Abhisit tried to make a small tax for large land owner and there was a big agreement between all the wealthy that this can't happen.

So I don't see two wealthy groups battle for power. You have the biggest part of the money that don't care. You have the super rich Shinawatra clan and you have a few wealthy but not super rich Democrats. You have a lot middle class that donates to the Democrats and surely you have some wealthy that make some small donations (small by their standards),

But no super rich who want to come into power again.

Dont know where to start with this but here goes....

All wealthy people have a political allegiance... In Thailand that is unquestionably the Democrat party (for the old money and some new) the PTP has mainly "new wealth supporting it (Chang is new money...remember them not being allowed to list on the Thai Stock exchange so they listed in Singapore). Thaksin is officially 23rd on Forbes Thailands rich list. Which leads to the question who are the 22 wealthier than him. CP apart (who flip flops between allegiance - dependant on the government of the day...well he can afford to) they are old money, wealth gained by the Dems having no opposition for 50 years. They want to keep the staus quo and Thaksins popularity seriously threatens this happening.

It is a myth to think that all the middle classes vote and donate to the Dems in this climate. Many 'middle classes now vote PTP (as shown in the election result and the Bangkok Governer election, where the PTP candidate increased its vote by over 400,000)

The Dems have serious wealth backing them that dwarfs Thaksins wallet but sadly they canmt convert this wealth into votes for their chosen party.

I am only a 2 finger typist so please spare me having to type out the backers of the dems and alledgly the backers of this protest. Start with Thailands rich 50, copy and paste the people on their list and you will find their allegiance. Try numbers 3, 4 and 7 on the list for starters.

Armed with this free information I am trusting you will make more knowledgable post in the future

Sorry you got several things wrong.

Chang was best buddy with Thaksin and also sponsored ASTV. 23rd in Forbes Thailand doesn't mean anything because Thaksin is known to fake...recall all the stocks his children, wife and driver has....

And if you think the money sponsors the Democrats over years for nothing, than you are naive. As I told they sponsor just everyone, just in case. They don't care which government as long as it does what they want. They are opportunists. And BKK governor: Bangkok is not only middle class.....

And if the Dems would be so rich, they could simply by the votes, or if that wouldn't work they could simply buy the MPs. Put money on the table and I am sure half the PTP would split away and form a new party which makes a coalition with the Democrats....Just pay more than Thaksin.

It is all about money and Thaksin has it...The Democrats obviously don't have it else they would pay their way.

To think that the voters actually are able to form their own opinions is obviously to much to grasp for the Abhisit/Suthep fanbois


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looks like the Dubai - Bangkok skype line is running hot again !! xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

The headline says ruling memberS, so that seems to mean more than one is involved...

Yer, a Conference call , heard about them ??coffee1.gif

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Dont know where to start with this but here goes....

All wealthy people have a political allegiance... In Thailand that is unquestionably the Democrat party (for the old money and some new) the PTP has mainly "new wealth supporting it (Chang is new money...remember them not being allowed to list on the Thai Stock exchange so they listed in Singapore). Thaksin is officially 23rd on Forbes Thailands rich list. Which leads to the question who are the 22 wealthier than him. CP apart (who flip flops between allegiance - dependant on the government of the day...well he can afford to) they are old money, wealth gained by the Dems having no opposition for 50 years. They want to keep the staus quo and Thaksins popularity seriously threatens this happening.

It is a myth to think that all the middle classes vote and donate to the Dems in this climate. Many 'middle classes now vote PTP (as shown in the election result and the Bangkok Governer election, where the PTP candidate increased its vote by over 400,000)

The Dems have serious wealth backing them that dwarfs Thaksins wallet but sadly they canmt convert this wealth into votes for their chosen party.

I am only a 2 finger typist so please spare me having to type out the backers of the dems and alledgly the backers of this protest. Start with Thailands rich 50, copy and paste the people on their list and you will find their allegiance. Try numbers 3, 4 and 7 on the list for starters.

Armed with this free information I am trusting you will make more knowledgable post in the future

I didn't know that Thaksin's wife's family supported the Democrats.

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So you guys don't want to diffuse the situation.

So this ends in one or two ways. The Army moves in and kill protestors or they lead a coup. Personally, I'm hoping for the latter.

The easiest, most peaceful way of diffusing the situation is for the protestors to pack up and leave government buildings and go home. Then come back and win the next election.

All other options, from dissolving the parliament, killing protestors or staging a military coup will invariably lead to more conflict.

The problem with that is that if this bunch of self-serving "MPs" are left to govern for another two years, Thailand will be broke, and this is exactly why these people want to see this corrupt government simply pack up and leave...!!

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It tragically seems like things will slowly ratchet up over the next few days and then blow up again. I see no option that does not involve bloodshed. Perhaps I lack vision.

I see two groups of corrupt leaders each calling in their voter troops to fight their power struggle by proxy.

Neither side can win or lose; and only their proxies will really suffer. What's next? Guerrilla warfare?


Guerrilla warfare

And guess who are the secondary targets of both sides?

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So you guys don't want to diffuse the situation.

So this ends in one or two ways. The Army moves in and kill protestors or they lead a coup. Personally, I'm hoping for the latter.

The easiest, most peaceful way of diffusing the situation is for the protestors to pack up and leave government buildings and go home. Then come back and win the next election.

All other options, from dissolving the parliament, killing protestors or staging a military coup will invariably lead to more conflict.

The protestors actually want to do that, but first it needs to get rid of the vote buying, media control and other weird things at the elections so someone who isn't super rich can have an equal chance to get elected.

Yes, it sounds like they want to get rid of vote buying by getting rid of voting.... cheesy.gif

With or without the vote buying (by both the Democrats and PTP) the PTP or equivalent party would still have won the last election....

Edited by cacruden
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They are focusing on the wrong levels anyways, PTP and legislature writes the laws - but civil services actually run the countries.

To control corruption you need to focus on getting rid of corruption in the civil service and policing.... something that none of the parties have shown any interest in doing. It would increase the price of policing.

Both parties are more interested in how the pot of goodies are divided.... Everything else is just lip service and excuses.

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They are focusing on the wrong levels anyways, PTP and legislature writes the laws - but civil services actually run the countries.

To control corruption you need to focus on getting rid of corruption in the civil service and policing.... something that none of the parties have shown any interest in doing. It would increase the price of policing.

Both parties are more interested in how the pot of goodies are divided.... Everything else is just lip service and excuses.

So corrupt policies aren't worth policing? Not that they are policed, but they are the most obvious to the voters, and what they are currently protesting about.

If a government minister or PM declares X thousand rai of rice growing land being rented and ownership of farms producing Y thousand tons of rice, would proposing and/or voting for a policy that would increase profits by 50% be corrupt or not? Should nobody care?

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They're desperate...

Prompong Nopparit: He said the former Democrat MP and protesters will have to destroy the Constitution or stage a coup to pave the way for a proposed “people’s council” and interim prime minister.

Surapong Tovichakchaikul: Legal action will be taken against those supporting protesters including the operator of the anti-government BlueSky Channel, Mr Surapong warned, as well as the agency which has dispatched mobile toilets and water trucks to the rally sites.

Samart Kaewmeechai: also voiced concern that the on-going situation would lead to a civil war. He said if Suthep's opponents see that police could not handle protesters, they may take the laws into their own hands, leading to a civil war.

The Shinewatra clan must be safely out of Thailand now with their mountain of suitcases so the pawns can ramp things up......

That reminds me. Did the 2 Shinawatra daughters arrive back in Thailand yet after their week "working" in England? Must have missed the news of their arrival back, or were 95% of the Thai Visa members absolutely correct when they summised the reason they left Thailand wasn't to work overseas, but to escape the escalation of violence that must have been known to be imminent by senior clan members.

Paying a first class ticket from Bangkok to GB for six days of work, is for me very strange.

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