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Genital disorder forces man to hang himself in Udon Thani


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"Not treating his death as suspicious " - well they should. Suspicion on neglect abuse and maltreatment from his father. May he get his cummupance for obviously being the indirect cause of his sons death. Horrible man. Sadly I bet he feels no sense of responsibility in this or remorse.

Let the Western paranoia stay where it is and not bring it into the other countries. The man has already learnt a lesson and sticking a criminal badge on him and throwing him behind the bars will not fix anything, will not make anything better and will not make anyone happier except the zealots suggesting this.
I don't agree. By penalizing the deadbeat dad, it will send a message to other parents around Thailand - possible averting similar problems in the future.

If parents can't take the right action because of lack of moral compass, then perhaps they'll do the right things due to fear of criminal repercussions.

Slightly related: I just read about a farang who wants to come to Thailand and inseminate as many young Thai ladies as he possibly can. He mentions wanting to make as many children as possible, though an added factor is he doesn't like to wear condoms. I found his email address, and chastised him for the profound irresponsibility (and harmfulness) of his plan - among other things.

I take it he thanked you for pointing out the shameful error of his ways ?

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"Not treating his death as suspicious " - well they should. Suspicion on neglect abuse and maltreatment from his father. May he get his cummupance for obviously being the indirect cause of his sons death. Horrible man. Sadly I bet he feels no sense of responsibility in this or remorse.

The son was an adult, 20 years old. He should be capable of making his own way to see a doctor.

Mr. Somchai said his son had been suffering a prolonged painful infection in his penis and visiting the doctors regularly. However, Mr. Somchai said his son had not seen the doctors in the past few years, and recently begged Somchai to take him to hospital because the pain had become unbearable.

The Father had made sure that he regularly visited the doctor while he was a child. This is hardly neglect.

Then he should have been raised with more autonomy.

Instead, as many do here, he relied upon the "better" judgement of an elder, to his folly.

Sure, he could have etc etc.

If i had a kid or even just knew someone that had a delicate matter they were seriously concerned about..to the point of begging for my help...i wouldnt be so nonchalant.

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"Not treating his death as suspicious " - well they should. Suspicion on neglect abuse and maltreatment from his father. May he get his cummupance for obviously being the indirect cause of his sons death. Horrible man. Sadly I bet he feels no sense of responsibility in this or remorse.

Let the Western paranoia stay where it is and not bring it into the other countries. The man has already learnt a lesson and sticking a criminal badge on him and throwing him behind the bars will not fix anything, will not make anything better and will not make anyone happier except the zealots suggesting this.

My original reply to you was removed (which i can understand..pretty sure your ears would have bled if it had of been verbal rather than written..) so re-writing with a bit more restraint and decorum involved and hope admin and moderators will be ok with this (as i wish to address the fact that our(my?) outrage regarding this situation is apparently a result of western paranoia):

I do not carry "Western paranoia" around with me, seeing as Ive lived in plenty of other countries and cultures (extremely different to western cultures) in my life, so i havent been exposed to that much "westernisation" as such. Ive lived in Thailand now for nearly 10 years and and im still young..so not jaded. I have actually very little concept of the term "western paranoia" tbh.

I dont get where the "zealot" part is in my response. The father obviously neglected a serious matter regarding his sons health. Maybe you have some askewed idea of cultural sensitivity or something, but for me that is wrong in any culture or nationaity. (note: i mentioned nothing of jail)

Edited by LaraC
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There has to be some type of neglect involved. The problems have been apparent since the son was 13. Seems a bit more to the story especially because the days leading up to the "suicide" the son had told and complianted to his father. This is a lot more serious than pain caused from Wisdom teeth coming in.

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The neglect may have been medical neglect since the boy had been taken to the doctor. I am surprised there isn't something that the doctors couldn't do for him much earlier than this.

It's a very sad story. I can understand his situation. I really, really like my penis and I wouldn't want anything to happen to it.

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Killing himself out of protest to his farther seems a bit harsh on the dad

Who gave him the injection in the first place

Why could he not go to the hospital himself

Killing himself is an act of selfishness which people seem to condone here

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"Not treating his death as suspicious " - well they should. Suspicion on neglect abuse and maltreatment from his father. May he get his cummupance for obviously being the indirect cause of his sons death. Horrible man. Sadly I bet he feels no sense of responsibility in this or remorse.

Let the Western paranoia stay where it is and not bring it into the other countries. The man has already learnt a lesson and sticking a criminal badge on him and throwing him behind the bars will not fix anything, will not make anything better and will not make anyone happier except the zealots suggesting this.

Sanctimonious crud. Take away the somewhat bizarre circumstance and you have (taah daah!) parental negligence. Hoo boy, I do like your loophole for the old man. It could really catch on: "Hey Judge, I have already learned my lesson and oh dear I feel just terrible- So I am not accountable."

PS. Western paranoia??? Didn't see that one coming.blink.png

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"Not treating his death as suspicious " - well they should. Suspicion on neglect abuse and maltreatment from his father. May he get his cummupance for obviously being the indirect cause of his sons death. Horrible man. Sadly I bet he feels no sense of responsibility in this or remorse.

Let the Western paranoia stay where it is and not bring it into the other countries. The man has already learnt a lesson and sticking a criminal badge on him and throwing him behind the bars will not fix anything, will not make anything better and will not make anyone happier except the zealots suggesting this.

It is not "Western paranoia", this is 1 persons opinion, can you please refrain from generalizing and labeling 1 persons opinion as a western trait, and also suggesting that all who relate to Larac's point are fanatical zealots.

In response to Larac's opinion I think he has a point. I am not zealot and I have no desire to see the father suffer anymore then he already has, however if the father has known for years about his son's pain then why hasn't he done something about it and got him some treatment? I think that's a reasonable observation especially considering the poor boy has now lost his life which "may" have been prevented.

This question should be asked and not swept under the carpet however painful it might be as a loss of life should not be taken lightly. Sometimes tragedies like this are lessons for other people which will maybe help save someone else life in the future.

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I would call this a terrible case of severe neglect, despite the fact that I know that real talking between parents and children here in LOS is not common practice. Nevertheless only a statement to go to the hospital in the near future isn't one of a caring parent. Poor boy, may he rest in peace.

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The neglect may have been medical neglect since the boy had been taken to the doctor. I am surprised there isn't something that the doctors couldn't do for him much earlier than this.

It's a very sad story. I can understand his situation. I really, really like my penis and I wouldn't want anything to happen to it.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif the last sentence --my one has it's 2 functions to pee out of and for pleasure given the chance, ( I really like my penis ??????) I like my nose and hair and========giggle.gif

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I am worried sick when my kids are hurt or sick . Not that i run to the hospital with them right away , but I monitor them and ask them about there wellbeing .

The opposit i see with there schoolfriends , the only thing there parents are worried about is that it will cost money to see a doc or go to the hospital .

Not really wondered about that tho , in a global region where kids get exploited for prostitution and maimed for money by there so called "parents" .

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Injecting olive oil into your penis. That sounds awful.

My Thai Dr. friend just mentioned:

- Injecting olive oil or silicone into the penis to gain size / girth is common enough. In most cases it's self injected or done by a friend.

- In many cases the oil or silicone doesn't stay in the place where it was injected and it moves around or sometimes it comes together in one location and makes a big and ugly lump or in some cases it falls by gravity and forms a large unsightly 'donut' just after the head of the penis.

- The oil or silicone can usually be removed surgically but sometimes needing several small incisions to gain access to the oil or silicone to then remove it, usually causing no harm longer-term.

- The danger is infection when it's first injected by self or friends, and even more chance of infection if removed by self or friends with no medical knowledge or experience.

- Many doctors / hospitals have seen such cases, mostly after infection has set in, but if caught early enough the infection can be well treated with no long-term side effects or disfunction.

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"Not treating his death as suspicious " - well they should. Suspicion on neglect abuse and maltreatment from his father. May he get his cummupance for obviously being the indirect cause of his sons death. Horrible man. Sadly I bet he feels no sense of responsibility in this or remorse.

Let the Western paranoia stay where it is and not bring it into the other countries. The man has already learnt a lesson and sticking a criminal badge on him and throwing him behind the bars will not fix anything, will not make anything better and will not make anyone happier except the zealots suggesting this.

Do you really think he has though? I mean when I slam my brakes on the car behind almost hits me then 2 seconds later he's right back up my backside again.

I really dont think anything will be learnt it will classed as " just his time to go"

Quite accommodating of you to phrase it as a question. You're right: in general, lessons are not learned! And any example as ubiquitous as the tailgating, is a good one. Any excuse for not thinking things through—eg, "It was just his time to go"—is the benchmark.

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"The family says they are not treating the death as suspicious"?????

Who cares about how the family is treating the death!

How are the police treating the death?

It seems the family ( father ) is responsible for the death!

This needs to be looked into, and not by the family!

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I don't believe this story for a second. A 13 year old, olive oil, at least it should be palm oil. Seven years ago,

no treatment. I just don't believe that part of the story. The young man is dead, that is tragic. I just don't believe

the reason or time frame.

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If he was 20 years old, surely he could have gone to the hospital himself, unless he was a few screws loose. And injecting ones penis with olive oil would suggest he was not 100% sane! RIP

That is what puzzles me he did it when he was 13 and did nothing about it for 7 years Yes he had seen a doctor for the first few years and I am surprised they could do nothing for him. But he had ignored them for several years much as his father ignored his pain. Some thing is not right here.

It smells like an attempt to increase sales of the news paper.

I generally have no feelings for the deceased it is the family who I feel for but not in this case.

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"The family says they are not treating the death as suspicious"?????

Who cares about how the family is treating the death!

How are the police treating the death?

It seems the family ( father ) is responsible for the death!

This needs to be looked into, and not by the family!

It is a hard fact to accept but at 20 they may still be your son but they are responsible for their own life at that age. There can be no legal proceedings against him.

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"Not treating his death as suspicious " - well they should. Suspicion on neglect abuse and maltreatment from his father. May he get his cummupance for obviously being the indirect cause of his sons death. Horrible man. Sadly I bet he feels no sense of responsibility in this or remorse.

The son was an adult, 20 years old. He should be capable of making his own way to see a doctor.

Mr. Somchai said his son had been suffering a prolonged painful infection in his penis and visiting the doctors regularly. However, Mr. Somchai said his son had not seen the doctors in the past few years, and recently begged Somchai to take him to hospital because the pain had become unbearable.

The Father had made sure that he regularly visited the doctor while he was a child. This is hardly neglect.

I suspect it was more of a case that Somchai was not too keen on paying the bill and so was prolonging his son's pain through lack of treatment. Most likely, manhood infections through self-inflicted olive oil injection are not covered under the state's 30 Baht Scheme, and the dad had been footing the bill at private clinics. Now he'll be paying for a funeral, sadly.

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As sad as this story is, it shows how ignorant the public can be about these supposedly back alley remedies.

From breast slapping to silicone and olive oil injections people just don't seem to check the facts before going through with these procedures which not only don't work but can cause permanent damage to our body. The Health Ministry needs to step up and educate the public about the dangers of home grown quack remedies.

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