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Bringing an antique clock through customs

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Hello all

I am thinking of bringing a nice old West German "Jauch" clock from the U.S. to Thailand. I plan on having my wife (Thai) carry it in her carry on bag (very fragile).The clock was not expensive...about 100 dollars (3000 baht). Information on the clock is nearly impossible to find...certainly no values are available on the internet (well, I cant find any). It's a wall clock, so will take up her entire carry on bag...so no chance of "slipping through"

What should I expect at customs? How much should I expect to be fleeced?

If anyone has any experience bringing antiques here, please let me know what's in store.

Thanks, Eric



Walk through the "nothing to declare" GREEN channel, it is your personal property and not subject to duty

Thank you for the info.....I'd heard horror stories.

Anyone else have anything to add?


I put one in a suite case well wrapped. On collection the case had a ''fragile'' sticker on it..... Those X-Rays are good........thumbsup.gif


Walk through the "nothing to declare" GREEN channel, it is your personal property and not subject to duty

Thank you for the info.....I'd heard horror stories.

Anyone else have anything to add?

How about posting some of those "horror stories" The only ones I have ever read about here at TV dealt with cigarettes and alcohol


I fly into Swampy every month and rarely see anyone getting a customs check and non of the guys I work with ever have a hassle either. I'm another one that would love to hear the "horror story's" or is the horror story another myth that can be busted.

I reckon its one of the easiest airports to exit in the world


I brought an icemachine in a big box through the nothing to declare exit. They called me back and asked about that box. I said it was an icemachine and they xrayed it. They asked the value which was 10k baht. No problem and i could go.

I bet they stopped me because it was an odd box, (original box from factory but wrapped in tape). It didn't fit in the suitcase so i only brought that box and handluggage.

For the rest they have never checked me.


The "horror" stories I have read about huge customs duties have been numerous. It thankfully seems only when shipping, not carrying items.

And no, I'm not going searching for old posts.....jeez guys lighten up, it's a forum not a trial.

Thanks for the help,


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