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Thai Government House now under siege by protesters


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Yippee! Time to start over, rebuild!

Do what Russia did to the old parliament building (with chalerm, shinawatra and all the communists inside) and start the dawn of a new era! Hell yeah. Hope it turns out something like that.

Karma and history show this group of thieves and scoundrels will meet their end to power; its the law of nature, the effect of karma. Its inevitable. Live by the sword........you will...........

Mmmmm yeah, cos Russia turned out really really well didn't it.

And while we're on the subject, isn't a 'people's council' something like a 'supreme soviet'?

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20.000 people...this is "the majority" ?

Yes, 20,000 telling 50,000,000 what to do.

Bangkokians think the country ends at the city limits and they don't give a shit what the rest of the country wants.

Today there were well over 100,000 Thais on the streets, telling Yingluck to resign.

It's all very well her saying her party scored 15 million votes compared to the Democrats' 11 million votes, but when she knows almost the entire middle class are against her and her family, it's time to go.

Rubbish. The upper middle class maybe in opposition, but the regular Joe Thai is quite satisified, but very displeased with the Democrat obstructionist. If it comes to an actual civil war (I wish not to see) Then so be it and take every yellow sympathizer expat down with them.

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About 300.000 people was on the road today. Employees, Students, old People, normal People (it would be interessting how much of them are middle and upper class laugh.png ). People coming and going, no free food or drink, make it difficult for the older. People from all over Thailand, working here and some thousend coming from outside. More would coming if they not must take care for the family, and can not leave work.

People boring about corrupt politicans what color they ever have, and 2 law for rich and poor. What me make really moody is that the reds now use my prefered colors, black, white and grey. Some red mob on the roads, 2-3 together dont smile, dont look in your eye. They love to abuse lonely woman. Im sure, if normal Isaan People see the behaviour of their red mob, they will change their mind. wai.gif

More rubbish! " They love to abuse lonely woman. Im sure, if normal Isaan People see the behaviour of their red mob, they will change their mind. wai.gif"

Another load of yellow bullocks!

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20.000 people...this is "the majority" ?

Yes, 20,000 telling 50,000,000 what to do.

Bangkokians think the country ends at the city limits and they don't give a shit what the rest of the country wants.

Today there were well over 100,000 Thais on the streets, telling Yingluck to resign.

It's all very well her saying her party scored 15 million votes compared to the Democrats' 11 million votes, but when she knows almost the entire middle class are against her and her family, it's time to go.

Rubbish. The upper middle class maybe in opposition, but the regular Joe Thai is quite satisified, but very displeased with the Democrat obstructionist. If it comes to an actual civil war (I wish not to see) Then so be it and take every yellow sympathizer expat down with them.

What do you mean by that last sentence?

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Hardly a siege all the protestors are gathered outside in relative silence. Very little movement, talking and smiling amongst themselves. Now the reds laid siege to the Capital, this lot are pussy's in comparison.

Not 'pussy's' [sic], merely civilised thumbsup.gif

I agree,

Guess they know what civilization is about.... If there was no problem, do not think that they would be there?

Thailand needs a change from the old," business as usual...."

rolleyes.gifwhistling.gifrolleyes.gif kilosierra

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Several tens of thousands of anti-Thai demonstrators have laid siege to Government House with all its entrances and exits now sealed.

Am sure it's a mistake, but they mean anti-Govt surely, not anti-Thai. I'm not sure being labelled anti-Thai will go down well . . . slander, libel actions to follow.

They are anti-Thai, as they will not only bring the government down, but the entire country with them.

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Several tens of thousands of anti-Thai demonstrators have laid siege to Government House with all its entrances and exits now sealed.

Am sure it's a mistake, but they mean anti-Govt surely, not anti-Thai. I'm not sure being labelled anti-Thai will go down well . . . slander, libel actions to follow.

They are anti-Thai, as they will not only bring the government down, but the entire country with them.

Really, an anti-protest, govt mouthpiece press organisation makes a statement claiming the protestors are anti-Thai and that makes it true? They will probably claim it was a typo or some sort of other feeble BS excuse, but in reality it reveals PTs attitude to the world in general; "we are Thailand, only our views are true Thai views, we are always right, all against us are against Thailand and its people, no one can be pro-Thai if they oppose us". Totalitarian, fascist thinking.

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Several tens of thousands of anti-Thai demonstrators have laid siege to Government House with all its entrances and exits now sealed.

Am sure it's a mistake, but they mean anti-Govt surely, not anti-Thai. I'm not sure being labelled anti-Thai will go down well . . . slander, libel actions to follow.

They are anti-Thai, as they will not only bring the government down, but the entire country with them.

Much like Thaksin's doing then.

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If Suthep really has the majority of the country behind him, he should have no worries about winning the next election with a landslide. Why are the Democrats refusing the join the election then? Seems to me the easiest way to bring reforms is get elected and then pass your reforms since they would have an absolute majority, no?

Anybody who's lived long enough in this country and knows how any elections are handled here by the listed parties, especially upcountry and especially in the Isaan where absolutely most voters live, knows, that elections are a business. The party with the most resources will win. The farmers in the provinces (which form the absolute voting majority) don't care which party's going to win. It has always been this way and nobody can change that. This forms the major problem for clean elections. So now, ask yourself, how can Suthep's party win the coming elections?

"elections are a business. The party with the most resources will win."

Unfortunately that is true of any country, certainly not limited to Thailand.

But what they DO with the 'resources' is NOT the same in all countries. e.g. In Australia, you don't get cash payouts for voting for a party. Clean elections vs grubby.

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If Suthep really has the majority of the country behind him, he should have no worries about winning the next election with a landslide. Why are the Democrats refusing the join the election then? Seems to me the easiest way to bring reforms is get elected and then pass your reforms since they would have an absolute majority, no?

Anybody who's lived long enough in this country and knows how any elections are handled here by the listed parties, especially upcountry and especially in the Isaan where absolutely most voters live, knows, that elections are a business. The party with the most resources will win. The farmers in the provinces (which form the absolute voting majority) don't care which party's going to win. It has always been this way and nobody can change that. This forms the major problem for clean elections. So now, ask yourself, how can Suthep's party win the coming elections?

But that is why the need for reform of the election system, to remove vote buying, because that is how Thaksin is keeping FULL control of this country.

That is why the Dems and Suthep will never accept these elections. They will never even participate, they will all be back on the streets in the days leading up the the elections. They will not leave and they will not accept a one sided and paid for elected bunch of crooks.

That is why this reform WILL happen, and it will be interested to see exactly who will win the first clean election.

The dems will not accept a bunch of stupid populist policies targeted at the rural voters only. They will contend those as indirect vote buying with more disasters for the economy on the horizon.

Anyone who still thinks these elections are going to just end up as deja vu of the past elections are pretty much wrong.

This is going to be a new era, and it is going to wipe away the way things happened so far in history. You mark my words.

If PTP puts YL up as leader for the next elections, but nobody is being paid, then the voters will have to use their brains for once and ask themselves, is this bimbo right for our future? The rurals may not be that well educated, but they are not stupid. This could be the first time that most get the chance to use their vote correctly, instead of just seeing it as a quick 500 baht.

I can predict that any proof of vote buying will result in party suspension from the election. It is not that hard to prove it.

What a load of codswallop.

The dems havent' won an election since 1992 long before Taksin appeared....and they know damn well that they won't win an election now which is why they don't want an election. Do you think that taksin is the only rich person who is capable of throwing a pile of money into an election?

You are correct that the rural people are not stupid. Yet another reason they will not vote for the bunch of THUGS whose only goal is to replace an elected government with one of their choosing without an election.

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The middle classes, the world over are the victims of an massive con by the elite. Ultimately, they are the core group of tax payers, they pay income taxes and are consumers, the poor don't earn enough to pay or consume, while the mega wealthy hire armies of experts to minimize their own tax burdens. At the same time the politicians raise taxes to bail out various business failures, they raise taxes to gift big business incentives, all in the name of retaining or creating jobs. These new jobs are often the lowest paid, therefore the lowest tax earners.

As for a new election, it must supervised with international scrutineers to avoid the vote buying accusation two years down the track. This I feel was a DP tactic from the begining, they denied international scrutiny for a reason, the reason or reasons were that they engage in the same rorting as all other parties, yet tellingly, they could later dismiss the legitimacy of the government by spinning the fraud line.

If the DP boycott an election that is scrutinised, they will be disenfranchising their supporters and all members should be banned and the party outlawed. It goes without saying that candidates guilty of vote buying or any other electoral fraud should be jailed and have their assets seized. A threat of significant magnitude is needed ensure compliance to the rules.

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This must be stopped now before the 'Anarchist Suthep' makes his declaration at 18:00 Hours today. If he states his position as the head of a New Thai government some foreign nations may accept his rule as fact. Since Suthep's recommendation amounts to a communist revolution of the people for the people he is recommending that only he will be accountable to the Monarch and if and when later Thailand has a new prime minister that minster will rule Thailand in accordance with Suthep's and only Suthep's wishes.

Suthep's proposal's amount to the dreams of a madman, and contravine the Constition of Thailand, the authority of the Monarch. and the will of his people.

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