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Why foreigners go to protest in Thailand ?


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Some people like the feeling that they belong to something. A bit sad really.

you're 100% correct

clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>

Believe it or not,

but some stupid Farangs even believe that when they marry a Thai GIRL - in Thailand, that they are married and are a family


Don't they know - this privilege in reserved, and well protected, for THAI/THAI couples only!

No wonder the numbers of left alone, single mothers are rising and Thailand is already leading ...

WELL done, Thailand is truly the BEST country in many negative aspects

GO, Thailand, GO... still a few inhumane, disrespecting and racist titles to snatch

clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25> clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25> clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>


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I can't help but wonder if things had kicked off and the guy in the photograph had have been seriously injured, what the comments would be from all that are endorsing his right to be there and protesting.

Personally, if you want to go, knock yourself out. But if things turn nasty, keep your whinging to yourselves. I think this is the reason that the warnings about foreigners attending the protests was put out in the first place, for their own protection against possible reprisals by the police. Fortunately it never happened.

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Posted 2013-12-10 16:52:48 #1

"Hey, I really don't understand why some foreigners go to protest against the government ?

It is not their country, they don't have the right to vote or anything else, then why do they join the protesters ??"

MAYBE they are AGAINST CORRUPTION? and want to support democracy & thais! protest is a basic democratic right!

are YOU FOR CORRUPTION? against democracy? against the poor uneducated thais?

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Some people like the feeling that they belong to something. A bit sad really.

Looks like they aren't paying attention and are not concern with him or his skin colour and nationality - which is something I can't say for a lot of TV members.

Why not protest (personally I wouldn't), you can get tried in this country in a court amongst other things. Maybe he is with Thai friends.

Lots like a bit of a street part atmosphere, maybe he is having fun.

Who cares, what a negative questions - another us/them crappy discussion. We need to be pulling these barriers and attitudes down not reinforcing them

Edited by tingtongtingtong
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I live here and have for over 27 years… I have a Wife and children here that are thai. I have a company here. i pat taxes here and if i want to go to the protest sites i should be able to if i am not committing any crimes or invading government property. If a foreigner wanted to attend a protest in my home country they would not be expelled.

Which government is in office will affect my life as well as all Thais. I have my view and i can support who ever i want to… Legally… and so can Anyone else….


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I am a foreigner but grew up here, have thai nationality...

I don't protest, but could if I wanted to.

Farangs don't usually like it when thai's look at as and make assumptions them e.g

can't speak thai

are all tourists

can't eat spicy food

are all

married to uneducated isaan ex-bargirls

etc etc etc

So why do so many farangs see another farangs and make assumptions about them.

I accept that farangs like myself (raised here and have full thai nationality) are in the minority here, but there are actually quite a few of us around...

I think a lot of farangs need to stop assuming we are all here on visa's or as guests, some farangs here do have more rights here than other farangs.

Great post.

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Hi-Park is from English..... It means standing on a box and giving your political opinion. It comes from" Hyde Park" in London England

which is known for its Sunday soapbox orators, who have assembled at Speakers' Corner since 1872 to discuss religion, politics and other topics.

It's known. Isn't that fantastic? gotta love the Thai language.

If the guy has citizenship he would have every right to protest, however he looks like a total ass hole and an embarrassment. Re the official message what is hi park?

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I agree, foreigners must not take part in it and if they do then my question to them is, what will their government do if Thais or foreigners in their country participate in such protests or mob against the power.

In my country, if you're Mexican, you have nothing happen to you. In fact, you might get invited to give your sob story in front of a congressional committee.

Thailand does not share a border or have the relationship with the US that Mexico does. Even though your post may have some validity, these two situations are vastly different.

People can find any topic as a springboard for their grievance. The challenge is to get enough lift pto execute the dive properly.

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He may be just a tourist with sense of humor posing for a souvenir shot.....or looking for a date....or he just wanted to get into the news or in Thaivisa.com ....to see what people will say about him.....Cammon guys!....How immigration will find him??? He is having fun! Good for him!

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Posted 2013-12-10 16:52:48 #1

"Hey, I really don't understand why some foreigners go to protest against the government ?

It is not their country, they don't have the right to vote or anything else, then why do they join the protesters ??"

MAYBE they are AGAINST CORRUPTION? and want to support democracy & thais! protest is a basic democratic right!

are YOU FOR CORRUPTION? against democracy? against the poor uneducated thais?

People fought in 1932 for the right to have a democratically elected government and now a bunch of f**** are out on the street fighting hard no to have a democracy with their self-proclaimed people's council. I'm sure the guy in the hat was aware of that rich irony as he was blowing his whistle.

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I have an acquaintance who loves to attend these gatherings that are typical "Thai", why? Cause he loves the attention he gets from the Thais of being the only foreigner around them. It is pretty pathetic, and hopefully he will get tired of it soon.

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Its just for fun, i got myself caught in this with my thai wife, because in Thailand everything seems so pleasant and you are tempted to participate in the fun; not in the cause really. You want to say to yourself; after that; that you were there. When you see whole families, lot of nice girls singing, and teenagers smiling shopping with the hawkers buying flags, whistles, tshirts you cannot beleive !!! Its beyong imagination. How can you help yourself by not doing like them? Even sometimes you are under the treat of bombs or bullets! By doing so it never mean that you intend to change the face of Thailand. Its the Thai people to decide what they want

" A Land of smile" have shown to us foregners how to participate in your life, may be often we are not in the right side. So teach us how we should do. We will never dictate or change your opinion. But If you still need the foreigner's opinion...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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From his photo it seems he's been in the Kingdom a while and may have strong beliefs/opinions regarding Thai politics. I

they should throw him in jail with the other uk skinhead hooligan from the 2010 riots

the last thing thailand needs is farangs joining protests and roadblocks and generally

getting in the way of things they probably dont even understand

if i was a police sniper i would shoot him first

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and what about this guy ? Something happened to him ? haha

Thats Jeff Savage the Brit thug. He's probably got his own TV show now called "Brit Pricks Abroad". He got arrested for what he said on camera, and then when he was locked up he started crying about who is going to look after his elderly mother if he goes to jail?

Thanks for the name. Google gave me this:


Interesting stuff.

Another yobbo Brit <deleted>.

Makes me ashamed to be English.

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