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Why foreigners go to protest in Thailand ?


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and what about this guy ? Something happened to him ? haha


Yup he was deported and will not be back. He is married to a Thai and was saying he was sorry this, that, but the govt said too bad and black listed him.

The guy was an idiot and was just looking to loot the mall for free stuff.

I dont think an ex-pats should get involved in any protests! This is between the Thai's let them do it and figure things out.

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There were some NGO-types joining the opposition protests here in Cambodia. I have been an expat all my life but I stay out of local politics. If you back the losing side, joining protests might come back and bite you in the butt.

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I agree, foreigners must not take part in it and if they do then my question to them is, what will their government do if Thais or foreigners in their country participate in such protests or mob against the power.

Yeah....ahm...not a good point, because in MY COUNTRY that is covered under freedom of speech, expression, right to demonstrate...IF you are a resident and not on a holiday, of course!


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For those who don't understand and think, it is a freedom of speech- matter, if you are only paying taxes:

This is NO democracy, there is no freedom of speech and no matter if you pay taxes or not- if Thailand tomorrow decides that ALL OF US farang have to go home...that is what will happen!

You and your opinion are not welcome here!

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This is a great topic and photo to just pile on with the jokes... and BELIEVE ME, I'm tempted to do just that...

However, in the interest of a constructive dialog... I would say that he is doing the same thing all of us are doing in this forum.

He is expressing his opinions about the status and direction of the country. I assert that even though I am not a citizen, I do live here, I have family here, I have a job here, I pay taxes here, and I have and interest, if not a "say", in what happens here. Since I choose to make this my home, I CARE what happens here and would like to see the country moving FORWARD instead of this political chaos we have seen for so long.

I think it is called "free speech" and I support this guy in exercising that right as he sees fit.

Yeh, he's playing '' Another Brick in the Wall'' on his whistle eh................laugh.png

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I am a foreigner but grew up here, have thai nationality...

I don't protest, but could if I wanted to.

Farangs don't usually like it when thai's look at as and make assumptions them e.g

can't speak thai

are all tourists

can't eat spicy food

are all

married to uneducated isaan ex-bargirls

etc etc etc

So why do so many farangs see another farangs and make assumptions about them.

I accept that farangs like myself (raised here and have full thai nationality) are in the minority here, but there are actually quite a few of us around...

I think a lot of farangs need to stop assuming we are all here on visa's or as guests, some farangs here do have more rights here than other farangs.

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people from all walks of life protest in my country and yes some complain about them protesting as they say it is not their country but they still go to support the ones who are there protesting thinking maybe the protestors have a valid point to get through

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Some people like the feeling that they belong to something. A bit sad really.

you're 100% correct


Believe it or not,

but some stupid Farangs even believe that when they marry a Thai GIRL - in Thailand, that they are married and are a family


Don't they know - this privilege in reserved, and well protected, for THAI/THAI couples only!

No wonder the numbers of left alone, single mothers are rising and Thailand is already leading ...

WELL done, Thailand is truly the BEST country in many negative aspects

GO, Thailand, GO... still a few inhumane, disrespecting and racist titles to snatch


Edited by Harleys
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I love the assumption that all foreigners are guests here. Since you don't know anything about this guy's nationality, get off your soap box.

However, in general I agree that while in a foreign country it is impolite if not illegal to protest.

1. It bothers me that we as foreigners must be considered "guests" in the country. I look at the USA where they have loads of immigrants, some illegal and nobody says they are considered guests. They have the right to assemble in public and rights the same as any other person on USA soil, except they cannot participate in politics - vote or hold office. And I guess they can't be civil servants either. Otherwise I have never heard the word guest used when we talk about Mexicans or other immigrants, be they British or Canadian.

2. It is not illegal nor impolite to protest. It is a function of freedom of speech. See point 1 for reference to rights.

Having said that, this is Thailand and I would not participate in protests. Although I have always manage to sneak into them. I like to collect the propaganda - T shirts, clappers, flip flops, CDs, and all. I do it for my own personal collection. My favorite piece is the cover of Matichon Turakij where they photoshopped a pic of Taksin as the Matrix. Taksin "Jao Paw, Hang Jao Paw". Its so great I framed it. The wife doesnt get that it is a joke so allows me to put it up at home but only over the toilet. The other stuff I keep stored for posterity. Maybe make a museum someday.

Well said, couldn't agree more.

As a matter of fact, you'd better go to China. You have HEAPS more rights there, even can demonstrate or join a demo ...

Come with me, I go back. what's to do here? Only get discriminated, humiliated and even threatened, beaten up on every corner.

Thailand had lost it a long time already.

Well, there are still a lot of retired war veterans, alcoholics or "wanted" back home here and, let them be happy here. For a good man, this is no place, and a good man wouldn't even consider, no more!

Thailand for Thailand. ALlow them stuff up themselves.

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and what about this guy ? Something happened to him ? haha


Thats Jeff Savage the Brit thug. He's probably got his own TV show now called "Brit Pricks Abroad". He got arrested for what he said on camera, and then when he was locked up he started crying about who is going to look after his elderly mother if he goes to jail?

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and what about this guy ? Something happened to him ? haha


Thats Jeff Savage the Brit thug. He's probably got his own TV show now called "Brit Pricks Abroad". He got arrested for what he said on camera, and then when he was locked up he started crying about who is going to look after his elderly mother if he goes to jail?

Thanks for the name. Google gave me this:


Interesting stuff.

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Your approaching is absolutely wrong.

Many farangs whose live here for long time they feel this country is their country.

I think this isn't problem at all.

Better to don't judge cause you don't know what will happen to you after 5-10-20 years if you stay here.

About the immigration office warning: this is a full idiot and arrogant warning as it can. Shame for the officers.

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