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Can I use normal mortar with Superblock/QCON type Hebel blocks

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Post construction using their special virtually glue like mix I have around 60 leftover blocks.

Most are offcuts mishapes etc or odd split blocks,so the special glue intended for flat surfaces cannot be used.

The originals were the 20x20x60cm the larhest standard made and excellent too for cool fireproof and soundproof house which allowing for build speed was only mariginally more tha trad blocks of similar insulation values.

My question is can I use notrmal mortar as there will be 2-3 inch (10cm ) gaps where unevn edges.

I would also like to build 12 block ( Approx 8feet high load bearing wall .Will it work I will use rebar to join blocks and seal,There should be no humidity.

links as in the original design the wall will support a wooden deck.

Appreciate advice from anyone with experience esp hands on.

I can call Superblock in Suphanburi whho were helpful during build but I've "loaned " the manual to a frend who forgot to return.

i want to err on side of caution so if ther's any risk I could

A Trim blocks to perfect rectangles

B Order new but 100km delivery or trip South

C Mix or substitute with normal blocks or Bricks

pm if you wish and I will be happy to call any English or French speaker who may help.

We hope to do the work in new year once all materials/labourers arranged .

For anyone buiding from new I cannot recommend the material too highly


I recall qcon and I imagine the others have a special patching mortar to fill bigger gaps which is a common need to fill chases after the conduits go in. Their normal epoxy mortar for laying blocks can be at most 3mm thick. From the literature I have seen you never use a regular mortar when working with these blocks if you want the job done properly.

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Yes thanks that's what I thought.
On reflexion may be able to trim the damaged/ugly bits and use epoxy to join all the vertical load bearing .

As the blocs are 20x20cm with barely 1cm chasing for conduits electric etc I hope it'll work or may just sculpt them into Elephants and use boring old grey blocs double thick

on the sunny side facing the room and the rough bits facing the understairs cupboard .

The sealing mortar used to render can be applied a little thicker I think 1cm will cover the gaps


Why does the wall have to be load bearing, or better, why can't you use posts to support the load and then just use the leftover blocks as fill? Then it doesn't really matter much how you patch the holes..


normal mortar can be used without any problems. but don't mix q-con with any other cement blocks or clay bricks.

Thanks is this based on experience?

As I will not use on the structural half but for "barrier wall on my terrace"

I'll try and post a foto if it helps.

Ypur comments are reassuirtng and its what all local Thai buiders (whove never used Qbloc say) but othey wont have to live with it

I may well do this for ornamental garden walls 60cm high tat will never take weight just flower pots to use up the leftovers

What ratio do you recommend and should I seal the blocks first or will the render suffice?


Why does the wall have to be load bearing, or better, why can't you use posts to support the load and then just use the leftover blocks as fill? Then it doesn't really matter much how you patch the holes..

Hard to explain but I have an open plan room with rebar and cocrete staircase shallow 25 degree wide easy one feet wide 8 inch (20cm) high steps for my old age!

My gap looks like this reversed without a windowseat


The plan s to fill the traingle below (leaving a small wood door for cupboard about 2 feet wide.The remainder (shallow one foot wide stear treads).The virtue of blocs can cut for triangle wedges and very strong support.

On the steps will build rest of wall using 2 courses of the 30cmx4x4 red firebricks with a gap so they will support a 6 inch wide beam onto which the cross members and florr planks will be placed using huge dowels and giant mortice and tenon supported on rbar with litttle rubber pad as this is an earthqauke zone.

This wall to form the support for room deck made of teak and makkan beams and teak floors.

The spans will go into the opposte walls with aditional Strong wood 5x5 teak columns t0o take weight up to 1.6-2 tons

Weightolad comprises The wood and floorboards planed teak c Icm or 3/8 inch

On the floor

I heavy double bed table 150kg

2 Dresser and chair 75

3 2 heavy teak bedside marbletop tables c75kg

A Lazyboy chair and my rotating laptop table 40kg

and 3- 4 bodies(I plan only 2 in bed ) but allowing of course weight of anyone walking across deck to dive int the pool below) say 300kg but in reality only my 75 and wife 50 plus no dount 10kg of hair and beauty products!!! Bless her she looks fine without but pointless advising Thai lady

Most of heavy furniture will be along one wall where there will be two 5x5 inch beams at the window/balcony end

Total load about 1-3 ton likelt and allow for 2 ton max if whole street arrive for Pitti (try keeping them out ,they dont drink much a case of Singha and 12 bottles of Lhao Khao want tp know price of everything,"FEEL it " and then of course eat everything in the house,Plan to stock up Gorgonzola and sheeps eyes,usually deters all but the hungirest,but i digress.

So I think I'll use up the Hebel blocks below and red bricks aboove the staircase where no triangles to fill.

Appreciate your input and any opinions and criticismsI am always happy to learn.The cost is negligble my builder who has did superblock for the house is only 400 a day so plenty of time to slowly scuplt to fit and plne woods for a nice tight fit.I have all the material sleftover blocks and a teak house I bought and transported all for 22,ooo inc Poo Yai Ban authority bottle and nail removal.12 x 4 metres saos would cost tha each in Eurpop plus the flors and walls for cupboards.If you can source close enough to move legally an Old house of seasoned tropical hardwood is a realy good deal.

I'll try and upload photos when I learn how.

Interested to know the smallest size epoxy glue and render bags sold?

The surface area of blocks will be only be about 1sqMetre each side and ,2 on the end wall

Or in imperial it is a triangle about 6 foot long and 4 feet high by 8 inches thick (one block) so around 22square feet or 3.5 sq yards


Nothing wrong with your description, but I guess a picture says a million words in this instance wink.png

where a million words does not draw a picturelaugh.png


normal mortar can be used without any problems. but don't mix q-con with any other cement blocks or clay bricks.

Thanks is this based on experience?

As I will not use on the structural half but for "barrier wall on my terrace"

I'll try and post a foto if it helps.

Ypur comments are reassuirtng and its what all local Thai buiders (whove never used Qbloc say) but othey wont have to live with it

I may well do this for ornamental garden walls 60cm high tat will never take weight just flower pots to use up the leftovers

What ratio do you recommend and should I seal the blocks first or will the render suffice?


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