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Thai farmers to blockade roads over unpaid rice


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Maybe Yingluck will go on a long shopping trip soon, as there is no law that says she can resign!

Cause it doesn't look like the farmers will vote PTP next time!

They will.

Remember YOU can FOOL all of the people ALL of the time... especially here.

As much as the locals where I live want to hang her and her cronies over the rice scam 10-1 they will vote the lot back in.

They could stay at home on that day

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This whole rice debacle was a brilliant move on Thaksin's part... at least in the short run.

If PT wins the next election, they borrow the 2.2 trillion baht and use it to keep the rice scheme afloat for another decade or so. If they lose, the Democrats will have a choice of either continuing a policy that is a disaster in the long run or cancelling it, which will seriously piss of the 50%+ of the population who are farmers and scuttle their chances of ever winning another election.

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This whole rice debacle was a brilliant move on Thaksin's part... at least in the short run.

If PT wins the next election, they borrow the 2.2 trillion baht and use it to keep the rice scheme afloat for another decade or so. If they lose, the Democrats will have a choice of either continuing a policy that is a disaster in the long run or cancelling it, which will seriously piss of the 50%+ of the population who are farmers and scuttle their chances of ever winning another election.

Anyone beginning to see why Suthep is less than thrilled with the idea of simply another election?? And why so many are listening to him? Any lights coming on out there yet? Hmmmm? He didn't create this situation, Thaksin and his goose-stepping PTP did.

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Funny stuff. So the red buffaloes have finally woke up to the reality of the rice scam.

This reminds me a bit of a Ponzi scheme ,where the early people get paid off, and then

the money runs out for the later people. The government clearly knew the rice scheme

was coming to the end play, and the only way to keep it alive was the 2 trillion baht

" transport" bill. That is why it was rammed through so fast. But it would appear that

the government has run out of time. Thank god .......... So now the farmers can see

what has been happening.

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rain thrusts a private language

a thick thrum

thick now

thicker than i could think in a city

Aren't you the same guy who was jabbering about the democrats' refusal to "cosign" something or other in connection with the PTP rice scam? I don't think a lot of us are going to get this either... Are you going to "walk away" from this post as well?

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i have just spoken to my wife about this late payment her reply no money no vote she is quite sure payments will be made before proposed election date

I'm sure she is right and like lambs to daughter then all is fine and they and I assume your wife will vote for this lot again. Well will serve them right to find if they do that next year payment is not made or less or whatever because as lots say here they were voted in so can do whatever they please.

Hmm. You put it that way and these farmers have a vested interest in repeating this cycle of re-electing the PTP to power, then standing back and watching it protested out. There's baht for them at every turn. ...Which is baht coming out of politicians' pockets (rather than the public trough), isn't it? 'Sounds savvy enough to me. Not too healthy from a democracy perspective, but probably preferable to a Thaksinocracy OR a Suthepocracy.

You can`t seriously think the money for vote buying comes out of the politicians pockets can you?

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Now here's the funny part.

Wifey and I walked to our local village shop/bar last night, she for the gossip, me for a Leo.

The talk was all about the delayed payment for pledged rice and was getting very heated. Farmers are seriously fed up with PT but the loathing for the Democrats is even stronger!

I asked who they will be voting for in the next election and every single one said PT.

'The Democrats never do anything for us' was the overwhelming view.

This is the mindset the Dems must address before they can begin to even think about winning a national election.

We live in Kanchanaburi btw.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If the election is delayed until the end of April, their memory might be refreshed as they buy uniforms and textbooks without subsidies. Last April, this was still a hot topic in our area, and not many were saying they were glad little Somchai got a tablet instead.

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i have just spoken to my wife about this late payment her reply no money no vote she is quite sure payments will be made before proposed election date

I'm sure she is right and like lambs to daughter then all is fine and they and I assume your wife will vote for this lot again. Well will serve them right to find if they do that next year payment is not made or less or whatever because as lots say here they were voted in so can do whatever they please.
Hmm. You put it that way and these farmers have a vested interest in repeating this cycle of re-electing the PTP to power, then standing back and watching it protested out. There's baht for them at every turn. ...Which is baht coming out of politicians' pockets (rather than the public trough), isn't it? 'Sounds savvy enough to me. Not too healthy from a democracy perspective, but probably preferable to a Thaksinocracy OR a Suthepocracy.

You can`t seriously think the money for vote buying comes out of the politicians pockets can you?
Often it does, and they get it paid back ten fold.

Sent from my phone ...

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Rubber farmers in Bangkok. Urbanites in Bangkok. And now Rice Farmers in the North East. Add the failed amnesty bill into the mix, and one might almost thing things aren't going as well for the PTP as they might have liked.

Deliberate misinformation.

Where does it say the Northeast? Another example of extrapolation in order to stir the pot.

Poster must be a Suthep devotee? Same M.O.

Sp please tell us with your encyclopedic knowledge of Thailand, where you think these rice farmers are that have not been paid. Just what part of Thailand do you think they are from?

Hanging on by the fingernails.

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Rubber farmers in Bangkok. Urbanites in Bangkok. And now Rice Farmers in the North East. Add the failed amnesty bill into the mix, and one might almost thing things aren't going as well for the PTP as they might have liked.

Deliberate misinformation.

Where does it say the Northeast? Another example of extrapolation in order to stir the pot.

Poster must be a Suthep devotee? Same M.O.

It says 26 (twenty six) northern and central provinces, it may not SAY Issan (NE) but I think its safe to say there must be a few from Issan among the 26 provinces. You seem to be clutching at straws.

I'm simply taking the article face value. Read what's there.

You're the one clutching, sorry!

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