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Suthep targets Shinawatra clan


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Suthep targets Shinawatra clan

BANGKOK: -- Rally leader Suthep Thaugsuban on Tuesday night announced that Shinawatra family members would become the next targets of the anti-government protesters.

The protest escalation came after caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra shrugged off the ultimatum by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) led by Mr Suthep that demanded she and her government step down from their caretaker role in 24 hours, or by 10.30pm last night, to pave the way for the appointment of an interim prime minister and the setting up of a "people's council" under Section 3 of the constitution.

The government rejected the demand, saying Section 3 does not allow any group of people to exercise the sovereign power of the people. The King shall exercise such power through parliament, the cabinet and the courts, it said.

In his speech to the protesters, Mr Suthep said since Ms Yingluck had ignored the PDRC's "order", the committee had therefore issued an "additional order" that protesters demonstrate peacefully against Shinawatra family members and cabinet members.

Police are also ordered by the PDRC to take legal action against Ms Yingluck and her cabinet on charges of insurrection, he said.

"The PDRC orders police officers to return to their normal duties," Mr Suthep said, setting them a 12-hour deadline to comply.

"The military is asked to deploy for security purpose at state offices instead," he said.

In an earlier speech, Mr Suthep said when the prime minister steps down, he would ask protesters to go home.

"Just wait for another three days. If this is not finished, people in the Shinawatra family won't find any happiness in their lives," he said.

According to Mr Suthep, the Shinawatra family should expect to be treated with contempt by people nationwide.

"If the prime minister doesn't want to be hated any more, do as we recommend," he said.

Mr Suthep again insisted the Yingluck administration had lost its legitimacy to stay in power since it had rejected the Constitution Court's ruling on the charter amendment to make the Senate a fully elected body.

"Various actions of this government led by Ms Yingluck intentionally violated the constitution. As a result, this government is illegitimate," he told protesters at the rally site in front of Government House.

He said the Yingluck administration could not even assume the role of a caretaker government.

"As a result the country is in a vacuum, making it possible to invoke Section 7 of the charter to establish an interim government to pursue national reforms."

Mr Suthep also criticised Ms Yingluck for her announcement of a House dissolution before it was royally endorsed.

He said such an act was considered offensive to the monarchy.

The United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) on Tuesday called on the people to rise up against the PDRC, saying the group had committed brazen undemocratic acts.

The group said Mr Suthep was violating the charter and offending royal authority when he rejected the House dissolution and the calling of an election.

The UDD said that the Election Commission had the responsibility to organise the general election or it would risk violence and a possible civil war.

Early in the day, Ms Yingluck appeared on the verge of tears during a press conference at the Army Club and insisted she would not step down as caretaker prime minister until a new cabinet has been formed.

"I have retreated so far and I don't know where to retreat further," she said.

Ms Yingluck said there was nothing more she could do after dissolving the House. She would stop performing her duties as caretaker premier only when a new cabinet is officially appointed.

The prime minister became emotional when asked about the protesters' demand that her family leave the country.

"I am not without feelings. I have heard their calls. As for the one about my family, I am also Thai. Will there be no place for me here? Is this what is going to happen?

"I have taken steps back as far as I can. I am asking to be treated fairly," she said and abruptly left the press conference. She also called on the protesters to return home.

"Please stop the protest and use the election mechanism. With the royal decree [calling for the election] in place, the Thais who truly own the powers can take part and decide the government that they want. This is in line with peaceful means and the constitution," she said.

Mr Suthep responded last night and asked Ms Yingluck to treat the protesters fairly. He said the demonstrators were aware of their legal rights and had never "banished" her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, or anyone from the country.

"Thaksin left not because the people drove him away. He fled.

"And the people here shout "Get out" not because they want you to leave the country. They want you out of the prime minister's post. Don't make such a false accusation," he said.

Mr Suthep also chided Ms Yingluck for saying that she could not take any more steps back to appease the protesters. Calling a general election was just a trick to regain power and allow corruption to carry on after the election, he alleged.

A video clip showing Ms Yingluck smiling shortly after appearing to be on the verge of tears went viral yesterday.

It showed Ms Yingluck turning and smiling to a reporter who called out to her after she left the podium, sparking arguments on social media over whether Ms Yingluck had pretended to cry.

However, a reporter who covered Ms Yingluck's press conference said she turned round and smiled to another reporter who had followed her and asked her a question.

Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha dismissed a rumour that spread widely on Tuesday that he, together with former defence minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwon and former army chief Gen Anupong Paojinda, met Mr Suthep at a military base.

Gen Prayuth said he did not meet Mr Suthep while Gen Prawit was ill with a cold and stayed at his home in Lat Phrao and Gen Anupong was abroad.

Col Winthai Suwaree, deputy army spokesman, said Gen Prayuth remained concerned about the political situation.

"The army chief is not being passive, nor is he at ease, and he's trying to find ways to resolve the problem as quickly as possible," Col Winthai said.

-- Phuket News 2013-12-11

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only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

While that is true, there are far less that would want him to lead a government.

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only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

While that is true, there are far less that would want him to lead a government.

:) Cool I don't care who leads the Govt. but certainly not a person like Suthep, no leadership quality in kind of person!!!

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only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

So all the Shinawatra kids and teens, aunts and uncles are destroying the country as well? You claim that this Suthep is the only one with balls leading the way in totally eradicating The Shin clan from Thailand.

Let me get this straight, for the mistakes of one man, you are ok with destroying/getting rid of his family. Huh! I did not think this form of backward thinking still existed today. You might do well under a communist regime.

I can see how positive you are

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he clearly lost his marbles

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power,"

This smell like lese majeste

but looks like Suthep don't know that yet so what does the law say about such an act and what are you guys doing who are appointed by His Majesty the King? are you guys not neglecting your duties by letting this guy freely create mess among public, who wants to have normal life? Don't cry here go do your job!

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he clearly lost his marbles

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power,"

This smell like lese majeste

but looks like Suthep don't know that yet so what does the law say about such an act and what are you guys doing who are appointed by His Majesty the King? are you guys not neglecting your duties by letting this guy freely create mess among public, who wants to have normal life? Don't cry here go do your job!

To who do you refer by "You" ?

The quote is not mine, but the one from the government...which believe it or not is backed by HM... as far as i know giving order to the Royal thai police and the Royal Thai Army are not under Suthep wills

Edited by aaacorp
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"And the people here shout "Get out" not because they want you to leave the country. They want you out of the prime minister's post. Don't make such a false accusation," he said.

Two women in the protest on Thai TV said this precise statement, and they wanted all the Shins to leave, meaning unborn infants, KG students, incontinent grandparents and all. I think Sutep is doing damage control for his hate rhetoric while onstage.

People are not being fooled. Crowds are dwindling.

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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

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he clearly lost his marbles

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power,"

This smell like lese majeste

but looks like Suthep don't know that yet so what does the law say about such an act and what are you guys doing who are appointed by His Majesty the King? are you guys not neglecting your duties by letting this guy freely create mess among public, who wants to have normal life? Don't cry here go do your job!

When the government and all its Ministers etc were appointed back in 2011 they all swore an oasth to the king to be honest and to do thier best for the people and the country, NOT to one man far away.

Can you put you hand on your heart and say that they have upheld their oath?

. You are missing the point. If the government has not been doing its job then there is a democratic system for dealing with that. What Suthep is doing is to replace democracy with dictatorship.
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Various actions of this government led by Ms Yingluck intentionally violated the constitution. As a result, this government is illegitimate," he told protesters at the rally site in front of Government House.

Maybe Suthep should mention his own violations of the constitution with his actions and "orders". He is plainly a mad man who forgot to take his medication. His fanaticism would better be spent on something useful for the population, like drinkable water and a sewage system.

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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

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..... As a result the country is in a vacuum, making it possible to invoke Section 7 of the charter to establish an interim government to pursue national reforms. .......

Instead of re-re-re-re-reforms every couple of years, whith the same outcome, how

would it be to try to do a bit of maintenance and improvements in this "Dem..idiocracy"?

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he clearly lost his marbles

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power,"

This smell like lese majeste

but looks like Suthep don't know that yet so what does the law say about such an act and what are you guys doing who are appointed by His Majesty the King? are you guys not neglecting your duties by letting this guy freely create mess among public, who wants to have normal life? Don't cry here go do your job!

To who do you refer by "You" ?

The quote is not mine, but the one from the government...which believe it or not is backed by HM... as far as i know giving order to the Royal thai police and the Royal Thai Army are not under Suthep wills

ah ok :)

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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

I think you'd better get your flack jacket on as there's going to be a barrage of shots for your comparison of Suthep with Nelson Mandela. Unless of course you are being facetious?

Mandela's crusade was against the evils of apartheid and he was punished and served time for his struggle. Suthep although his crusade against the disease of Thaksinitis is in some eyes justified, it is never going to be as appreciated or even on the same scale as Madiba's.

Suthep corruption free? Is any politician corruption free?

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