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Foreign countries fear political situation will exacerbate


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"Foriegn countries fear the political situation will exacerbate". With two powerful sides here that refuse to compromise, this is the analysis? Brilliant. Must be a reknowned US thinktank, deep in the jungles of DC that came out with this one.

I love my country, but despise the political government. They always foist things like this on the public, nationwide and worldwide.

Rumor has it that tomorrow they will declare the sky will probably remain blue, and the oceans will continue to be very wet until the foreseeable future. Please tune in later for details as the sky and sea continue to develop...

What morons. thumbsup.gif

Edited by FangFerang
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BTW. USA bashing didn't start in earnest worldwide until Bush and his lapdog Blair convinced NATO to kill 60,000 civilians in Iraq. That set off the bomb of invectives, and it should have motivated democracies worldwide to dump the war mongers. But it didn't.

Strange how people refuse to accept responsibility for their own leader's actions, but que up to criticize others of the same powerlessness in world affairs. Pure cowardice, mates, and a sign of not reading more books than school told you to read.

Does any inbred idiot actuallty believe any ex-pat wants a civil war here? I hope not. If so, please take your medication. Most of us hope to see compromise for those inconsequential little people we know...like our wives, their families, our daughters, our sons, our neighbors.....

This is not a rugby match. You are responsible for your words, and if you think the Thais are NOT reading TV you need to remove the insectoid suppository and take a long nap. We might say they don't care what we think...but they are listening to it. Stop acting like punters and be diplomats for your countries. wink.png

Resume rants that cherry pick provable history.

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Do not underestimate the geopolitical importance of Thailand re Asia.

Rest assured events are being watched far more closely than most would imagine. It cannot be overstated the importance of Thailand especially to some western powers, read between the lines.

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Usually we see Thai pandering type comments from embassies. Embassies seem to go to great length to suck up to the Thais knowing all the while that it is a human and sex trafficking empire, blatant counterfeit property enterprise, and certainly one of the most corrupt nations in the world. So there is always a lot of hypocrisy and double speak coming out of embassies in Thailand. One might wonder how they justify the cost of operation and all those festive parties and cocktail affairs to their home country taxpayers.

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Who cares what other countries think?

None of them seem to have a real handle on what the hell goes on in this country anyway, including (and especially) their ambassadors living in their little cotton wool bubbles and hob-nobbing with the political and business elites.

Yes but the money spent by the tourists will HURT the Thai economy of they stay at home won't it.

Why should that bother a minister of foreign affairs in a country where they are supposed to be more interested in its own citizens while they are in said country?

They ignore a murder and rape of one of their own young Australian women, and prefer instead to pay lip service to this bunch of political morons.

Thailand's tourism figures are no business of Australia's politicians. The safety of their citizens while here IS their business.

End of.

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Who cares what other countries think?

None of them seem to have a real handle on what the hell goes on in this country anyway, including (and especially) their ambassadors living in their little cotton wool bubbles and hob-nobbing with the political and business elites.

People care about this because other countries make massive investments in the Thai economy. Inverters become wary when uncertainty arises and in particular when that uncertainty involves throwing out the rules and handing control to a junta/clique. It is very clear that the markets favour stability and, whatever her shortcomings, Md Sinawatra has provided a steady hand during this crisis. These opposition groups have done nothing other than say : we will reform the police and give you a people's committee of "good people" .

Why is it that the " good people" being offered have not been chosen by the Thai people , at elections, for more than 20 years.

Mr Stupep has said in the past , in relation to foreign observers at elections, " I don't want foreigners....I don't respect them". Do you seriously believe these comments, and the broader philosophy they reflect, go unnoticed in Washington, London, Berlin, Tokyo, Beijing?

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am just now starting to get a hint of this rabbits who have been shot at demeanor, and i am no where near bkk. but past pre-election periods have also seen a skittish demeanor. you know that look, all gloves are off, which they have every right to assume given past runs.

safest bet might be to skip across the border early new year till the dust settles. will closely monitor how it goes till then

this is what i meant. wont be the last before this election is over

Killing of a mayor candidate in Songkhla may link to political conflicts : police

December 13, 2013 6:37 pm

A candidate for a municipality mayor in Songkla was killed in front of a resteraunt yesterday.

The victim was identified as Matsala Senlimeen, 50. Initial investigation showed that he was driving on Ranote-Songkhla road when three men armed with AK-47 rifles on a pickup opened fires at him.

Police found his body and vehicle riddled with bullets. Fourteen cartridges were found at the scene.

Police linked the killing to possible political conflicts as the victim was running to be mayor of Singha Nakhorn municipality.

The election will be held next year February.


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