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PM Yingluck invites all sectors, political parties to meeting on Sunday


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PM invites all sectors, political parties to meeting on Sunday
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra Thursday invited all political parties and sectors of society to a meeting on Sunday to try to find a solution for the political impasse.

She said the meeting will be held at the Queen Sirikit National Centre.

The prime minister said Tongthong Chantharangsu, the permanent secretary for PM's Office, would invite representatives of all sectors to the meeting.

In her TV statement at 2.25pm, Yingluck made it clear that the election would be held on February 2 as scheduled

She said her government was willing to facilitate a venue that would pave way for national reform based on practical measures.

Yingluck said her government was willing to hear opinions from all sides so that reforms could take pace. She added that a peaceful solution would be sought along with the holding of the election.

-- The Nation 2013-12-12

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Well I have to admit it is a good idea.

Now that I have that out of the way.

Will Suthep be willing to discuss alternate proposals?

Will the sectors invited have any thing to do with it?

If not can I come I have a lot of ideas?

Last and proven to be wrong for over two years is

"She said her government was willing to facilitate a venue that would pave way for national reform based on practical measures.
Yingluck said her government was willing to hear opinions from all sides so that reforms could take pace"

What jumps up in my mind is why did she wait over two years to come to a sensible decision like that?

Does she realize that national reform means drooping all attempts of the Government to white wash one man.

It just amazes me that people with an education in western countries could fall for that BS that reunification hinged on White washing One yes only one convicted criminal who rather than appealing the decision choose to go into a self imposed exile. Now an Innocent man would have appealed it.

I am familiar with the Thai education system and it is not really a big surprise that they believe it.

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Her next mission is trying to make the public believe she cares about them and listens to them until the next elections. Of course nothing is going to change, why would Yingluck (Thaksin) want to change anything if they have a good chance to win the next election.

Same as with the reconciliation forums. Make a big scene out of it with Blair etc and then go to Lop Buri for a few days and bang!!!!!!! Amnesty bill!!!!!

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I haven't had my invite yet. Maybe it got lost in the post, just like my valentine cards do......in which case I would suggest a beach party on Koh Samet would be an ideal venue.

Bet it won't be the Four Seasons though.

Edited by bigbamboo
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What jumps up in my mind is why did she wait over two years to come to a sensible decision like that?

Does she realize that national reform means drooping all attempts of the Government to white wash one man.

She didn't wait. PT has proposed a multiparty forum over the charter reform bill, when it was still being drafter. The democrats refused to join it.

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Will she have the furry handcuffs to hand for Suthep?

Ma be he will grab her, pull her across his knees, pull her panties down and give her a good spankingcheesy.gif

Viagra works for you then, you sound like Cosmo Smallpiece, Les Dawson's comic friend. (knicker knackers Knockers) brill stuff.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Hey catmac. The Democrats are the biggest political party in Thailand, the idea that they will get trounced after standing up to a government that ignores it's own court system is a little bit too much, even for Thailand.

Edited by maewang99
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yingluck is a joke of a prime-minister (albeit quite pretty) but she has handled the current situation very well

anyway i hope the opposition grow up, attend the meeting and then focus on modernizing the party to become electable

unfortunately i don't think this is suthep's plan

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Well I have to admit it is a good idea.

Now that I have that out of the way.

Will Suthep be willing to discuss alternate proposals?

Will the sectors invited have any thing to do with it?

If not can I come I have a lot of ideas?

Last and proven to be wrong for over two years is

"She said her government was willing to facilitate a venue that would pave way for national reform based on practical measures.

Yingluck said her government was willing to hear opinions from all sides so that reforms could take pace"

What jumps up in my mind is why did she wait over two years to come to a sensible decision like that?

Does she realize that national reform means drooping all attempts of the Government to white wash one man.

It just amazes me that people with an education in western countries could fall for that BS that reunification hinged on White washing One yes only one convicted criminal who rather than appealing the decision choose to go into a self imposed exile. Now an Innocent man would have appealed it.

I am familiar with the Thai education system and it is not really a big surprise that they believe it.

The thing is, if Thaksin could be trusted to simply get back into the country and go into retirement in Chiangmai playing golf and enjoying his grand kids and his billions, that would probably be ok.

This bloke is basically duplicitous beyond belief, and god knows what havoc he would cause if he was pardoned and back in the country just out of vengeance.

I fancy Mr. T has a bucket list...... of people to do.

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yingluck is a joke of a prime-minister (albeit quite pretty) but she has handled the current situation very well

anyway i hope the opposition grow up, attend the meeting and then focus on modernizing the party to become electable

unfortunately i don't think this is suthep's plan

do you honestly believe she handles any of it - seriously

It is a well known fact that she is on a shopping trip during PM question time the last 2 years - you wonder why

She does nothing more than read the script she is given - watch the unscripted youtube video of the Aljazera interview from a few days ago and you'll get the idea of who she really is - reminds me of a joke I once heard

A woman gets on an airplane and sits down in the first class section. The stewardess tells her she must move to coach because she doesn't have a first class ticket. The Blonde replies, "I'm Blonde, I'm smart and I have a good job and I'm staying in first class until we reach Jamaica." The stewardess gets the head stewardess who asks the woman to leave and she says "I'm Blonde, I'm smart, I have a good job and I'm staying in first class until we reach Jamaica." The stewardesses don't know what to do because they have to get the rest of the passengers seated to take off, so they get the co-pilot. The co-pilot goes up to the Blonde and whispers in her ear. She immediately gets up and goes to her seat in the coach section. The head stewardess asks the co-pilot what he said to get her to move. The co-pilot replies, "I told her the front half of the airplane wasn't going to Jamaica."

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And when the Dems tried to speak in parliament, the PT stooge in charge wouldn't let them have their time to speak and when they got lairy in retaliation the police were called in to forcibly remove them. They tried to spesk and were treated very badly. Why the hell should they - Suthep or anyone on the Dems and anti government side - give Yingluck or any of the Thaksin brown nosers any shred of face whatsoever now !? I am not saying 2 wrongs make a right, but....whistling.gif

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As long as she is suspected to get commands from Dubai, it makes little sense that she moderated the whole.
Especially as indeed the whole protest focused on her family;
and she is caught up in this family network so that independence can not be given.
And no one will deny that a large part of government and administration is riddled with family members and friends.
Apparently has this whole "party" no critical, controversial body.
Furthermore, it lacks the statesmanship experience to resolve such a conflict.
She is a sympathetic person, but it lacks the necessary emotional distance to develop,
unbiased good solutions. Personal I wish she would never went down into the shark tank of policy.
Let the courts do there work and apply the law.
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Well I have to admit it is a good idea.

Now that I have that out of the way.

Will Suthep be willing to discuss alternate proposals?

Will the sectors invited have any thing to do with it?

If not can I come I have a lot of ideas?

Last and proven to be wrong for over two years is

"She said her government was willing to facilitate a venue that would pave way for national reform based on practical measures.

Yingluck said her government was willing to hear opinions from all sides so that reforms could take pace"

What jumps up in my mind is why did she wait over two years to come to a sensible decision like that?

Does she realize that national reform means drooping all attempts of the Government to white wash one man.

It just amazes me that people with an education in western countries could fall for that BS that reunification hinged on White washing One yes only one convicted criminal who rather than appealing the decision choose to go into a self imposed exile. Now an Innocent man would have appealed it.

I am familiar with the Thai education system and it is not really a big surprise that they believe it.

The thing is, if Thaksin could be trusted to simply get back into the country and go into retirement in Chiangmai playing golf and enjoying his grand kids and his billions, that would probably be ok.

This bloke is basically duplicitous beyond belief, and god knows what havoc he would cause if he was pardoned and back in the country just out of vengeance.

I fancy Mr. T has a bucket list...... of people to do.

Probably quite true. So do I, but I think the definition of "do" is quite different between us! To get back to reality for a moment, this is one of the major reasons it would be unwise to allow him to return. It would smack of the time of city/state/kingdoms that was once Siam (or a similar proximity). A time of swords, spears, and lances. We are civilized now. We have atom bombs, bio-weapons, and multi warhead hydrogen bombs. Much more civilized.

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Quite a girl this YS! She's already upstaged the Dear Leader by resigning and calling a new election - nothing Suthep fears more than an election which will once again show the he and his Dem ex-chums are disliked by the majority of the voters.

Now she does it again by offering to talk and take on board reasonable measures to improve things. What can Kim-Il Suthep do now. Sit down to tea with the devil herself, and lose face big time, or rant and rave like a wounded buffaloe, screaming hatred to the Shinawatras and losing the support of sensible people every step of the way.

Yep job done... Next... 2 Trillion please chink, chink. Thanks.


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yingluck is a joke of a prime-minister (albeit quite pretty) but she has handled the current situation very well

anyway i hope the opposition grow up, attend the meeting and then focus on modernizing the party to become electable

unfortunately i don't think this is suthep's plan

You think so really? She's a very good actress I'll give you that - tears on, tears off, smug grin. Whoops, back to teary eyes again. All in a blink.

She's followed orders throughout. The Caddy must be on overtime.

Look at the Shin clan track record. They don't listen to or give a stuff about anyone but the clan. Going to talks with them will be a lot of hot air that goes nowhere. She will waffle, prevaricate, pontificate, set up committees, offer this and that. All to buy time to keep things unchanged before the next election and keep the gravy train flowing as much as possibly.

This clan repeatedly lie, contradict themselves and do u-turns almost daily. <deleted> makes anyone think they will behave differently now.

So you think the 30 baht per house too a hospital per visit was a bad thing for the working people of Thailand??? WHO was that??? Mr T.

so try seeing things with a balanced view even if you don't like the party, credit where credit is due I say...

try looking past your bias and see the meeting of different sectors/factions for what it is, if agreements are made and not kept then let the people judge her.

sound fair enough?

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Quite a girl this YS! She's already upstaged the Dear Leader by resigning and calling a new election - nothing Suthep fears more than an election which will once again show the he and his Dem ex-chums are disliked by the majority of the voters.

Now she does it again by offering to talk and take on board reasonable measures to improve things. What can Kim-Il Suthep do now. Sit down to tea with the devil herself, and lose face big time, or rant and rave like a wounded buffaloe, screaming hatred to the Shinawatras and losing the support of sensible people every step of the way.

Yep job done... Next... 2 Trillion please chink, chink. Thanks.


".............chink, chink. Thanks."

That should be Thank you three times, if you don't mind jb.rolleyes.gif

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So you think the 30 baht per house too a hospital per visit was a bad thing for the working people of Thailand??? WHO was that??? Mr T.

so try seeing things with a balanced view even if you don't like the party, credit where credit is due I say...

try looking past your bias and see the meeting of different sectors/factions for what it is, if agreements are made and not kept then let the people judge her.

sound fair enough?

Then you would applaud the people who removed the 30-Baht charge, and frown at the people who subsequently re-introduced it, right ? wink.png

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