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Top brass now hold all the cards: Thai opinion


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Last time, there was a (bloodless) coup, the military, intern Government, brought in free electricity for poor people (or anyone who had very low consumption per month. The did well on road construction, within the kingdom and seemed to do a pretty good job, even so, they felt very uncomfortable, in the position of administrating the Country.

Thailand did not suffer economically, while they were in power and there seemed to be a lot less policemen, with the hands out there, during that time. (at least here in Chiang Mai Province)

When the election did happen and Thaskins crew got back in, the wanted to cancel the free electric, for the poor, but there was an outcry and they back off and kept it.

I have no problem, with the military keeping an eye on things, for a few month, or a year or two, while some of the corruption stuff gets sorted out. Better than letting little Ms T, borrow a couple of Trillion dollars and bankrupt the Country.

I still can't believe how Thaksin is still so popular, in the rural areas. Yes, he implemented the 30 Baht program (after the democrats had it ready for launch already, before he took power), so that is in his favor, but people forget quick, how under his rule,

At least one whole village (men, women and children) all got wiped out, in the so-called war on drugs

That truckloads of Southern Prisoners suffocated, after Thaksin's henchmen drove them around, stacked high on top of each other, in back of trucks,

That he GAVE the poor farmers the opportunity to borrow against their land, for the first time, with no payment and no interest, for about three years, after which both payments and interest came due at once. It was once of the biggest land grabs ever and thousands of poor Thai people lost their lands and homes, as a result of it.

Then, in the past few years, nothing but corruption and everybody lining their pockets, with very little trickling through to the medical system, infrastructure, etc.

Here is a guy that ran from his charges and didn't' even come back to face them, when his guys were back in power and he still managed his sister and his cronies, like puppets on a string, from Dubai.

A billionaire, who started out as a cop.....hmmm....must be a good job, if you can go from a few thousand Baht per month, to becoming a multi-billionare rolleyes.gif


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Really!? Another Constitution? You do realize there was just a coup a few years ago and a new constitution was written as to make less corruption and better governace, Now a new one is needed again!?

The problem isn't the constitution or 'vote management', I will also remind you that the elections since the coup were monitored internationally, and Yingluck one by a large margin in the latest election, making the voter fraud accusation a lie. Yingluck is not PM because of voter fraud, she is the PM because she won the election.

Also you should realize that if the military launches a coup and sacks the PM and puts in an appointed government, the red shirts are going to be right back on the streets demanding a new election, and they will get it like they got it last time, so a coup accomplishes nothing and makes the violence and instability worse.

Also you should realize that the PAD/PDRC leaders like Suthep and Sondhi Limthongkul have a history of corruption themselves! Read Sondhi's wiki page, i mean really! These are the people screaming corruption!

One more thing, if Yingluck has been soooo corrupt in her 2 years in office, wheres the independent prosecutor to prosecute her for these alleged wrongdoings? I don't think she's done anything illegal in the past 2 years so why not go after the people that are taking the bribes instead of screaming at her to quit.

My humble opinion is that Yingluck (Thaksin) dissolved Parliament because they know through their "management" of getting votes, they will win an election again. This will allow them to bring back the Amnesty Bill, in some form or other, and the funding, in one way or another, for the mega projects. I believe Suthep and Co know this and the Country would end up with the previous status quo. I believe the Demonstrators are trying to delay elections so that better systems of transparency and accountability can be implemented. This, hopefully, would radically reduce "vote management" and corruption in Government in general, therefore bring about a true democratic and more open administration. If they fail to do this and the present Government is re-elected, the current chronic polarization is likely to become terminal in the way of a civil war. I believe the military are sufficiently perceptive to see this and could indicate to Yingluck (without a coupe) that she and her Government should stand-down, to allow an appointed Government to re-write the Constitution to include the appropriate checks and balances.

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And then having done their duty they arrest Thaksin and bring him back to Thailand to answer the charges against him.

No bail permitted at all for Thaksin as he has jumped bail once already.

Now in that case there would be NO double standards.

They are not bounty hunters are they?

Even if they were... there are after all a few countries with extradition agreements with Thailand.

If there is a proper charge & proper paper work/requests then it is a done deal.

If not no extradition

It is not a matter of simple double standards.

I think the main point here is that there are separate factions

within the Thailand system that should be acting as one & on behalf of the Thai citizens.

No country can function this way.

The Military, The Police etc. have to have a loyalty to their government.

If not it does not matter who is in charge or what the laws or constitution says as there literally is no cohesion.

The one equipped with the superior weapons will win. Yet in this case who bought the best equipped their

arms? What was the purpose of arming a military? Probably to protect & serve Thailand. Not to dictate

nor decide who should be in charge at any given complaint.

Was it to give them reign as they saw fit per each event? Because if they take any other side than the

one elected into power by Thai voters then it is basically treason, mutiny what ever you want to call it.

No matter what the excuse is for committing this act.

I have never said any one side was better than the other.

I am saying for a country to get on with it they need stability,reason & logic


A government has to ask another government to extradite one of its citizens from that country.

The PTP when in power and now as caretaker refuse to push the paperwork to do so. The Foreign Minister (Thaksin's cousin, Surapong Towichukchaikul) at the time of the floods in 2011 got the Foreign Ministry to issue Thaksin a new passport to replace the one revoked by the Democrats. Many times in the past year the Ombudsman has requested ALL the information on the issue of that passport ernment every time.

That is a double standard whether you believe it or not.

If the government refuse to get Thaksin extradited to serve his time, that also is a double standard.

They won't EVER do it of course as Thaksin will not let them and he is willing to throw the whole party including his sister under a bus if it gets him what he wants.

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What is the evidence of "millions" of Thais having demonstrated? The only reliable evidence of what the majority of the Thai people think about the current situration is the last election. As we say in the US, "Elections have consequences." Farmers and the working poor are a voiting block. If the opposition wants to win a national election, then they have to address the issues of this voting block. That is, if Thailand is to will remain a democracy.

This all sounds to me very similar to what is happening in the US right now. The Republicans have a platform and policy struction that the majory of Americans reject. But this does not deter the Republicans. Instead, they pass laws and rules that make it much more difficult for women, minorities and students to vote. I am afraid that this is would would come of the "Peoples Council" and "New Rules."

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What is the evidence of "millions" of Thais having demonstrated? The only reliable evidence of what the majority of the Thai people think about the current situration is the last election. As we say in the US, "Elections have consequences." Farmers and the working poor are a voiting block. If the opposition wants to win a national election, then they have to address the issues of this voting block. That is, if Thailand is to will remain a democracy.

This all sounds to me very similar to what is happening in the US right now. The Republicans have a platform and policy struction that the majory of Americans reject. But this does not deter the Republicans. Instead, they pass laws and rules that make it much more difficult for women, minorities and students to vote. I am afraid that this is would would come of the "Peoples Council" and "New Rules."

"The Republicans have a platform and policy struction that the majority of Americans reject" Really!rolleyes.gif My friend you seem to have a bad case of tunnel vision liberalitis, or perhaps your are just completely ignorantsmile.png The Republican party not only holds a majority of seats in the House of representatives (The Peoples House!) by a margin of 242-193, but they also control the governorships in 30 of the 50 states and the majority of the state legislatures as well, perhaps next time you try and spew this type of misinformation you might want to check your factsbiggrin.png I might add that the overreach of the executive branch coupled with the dismal failure of obamacare will likely add to the Republican House seats in 2014 as well as put them in control of the Senate wai2.gif

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Last time, there was a (bloodless) coup, the military, intern Government, brought in free electricity for poor people (or anyone who had very low consumption per month. The did well on road construction, within the kingdom and seemed to do a pretty good job, even so, they felt very uncomfortable, in the position of administrating the Country.

Thailand did not suffer economically, while they were in power and there seemed to be a lot less policemen, with the hands out there, during that time. (at least here in Chiang Mai Province)

When the election did happen and Thaskins crew got back in, the wanted to cancel the free electric, for the poor, but there was an outcry and they back off and kept it.

I have no problem, with the military keeping an eye on things, for a few month, or a year or two, while some of the corruption stuff gets sorted out. Better than letting little Ms T, borrow a couple of Trillion dollars and bankrupt the Country.

I still can't believe how Thaksin is still so popular, in the rural areas. Yes, he implemented the 30 Baht program (after the democrats had it ready for launch already, before he took power), so that is in his favor, but people forget quick, how under his rule,

At least one whole village (men, women and children) all got wiped out, in the so-called war on drugs

That truckloads of Southern Prisoners suffocated, after Thaksin's henchmen drove them around, stacked high on top of each other, in back of trucks,

That he GAVE the poor farmers the opportunity to borrow against their land, for the first time, with no payment and no interest, for about three years, after which both payments and interest came due at once. It was once of the biggest land grabs ever and thousands of poor Thai people lost their lands and homes, as a result of it.

Then, in the past few years, nothing but corruption and everybody lining their pockets, with very little trickling through to the medical system, infrastructure, etc.

Here is a guy that ran from his charges and didn't' even come back to face them, when his guys were back in power and he still managed his sister and his cronies, like puppets on a string, from Dubai.

A billionaire, who started out as a cop.....hmmm....must be a good job, if you can go from a few thousand Baht per month, to becoming a multi-billionare rolleyes.gif


YES I agree with this!

Also, where in the world you have a government declaring that they do not recognize the verdict of the constitution court!!!???

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A government has to ask another government to extradite one of its citizens from that country.

Yes that was my point. As I recall there was a period where

Mr Abhisit was in charge & I did not see them

pushing any paper in that regard.

As I recall neither the Somchai PPP government who were in power when Thaksin was convicted nor the PTP government under Yingluck (really?) did anything either and Somchai's government SHOULD have done.

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