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They're Baaaack! Dämned Hawk Moths - grrrrr

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Saw one on my Desert Rose. The last time I saw one, the rose was totally ruined by a gang of larvae. It survived, fortunately. None of the larvae did. laugh.png

Now the rose is looking ready to produce lots of flowers so I poked the moth with a long handled spoon to get it to fly off. The dämn thing then squirted at me out of it's backside! Grrr! That was it, I went for the bug spray - gave it a couple of squirts and it flew off. Good riddance.

I don't care how pretty they are, their larvae are the most avaricious little beggars I have ever come across. mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gif

Here's the moth on my Desert Rose:


And here's the larva (not my picture):


One way to know when you have the larvae eating your plant is to look on the ground around the pot. If you see 1 to 4 mm diameter dark brown balls of poo, then you have a problem! You need to check under every leaf - they are real b*ggers to find.

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I never knew what those green "worms" were in the past. They look similar to what we call "tomato worms" in the States. We've been finding these in abundance here in Nakhon Sawan area. We are finding them even inside the house where there are no plants. I've never seen the moth and it's hard to see it in your picture. So what is the solution to get rid of these things other than to squish them when found? How about the moth?

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I never knew what those green "worms" were in the past. They look similar to what we call "tomato worms" in the States. We've been finding these in abundance here in Nakhon Sawan area. We are finding them even inside the house where there are no plants. I've never seen the moth and it's hard to see it in your picture. So what is the solution to get rid of these things other than to squish them when found? How about the moth?

I just slice the larva into many pieces. The moths I let fly off.


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  • 4 weeks later...

When i saw the title cut in half "They're baaaack......."

I thought it was the pesky cat family!!!

Please, let us (me) know they are ok!!!!

Unfortunately, these days I only see the male cat that I call "Dad".

He miaows a lot - I think he's calling the others, but they never come.

The only other cat of that family that I see sometimes is a male about a year old.

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