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Breaking point in Thailand


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. Keep in mind different people have different metabolic systems

No, they don't. This old chestnut constantly gets batted around, but the equation is desperately simple. If you eat more food than you expend in energy requirements, you will put on weight. If you eat less food than your energy requirements you will lose weight. Thats it.

Jingthing is correct. Different people have different "energy requirements" and some can eat anything that they want without putting on weight. Others can eat very little and still remain fat. Scientist are starting to think that it can be because of the type of bacteria in ones guts.


As noted in that report, cause and effect are unclear.

To use a purely personal observation (and thus admittedly entirely subjective), it is seldom the skinny guys who are ordering the double whopper with cheese, up sized fries and milk shake.


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Is there some reason why you feel compelled to offer an "admittedly entirely subjective" opinion on a subject that you just demanded should not be argued about here? whistling.gif

UG ... correct me if I'm wrong ... but are you mixing the two posts above yours and trying to combine them into one reply?

The "admittedly entirely subjective" opinion comes from FWIW.

... and the request for a the appropiate place to discuss the medicial debate about 'energy requirements' affecting a persons weight, not here, but in the I'm too Fat Forum from me?

A touch of poetic licence?


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Is there some reason why you feel compelled to offer an "admittedly entirely subjective" opinion on a subject that you just demanded should not be argued about here? whistling.gif

UG ... correct me if I'm wrong ... but are you mixing the two posts above yours and trying to combine them into one reply?

Yes, sorry about that. I thought that both posts were from the same poster.

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Is there some reason why you feel compelled to offer an "admittedly entirely subjective" opinion on a subject that you just demanded should not be argued about here? whistling.gif

UG ... correct me if I'm wrong ... but are you mixing the two posts above yours and trying to combine them into one reply?

Yes, sorry about that. I thought that both posts were from the same poster.

+1 ... ran out of likes.

UG ... all good ... thumbsup.gif

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From looking at his other videos, he's always asking for handouts and that's a bad example to set for his children. They look up to him and they are just going to follow his lead.


This thread must be up there for troll of the year award.

14 pages devoted to some workshy Pie Man.

How about someone hooks up with this layabout and tells him to come on to TV and explain his woes.

Yet another waster living the dream at someone elses expense.

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Why is the emphasis on him being fat. I have an over weight friend who is active and productive in life.

You are correct that many overweight (not yet obese) and obese people live good lives. Yes people can be fat and healthy. However, once you get to the point of morbid obesity and super morbid obesity the harsh reality is that your very life is seriously at VERY HIGH risk. Also of course already existing (and related) serious diseases like diabetes. Because of that, I think the focus makes sense.

So can I interpret his situation to be solely based on the fact that he is morbidly obese?

You can interpret his situation however you like. From my POV, he has presented multiple serious problems, some very direct threats to his life. Depends on how your brain filters priorities. In my world STAYING ALIVE is gonna be tops. There is little doubt that his actual real life problems including most likely mental depression have contributed to more severe obesity but of the course severe obesity fuels mental health / physical health / social / employment / financial problems as well, kind of a vicious cycle. I have never suggested that addressing the severe obesity magically solves all problems. In a case like this ... where do you start ...

With his visa expiring shortly, no food and no way to work without the visa or with extension money, his immediate need is money, period. Otherwise, he could be jailed and not be able to pay the huge exit fine on departure.

Surgery or some "Science Diet" can wait until hjs food and shelter needs are pat away and he knows he won't be rotting away in the Immigration Detention Center.

Surgery is a long term goal that he will have to save for and harder decisions are on the horizon like, what's more important, family or increased life span.

An additional issue is that the surgery would likely only be affordable if it was done in Thailand. Getting it taken care of free through a Government program in the USA would be a difficult fight that would take a long time, if ever. Can he get on his Thai wife's medical, or does he have insurance now? If he could get the surgery done here before the visa expires that would be a good way to go.

When your broke like this every step forward takes you back two. The hole actually becomes bigger as you try to dig your way out.

Edited by donniereadit
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That's a good question. Does Thai insurance cover bariatric surgery for the morbidly obese (or worse)? I have no idea. Maybe it's always an optional procedure even though it certainly can be medically justified in extreme cases.

I don't about any such thing as a "science diet" but its clear in this case the man needs better nutrition at the very least, suitable to a diabetic! I agree there are things that can at least be helpful in the short term short of possible surgery, but alas, they generally take money.

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I don't see how this guy got on Iron Chef Thailand. He is kind of a looser and his youtube monologues are quite long winded. He must have some great qualities though because he has a nice family.

I thought his wife was a very attractive lady whom seems to speak pretty good English, I would think she could find a farang with much better qualities.

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I don't see how this guy got on Iron Chef Thailand. He is kind of a looser and his youtube monologues are quite long winded. He must have some great qualities though because he has a nice family.

I thought his wife was a very attractive lady whom seems to speak pretty good English, I would think she could find a farang with much better qualities.

Ouch! Poor guy. When it rains, it pours.

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I don't see how this guy got on Iron Chef Thailand. He is kind of a looser and his youtube monologues are quite long winded. He must have some great qualities though because he has a nice family.

I thought his wife was a very attractive lady whom seems to speak pretty good English, I would think she could find a farang with much better qualities.

Ouch! Poor guy. When it rains, it pours.

Unfortunately he poured too much down his throat..ouch!!!

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I lasted as far as "Today's thanksgiving, and urrr I don't have anything to be thankful for..."

Someone posted previously that this guy was, when things were going well for him, 'god fearing' (I don't really understand how fear, in any context, is meant to be an admirable quality, but that's for another discussion) and now that finances have taken a turn for the worse, has 'nothing to be thankful for' and has become this sad and angry unfortunate.

I don't think people actually change too much when life gets difficult. I think that's when their true character comes to the surface.

Usually, this happens earlier in life, which gives a person a chance to alter their view of the world.

Sometimes people's world view is already set firmly, and they find it difficult to make any changes.

There are many things that can be done to adjust the way in which we interact with the world, to try to improve our situation in life. How we see our situation and how we got there in the first place, sometimes helps us to get up out of a rut we're in and get things back on track.

Making a youtube video that begins with the sentiment "I have nothing to be thankful for" probably won't help. In fact, it definitely won't help.

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I lasted as far as "Today's thanksgiving, and urrr I don't have anything to be thankful for..."

Someone posted previously that this guy was, when things were going well for him, 'god fearing' (I don't really understand how fear, in any context, is meant to be an admirable quality, but that's for another discussion) and now that finances have taken a turn for the worse, has 'nothing to be thankful for' and has become this sad and angry unfortunate.

I don't think people actually change too much when life gets difficult. I think that's when their true character comes to the surface.

Usually, this happens earlier in life, which gives a person a chance to alter their view of the world.

Sometimes people's world view is already set firmly, and they find it difficult to make any changes.

There are many things that can be done to adjust the way in which we interact with the world, to try to improve our situation in life. How we see our situation and how we got there in the first place, sometimes helps us to get up out of a rut we're in and get things back on track.

Making a youtube video that begins with the sentiment "I have nothing to be thankful for" probably won't help. In fact, it definitely won't help.


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I am curious has anyone given the OP money? This may be time for a poll would or wouldn't i will be counted as a would not. Honestly I am surprised this thread is still alive.

Mainly due to an interest in the obese status of dear Judd.

I suspect many people having more free time to putter around on the internet this time of year is a factor.

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I appreciate your explanation and you taking the time to write.

Voice acting in Thailand would pay 60,000 Baht a month at the very best. It would usually be a lot less and it would be an inconsistent income source.

I still just see a spoilt immature man who is living off his parent's cash and going out of his way to hide that fact, living well beyond the living standards of most Thais, irresponsibly having children he has no means to support with women he could not attract in his home country.

I am sorry if I sound harsh but he is giving out his Paypal a/c asking for money under false pretences. And yeah, life is harsh for many in Thailand but not for him. He has been here for many years living off the generosity of others.

I am sorry, Warhammer, if this is not what you wanted to hear but 12,000 Baht a month rent paid by his mum every month is just ridiculous and I am sure she is paying the kid's school fees as well and probably lots more besides.

I will definitely not be sending any cash to this fraud.

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I understand, I'm not going to be upset if no one sends money to his family, but I just think the criticism could be less hurtful and more helpful. I am not in Thailand, I don't know how to help him, but I figure a few of you have some ideas for jobs or even leads.

Here's a thought.....Why not grow up, ditch the I wanna be a super star gig and take care of business on his own! I mean he was adult enough to have children, why not be adult enough to take care of them?

There is a solution to the problem, send the family back to Isaan and let her family help watch over them. Contact the Embassy and get an emergency flight back to the States, find a job and when he's back on his feet send for the family!

What are you waiting for? it to get worse?

But it's not the easy way out, better to let the public feel his pain so he can sit at home and play on the computer all day!

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I understand, I'm not going to be upset if no one sends money to his family, but I just think the criticism could be less hurtful and more helpful. I am not in Thailand, I don't know how to help him, but I figure a few of you have some ideas for jobs or even leads.

Here's a thought.....Why not grow up, ditch the I wanna be a super star gig and take care of business on his own! I mean he was adult enough to have children, why not be adult enough to take care of them?

There is a solution to the problem, send the family back to Isaan and let her family help watch over them. Contact the Embassy and get an emergency flight back to the States, find a job and when he's back on his feet send for the family!

What are you waiting for? it to get worse?

But it's not the easy way out, better to let the public feel his pain so he can sit at home and play on the computer all day!

Some people like to complain, and others like reading about it on forums. If you don't like it GO HOME.

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