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Slob in jomtien


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How dare he not be wearing a tuxedo and full evening dress while shopping in a holiday resort....

but it's these slob's giving us a bad name.

I hope he carries on 'giving you a bad name". Most of us create and maintain our own reputations here you pathetic little man.

That's a bit strong you call me a pathetic little man, because I feel people should not being drinking beer in a super market and keep up

there personal hygiene.

If you find it a tad strong, I apologise for jumping to a snap judgement, based on a fleeting encounter, which caused me to register my distaste on here....

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It is remarkable the number of westerners with hygeine issues that one runs across here in Thailand. Having said that, I consider T-shirts to be underwear or gym apperal so I'm not so sure you (or any of us) should complain about other westerners reflecting badly on an entire race.

I bet you must look very natty down at 7/11 for a six-pack of Chang in your top hat and tails,or is it just tweeds,plus fours and a deer stalker for a trip to the shops?rolleyes.gif

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How dare he not be wearing a tuxedo and full evening dress while shopping in a holiday resort....

but it's these slob's giving us a bad name.

I hope he carries on 'giving you a bad name". Most of us create and maintain our own reputations here you pathetic little man.

That's a bit strong you call me a pathetic little man, because I feel people should not being drinking beer in a super market and keep up

there personal hygiene.

So will ask again did you confront the objectional individual and make your opinion known ?

Did you report said person to shop management as drinking alcohol in a public place in this manner could in fact be illegal ?

Did you report him to the tourists police, your local MP or congressman ?

Probably didn't have the bottle to confront him, the guy drinking the beer had the bottle...burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gifo

So he started a thread to vent his displeasure on TV..

You see all sorts in Pattaya but I think some people think it's some kind of luxury resort.....

I see people all the time in Pattaya drinking in the street or sat outside 7/11 or family mart or shopping at the market with a bottle of chang but I don't judge em and neither do they bother me any, not anymore anyway...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

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It is remarkable the number of westerners with hygeine issues that one runs across here in Thailand. Having said that, I consider T-shirts to be underwear or gym apperal so I'm not so sure you (or any of us) should complain about other westerners reflecting badly on an entire race.

I wear smart t-shirts not the type you use for the gym or a under garment. I also wear shirts and polo shirts. I was just trying to show I was

clean and smartly turned out.

The guy in question was dirty.

And I wear nice boxers, but I tend to not go out in public without them covered by some other garment. My point is we all have different standards shaped by our diverse cultures, rearing, and experiences. I don't feel like the fact that you wear t-shirts in public reflects badly on me any more (or less) than the gentleman with poor hygein does but I think it is important to remember that you were not respectably attired yourself by the standards of some. One of those 'he who is without sin' and casting stones situations.

I agree, a suit and tie is minimum requirement to go shopping in a supermarket.

no,i think a pinguin suit is the minimum!!!

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It is remarkable the number of westerners with hygeine issues that one runs across here in Thailand. Having said that, I consider T-shirts to be underwear or gym apperal so I'm not so sure you (or any of us) should complain about other westerners reflecting badly on an entire race.

I bet you must look very natty down at 7/11 for a six-pack of Chang in your top hat and tails,or is it just tweeds,plus fours and a deer stalker for a trip to the shops?rolleyes.gif

Just a sportcoat for 7/11, I save the tails for Big C. I feel anything less would reflect poorly on the rest of my race.

Edited by CPT
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My Thai wife and I usually make the comment "farang" as we share a laugh between us.

I never thought about getting on the computer and expressing my outrage to the TV world.

But better yet, maybe we should pull out our cell phones and take a photo or a short movie to share with TV readers. Maybe there should be a TV rule that "it never happened" unless there's a photo!

Edited by qdinthailand
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I don't know how bad this bum was. And the drinking from a beer while shopping is probably a pretty good indication he has no concern for how the world perceives him. But I want to be fair about how people dress.

I know I wear a lot of pretty ratty t-shirts and sometimes gym shorts. I might be on the way to or from a workout and need something at the store. I am always clean (dayum, like 4 showers a day there wai2.gif ) but I don't think walking the street from my condo to the grocers and back in workout clothes to be out of line. Yes, some of the shirts are very ratty.

It is a pretty relaxed town. To me, the factors that are inappropriate are not bathing regularly, and not wearing a shirt anywhere other than the beach. Boggles my mind when I see people wandering around shirtless out of sight of the water. Don't they notice none of the thais are doing it? Either they are fat old slobs who no one wants to see or fit young guys who just piss off us older chubby guys. laugh.png

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It is remarkable the number of westerners with hygeine issues that one runs across here in Thailand. Having said that, I consider T-shirts to be underwear or gym apperal so I'm not so sure you (or any of us) should complain about other westerners reflecting badly on an entire race.

I wear smart t-shirts not the type you use for the gym or a under garment. I also wear shirts and polo shirts. I was just trying to show I was

clean and smartly turned out.

The guy in question was dirty.

Clean and smartly turned out hey...gimme a break.

Talk about pompous...maybe the other guy had been working at home all day, sweating it out in the garden, dropped around the corner to grab some food for a sanga and was a tad thirsty.


One mans clean and smartly turned out another man's slob me thinks.....while venturing out side your farang ghetto, one must dress appropriately in freshly ironed trouser's, dress shirt, polished shoes and cravat before presenting oneself to the natives..... Where were you born man ? A barn ? Polo shirts are exactly that ......for playing polo, and why exactly were you shopping in this manner, don't your native servants do the shopping for you ?.....I hate to think what one wears for dinner ?.....a safari suit, with a comb in the sock and flip flops ?

Don't forget to wear your pith helmet old boy, when venturing out. Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun !

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Since were on the subject, I hate anyone who walks around with no shirt, i hate the idiots with those boxer shorts, i hate loud talkers, nose blowers, coughers who don't cover their mouths, spitters, noisy eaters, open mouth eaters, gum chewers, public nose pickers, people who put their tv on too loud in next door rooms, noisy people generally, people who pay too much for stuff, people who spend ages talking to baht bus drivers, car drivers who disregard pedestrians, boorishness....

Pattaya and the world in general is full of horrible, rude, loud, pushy, boorish people...but there is nothing much I can do about it....

Leave ?

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i'm really sorry i was a bit stinky because i had been gardening all morning, and felt i deserved a quick beer to celebrate getting the flower beds in good shape - i wont let it happen again and will try to raise my standards to blend in with, and not offend, the rest of you high class expats residing in the pattaya suburbs

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Yeah, I thought similar when I saw a Farang walking through Tesco in just a pair of swimming shorts yesterday.

And a few rather unattractive specimens sitting in-front of KFC...etc etc....

See more of this type lately although will not comment as to why.

I am not a particularly smart dresser......... often looking like a sack of potatoes with a belt, but some of our beach-bum buddies are making me look good!

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Since were on the subject, I hate anyone who walks around with no shirt, i hate the idiots with those boxer shorts, i hate loud talkers, nose blowers, coughers who don't cover their mouths, spitters, noisy eaters, open mouth eaters, gum chewers, public nose pickers, people who put their tv on too loud in next door rooms, noisy people generally, people who pay too much for stuff, people who spend ages talking to baht bus drivers, car drivers who disregard pedestrians, boorishness....

Pattaya and the world in general is full of horrible, rude, loud, pushy, boorish people...but there is nothing much I can do about it....

Wow..... there is more than 1 of us!!!!! :D

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I saw this the other day in Kamala and I think it's even more bizarre; A young couple came out of tescos (doesn't really matter what nationality although i don know) wearing only bathing wear. He had black trunks and she had a black bikini. Nothing else, not even sandals. They went to the main street and walked all the way out of site. Each and every Thai person turned and laughed as they went by. Would they do this in their home town? Weird. (mind you, I find it weird when the Thais go to Tesco at mid-day in their pyjamas so maybe it's me that's weird?)

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Unfortunately some people sweat more than most ( I am one of them ) and this country in case you hadn't noticed is F$#^yING HOT ! BO is unavoidable. I go out, I am out for hours in the hot sun, of course I am going to sweat and no amount of smelly spray can cover it completely. If you come near me and I smell bad to you then walk away jackass....

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I have to agree - I dress in a tee shirt and athletic shorts around the house....daytime wear is a nice polo type shirt (material picked out by me and had made) but not flashy and nice casual shorts....evening again a hand made shirt but brighter coloring to fit the evening & casual shorts or slacks.

I see some nicely dressed Farangs (usually with a Farang wife/sometimes with a Thai gal)......but for the most part the solo Farang men I see walking around do give a bad impression 65-70%......

Hopefully the Thai's notice the difference in the way people dress and carry themselves. Also, I've seen the Thai's glance at one another showing discomfort when witnessing embarassing behavior - attitude - dress by Farangs.

I have a hard time believing that people are dressing, acting this way did the same at their home country.

Maybe they just never got out of their houses, hovels, rocks.........

Edited by metisdead
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It is remarkable the number of westerners with hygeine issues that one runs across here in Thailand. Having said that, I consider T-shirts to be underwear or gym apperal so I'm not so sure you (or any of us) should complain about other westerners reflecting badly on an entire race.

I wear smart t-shirts not the type you use for the gym or a under garment. I also wear shirts and polo shirts. I was just trying to show I was

clean and smartly turned out.

The guy in question was dirty.

Clean and smartly turned out hey...gimme a break.

Talk about pompous...maybe the other guy had been working at home all day, sweating it out in the gardendropped around the corner to grab some food for a sanga and was a tad thirsty.

But highly unlikely. Get real.

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Its easy to judge a book by its cover ..

if you didn't talk to him to find out his reasons for looking the way he did then your

post is irrelevant ..

Some people have mental health issues .. coffee1.gif

There is no dress code in Thailand that im aware of , or hygiene code ..

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