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Slob in jomtien


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So many angry people on here.

Welcome to Thai Visa!

Where your screen name is a serious threat to the hordes of people who hate their lives and need to become keyboard warriors and show you how tough they are by being angry and vengeful towards others. It holds back people from posting and makes this board a place which COULD be better and more popular, but isn't because the haters hold most potential posters back. Shame; shouldn't we ALL just ''love life in Thailand" like this guy and leave the hate and hostility somewhere else?

Surely Mr "I love my life in Thailand" is the unhappy one here seeing as he has to run to his keyboard to rant about a stranger to somehow make his cyber personality seem superior to a total stranger?

As for the rest of your nonsensical post, I'd say the ones here making the attacks are those expressing ludicrous outrage at this holiday maker who's had the temerity to carry on his holiday while doing a bit of shopping.

It appears the moral highgrounders are the ones spreading the poison here making preposterous statements here like how anyone defending this bloke's right to dress as he pleases is somehow 'unhappy' with their life here or a slob.

I'd say those who feel they need to rant about total strangers aren't as happy with their wonderful lives as they'd like people to think....

Wrong again I am still very happy. You seem under the impression I ran back to my computer to display superiority over this man.

The fact is it could have been any number of slobs I have seen around town on a daily basis. If this man was on or around the beach I would not raise an eyebrow, the fact is he was in a public shopping centre, were basic hygiene and manners apply. Or maybe I was brought up not dragged up. The forum has been very boring recently so I thought I would share some of my thoughts, but once again the people who think they own tv pipe up with its my way or the highway attitude.

I was merely expressing my opinion. At the end of the day I will carry on (lovingmylife) I will not loose any sleep over the topic, I was just wandering if it annoyed anyone else.

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I have to agree - I dress in a tee shirt and athletic shorts around the house....daytime wear is a nice polo type shirt (material picked out by me and had made) but not flashy and nice casual shorts....evening again a hand made shirt but brighter coloring to fit the evening & casual shorts or slacks.

I see some nicely dressed Farangs (usually with a Farang wife/sometimes with a Thai gal)......but for the most part the solo Farang men I see walking around do give a bad impression 65-70%......

Hopefully the Thai's notice the difference in the way people dress and carry themselves. Also, I've seen the Thai's glance at one another showing discomfort when witnessing embarassing behavior - attitude - dress by Farangs.

I have a hard time believing that people are dressing, acting this way did the same at their home country.

Maybe they just never got out of their houses, hovels, rocks.........

I have a hard time believing this type of thinking still excists,something out of the deep past.

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Unfortunately, seeing people like this is a sign of the times, in many so called Western Civilised countries.

I live in the UK and sights light that are common place now, absolutely no self worth, no respect for others etc. a result of the collapse of manners in general.

I was hoping to leave thus country and get away from this, unfortunately these people have beaten me to it .

I believe in the Uk they are called Chavs..., and yes there is a lot of them going about??!each to our own but it's not a lifestyle that I would pursue..

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It's unfortunate,but the reality is Thailand attracts the very worst of the worst when it comes to "farangs"living in Thialand. A western women would not put up with a fat smelly old alcoholic. Whereas, some young Thai bar girl will hook up with anything that has a pay check. I know I'm going to take a lot of heat from this post, but the truth hurts. I'm an educated non drinking non smoking American and I would not associate with 80 percent of the "farangs" I meet in Thialand. This is why good Thai women look down on farangs in general. Clean up people!

Thank Buddha for Thai bar girls.I rekon 80% of us don't want to meet you either

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Since were on the subject, I hate anyone who walks around with no shirt, i hate the idiots with those boxer shorts, i hate loud talkers, nose blowers, coughers who don't cover their mouths, spitters, noisy eaters, open mouth eaters, gum chewers, public nose pickers, people who put their tv on too loud in next door rooms, noisy people generally, people who pay too much for stuff, people who spend ages talking to baht bus drivers, car drivers who disregard pedestrians, boorishness....

Pattaya and the world in general is full of horrible, rude, loud, pushy, boorish people...but there is nothing much I can do about it....

Leave ?

Leave, what do you mean by that? Leave to go where, Mars? There are annoying people all over the world.

Another thing I hate is men who wear speedos and walk around away from the beach. Speedos can be worn on the beach, if at all, if really necessary, but not walking along a street. And they are normally ugly middle aged men, so far gone that they no longer have any awareness of themselves.

Oh, I also hate loud sneezers, I mean the kind that sound like a dog barking really loudly.

While I'm at it, on the subject of supermarkets, why is it that every time I go the queues get longer? Even if when I enter the supermarket there are no queues, by the time I get to the till there are 8 or 9 people at every single f******* till, people that seem to come from nowhere and appear to go into slow motion as they pack and then seem completely unprepared when they have to pay, like its their first ever time shopping and they aren't used to money yet. Hmmmm, well, can someone explain what the f*** all that is all about because it is really getting on my t*ts.

Put your bra on.

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I had my thongs and socks on again today....but only cos it was bloody cold again

One hopes your talking about the things you put on your feet ie the Aussie version of flip flops and not a thing ladies use to cover their nether regions.and leave their buttocks bare....if its the latter your referring to all I can say you are a seriously ill person LOL

Was there not a English T.V. Programme called ''Going for a thong'' or was it Going for a Song '' ??

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It's unfortunate,but the reality is Thailand attracts the very worst of the worst when it comes to "farangs"living in Thialand. A western women would not put up with a fat smelly old alcoholic. Whereas, some young Thai bar girl will hook up with anything that has a pay check. I know I'm going to take a lot of heat from this post, but the truth hurts. I'm an educated non drinking non smoking American and I would not associate with 80 percent of the "farangs" I meet in Thialand. This is why good Thai women look down on farangs in general. Clean up people!

Thank Buddha for Thai bar girls.I rekon 80% of us don't want to meet you either

I also think 80% of bar girls don't want to go with a pissed up slob on Viagra.

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It's unfortunate,but the reality is Thailand attracts the very worst of the worst when it comes to "farangs"living in Thialand. A western women would not put up with a fat smelly old alcoholic. Whereas, some young Thai bar girl will hook up with anything that has a pay check. I know I'm going to take a lot of heat from this post, but the truth hurts. I'm an educated non drinking non smoking American and I would not associate with 80 percent of the "farangs" I meet in Thialand. This is why good Thai women look down on farangs in general. Clean up people!

Thank Buddha for Thai bar girls.I rekon 80% of us don't want to meet you either

I also think 80% of bar girls don't want to go with a pissed up slob on Viagra.

You do realise that we are on Thai Visa, god forbid, most members alledgedly don't use their members on bar girls, they have a preference for Hi so Thai/Chinese...laugh.png

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My point is I felt embarrassed that people would think we are from the same place, as to Thais a white guy is just a farang

You know, you can iron your t shirt twice, it wont make Thai people like you more. They dont look at us as equal, and no amount of ironing a shirt will make them like us, they only accept us, cos they have use for us. At best they tolerate us as neccessary evil.

And the drunk guy in the store, you shouldn't feel bad what some stranger does, or how he dresses. Its got nothing to do with you.

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On the contrary. Maybe Thais will learn what the "West" is really like. A mixture of good and bad, rich and poor, educated and ignorant, same as most countries. Not the false image from TV and advertising, or the impressions created by the 2-week millionaires.

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Do you iron socks? Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Me, Never, nor boxers or bedding or t towels, if the woman does it, up to her, I don't iron bra's or knickers either, neither do I wear them...blink.png Well only in private....wub.pngwub.png

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I've had the same experience at Tesco with a white guy ordering food at KFC, no shirt and fat. <deleted> or at airport see guy with 70's shorts and tank top - that's trashy behavior no matter where you are.

I agree, it only takes a few of these creatures to make the lot of us look bad.

Can you imagine being stuck alongside some filthy-slob on a flight?

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Often after midnight you can see homeless, drunk, passed out Thai guys sleeping on the street, outside storefronts. Most often on the 2nd rd.

Of course I think all Thai people are like them.

Edited by valgehiir
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Can you imagine being stuck alongside some filthy-slob on a flight?

I could not even imagine that!

There is no way you'd survive 11 hr flight next to some guy, who just sits there, in his seat, next to you!!

But aristocrats such as you fly 1st class, yes?

So no worries, you wont have to breath the same air with us commoners, who fly Business or Economy.

Edited by valgehiir
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Can you imagine being stuck alongside some filthy-slob on a flight?

I could not even imagine that!

There is no way you'd survive 11 hr flight next to some guy, who just sits there, in his seat, next to you!!

But aristocrats such as you fly 1st class, yes?

So no worries, you wont have to breath the same air with us commoners, who fly Business or Economy.

The next time you get on an elevator with some guy whose body odor would peel the paint off the walls be sure and smile and tell him you think it's just great for people to wander around smelling like swamp water....you know personal freedom, non judgemental, etc.....we do have such things as deodorant and showers in Thailand and I don't think it is asking too much to expect our fellow human beings to be aware that your "personal freedom to smell" may just conflict with others "personal freedom" from not having to smell you because you are too lazy/drunk/stupid/arrogant to care.

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I saw a foreigner in a 7/11 yesterday, he was nicely dressed, smart shorts, polo type shirt, belt, shoes and socks even.....he grabbed a can of body spray and gave his armpits a good ventilation...then put the can back.

Whom is worstest ?

That is theft that is gov.......the BiB need to arrest this sick deviant, let him spend some time in jail then deport and blacklist his ass

Seeing as our resident fashionistas state its only the tourists who dress in an objectional manner and all resident farangs dress in an appropriate manner in walking shorts and polo shirts one can only conclude this deviant you observed must be one of Thailand's " quality residents "

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I've had the same experience at Tesco with a white guy ordering food at KFC, no shirt and fat. <deleted> or at airport see guy with 70's shorts and tank top - that's trashy behavior no matter where you are.

I agree, it only takes a few of these creatures to make the lot of us look bad.

Can you imagine being stuck alongside some filthy-slob on a flight?

No but I can well imagine sitting next to a bigoted geriatric Pattaya/Jomtien farang in walking shorts, polo shirt and socks and sandles on a flight.....not pleasant at least with the smelly person deoderant will the problem, but what does one do with " quality resident farang" ? Take his Viagra off him ?

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