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sticky s**t greed or desperation


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i went the pay my bill for my internet provider today i won't mention the name of the company

paid in cash as usual bill was 635.15 just so happened that i had 1,635 baht on me gave her the 635 not happy she asking me for 1 more baht to cover the 0.15 stang kept repeating 1 baht 1 baht to me so to shut her up i gave her the 1000 she then gave me 999 baht back i know thai's worship money but seems to me the meanest people on the planet.

i was once told that for instance in a resturant you should pick up the bulk of the change and leave the small stuff as a tip amazing thailand.

oh and by the way this is not a troll

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You're lucky you had it as the Thai could have killed you.

The One Baht Cop Killer

This only happened 21st August 2011. Gas station attendant (Petrol Pump Boy) shot an ex-policeman and killed him in Chanthaburi. The suspect, Rit Predatham (37) admitted that he shot him because he refused to pay the one baht extra that he had over-pumped.


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So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

rounded up or down to the nearest baht usually the point im trying to make is no give and take only take

If the cashier is short on takings she has to make it up out of her own money. Why should she pay part of your internet bill for you? coffee1.gif

were talking about 0.15 stang here impossible to make up that amount up as the lowest denomination is 0.25

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So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

It was impossible for him to have the 'right change', also impossible for the cashier to give him the correct change.

To save making a big issue over 15 Satang,she could have added it on the next months bill.

Edited by MAJIC
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So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

It was impossible for him to have the 'right change', also impossible for the cashier to give him the correct change.

To save making a big issue over 15 Satang,she could have added it on the next months bill.

To be fair to , she could have not, utility cashiers have no power to touch accounts in any manner except register payment.

Then there is to ses if they could accept partial payments, thing that I doubt.

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So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

It was impossible for him to have the 'right change', also impossible for the cashier to give him the correct change.

To save making a big issue over 15 Satang,she could have added it on the next months bill.

They could . . .

But I think the lure of penny-shaving / salami-slicing is too great.

7-11 stopped doing it for years and years and have brought it back recently, but unlike a utilities company they'd never get away with it unless they kept it within multiples of. 0.25 because they're a cash business.

Edited by Trembly
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It's not always a one way street.

Took a taxi with the Thai gf.

The fare was Bt 42 from the TESCO back to the Apartment.

I had 40 Bt in my hand, gave that to her to give to the Taxi driver.

(She pays and decides if there is a tip or not)

She went to open her purse and the Taxi driver waved it away ... said Bt 40 was enough.

We live in strange times indeed ...


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Is anyone else thinking that this guy must be the Cheapest Charlie in the world to be whingeing over 15 satang?w00t.gif

Is anyone else thinking than a multibillion company make the wrong choice when employing a bitter female cashier that won't say "mai pen rai" for 15 satangs over 635 Bts, as any food stall vendor would have done over 20 Bts ?

Edited by paz
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Is anyone else thinking that this guy must be the Cheapest Charlie in the world to be whingeing over 15 satang?w00t.gif

I agree with your post that some one would complain about being required to make full payment (which amounts to 15 satang) for a service they used.

He has to be considered for the Cheapest Charlie of the year award!

There are so many issues that are much more important facing people in Thailand today!


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Don't be put off by the righteous satang counters here, reality is that she would not have lost anything, any cashier always has a little coins buffer because people leave small coins behind all the time. In the US you see it as "give a penny take a penny", In thailand you don't but is there anyway.

Nobody in Thailand makes a fuss for 15 satangs, she wanted to give you a bad time and surely had resentment toward foreigners.

Are you serious? Now the race card.

This is too funny.

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"sticky s**t" is a literal mistranslation of a vulgar Thai phrase. It is neither English nor Thai. [The 'khee' in 'khee neeow' means 'has the trait of being', it does not mean 'poo'.] I hope you appreciate being enlightened. If you feel that way about this woman, you could try "stingy bi**h" which would be more widely understood.

If you were angry about overpaying 85 satang, you could have asked for 75 satang in coins and not left until you got it.

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I'm with the op to a degree. Although the bill needs to be paid whatever the amount, the lady should have at least given 75 satang change. I pulled the bank up on this while paying the internet for many years, which is such & such and 23 satang. They'd always ask for the extra baht and never give change. Over time through thousands of customers, the bank is making for nothing. That one can pay exact amounts through service providers is irrelevant as is the tiny amount we're talking about. Bottom line, somebody is getting something for nothing, and when it comes to the banks, they can swivel for even one satang!

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