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Murderer of 6 year old Thai girl 'has killed 3 more victims'


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Oh my lord. What a story.

Nut job released from jail. I had an urge???? <deleted>

It's stories like this that make you wonder about the world and Thailand.

If a little piece of s**t got anywhere near my kids, he wouldn't want to meet me.

But what a system. Did he get less custodial than a lese majeste offence?

What a system.

Yeah, but he'd also be released if he was in the UK to.

But I doubt too many of them go on a rape and murder spree for 15 months after being released.

Yes paedophiles get released and are under close supervision.

You wish!

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The father left the 6 years old child sleeping in a pickup truck? He returned 11 pm. Very irresponsible I think. There are sickos and pedos. Enough reason to never let a small kid unattended.

This alone comes across as neglegance. I don't understand how the skull can be the girls. How could it have decomposed so quick? And what kind of flesh eating reptiles hang around Bangkok? Am I missing something here?

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Thai police often pick the people with the least status in society, e.g. ex-convicts, with no education or close relatives, and get them to confess to all sorts of crimes.

This guy may be guilty of terrible crimes or he may not but I certainly don't believe the police and their claims.

For the police this case is all about image management and nothing to do with solving crime.

I cannot really believe what you are saying.I can understand peoples frustration at times with the police and their childish way of presenting criminals and relating crimes,but this man has confessed,and the damning evidence is there.Sorry mate but to me there is only one true verdict---GUILTY---- I just despair at the ridiculously stupid sentences handed out.I will forecast now that if he gets off with a light sentence and is released HE WILL KILL ANOTHER LITTLE GIRL. He has more or less told the world that.He has uncontrollable sexual urges> God Almighty what does it take.He has to be put downbah.gif

I totally agree with you biplanebluey. Enough already with this Canada style feeling sorry for the con and not the victim slant. And lets not forget briggsy, the courts let him out not the police. Crime against children is on another level, he's done it before and has confessed to this one too, I don't buy the "beat him to confess' crap.

Many of us come from places that cry the good cry on the poor culprits and that everyone deserves a 2nd chance and feel sorry for their poor upbringing <deleted>. Sorry, wrong choice of criminal act, sometimes Chinese style is the way to go for heinous acts from ppl that confess.

To all the little bleeders out there, don't give me they beat it out of him as this is nothing compared to what is awaiting him in prison and he knows it. EOM

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The father left the 6 years old child sleeping in a pickup truck? He returned 11 pm. Very irresponsible I think. There are sickos and pedos. Enough reason to never let a small kid unattended.

This is so true. I am always going on at the missus regarding the whereabouts of our daughter. In rural areas the kids wander about a lot and abductions or kidnappings are common in Thailand.

Tragic, awful and the consequent guilt of abandoning your child to a fate like this would be terrible.

In the rural areas of Thailand the children often play out and left to their own devices, because in most cases the locals are related or know each other in these areas and believe their kids are safe and in normal circumstances the children can play out in relative safety. Child abductions or kidnappings are not that common in Thailand, except maybe if taking in the statistics of human trafficking or being sold off by unscrupulous families , which is another story.

Back 50 odd years ago, I was allowed to play out in the streets of London, sometimes going home quite late after dark. But back in those days this was acceptable and at most times we were never in danger, although there were children still being kidnapped and murdered, these were rare events back in those days and as is commonly believed by these people, the worst is always going to happen to someone else and never to them.

In this case the parents would not have known or suspected that there was a monster lurking in the area, the child just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lessons now learned by the parents but only too late and their lives are ruined.

Sad and tragic for everyone concerned, where all of them are paying the price.

Behind the scenes this guy is going to be thrown in the lions den and fed to the lions, only we won`t get to hear about it. Harsh Justice will be served on this mad dog and the hang em high brigades will have their day. As I said previously, trust what I say in this case.

Perhaps after a few days in a cell with some long term criminals, he should be removed and then placed in a real Lion or Tiger pen to see how he gets on.

p.s. Please do not feed the animals for a few days beforehand !

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regardless of why paedophiles commit their crimes (mental illness / abusive upbringing / plain evil) the fact is they rarely become non-paedophiles

i think all convicted paedophiles should be removed from society indefinitely - the method of removal (execution / imprisonment) is beside the point

The same could be said for those that commit crimes against elderly people unable to fend for themselves, people with special disabilities mental or physical, against women, Christians and so on. In fact if we executed any person who committed a crime there would be no more criminals and the rest of us could live in a crime free world.

Not defending the guy just these comments have been thrown out for decades and is not going to happen under the current rules we have in place. However, if say perhaps another religious sect were to take over and apply their rules of justice, this person would have been executed years ago.....go figure!

Yes, but if the sect i think you are referring to were the power, not many of us would be alive to see how he would get on .

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First step in ensuring this totally avoidable tragedy doesn't happen again is to hang the official that chose to release this beast from prison. Secondly, all beasts should be hung to stop them re-offending. Castrate them first and slowly by all means, but they must die for crimes against children.

He will either get a life sentence or the death penalty. Considering the number of victims the latter is likely.

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In 2008, Nui was sentenced to a jail term for taking a minor away from guardians. He was released on August 23 last year.

In other words...he kidnapped a young child....got a slap on the wrist and went on to murder and rape.

Nice one Thailand.

But this guy is poor, who paid for his bail? What connections does he have to bail him out?

I don't see any mention of bail whatsoever, where did you get that from ?

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This has haunted me all day. I am so saddened by this story.

To see this picture of this lovely little happy girl, after knowing what happened, is just horrible.

How does a family recover from this?

There are two threads here on this atrocious murder. All mention the father, but I believe the mother was also at the concert.

It now emerges that this is a serial rapist, murderer.

I will not join the castrate him mob, but never should this monster be allowed to repeat what he has clearly done for years.

I have a young child and he is free to play nearby with friends and I and all the neighbours are on watch.

I would never leave him alone late at night in a strange place with drunks around.

There was a similar case, still unresolved, of a young girl,

Madeleine McCann, left alone in a hotel room, by very educated middle class parents. So be careful of blaming too much.

Thai are very protective of young children, but monsters exist everywhere.

A probably loving caring parent made a mistake, yes it was a terrible mistake which any one of us could have made and he will suffer for the rest of his life. Please be compassionate, do not condemn and castigate him, he did not do it with intention. He probably thought he was doing good for the kid at the time. We don't all see the dangers, take the kids who are given motorbikes to play on, now that is criminal stupidity and if any kid comes to harm playing on a motorbike, then the parent responsible should be whipped.

Edited by oldsailor35
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I am not sure on which thread, there are so many, but a question was raised about condoms.

This brute is a serial child rapist and his attacks are pre meditated.

My organ is designed to penetrate a willing mature female. It cannot penetrate a baby unless!

This guy protected himself from physical pain by wearing a condom and using lubricant, he was prepared and ready to strike.

Why is there no probation in Thailand; a known child sex offender is let free unmonitored to repeat his despicable urges.

To kill and rape every time a desire to ejaculate!

Prepared and ready to do it and a young, very young innocent life is sacrificed!

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personally I think that the insane people who make this kind of crimes don't deserve second opportunities.

And I don't understand why authorities want to give second opportunities or so many chances to these mentally unbalanced and terrible insane creatures.

Is not and accident, is not somebody possessed by hate or revenge. It is not a passion crime. Is just a f....g insane troll.

When someone is completely sick like this Nit there is not possible cure. And even if the story it repeats over and over again. I don't know why somebody set free this trolls.

Why waste more time just delaying a little the day that they are going to commit other dreadful deed. No remorse kill them all.

A man who after raped and killed several helpless little girls, says:

He said he cannot control his emotion whenever he encountered a vulnerable child.

"I was drunk and had a sexual urge," Nui said.

He don't deserves even the air that he is breathing.

With no exceptions and not only in Thailand, everywhere there are insane scum like that.

They can not live in with us in our world.

And never nobody can appoint this poor father who probably will be hating himself

for the rest of his life. He made a mistake yes, a fatal mistake with terrible

consequences yes, but the troll is not him. The troll is Nit.

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First step in ensuring this totally avoidable tragedy doesn't happen again is to hang the official that chose to release this beast from prison. Secondly, all beasts should be hung to stop them re-offending. Castrate them first and slowly by all means, but they must die for crimes against children.

Let's hope when there is the annual 'pardon' to a slew of criminals in jail every year, this guy was not one of them.

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Oh my lord. What a story.

Nut job released from jail. I had an urge???? <deleted>

It's stories like this that make you wonder about the world and Thailand.

If a little piece of s**t got anywhere near my kids, he wouldn't want to meet me.

But what a system. Did he get less custodial than a lese majeste offence?

What a system.

Yeah, but he'd also be released if he was in the UK to.

Nonsense! up to ten rapes of children,and several murders would ensure he will be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

Also in the UK, Even the Myra Hindley and Ian Brady's Perverted Fan Club, thankfully lost their insane fight/cause,under the dubious Lord Longford,to release them from their life jail Sentence.

Hindley and Longford are now deceased, while Brady,has had numerous attempts at self destruction,by starvation,I wish him success with his goals for the future!


Edited to add research info!

Edited by MAJIC
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