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UK police say no conspiracy in Princess Diana's death


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Was it not convenient that the car crash occurred in a tunnel and not in broad daylight?

Just two of the many facts you are ignoring:

  1. As anyone who knows the area will be able to tell you; until the car got to the tunnel there was nothing for it to hit, except the occasional tree or one of the motorbikes chasing it.
  2. If the crash had happened before or after the tunnel, it would not have been in broad daylight: it was night time!
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Princess Diana might have been pregnant. On that scenario, then it all falls into place.

Read David Icke for a more reasoned explanation.

Good f'ing grief. Diana had access to a discrete abortion so many places in the world, but it was much easier to crash a car while not wearing a seatbelt, kill a couple of people and risk killing the driver. All this while being followed by the press.

Waiter! Tin foil hats all around, please!!!

I think the point of this conspiracy theory is that she wanted the baby and the British establishment didn't.


I was in the news room when first rumours of her accident filtered through, during the course of the night many parts of the original story changed significantly. Conspiracy, cover-up or cock-up .... who can tell.

The most obvious cover-up would be they were all coked up off their heads, and the medical report was altered to hide that. Dodi was a well known user, Di was rumoured to be a user.


I also knew David Icke when he was a sports correspondent for the BBC at Lime Grove and TV Centre.

He was a totally normal and responsible guy (for a sports correspondent) those days.

Went bonkers later.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Anyone that can't see the convenience in Diana being taken out has got to have their eyes welded shut.

The same people who assert that conspiracy theorists are nut jobs are the ones who believe AlQuaida took down the WTC on 9/11/01 and that the US govt are squeeky clean despite all the evidence to the contrary and the smoking gun of the invasion of Iraq and the WMD lie plus the convenient erosion of citizen rights via unconstitutional "laws' being introduced such as Patriot Act, DHS, TSA etc etc. Only now, 50 years after JFK are people starting to accept the fact that the CIA took him out as he posed a threat to the Federal Reserve hijacking of US currency and wealth. He tried to correct the self confessed error that Woodrow Wilson made in 1913 and it cost him his life. He was also opposed to US escalation in Vietnam and threatened to blow the CIA into a "million pieces".

Back to Princess Diana. She had more than once snubbed her nose at royal protocol and the aristocracy and was becoming somewhat of an unstoppable rebel in that regard. As the mother of William she was set to become the mother to the King of England who also is the head of the Church of England and yet she was arranging to marry a Muslim.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will but before you do that,.. just follow the smoking gun trail, and the money and power trail and it all fits together.

Was it not convenient that the car crash occurred in a tunnel and not in broad daylight?

Of course Scotland Yard and Mi5 will eventually conclude that no foul play was at hand.

Meanwhile,.. whilst ever their are enough sheeple that follow and believe in the mainstream media and news then there will never be any hope for the truth as it's squashed before it ever gets the chance to take its first breaths!

Hello! Wow! I thought you guys were an urban legend of sorts. Yeah, what silly person would ever believe that cars could crash in broad daylight, especially a speeding car with a drunk driver.

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I was in the news room when first rumours of her accident filtered through, during the course of the night many parts of the original story changed significantly. Conspiracy, cover-up or cock-up .... who can tell.

No conspiracy, no cover up, not even a cock up.

Surely S.O.P. for a newsroom as more information emerges?

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I doubt the stupid conspiracy theories will ever end. It's part and parcel of the forces in the world that will sieze on any chance to vent their hate of the British,we should ignore their sickness,it's meaningless!

The biggest conspiracy was fuelled (if not started) by that chinless wonder of a brother of hers and his self-serving rant at her funeral....

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Whenever a story contains flaws and oddities then that story is naturally going to be open to question. Nobody should ever simply believe a State-sponsored account off-hand. Those on here simply dismissing non-State accounts are no better than reflexive conspiracy nut-jobs.

It is, in many instances, easy for the British security services to make evidence disappear. The Metropolitan police were exposed only this month for fiddling crime statistics with techniques which were named as "cuffing", "nodding", "skewing" and "stitching". These techniques are well known throughout the organisation and yet have only just come to light due to a whistle-blower. If it wasn't for him then there might be no reason to question such State information.

I happen to believe that weapons expert Dr David Kelly was assassinated during the prelude to the Iraq invasion. I cannot prove it beyond doubt but the so-called "conspiracy theory" is more feasible to me. Doesn't make me a nut-job but simply someone who has made a rational assessment. I don't believe the world is run by lizards either!

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Seriously.....who cares?

Mohammed Al Fayed does. He'd clearly love to have what I believe is termed 'the goods' (in the criminal fraternity) on the British Establishment so he could finally get that passport he so craves hence his vile inability to let his son and Diana rest in peace.

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Princess Diana might have been pregnant. On that scenario, then it all falls into place.

Read David Icke for a more reasoned explanation.

Good f'ing grief. Diana had access to a discrete abortion so many places in the world, but it was much easier to crash a car while not wearing a seatbelt, kill a couple of people and risk killing the driver. All this while being followed by the press.

Waiter! Tin foil hats all around, please!!!

Additionally, if the British establishment did decide to get rid of Diana, why would they chose to do so outside the UK where they have far less control over circumstances and events and why in FRANCE of all places, given the traditional enmity which exists between the two countries, their respective politicians and security services? What possible motive would the French authorities have for colluding in a high-profile assassination on their territory, its aftermath and an ensuing cover-up? I should have thought they would have more interest in shifting some of the blame and embarrassment for the untimely death of such a popular and well-known figure on their soil.

I remain totally unconvinced that Prince Phillip, or any other member of the Royal Family, has enough influence to be able to initiate an assassination plot by the British security services. This surely would have to be sanctioned by politicians occupying the highest Offices of State (i.e. the then newly-installed Blair administration), except in the highly unlikely event that MI5 / MI6 had decided to engage in a little frolic of their own.
Mohammed Al Fayed's disdain for, and attempts to embarrass the UK establishment predate Diana's association with Dodi by several years, when his application for British nationality was denied due to serious irregularities in his business and tax affairs:
Edited by Rumpole
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Diana was the only person who could have dealt a death blow to the ongoing Israeli terrorism against the Palestinian people. Her being together with an Arab, having a half Arab baby, and supporting a humanitarian cause to help an oppressed and thoroughly terrorized Arab people would be a disaster to some people in high places.

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The truth is out there if the investigators care to look all they had to do was travel to Pattaya and one of the numerous ex-SAS operatives living there would have told them what really happened on that fateful night in Paris

The truth is quite simple.

  • The driver was not only drunk, but had also taken medications which seriously affected his ability to control the car and so drive safely.
  • The car was travelling at well over the speed limit.
  • The three occupants that died were not wearing seat belts; the occupant that was wearing a seatbelt survived, though seriously injured.

So which of these were the SAS responsible for?

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The truth is out there if the investigators care to look all they had to do was travel to Pattaya and one of the numerous ex-SAS operatives living there would have told them what really happened on that fateful night in Paris

The truth is quite simple.

  • The driver was not only drunk, but had also taken medications which seriously affected his ability to control the car and so drive safely.
  • The car was travelling at well over the speed limit.
  • The three occupants that died were not wearing seat belts; the occupant that was wearing a seatbelt survived, though seriously injured.

So which of these were the SAS responsible for?

Very simple the first one.....the Pattaya SAS operatives acquired some of drug Pattaya BG,s and ladyboys use to knock out their victims and spiked the drivers Perrier water LOL

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I see, you're not being serious.

I wasn't being serious in the first post you responded to either LOL

You mean there aren't ex-SAS operatives lying low in Pattaya who know all about the "murder" of Princess Diana?

What's the world coming to?.....

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Just for my two pennies worth...

Although it could have been engineered to happen (the car crash), the outcome would never be certain.

If the they really wanted to do it, they (who ever it was) could have got the Israelis to plant a bomb on a plane and frame the Arabs.

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Just for my two pennies worth...

Although it could have been engineered to happen (the car crash), the outcome would never be certain.

If the they really wanted to do it, they (who ever it was) could have got the Israelis to plant a bomb on a plane and frame the Arabs.

And this is why the SAS angle is such <deleted>, one suspects if they where planning something as sensitive as this they wouldn't have planned something with the outcome being so sloppy and uncertain

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