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New Years Gift for the GF


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In my limited experience Thais gave gifts for New Year before they started giving gifts for Christmas. My older friends give me a New Year gift but work Christmas as a normal day.

Sent from Android please excuse errors in type or judgement

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Okay, I'm a girl and I want to say that you've been going out with her 6 months, I don't feel like that is a long time.

Give her some cash or take her shopping for makeup or bags or shoes or something. If she insists on getting some really expensive stuff then you will know that she is not a good catch. Don't spend more than 3,000 baht on the gift (That is like $100 almost) which I feel is more than enough. If she isn't happy with that then you should probably find another girl.

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Okay, I'm a girl and I want to say that you've been going out with her 6 months, I don't feel like that is a long time.

Give her some cash or take her shopping for makeup or bags or shoes or something. If she insists on getting some really expensive stuff then you will know that she is not a good catch. Don't spend more than 3,000 baht on the gift (That is like $100 almost) which I feel is more than enough. If she isn't happy with that then you should probably find another girl.

Are you a Thai girl? I like your sentiments, although a nicely wrapped, thoughtful present is much more festive than a shopping trip.

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No, I'm not Thai. Sorry.

I know many Thai girls (some friends & former classmates & now co-workers)

(From what I've noticed) the ones that expect something that costs a lot of money are the ones who seem to always want more and more and more.

Lots of girls seem to prefer the money so they can get what they want. If you want to get a gift instead of money or going shopping then find out what kind of scent she likes. Nice perfume is a good gift, although some say that Thai people don't like perfume I feel that a lot of girls like it but they just won't spend so much money on it. They also love the Victoria's Secret or Bath & Body works lotions and things which smell so nice and although you can only buy them re-sale over here and they're a little overpriced but it's still nice for a gift. Especially since it's only 6 months. Take her for some dessert or cake and a nice lunch or dinner or both, I think that she should appreciate it. Once you've been together longer with a girl (say a year) then you can step the game up a little bit more and go for something nicer.

Of course it's all up to the person, if you have a lot of money to spend and really want to do so then do it. I just feel that if you don't want to end up getting screwed over in the end then you need to take step by step and not give your all before the time is right and you can see if this girl really likes you for you or just what you will get her which tends to be a problem with many relationships, not just here but everywhere.

No one likes to see the bitter guy at the end who was pissed off that he "did so much for her and she didn't appreciate it"

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Okay, I'm a girl and I want to say that you've been going out with her 6 months, I don't feel like that is a long time.

Give her some cash or take her shopping for makeup or bags or shoes or something. If she insists on getting some really expensive stuff then you will know that she is not a good catch. Don't spend more than 3,000 baht on the gift (That is like $100 almost) which I feel is more than enough. If she isn't happy with that then you should probably find another girl.

Thanks ihunnieibee, appreciate the insight.

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Okay, I'm a girl and I want to say that you've been going out with her 6 months, I don't feel like that is a long time.

Give her some cash or take her shopping for makeup or bags or shoes or something. If she insists on getting some really expensive stuff then you will know that she is not a good catch. Don't spend more than 3,000 baht on the gift (That is like $100 almost) which I feel is more than enough. If she isn't happy with that then you should probably find another girl.

Thanks ihunnieibee, appreciate the POV.

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Remember, after New Year, there's Valentine's Day, Songkran, Easter, Loi Krathong and many other Buddhist holidays where she'll remind you it's a "gift giving holiday".

If you start with gold, it will never end.

Cut out the intermediate gifts just buy the house and car in her name right now and have done with it

Don't forget to buy the studio condo on a high floor with a suitable balcony for yourself

Nah, just give her all the money. Saves the frustration of buying the property.

<I have since been made aware that New Years day is also considered a Thai gift giving holiday> 55555555555555555555

<Can anyone recommend a place (obviously jewelery, probably gold) in Pattaya/Jomtien where I won't lose an arm and a leg and has a decent selection.> 55555555555555555555555

<We have been together 6 months now and it's going in a good direction> She's got you right where she wants you then 555555555555555555555555555.

If YOU aren't the gift she wants, it's time to run.

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Wait until you see what she's bought you for Xmas and pro-rata her gift accordingly.

Which in my case would be nothing. I don't celebrate Xmas here and she's a Buddhist.

For her birthday, if going by your rule, it'd be a card and a bunch of roses.

However, I did buy her a new blender and an iron a while ago.

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Wait until you see what she's bought you for Xmas and pro-rata her gift accordingly.

Which in my case would be nothing. I don't celebrate Xmas here and she's a Buddhist.

For her birthday, if going by your rule, it'd be a card and a bunch of roses.

However, I did buy her a new blender and an iron a while ago.

Oh you old romantic.....a new iron

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Wait until you see what she's bought you for Xmas and pro-rata her gift accordingly.

Which in my case would be nothing. I don't celebrate Xmas here and she's a Buddhist.

For her birthday, if going by your rule, it'd be a card and a bunch of roses.

However, I did buy her a new blender and an iron a while ago.

Oh you old romantic.....a new iron

Romantic not, practical, yes. Anyway, she was happy.

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Who told you that our new years is a gift giving holiday here in Thailand?

Well i would imagine it was the Thai gf!

Funny enough that's where it did start with her subtle hints LOL!!

Your g/f (?) is talking utter crap.

Nip this BS in the bud now, or make a rod for your own back, either way I dont really care.

Up to you, personally I think she is playing head games with you.

If you want to play her little games, ask her what she will be buying you.

I wonder how many birthdays she will have each year?

Useful tip, at birthday time, ask to see her ID card, birthday is written on it.


Give her what she gives you ........ I expect that will be nothing!

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