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Thai girlfriend coming to U.K.


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Many thanks to the multiple members who have replied to this post without reading the original properly, are you people still inebriated from the festive season celebrations or do you just never read anything? No matter what it is like a Morecombe and wise conversation or a Goon's skit, the constant repetition of the same irrelevant and incorrect points has cheered me up no end:)

SimonJ please don't pay any attention to these bitter, twisted, self opinionated old has been's, as you said it has cost you nothing financially (THAT'S BECAUSE HE HASN'T BOUGHT A TICKET YET) so at the very least you have had an enjoyable 18 months with your girlfriend, from their posts I believe some of the guy's commenting here haven't had 18 minutes to talk of, whatever her reasons for not travelling the last 18 months were no doubt worth it so be content with that.

On a serious note though two things have to be said, several post's ask whether you are sure nothing has happened to her. This a very fair point and one you must consider seriously, have you made sufficient enquiries as it's not inconceivable that something has indeed stopped her travelling?

Secondly as a sponsor of an alien entering the UK you have made statements and commitments in that application, IF your GF has indeed chosen another path then you should contact the relevant authorities to inform them of what has happened. I am not suggesting this as a vindictive act, purely as a precaution so that you can protect yourself. I am not sure of the legalities involved when making applications for visa's but I believe it would be prudent to cover your rear end, it's not inconceivable that one day you might want to take another GF to the UK on holiday and you wouldn't want to find out then that there is a problem.

Good luck and enjoy..................

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Back in 2000, around Christmas time, I met a 'lady' in Samui. I was there for a month and having a good old time, with her as well! Anyway, after a week or so, there were constant phone calls in which she would have to walk away to speak but not far enough away for me to hear that she was speaking English. The calls continued so in the end I asked, is that your boyfriend? 'No' she replied, just some Austrian guy that had sent her 50k Baht to buy a flight ticket with (she showed me her bank book) and he was coming to sort out a visa for her to visit Austria. Anyway, after many calls, she changed her number and we went up country travelling. Cruel I know but TIT man!

As some posters say, there could me a multitude of reasons as to why she's not playing now but I would like to know more about this girl as it reminds me of some and maybe many others here of 'experiences' with these little darlings.

Small world , I know this "lady" for over 10 years.

Just to fill in the blanks , if your interested.

The Austrian did indeed come over to Thailand and sort out her visa and she did briefly visit Austria.

Interestingly upon arrival at Vienna airport she made an ATM withdrawal from an account set up for her by another "cough" boyfriend , emptying that account. There is a stickman post from around 2001/2 by the other guy on his experience with aforementioned lady.

On her return from Austria , she moved on to Phuket and worked in soi Seadragon , Patong up until about three Years ago.

Now she is in Chiang Mai and at 43 years old , showing no signs of retiring , still looks good though!

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If you bought a ticket online via an online agency - Make contact with them - On their ticketing system they will be able to tell you if the seat was used and hence you will know if she arrived in UK or not. Other options open to ticket holder named on the ticket is that the ticket may have some options for changes (different passenger or location) and this information will be available to be known what activity has taken place on the ticket.

To establish contact - Possibly set up a temp new id new social media account - Set the profile to someone you believe might fit someone she might like to friend or connect with online. Send her a friend request and see if the request gets seen i.e accepted or rejected. Obviously if its accepted you can work out the next moves as she will be communicating with you online, but she thinks is someone else - hence location identity or even phone call will be up to powers of online persuasions.

Sorry to hear your tale - And good luck.

How many times does it need to be stated that the OP DID NOT PURCHASE A TICKET.

Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!


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wow. It might be that she already has her visa and thats it, you cd try and report her scam to UK Immigration/customs. Just give her name and hopefully she'll be stopped and sent back on the next flight, worth a try.

You should also inform the British embassy in Bangkok - it will stop her doing it again to another sucker.

This bloke is not a sucker as you suggest,he has played the game quite correctly.He may have made a misjudgement in affairs of the heart,haven't we all or she may have a legit reason.Time will tell.

Agreed, poor choice of words and it happens to most at some point - I remember chasing a diva HK chick all across europe.. what a plonker.

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