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Please Mods can we have a new Forum called " Why I hate Thailand"?

It will give a chance for all the whingers,spoilsports & amateur detectives a chance to tell everyone else on that Forum what a terrible, uncouth, lawless place Thailand is.

It will also give us souls who absolutely adore the place some bloody peace.

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:D Disagree.

1. If there are people who hate Thailand, they're probably not living here (anymore).

2. If they still live in LOS, they'll probably about to pack their bags.

3. If they live abroad, they can always write to the local press :o

4. If they hate LOS and still want to come...stay away and go somewhere else.

LaoPo :D

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Perhaps we could "nest" this new forum to form a trio along with:

"I left brain at the airport and now longer have powers of critical thought"


"On behalf of what's I absolutely know is good for Thailand I suspend all rights of opinions that differ from my own"

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:D Disagree.

1. If there are people who hate Thailand, they're probably not living here (anymore).

2. If they still live in LOS, they'll probably about to pack their bags.

3. If they live abroad, they can always write to the local press :o

4. If they hate LOS and still want to come...stay away and go somewhere else.

LaoPo :D

I didn't say they were living here,and if they are not, all the more reason. And Guesthouse....not a bad suggestion.

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Can someone add a ''How dare you criticise anything at all about the Kingdom. It is perfect and if you don't agree with me you're: 1. Wrong, 2. Stupid and 3. Should be deported immediately'' forum to that list.

Edited by MarkBKK
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Perhaps we could "nest" this new forum to form a trio along with:

"I left brain at the airport and now longer have powers of critical thought"


"On behalf of what's I absolutely know is good for Thailand I suspend all rights of opinions that differ from my own"




Along with get the <deleted> out of it and relocate, in the nicest possible way off course.

If you start a new forum on this watch for the suicide rate to go up along with the moans generating more moans.

We all know it,s a matter of choice to read or not to read but relocating to a happier place is, also.

A break back home usually puts your moans into a different perspective, it works wonders for me, when i,m living there. ( my place of origin. )


Edited by marshbags
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And Guesthouse....not a bad suggestion.

Obviously the critical thought did get left at the airport.

Might we be mindful that this forum, forums like this and the newspaper letter pages are perhaps the only places where foreigners in Thailand get the chance to express an opinion.

To my mind the problem is not that some people moan, but that so many people, their skills, education and experience are waisted by a system that denies them the rights to take part in the communities they live in.

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People bitch and moan about all countries, its just human nature.

Alot of people see one or two people do something silly then the whole country does it, or if someone has a weird veiw people just assume its the whole counrties way of doing things.

I used to get pissed about people saying that Thai's are all ignorant etc etc but now im over it.

But i just think of them as typical whingers, some have a good point but some are just jealous and think the world evolves around them.

Some people just whing where ever they live.

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Ive complained about everywhere I have ever lived. No one gives a shit....not even myself. Ya just need to figure out where you are in life and what you really want and need. Try to separate "absolute wants" versus "desirable wants"

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I reckon old farts who whinge about others all the time should be put in a forum of their own where no one has to listen to their rubbish!

58 would be a good age to locate them there.

Gives me six days then :o

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I reckon old farts who whinge about others all the time should be put in a forum of their own where no one has to listen to their rubbish!

58 would be a good age to locate them there.

Gives me six days then :o

Me three. :D

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I reckon old farts who whinge about others all the time should be put in a forum of their own where no one has to listen to their rubbish!

58 would be a good age to locate them there.

Excellent suggestion.

Then TV could sell off the "Toothless Forum" like they did the Bear-Pit and we would be rid of the boring, old codgers! :o

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It's the same people that moan about the weather and the postal service back in europe and the state's, nobody's realy botherd about it but it's a bit like tv new's, why is it only the bad thing's ?

Edited by pop3
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I actually respect most of the folks that have issues in one area or the other with Thailand ......

it's the folks that have issues with EVERY aspect of Thailand and live here and incessantly whine and whine and whine about it that set my nerves going ... we have one "Old Hand" here that claims 20+ years inThailand hating it the whole time! He amazes me! But ... the folks like that wouldn't be content to stay in a subforum for whingers ... they will be in every thread they can find looking for folks to criticise because those people LIKE it here!

<The other pet-peeve group is the "live abroads" that hang in the Thailand forums criticising ... but hey ... they may actually come here again and remember WHY they are hanging in the Thailand forums!

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perhaps this new sub-forum could have automated responses to new threads like

"If you dont like it here, go home etc etc"

and any other childish drivel that the webmaster can think up.

They could make a whole load of new "smileys"

A few years back I went with a TG and her friend (female) for a long weekend in Hua Hin. We had trouble finding accommodation but eventually happened upon a couple of Thai holiday bunglows for rent that were located in the garden of an Old English gaffer and his middle aged Thai wife.

It would seem that he didn't have much opportunity to speak to a fellow countryman, as he insisited on parking himself on my (rented) veranda and regaling me with never ending moans and complaints about everything in Hua Hin and Thailand. He clearly detested everything about Thailand.

On Day two, as soon as he saw me emerge from a drunken late night, he came bounding up to the veranda, brandishing a copy of the Bangkok Post. He was a regular Postbag contributor, and his proudly published letter consisted of an almost incomprehensible diatribe against all the injustices in Thailand.

The next day he was back yet again, and the girls, who spoke about 2 words of English between them, asked me why he kept coming over and what was he talking about. I explained that he was just moaning about their country.

They thought this was absolutely hilarious. Why on earth would some old fart choose to live in a country for so many years that he obviously hated? They didn't feel anger, just amusement, pity and , I suppose, a small measure of contempt. They laughed and made jokes about him all the way back to Bangkok.

A bit like that miserable old b..d in "One Foot in The Grave"

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Some people are stuck here or back home (after having visited or crashed out of the LOS) and internet forums are their only vent. People who don't have peaceful vents can get into real trouble in the real world. Maybe they deserve a break.


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i think you have all missed the point of the bashers , be they pattaya bashers , koh samui bashers , or thailand bashers , and that is the fun to be had by the bashers during the bashing process at the expense of the defenders , i.e. the bashees

it has got nothing to do with the supposed object of the bashing etc., but all to do with the fun of the wind up and the leading on of the aggrieved inhabitants of the region under siege.

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i think you have all missed the point of the bashers , be they pattaya bashers , koh samui bashers , or thailand bashers , and that is the fun to be had by the bashers during the bashing process at the expense of the defenders , i.e. the bashees

it has got nothing to do with the supposed object of the bashing etc., but all to do with the fun of the wind up and the leading on of the aggrieved inhabitants of the region under siege.

I went to West Yorkshire once. It was crap.

(Edited in the word ''West'' to be more specific)

Edited by MarkBKK
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Constant whinging is a pain. So is constant sweet drivel and ignorance of reality.

Maybe the bashers forum and the cloud 9 - vested interest forums should be merged back into the TV forum... just to make life interesting. :o

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"If you dont like it here, go home etc etc"

I once posted this saying too...with the following feedvback from a TV memeber who other wise never mentions anything...

my actual post:

I don't know what is wrong with you .....if you don't like it here .Go Home

Here comes Arnolds feedbacK:

Your comment displays a high degree of ignorance

my answer back to this :


Thank you for sharing your opinion.....you should have posted it on the Forum not as a PM. I do believe that Foreigners (as myself) do have to adjust and learn to adapt with local Customs, if not , sorry wrong Place.

I am very well travelled roundabout 100 Countries i have visited (no fairytale) and a variety of Countries i have lived and worked at. For each Country you need to learn and accept the Rules.

I don't see this as ignorant for saying that someone who does not wish to adjust and therefore not like it in any Place or Country. But i see that the individual who does not wish to adjust as ignorant.

I accept your opinion but can not agree, this is my opinion ...




From Arnold again:



Well I think I will stick with my previous comment. There are too many nitwits who cannot contemplate another view. Their only response is as yours : insult the other guy and add ".....if you don't like it here .Go Home"

Sorry, but that is just plain stupid.

I didn't post in the forum as my comments were not flatering to you and also only posts which are "agreeable to Thailand" are acceptable on TV. Posts like yours.


From me (rcm ) :


Interesting answer...!

No arguments nothing(why are you writing this?) ...are you also a primary school drop out just like "name of another TV member" ( the smart guy who want to get himself a .............Business)?

Let me guess you don't like it here and just don't have the money for an Air Ticket.....to GO HOME .

So, you didn't post it on the Forum because you Position is " not agreeable to Thailand"? Hmmm...sounds like a cheap excuse to me. The Forum is a place where we exchange opinions. A PM is good when you want to become Personal about things....are you that kind of person?

Are you aggressive too?

Let me explain something ...the initial statement that "TV Member" did on this Thread was pretty dumb(some may even take it as insult). Now looking back at his previous Posts (actually Threads the a "TV member" started) you can easily spot that he is an uneducated Person who likes to talk big over a weak assed idea.

I am well aware that some individuals may have to stay in Thailand for the one or the other reason. And i know that there are things that may not be agreeable too in Los. But we all have to learn live with this " Good or Bad". If you don't feel like accepting that, you'll be better off to actually go home.



Here's Arnold post again....this really shows the quality of the guy...

You are a dildo

I didn't post for the reasons I gave as well as I have no posting privileges

You're an ass, I am a multi millionaire ... BIG DIFFERENCE!!!


I guess he will be posting why he hates Thailand soon???or maybe he still have no posting privileges?

Anyways i found this level of Communication......interesting. :o

enjoy, rcm :D

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And Guesthouse....not a bad suggestion.

Obviously the critical thought did get left at the airport.

:o Comprehension not his strong point?

Might we be mindful that this forum, forums like this and the newspaper letter pages are perhaps the only places where foreigners in Thailand get the chance to express an opinion.

To my mind the problem is not that some people moan, but that so many people, their skills, education and experience are waisted by a system that denies them the rights to take part in the communities they live in.

Couldn't agree more. What a waste of my project management skills, etc. I'm quite happy to lounge around doing nothing all day, but all that free time does allow me to think about all the crap that is going on around me.

As someone said a long, long time ago, we criticise because we love the place. We want it to be better. We know it can be better.

If we didn't give a damnn, we wouldn't bother criticising.

And those who "absolutely adore the place" need to take off their rose-coloured glasses, take a few deep breaths and look around them. Your "everything's grand" attitude won't help Thailand in the long run.

Edited by Jai Yen Yen
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I simply adore the place :o and my eyes are wide open! It's not my job to change Thailand ... <if you think it is your place then feel free to try!>

But we DO have posters in this forum that a) have lived here forever and say they hate it .... and b ) that don't even live here that constantly whinge on about it .... why?

I mean c'mon ... what good is fussing about BKK traffic going to do anyone? Or for that matter whinging about the stuff some folks say in the threads with the mods? It is just part of life ... in bkk or on the internet :D

There are good places for people that genuinely do not like Thailand .... and those places are just anywhere outside the borders :D <and once gone ... why ....?>

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Guest endure
As someone said a long, long time ago, we criticise because we love the place. We want it to be better. We know it can be better.

What do you mean by 'better'?

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What? Oldhandasia hasn't shown up here yet? :o

Way too easy for him in here ... he'll be looking for something like"where can I buy a1 steak-sauce in BKK to totally hi-jack and make it about why he hates Thailand :D

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What? Oldhandasia hasn't shown up here yet? :o

Way too easy for him in here ... he'll be looking for something like"where can I buy a1 steak-sauce in BKK to totally hi-jack and make it about why he hates Thailand :D

:D Good point.

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