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Democrat leader Abhisit proposes reconsideration of Feb 2 election


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The issue that is constantly raised is that the Democrats should have policies that the people want so they can get elected. That poll showed that they DO have policies that the people want. Is that poll irrelevant?

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they will have no problem at the elections then

When the people were presented with two lists of policies without knowing which party they came from, one of them was a clear winner.

However, when a picture of Thaksin and Yingluck was stuck on the one they didn't like, they suddenly preferred it.

Cut, nose, spite, face.

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Even if the EC and all political parties agree that the election will be lets say held in June 2014 and YS stays in as the current PM the democrats will still boycott the elections.

So let them do the following:

Hold a referendum if the Thais wants a People's Committee under Comrade Suthep.

I am sure this too will be boycotted by the Democrats.

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Indeed! Astonishing that old Etonian Abhisit cannot ask fellow Etonian David Cameron for some advice on how a conservative party can win a democratic election! Examples abound in western Europe and the United States - from Maggie Thatcher to W. to Sarkozy. As the risk of oversimplifying, it is a question of money and brains - both resources the opposition must possess in spades. And since Abhist and Sutthep claim to speak for " the people", how could they not win an election??")

Again, he wants to postpone, and again, he fails to propose a legal basis for doing so.

The government does not set the election date. The independent Election Commission does. The EC actually wants to postpone, but they can't because the constitution doesn't let them.


Well perhaps but Abhisit was friendly with Boris, and I understand did not know Cameron at school.In any event friendship only goes so far and I doubt whether Boris (who is a cunning and astute man) will be that keen to shmooze with a politician with Abhisit's antidemocratic credentials.

But your point is valid.In a normal world after several defeats the Democrat Party would have a serious rethink and consider how it could make itself more attractive to the Thai electorate.This in UK terms is exactly what Tony Blair did with the unelectable Labour Party and although his record is now tarnished by his foreign policy, it's worth remembering what an astounding political feat Blair achieved in detoxifying the Labour Party and turning it into an election winning machine.

This is exactly what Abhisit should have done.What he has actually done is to sow the seeds of his party's eclipse and his own mainstream political future.

Edited by jayboy
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