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Russian repays cross dresser’s hotel-room surprise with broken nose

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It would be appropriate if ladyboys would inform their clients exactly the circumstances at hand, especially when approached by homophobe Russians.

where's the relevance to "homophobe"? since when are "Ladyboys" homosexuals?
two people of the same sex having sex is known as homosexuality. Easy. And DNA not a skirt determines one's sex.

the Russian parliment recently voted unanimously to make it illegal to make open reference to or promote homosexulaity. reason being to protect the young people from the western lead agenda to promote homosexuality and destroy the family unit.

in the UK a senior judge was recently forced to resign for promoting hetrosexual marraige and family values.

so let those who promote and noramlize homosexuality please consider the true implications for future generations in the west. seems the Russians and many other developing countrys are moving forward with morality whilst the west is being demoralized by such an agenda. and yes of course it is an agenda otherwize so many western countrys would not prioratize gay marraige in unison.

people may like to ask why this is happening (surely even those in favor of gay marraige etc can see through this)

Headline quote:

"Anger of the judge forced to resign for championing marriage: Sir Paul Coleridge says only 'one or two' colleagues are opposed to his views"


Headline quote:

'Russian lawmakers approve anti-gay bill in 436-0 vote'



Good to see farang tourist policeman is a paratrooper. Another 'special forces' leftover in Thailand keeping us safe from Thai night life.

Nice of you to insult a veteran. Wonder what you do to give back for living in Thailand?


Another neanderthal assists in further damaging the farang image in the LOS. I wish they would just put them on a plane and send them on their way.

Funny you should use the word farang. Enjoy that title and its high status it suits you well. So as for my Russian hating "civilized" farangs... If the title of the article was a British or Australian, would you all say "poor chap, hope he did not hurt his hand". This isn't news. Pattaya is a shit hole and if you live there and this offends your senses you should take you elite farang card and move. Preferably to you native land where the Russians from Vladivastok can't afford to come so maybe I can take a walk on the beach and see less of you picking up the late night fruit suitable to be your grandchild wink.png

Well said RuskiCat,

most would just take him home.

They call it PC


And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

True transgenders are not gay by definition, however, in your higher intellectual plane how would you define a male transgender who has a disposition to perform sexual acts on another male. In your deliberating please do not forget that the vast majority of male transgenders still posses male genitalia.

Well put Halion. See my post no. 70 which goes in to a little more detail. laurenbkk should too as i would like her opinion. she seems to think people are narrow minded if the don't agree with her. but what does she actually consider a man that felates another man .. well please laurenbkk see my post no. 70

Very well put; we know that laurentbkk is renowned for ushering an "elephant into the room" and then departing from the thread.

If a "man", as clearly referred to in the police report, wishes to have sex with another man, then that would imply that he is a homosexual, a gay...!! This is not an attack on gays, as I have friends who are gay, and the truth is, they are probably more forthright and honest than 80% of my "straight" friends.

For your information laurent, the narrow minded are those that refuse to accept that transsexuals are, in fact, gay, and then go on try to apologise on their behalf. They would slap you in the face if they had the chance...!!

They are proud of their life "choice" and would be very annoyed to find that people, like you, were attempting to speak on their behalf...!!

Open your mind before accusing others of being narrow minded...!!

  • Like 2

And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

True transgenders are not gay by definition, however, in your higher intellectual plane how would you define a male transgender who has a disposition to perform sexual acts on another male. In your deliberating please do not forget that the vast majority of male transgenders still posses male genitalia.

Well put Halion. See my post no. 70 which goes in to a little more detail. laurenbkk should too as i would like her opinion. she seems to think people are narrow minded if the don't agree with her. but what does she actually consider a man that felates another man .. well please laurenbkk see my post no. 70

Very well put; we know that laurentbkk is renowned for ushering an "elephant into the room" and then departing from the thread.

If a "man", as clearly referred to in the police report, wishes to have sex with another man, then that would imply that he is a homosexual, a gay...!! This is not an attack on gays, as I have friends who are gay, and the truth is, they are probably more forthright and honest than 80% of my "straight" friends.

For your information laurent, the narrow minded are those that refuse to accept that transsexuals are, in fact, gay, and then go on try to apologise on their behalf. They would slap you in the face if they had the chance...!!

They are proud of their life "choice" and would be very annoyed to find that people, like you, were attempting to speak on their behalf...!!

Open your mind before accusing others of being narrow minded...!!

i wonder if she would care to look at my most recent post (no. 94) and give her open minded opinion. i very much doubt it. take a look - it is quite distrurbing to see what is being pushed...

Oh, and as you i also have gay friends. I have nothing at all against gay people but i do object to the promotion of the obvious agenda. those liberal types are and always have been used to promote such agendas but are in reality despised even by those they think they represent. history would tell anyone that would care to investigate this fact. I think usefull idiots was the term used by Lennin to describe the likes of ....


Baiting post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


the Russian is obviously vibrating on a very low frequency if he couldn't identify a transexual for what he was. he being the operative word. I mean the whole issue is that she was a he. why the PC brigade insist on calling a he a she is beyond me. i mean if a lesbian dresses like a man (Tom i think it is refered to in thailand) then would we call her a him. No of course not!

The Pattaya mail isnt obviously brain washed by the PC liberal nonsense and calls a spade a spade ..

"Police charged both men with public fighting. "

actually a tom is generally referred to as a he and cant you see that it would be rude and offensive to call a ladyboy a she??? are you uncomfortable about that??? homophobe me's thinks.....


the Russian is obviously vibrating on a very low frequency if he couldn't identify a transexual for what he was. he being the operative word. I mean the whole issue is that she was a he. why the PC brigade insist on calling a he a she is beyond me. i mean if a lesbian dresses like a man (Tom i think it is refered to in thailand) then would we call her a him. No of course not!

The Pattaya mail isnt obviously brain washed by the PC liberal nonsense and calls a spade a spade ..

"Police charged both men with public fighting. "

Beyond hopeless...just stick to your binary world. Like golf...just put it in the hole and call it good.


the Russian is obviously vibrating on a very low frequency if he couldn't identify a transexual for what he was. he being the operative word. I mean the whole issue is that she was a he. why the PC brigade insist on calling a he a she is beyond me. i mean if a lesbian dresses like a man (Tom i think it is refered to in thailand) then would we call her a him. No of course not!

The Pattaya mail isnt obviously brain washed by the PC liberal nonsense and calls a spade a spade ..

"Police charged both men with public fighting. "

actually a tom is generally referred to as a he and cant you see that it would be rude and offensive to call a ladyboy a she??? are you uncomfortable about that??? homophobe me's thinks.....

one point of this discussion is the debate as to wether a ladyboy should be called he or she. you think it is offensive to call them she. well you obviously havent read my opinion. i think many prefer she. but i also think they are still best refered to as he for clarity when discussing in such instances. of course what they may prefer personally is perfectly ok. the point is no matter what they are still a he. this is the point youve missed.

im certainly not a homophobe as i have gay friends. you seem to have attempted to simplify the discussion. when people have nothing to say they simply revert ot name calling. i.e. calling me a homophobe.

you really should try to understnd the underlying issue here and it is nothing to do with being anti gay


I hope her nose can be repaired.

Her (??) - this is where you and many others have this all wrong - a "he" is a "he" and cannot be changed with a knife - get a grip and call a spade a spade and stop allowing those who want to hide behind a mask of deception in life to expect the rest of us to accept their changes.

So I suppose those "butch' girls can now be called a "he" and their drivers license reflect the same as well - those are doors that really should be kept closed.

think if you took a spade and cut out a few grooves what is left could be called a garden folk ..

When in Thailand Isnt it easier to say shit sorry i made a mistake and ask her to leave, Wouldnt make the same mistake twice would you? Put it down to one of those crazy things that wouldnt happen back home and laugh about it later..... no matter what your gender there will always be someone try and trick someone else to satisfy there own lust. how many men bullshit women into thinking they are something other than what they really are ? Take it on the chin ( and I dont mean tea-bagging) .and except it was your own niavity . I for one think its hilarious that some people fall for this old chestnut so I'm happy to keep things the way it is....


the Russian is obviously vibrating on a very low frequency if he couldn't identify a transexual for what he was. he being the operative word. I mean the whole issue is that she was a he. why the PC brigade insist on calling a he a she is beyond me. i mean if a lesbian dresses like a man (Tom i think it is refered to in thailand) then would we call her a him. No of course not!

The Pattaya mail isnt obviously brain washed by the PC liberal nonsense and calls a spade a spade ..

"Police charged both men with public fighting. "

Beyond hopeless...just stick to your binary world. Like golf...just put it in the hole and call it good.


it is very notable that when people have nothing of any true value to add to a debate then they simply revert to insults. in your case a sort of cryptic nonsensical slur. which i find very odd. i mean really, what does it mean. i wonder if anyone understands such language. i certainly don't. why not speak in plain terms and actually make a point if your really have one


Is that a cape he's wearing? Is that the new fashion statement from Vladivostok? coffee1.gif

Russkies need to realize this isn't Russia here where it is encouraged to violently assault sexual minorities.

He should of told him he was a man with a penis

What does he expect when he has deceived him/

So you condone this sort of reaction ha? Hit first, ask questions later, right???

I'm a straight guy (I think!) but c'mon, everyone knows about Thailand's, shall we say, colourful side. The LB was trying to make money, it was the tourist that f**ked up by not noticing this was a fellow. Even after noticing, he didn't have to hit out did he? Don't answer that, cos it seems you think his actions were justified.

The only type of person who would lash out violently in these situations are those insecure in their own sexuality. Probably scared that the people who saw them together in the street and the hotel desk staff now think he's gay. Any secure and confident man would have a laugh...tell the girl she's just not his type, give her a few baht for her troubles, and sent her in back into the nite.

  • Like 2

And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

While not careing one way or another what two men or two women get up to together its their life and as long as i dont have to watch or join in ( i may make an exeption for the ladies) Sorry but if your born with a dangly bit between your legs ,your a guy .

Ps i think the Russian was a total tosser for what he did and i hope he has to fork out loads of money.

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As they say some of the most beautiful women in the world are men from Thailand.

As for him/her what do you expect. His reaction is absolutely normal and expected from someone deceived this way.

This is not homophobia at all.

In regards to Russia new laws, much ado about very little and has been greatly distorted.

1/ No Gay Pride parades. Not a huge deal at far as I am concerned.

2/ No dissemination of information on gay life style/sex to those under 18. Not ideal when you are

trying to curb the spread of HIV. but nothing extreme

In many states of the US it is against the law to have "unnatural" sex. but no protest here. Many countries in Africa

homosexuality is punishable by death. Not much condemnation there. The USA was 50 years behind Europe in ending

slavery, 20 years behind Europe in its acceptance of homosexuality (Republicans are still not there but a majority are)

Russia is just 20 years behind the USA. Many of Russia's best male figure skaters are gay with a capital "G"

They are not baned from competing. Look at the Russian ballet. No problems. Just no Gay Pride marches and no

handing out information to those under 18, big deal.

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Great, some homophobic Russian thug beats up a Thai ladyboy and now we get to hear pro-Putin, anti-gay propaganda.

Yes it was homophobic based on the report because the violent criminal Russkie reacted to seeing a male sexual organ.

Anyway, what was just posted is "no big deal" if you're not a gay person or especially a gay parent in Russia afraid of having your child stolen by the state because just being gay is NOT OK according to the government in today's Russia. Also since the new law violent attacks on gay people including gay businesses has increased. Sure, no big deal if you aren't getting beaten up or murdered.

Equating HIV with being gay is also a gross distortion of the facts, often used by anti-gay propagandists. HIV doesn't have a sexual orientation. It is a VIRUS.

The anti-gay laws in Russia were not motivated as an HIV health policy; they are political tool to have a convenient out group to SCAPEGOAT just as JEWS used to be scapegoated in Russia. It serves the political purposes of the Putin dictatorship.

This explains it:


BTW, to be clear, if the ladyboy did not disclose his genital status beforehand, that was of course definitely wrong, but violent assault is MORE wrong.

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I have often wondered how often this happens, an angry deceived customer who wanted a female

but ended up grabbing some dangly bits and then punched out the ladyboy.

Here is what I propose to stop this. Call it truth in advertising. If a punter has indicated an interest in taking

a ladyboy home, then at that point the ladyboy should indicate verbally that he is really a man. That will

easily stop conflicts of this nature..... Fair , or would this destroy the magical illusion of a ladyboy ??


She should have made sure Vladimir knows what he is getting, before they entered the hotel. Probably right on Beach rd, but who's to say Russian guy wouldn't have punched her out right there on street.

He must have known he is talking to a ladyboy, I dont buy it that he only discovered this in hotel room.

Muslim people being fooled by ladyboy, I get, many guys from mid east have never seen a woman, they can easily make a mistake.

But this article is about phisically assaulting the ladyboy. Many here say Russian guy punching the ladyboy was quite justifyed.

It is sickening to read some of the comments.

I hope the Russian guys adventures in Pattaya make news in his town press. Very often Russian names in news articles here have errors. But nnot this time. Vladimir Bodrov is Russian name, no errors in spelling this time. Good! And nice clear face pics too!

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


serious question regarding the side issue raised here, a few times, as to wether a ladyboy or a person that does the naughty with a ladyboy is actually gay.

so: if i came home to find my room mate and best friend ( a man) fellating a ladyboy would i be wrong to assume he was gay. i mean he is man and a man that would fellate another man would be gay or bisexual in my opinion. if you would not consider him gay then waht would you consider him?

of course if i came home to find my girlfriend fellating a ladyboy then i wouldnt consider her a lesbian. appart from refering to her as a cheating slut wht would be the PC term? See how complicated it gets when the PC brigade attempt to push new terms down our throats

Take care what gets pushed down your throat mate !

You raise an interesting question. Guess it depends if you see the Ladyboys as a man with false tits or a third gender. And then there's the question of post or pre op?

I once interviewed a transgender electrical design for a promotion. My secretary told me that he/she said he/she wanted to become a woman and have lesbian relationships!

Each to their own. Man fellating a ladyboy - gay, bisexual, curious, adventurous - who knows. We're all a little different. Personally they turn me cold, even some wifey knows from her uni days. I can't help seeing them as a pantomime dame !! But, I certainly wouldn't condemn them either - ain't my business.


She should have made sure Vladimir knows what he is getting, before they entered the hotel. Probably right on Beach rd, but who's to say Russian guy wouldn't have punched her out right there on street. He must have known he is talking to a ladyboy, I dont buy it that he only discovered this in hotel room. Muslim people being fooled by ladyboy, I get, many guys from mid east have never seen a woman, they can easily make a mistake. But this article is about phisically assaulting the ladyboy. Many here say Russian guy punching the ladyboy was quite justifyed. It is sickening to read some of the comments. I hope the Russian guys adventures in Pattaya make news in his town press. Very often Russian names in news articles here have errors. But nnot this time. Vladimir Bodrov is Russian name, no errors in spelling this time. Good! And nice clear face pics too! Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Get used to it on here (ThaiVisa) it's not considered sickening, but on the contrary it seems to be encouraged.

Ladyboys are the only people on this forum that seem to be fair game for ridicule(at the least) to out and out hateful abuse and nothing is ever done about it.

In fact the majority give them a 'like" for making such statements.

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Would seem that Vlad, The Caped Russian Crusader got an un-expected hand-full of Nuts and Bolt when he went for the big grope.

Then again, if he was wearing that cape, maybe he KNEW what to expect but just didn't like the price?

A phrase I've heard muttered more than once.... "It's not gay if you beat them up afterwards."

Not endorsing that phrase mind you, but there are a lot of self-loathing closeted homosexuals out there.

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Chaiyaphumlove, yup, I know.

And usually I dont post on news section, when another ladyboy topic comes up, was she beat up, did she steal, or Indian Under The Bed scam..

They do their fair share of street crime, no doubt.

But half of TV members cheering on, when another ladyboy is beat up.. Its just depressing, I dont why I clicked on the news link, bored I guess.

I have a theory why headline with ladyboy in it gets our guys here so hot and bothered. But I rather not say.

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  • Like 2

Would seem that Vlad, The Caped Russian Crusader got an un-expected hand-full of Nuts and Bolt when he went for the big grope.

Then again, if he was wearing that cape, maybe he KNEW what to expect but just didn't like the price?

Many moons ago on this web site someone expressed it differently:- "where theres an (Adams) apple, there's usually a banana". clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

Shame to hit her/him though.

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