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Russian repays cross dresser’s hotel-room surprise with broken nose

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She should have made sure Vladimir knows what he is getting, before they entered the hotel. Probably right on Beach rd, but who's to say Russian guy wouldn't have punched her out right there on street. He must have known he is talking to a ladyboy, I dont buy it that he only discovered this in hotel room. Muslim people being fooled by ladyboy, I get, many guys from mid east have never seen a woman, they can easily make a mistake. But this article is about phisically assaulting the ladyboy. Many here say Russian guy punching the ladyboy was quite justifyed. It is sickening to read some of the comments. I hope the Russian guys adventures in Pattaya make news in his town press. Very often Russian names in news articles here have errors. But nnot this time. Vladimir Bodrov is Russian name, no errors in spelling this time. Good! And nice clear face pics too! Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Get used to it on here (ThaiVisa) it's not considered sickening, but on the contrary it seems to be encouraged.

Ladyboys are the only people on this forum that seem to be fair game for ridicule(at the least) to out and out hateful abuse and nothing is ever done about it.

In fact the majority give them a 'like" for making such statements.

C'mon guys, a bit of a moral long bow don't you think?!!!

The amusing aspect here is that two people both engaged in illegal activity are both surprised. And it goes without saying that he shouldn't have hit her but we'll also never know if she deceived him.

I think you can have the same chortle over a drug dealer selling a user a little bag full of flour.

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serious question regarding the side issue raised here, a few times, as to wether a ladyboy or a person that does the naughty with a ladyboy is actually gay.

so: if i came home to find my room mate and best friend ( a man) fellating a ladyboy would i be wrong to assume he was gay. i mean he is man and a man that would fellate another man would be gay or bisexual in my opinion. if you would not consider him gay then waht would you consider him?

of course if i came home to find my girlfriend fellating a ladyboy then i wouldnt consider her a lesbian. appart from refering to her as a cheating slut wht would be the PC term? See how complicated it gets when the PC brigade attempt to push new terms down our throats

Take care what gets pushed down your throat mate !

You raise an interesting question. Guess it depends if you see the Ladyboys as a man with false tits or a third gender. And then there's the question of post or pre op?

I once interviewed a transgender electrical design for a promotion. My secretary told me that he/she said he/she wanted to become a woman and have lesbian relationships!

Each to their own. Man fellating a ladyboy - gay, bisexual, curious, adventurous - who knows. We're all a little different. Personally they turn me cold, even some wifey knows from her uni days. I can't help seeing them as a pantomime dame !! But, I certainly wouldn't condemn them either - ain't my business.

mate! i am certainly not your mate


Is that a cape he's wearing? Is that the new fashion statement from Vladivostok? coffee1.gif

Russkies need to realize this isn't Russia here where it is encouraged to violently assault sexual minorities.

He should of told him he was a man with a penis

What does he expect when he has deceived him/

So you condone this sort of reaction ha? Hit first, ask questions later, right???

I'm a straight guy (I think!) but c'mon, everyone knows about Thailand's, shall we say, colourful side. The LB was trying to make money, it was the tourist that f**ked up by not noticing this was a fellow. Even after noticing, he didn't have to hit out did he? Don't answer that, cos it seems you think his actions were justified.

We surely don't have a whole story, it could've been the Russian told the guy to off with no payment, after the initial shock, and we all heard stories of how violent LB can get for a reason or no reason. I think the fight started after some arguing over the money... but of course I can be wrong. Just saying we probably don't have a whole story.

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Is that a cape he's wearing? Is that the new fashion statement from Vladivostok? coffee1.gif

Russkies need to realize this isn't Russia here where it is encouraged to violently assault sexual minorities.

He should of told him he was a man with a penis

What does he expect when he has deceived him/

So you condone this sort of reaction ha? Hit first, ask questions later, right???

I'm a straight guy (I think!) but c'mon, everyone knows about Thailand's, shall we say, colourful side. The LB was trying to make money, it was the tourist that f**ked up by not noticing this was a fellow. Even after noticing, he didn't have to hit out did he? Don't answer that, cos it seems you think his actions were justified.

We surely don't have a whole story, it could've been the Russian told the guy to <deleted> off with no payment, after the initial shock, and we all heard stories of how violent LB can get for a reason or no reason. I think the fight started after some arguing over the money... but of course I can be wrong. Just saying we probably don't have a whole story.

i think you are most likely correct in your opinion. i cant imagine a LB going without a fuss and the Russian obviously wouldnt have been happy to pay for the exra flesh he was offered.

seems that some posters want it both ways in that they blame the Russian yet make the point that he should leave the country in fear of severe retribution or even death at the hands of the LB and his angry mates - thus aknowledging the fact that they consider LBs violent in the extreme

Maybe the Russian guy simply popped the LB on the nose when he became irate and threatening.

I cant really understand why many people think it is acceptable to be openly racist of Russians. Take Jingthing for eg. he has no problem with being openly racist towards Russians yet would have a dissy fit if anyone so much as questioned another race or religion.

i wonder if he can even see the total hypocracy in that. probably not

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Is that a cape he's wearing? Is that the new fashion statement from Vladivostok? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

Russkies need to realize this isn't Russia here where it is encouraged to violently assault sexual minorities.

He wearing Batman cape, last fashion from Moscow cheesy.gif


Another neanderthal assists in further damaging the farang image in the LOS. I wish they would just put them on a plane and send them on their way.

Funny you should use the word farang. Enjoy that title and its high status it suits you well. So as for my Russian hating "civilized" farangs... If the title of the article was a British or Australian, would you all say "poor chap, hope he did not hurt his hand". This isn't news. Pattaya is a shit hole and if you live there and this offends your senses you should take you elite farang card and move. Preferably to you native land where the Russians from Vladivastok can't afford to come so maybe I can take a walk on the beach and see less of you picking up the late night fruit suitable to be your grandchild wink.png

Well said RuskiCat,

most would just take him home.

They call it PC

My problem is with the assault. I feel the same way with fights in the streets started by drunk tourists and/or expats. It reflects badly on all of us who chose Thailand as our residence. I could care less about the gender or sexual persuasion of the victim. It makes no difference. My reaction would have been to walk away.


How drunk do you have to be to NOT notice your new girlfriend has an adams apple and huge feet ?

Vladimir probably knew very well who he picked up, maybe Vlad was not happy about how well endowed the girl was.

Vlad was expecting something at least as big as his friends have back home, but Asian ladyboy turned out to be bitter dissappointment.


Vladimir told you so?

  • Like 1

Is that a cape he's wearing? Is that the new fashion statement from Vladivostok? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

Russkies need to realize this isn't Russia here where it is encouraged to violently assault sexual minorities.

He wearing Batman cape, last fashion from Moscow cheesy.gif

very odd to laugh at your own jokes - especially when they are not at all funny. well maybe to a five year old. seriously!


If he didn't want to be embarrassed by picking up a ladyboy he should have the sense either to tell him to leave or done the business and then told him to leave and nobody would have known any better. The secret would have stayed in the room. Now everybody knows and he should be both embarrassed and ashamed.


cheesy.gif 555w00t.gif55555clap2.gif

say no more if he not so pissed he might have noticed cheesy.gif

must be the time of day when the infantile amongst us make their comments. they are easily identified as they laugh at their own inane comments and 555555 themselfs. very odd - very very odd!


cheesy.gif 555w00t.gif55555clap2.gif

say no more if he not so pissed he might have noticed cheesy.gif

must be the time of day when the infantile amongst us make their comments. they are easily identified as they laugh at their own inane comments and 555555 themselfs. very odd - very very odd!

Actually, the 55555's came before the comment. It means the 55555's were for the topic in general, rather than laughing at his own post. There is one falling down laughing icon after the post, so perhaps he is a happy chappie in the morning, rather than your own caustic and surly view of the world in the morning.

But if it makes you happy inside, please carry on,the rest of don't have to pay attention to your anal comments


Another neanderthal assists in further damaging the farang image in the LOS. I wish they would just put them on a plane and send them on their way.

Funny you should use the word farang. Enjoy that title and its high status it suits you well. So as for my Russian hating "civilized" farangs... If the title of the article was a British or Australian, would you all say "poor chap, hope he did not hurt his hand". This isn't news. Pattaya is a shit hole and if you live there and this offends your senses you should take you elite farang card and move. Preferably to you native land where the Russians from Vladivastok can't afford to come so maybe I can take a walk on the beach and see less of you picking up the late night fruit suitable to be your grandchild wink.png

Well said RuskiCat,

most would just take him home.

They call it PC

My problem is with the assault. I feel the same way with fights in the streets started by drunk tourists and/or expats. It reflects badly on all of us who chose Thailand as our residence. I could care less about the gender or sexual persuasion of the victim. It makes no difference. My reaction would have been to walk away.

so if the LB was ranting and raving and going a bit nuts do you think he would have simply let you leave the scene peacefully. my guess would be he wouldnt. he would demand payment. so would you have paid up?


cheesy.gif 555w00t.gif55555clap2.gif

say no more if he not so pissed he might have noticed cheesy.gif

must be the time of day when the infantile amongst us make their comments. they are easily identified as they laugh at their own inane comments and 555555 themselfs. very odd - very very odd!

Actually, the 55555's came before the comment. It means the 55555's were for the topic in general, rather than laughing at his own post. There is one falling down laughing icon after the post, so perhaps he is a happy chappie in the morning, rather than your own caustic and surly view of the world in the morning.

But if it makes you happy inside, please carry on,the rest of don't have to pay attention to your anal comments

another halfwit who cant see the hypocracy in his own comment. briliant

so all those 555s mean that the topic is absolutely hilarious. and his inane comment is also so funny that he roles on the floor. enough said.

your obviously amused by the same level of pathetic drivel


No deadly weapon involved? That makes less than the usual 500 baht fine for Thais.

The Thai had One Deadly Weapon ... but it was concealed ..... whistling.gif


My problem is with the assault. I feel the same way with fights in the streets started by drunk tourists and/or expats. It reflects badly on all of us who chose Thailand as our residence. I could care less about the gender or sexual persuasion of the victim. It makes no difference. My reaction would have been to walk away.

so if the LB was ranting and raving and going a bit nuts do you think he would have simply let you leave the scene peacefully. my guess would be he wouldnt. he would demand payment. so would you have paid up?

Interesting always when the fact pattern is changed. I'd always be prepared to defend myself but that said, there would never be a similar situation in which I would be involved. What does that have to do with the original post?


the Russian is obviously vibrating on a very low frequency if he couldn't identify a transexual for what he was. he being the operative word. I mean the whole issue is that she was a he. why the PC brigade insist on calling a he a she is beyond me. i mean if a lesbian dresses like a man (Tom i think it is refered to in thailand) then would we call her a him. No of course not!

The Pattaya mail isnt obviously brain washed by the PC liberal nonsense and calls a spade a spade ..

"Police charged both men with public fighting. "

My Thai lesbian (tom) niece calls her/his self Mr and has a wife.

Again...can some of you posters ever get this...if this niece identifies as a man then she is a female transgender and NOT a lesbian! Dont be surprised if one day she comes to you for financial assistance for breast reduction surgery and an add-on "down there." Lesbians are women (who identify as women [can be either fem or butch]) who prefer same sex rather than opposite sex relationships, i.e., sex with other women.

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My problem is with the assault. I feel the same way with fights in the streets started by drunk tourists and/or expats. It reflects badly on all of us who chose Thailand as our residence. I could care less about the gender or sexual persuasion of the victim. It makes no difference. My reaction would have been to walk away.

so if the LB was ranting and raving and going a bit nuts do you think he would have simply let you leave the scene peacefully. my guess would be he wouldnt. he would demand payment. so would you have paid up?

Interesting always when the fact pattern is changed. I'd always be prepared to defend myself but that said, there would never be a similar situation in which I would be involved. What does that have to do with the original post?

well, it sort of works like this: one comment relates to another which results in a discussion or a debate. its just the way language has evolved over many thousands of years. hope that's clear for you.


I have good feelings toward people of all sexual persuasion,

BUT a LB who goes with a Ruskie to a ST room with him thinking she is a lady is taking a huge risk.

I mean everybody knows they are a violent homophobic lot.


I think that most ladyboys assume that you know what they are ,unfortunatly some people dont get out much and can't tell that must be what happened with this Russian guy ,after saying that he should have just walked away ,i have no sympathy for him ,he was a total arse doing what he did.


I have good feelings toward people of all sexual persuasion,

BUT a LB who goes with a Ruskie to a ST room with him thinking she is a lady is taking a huge risk.

I mean everybody knows they are a violent homophobic lot.

as opposed to being a ignorant racist biggot


My problem is with the assault. I feel the same way with fights in the streets started by drunk tourists and/or expats. It reflects badly on all of us who chose Thailand as our residence. I could care less about the gender or sexual persuasion of the victim. It makes no difference. My reaction would have been to walk away.

so if the LB was ranting and raving and going a bit nuts do you think he would have simply let you leave the scene peacefully. my guess would be he wouldnt. he would demand payment. so would you have paid up?

Interesting always when the fact pattern is changed. I'd always be prepared to defend myself but that said, there would never be a similar situation in which I would be involved. What does that have to do with the original post?

well, it sort of works like this: one comment relates to another which results in a discussion or a debate. its just the way language has evolved over many thousands of years. hope that's clear for you.

That's funny. So Thaivisa exemplifies "the way language has evolved over many thousands of years". cheesy.gif

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For some reason I can not open the Pattaya Mail website and read the full article.

After the Ruski popped the LB, was he set upon by a posy of Thais and escorted to the police station?

Since they were both charged with public fighting, was that the end of it? If so, the Ruski got off light :)


Some more posts and replies removed.

It looks like the Pattaya Mail server has a sever problem it has been down since a few minutes after the article was posted

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Wouldn't happen in Gotham City. Only problems there - The Riddler, The Joker and the Penguin and I don't think they are ladyboys but stand to be corrected.

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