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Thai wife of deceased German has had pension cancelled

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probably she forgot to give proof that she is still alive. So she should send a letter from city Hall, TRANSLATED by translator, best by German Embassy to Deutsche Rentenversicherung

What also could have happened is that the bundespost who are responsible for german state aged pensions, have mislaid the the certificate of life that you have to send in april or may every year, a simple phonecall is enough usually to have your payments reinstated,
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More likely the letter,which would have been in German, was ignored and binned. Most Thai's only ever receive bills in the post and a lot don't bother with change of address rituals.

In my opinion unless a spouse has lived and worked in her husbands country there should be no entitlement to a pension.

If she was married to a Thai and he died she'd get nothing.

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There has been a move this year to stop foreign wives who have never paid any tax or national insurance contributions from getting any rights to claim money based on being married to a European. The UK Government is therefore stopping all payments to Thai wives that have never worked in the UK. If they have worked in the UK, then they will be entitled to their own pension based on how many years they have paid contributions.

This should lead to a reduction in the number of apparent suicides of married Ex-Pats, once they are receiving their pensions. I know of a number of "Black Widows", who have married several Germans in turn, that have died leaving the houses and pensions to their Thai Wives. One Thai woman from my wife's village was actually a lesbian and her friend that lived with them was actually her "Tom" husband. The last time I saw her she had a bar on Soi 8 Patttaya and her 3rd German husband had just died due to "alcoholic poisoning" and she was asking for help to get hold of her German husband's pension from Germany.

I LOVE cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif THIS AMAZING PATTAYA STORY. clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

For sure the new ELECTED angela merkel government, as i know the germans, when they START OR STOP something...there is always a good reason FOR IT ...

also....perhaps europe is getting fedupxpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ic.V_K7hML3fS.xmfr_closed1.gif.pagespeed.ic.UuJWYpOV2uto always pay and have understanding human rules and rights for his citizents, also with foreign wifes and others countries like thailand dont actuate the same way.

i really liked to know how much pension does the thai government give to a german wife , married to a dead thai person living now in germany for example?coffee1.gif

i don't even understand this post because this thai woman crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif from the post in question should just go to the german ambassy IN BANGKOK instead ..but for sure the problem is that this person is shire to speak, go and ask herself, tipical thai way to be.burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

good luck anyway!

The life is so good when you get free money every mounth .....isn't it? !!!!

many thai woman love that way.....me too drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif ....but no woman gives me the chance...crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkU.png...do u know the word ....no money?biggrin.png


Retired with a Belgian govt pension and living permanently outside Belgium I have to give once a year a "Certificat de Vie" . It's a form sent to me by my pension office in Brussels to verify that I'm still alive that must be signed by the BKK Belgian consul and sent back.

Maybe same here ?

However, The idea that a pensioner must travel hundres of miles for a verified coutner-signature is astonishing. Mnay pensioners are infirm and making such a trip would be impossible,

On the other hand, I hate Bangkok, with a passion, and any trip requires an overnight stay; hotel, meals and transportation that are unnecessary expenses.


Thanks everyone for all your help. I don't know the lady in question, she is a friend of my respected Thai colleague, and my researching of the matter is a favor to him.

This might also help your colleague:

German Embassy Tel. 022879000

http://www.bangkok.diplo.de/ - it's in Thai

Consulates in Chiang Mai, Tel. 053838735

(also in Phuket, Pattaya) - they all speak Thai too




Die Lebensbescheinigungen werden gemeinsam mit der jährlichen Anpassungsmitteilung

Anfang Juli eines Jahres an die Rentner versandt. Auf der Lebensbescheinigung wird ein

Rücksendetermin vorgegeben. Die Rentner werden - sofern bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine

Lebensbescheinigung zurückgesandt wurde - nochmals schriftlich an die Rücksendung erinnert.

Wenn keine Lebensbescheinigung eingegangen ist, wird die Zahlung eingestellt

life Certificate

The Life certificates are sent together with the annual adjustment communication early in July

each year to retirees. On the life certificate a return deadline is specified. The pensioner -

as long as up to this time, no life certificate was sent back - again reminded in writing of the return.

If no life certificate is received, the payment will be adjusted

Btw, you've got a lot of interesting information.

Thanks to all of you.

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