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Thai Army chief worries over growing anger among different groups


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Well this could be seen as a warning shot to YL and the PTP and their tainted organizations such as the DSI.

These seem to have been the ones to stir up all this division from the very start, and is ongoing.

Wait till you see the violence and pandemonium that these elections is going to cause, yet another thing brought about by the above mentioned.

The protests and pandemonium have already occurred my friend, the elections will merely reinforce the will of the Thai electoratesmile.png I'm certain that there will be some minor protests and skirmishes after the elections once Abhisit and Sutheps murder trail begins, but that can be handled by the police thumbsup.gif Suthep has made a fool of himself and Abhisit (by proxy) and I think any permissiveness and good will granted to him during the current protests will be suspended after the elections wai2.gif Suthep knows that he is going down, however instead in showing a little class like Abhisit he seems intent on becoming a martyr, so be it!

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The blame falls solely on Prayuth and Anupong and their predecessors. They screwed up just like the judiciary did. Prayuth still thinks that it is before the year 2000, that people are not connected to the internet. Rural people do not trust royalists any longer now they have real access to real information. Murdering people on Bangkok's streets on the orders of Suthep and Abhisit did not help the army very much. And now the Red Shirts are prepared they will no longer let their friends and family being slaughtered on the streets by army snipers, They will certainly fight back. The army should do what it does best, take out protestleaders.

who decided you where allowed to show your bias and re-write history

Please show me the link to where it says these people where murdered

shot during an illegal demonstration Yes, but it has never been proved they where murdered

Oh yes they tried this bluff on these leaders so they would not object to Thaskin returning

But that did not work

But even in Thailand no case has been proven

what other things will you rewrite to show your bias

Tezz, No case has been proven yet because the trial has not yet begun smile.png Have a little faith and be patient, after the FEB 2 elections Suthep and Abhisit will finally stand trial for murder wai2.gif

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I keep reading that this amnisty bill was only to bring tahksin home. But it was not it was INFACT to clear all of murder charges from 2010 riots as well.

You have a vivid imagination !

The only one who should be charged with "murders" during the 2010 riots is Thaksin himself. He was the one who orchestrated the whole thing, bankrolled it and controlled the events from the safety of his Dubai penthouse.

The government of the time and the army did what any government or army anywhere in the world would have done, tried to protect itself and the people of the city from a hoard of murderous terrorists. In fact in most countries it would not have been allowed to go on for months and the death toll would have been much, much higher.

But such is the power of the evil despot from Dubai, or wherever he is hiding out now. bah.gif

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Well this could be seen as a warning shot to YL and the PTP and their tainted organizations such as the DSI.

These seem to have been the ones to stir up all this division from the very start, and is ongoing.

Wait till you see the violence and pandemonium that these elections is going to cause, yet another thing brought about by the above mentioned.

The protests and pandemonium have already occurred my friend, the elections will merely reinforce the will of the Thai electoratesmile.png I'm certain that there will be some minor protests and skirmishes after the elections once Abhisit and Sutheps murder trail begins, but that can be handled by the police thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1443177670> Suthep has made a fool of himself and Abhisit (by proxy) and I think any permissiveness and good will granted to him during the current protests will be suspended after the elections wai2.gif alt=wai2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1722055545> Suthep knows that he is going down, however instead in showing a little class like Abhisit he seems intent on becoming a martyr, so be it!

Maybe he should show a little class and "self exile" himself to the Middle East and run the "protests" from there.

I am sure there is at least one country over there who will take in gutless, scumbag criminals. whistling.gif

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There was certainly premeditated murder committed back in 2010 by those who fired grenades with intent to kill and injure like at the sky train station where a lady died and others were injured, people who had nothing to do with the riots.

And the army officer who was killed, his widow has made repeated requests, pleas, then demands that Tarit investigate and has been ignored, as per the resent news story.

A great worry to me, as my MRS is in there is that these grenade launchers were never recovered and are still out there to be used again.

Indeed one was used recently on the home of one of the rubber farmers protest leaders in the south.

There are also the firearms used by the armed faction of the reds some of which may have been used against the students at the Uni but Tarit isn't interested in looking into that either, far more important to try to freeze bank accounts.

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"Taunting acts." Honestly, the Thai army should go and have a coffee with the head of the Thai navy and discuss what they are going to do to investigate public news reports of Rohingya trafficking. They might also discuss what they plan to do about the guerilla war in the south of Thailand. The last place that the army should be making comments is a political demonstration and giving "warnings" about taunting acts.

Thai Army Chief is a cautious man but, he knows he will have to step in.

In a country where The Rule of Law is something that those who studied history read but cannot to understand its full meaning for the simple reason that has never been implemented in Thailand.

In a feudal society that maintains patronage, blind obedience to wealth and power the military is the one that in the end will wield both.

Democrats, since they came to power the last time thanks to a coup and not elections, are creating the necessary conditions for the military to step in and put them in power once again. That is the Democracy that the Thai Democrats understand and want.

Meanwhile, in a forum not too far away in this galaxy, people continue yapping and griping about the PTP and bad girl YS that took away power from Mark and his attack dog Suthep during the last election.

They continue harping on the Paymaster buying the votes. In every election in Thailand vote buying is a staple that is here to stay.

Denial is not a river in Africa. Make a note of it.

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Well this could be seen as a warning shot to YL and the PTP and their tainted organizations such as the DSI.

These seem to have been the ones to stir up all this division from the very start, and is ongoing.

Wait till you see the violence and pandemonium that these elections is going to cause, yet another thing brought about by the above mentioned.

The protests and pandemonium have already occurred my friend, the elections will merely reinforce the will of the Thai electoratesmile.png.pagespeed.ce.S_2hMPZPhC.png I'm certain that there will be some minor protests and skirmishes after the elections once Abhisit and Sutheps murder trail begins, but that can be handled by the police thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1443177670> Suthep has made a fool of himself and Abhisit (by proxy) and I think any permissiveness and good will granted to him during the current protests will be suspended after the elections wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1722055545> Suthep knows that he is going down, however instead in showing a little class like Abhisit he seems intent on becoming a martyr, so be it!

Maybe he should show a little class and "self exile" himself to the Middle East and run the "protests" from there.

I am sure there is at least one country over there who will take in gutless, scumbag criminals. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18>

Like I said, suthep seems hellbent on becoming a martyr so one can only hope that some patriotic Thai helps him out on that quest thumbsup.gif As for Abhisit I do not think he will seek asylum anywhere in the middle east, but rather he will repatriate himself back to the U.K. wai2.gif

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Yeah. First we had the phony fire and brick attack against a protest leader. Now we have a slow coup going on...

Same, same... Do Thai laders really think the west supports corruption? No. Our governments might, but governments and people (like here in Thailand) are very different things. Do Thais really think we do not see this as a coup? It is a coup, with a 'soft touch'.

Resume rants.

coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

Not sure it qualifies as a coup just yet, PTP is still in power... just about. The other phony attack was the one reported on Yinglucks kid, which the school categorically denied. It's a total and utter mess and sadly I only see this ending in violence one way or another. Thaksin isn't about to give up and has plenty of money to buy several more elections yet. I too despair at the increasingly dangerous rhetoric being thrown about on all sides and assume that is what the general was referring to as 'taunting'.

Twitter reports coming in as I write, that the yellow mob are now attacking Yinluck's house. This is not a peaceful protest aimed at reforming the system, it is a mob out to attack private individuals.

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Thai Army Chief is a cautious man but, he knows he will have to step in.

In a country where The Rule of Law is something that those who studied history read but cannot to understand its full meaning for the simple reason that has never been implemented in Thailand.

In a feudal society that maintains patronage, blind obedience to wealth and power the military is the one that in the end will wield both.

Democrats, since they came to power the last time thanks to a coup and not elections, are creating the necessary conditions for the military to step in and put them in power once again. That is the Democracy that the Thai Democrats understand and want.

Meanwhile, in a forum not too far away in this galaxy, people continue yapping and griping about the PTP and bad girl YS that took away power from Mark and his attack dog Suthep during the last election.

They continue harping on the Paymaster buying the votes. In every election in Thailand vote buying is a staple that is here to stay.

Denial is not a river in Africa. Make a note of it.

There's two minutes of my life I will never get back.

But reading this tripe did remind me of the fact that most coups occur because of a rotten to the core government/regime.

If not for them there would be no coups.

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This is exactly why the fugitive made her minister for defence, despite her being equally qualified for that role as she is for being PM - as in not in the least bloody bit !!

You're talking about the fugitive Suthep who's failed to report to police for 80+ murder charges and is running from an arrest warrant?

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This is exactly why the fugitive made her minister for defence, despite her being equally qualified for that role as she is for being PM - as in not in the least bloody bit !!

You're talking about the fugitive Suthep who's failed to report to police for 80+ murder charges and is running from an arrest warrant?

Running from an arrest warrant.? Jeez, last time i looked he was leading a throng of whistle blowing protesters right under the noses of the Royal Thai Police.

The Fugitive is in Dubai / Phnom Penh / Hong Kong / Montenegro / London or........

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The report that the movement is taking a distinct anti foreigner tone (see the updates) should have all of us concerned.

The Amin admin in Uganda did not consult the foreigners about their political affiliations- they just drove them into the sea.

This is nothing- just based on a few news reports that seem to be bewildered by the goals of the "peoples' councils'.

When the international community refuses to recognize the legitimacy of a fascist gov't in Thailand- ALL of us will be at risk- regardless of our posiings history.

Welcome to Sarejevo.

And why is it that no posters here are predicting the Thailand of Christmas 2014?

Do we really think the upcountry people will wisely accept that there aspirations are to be discounted?

That they are just stupid buffalo unfitted to demand through elections an improvement of their lot?

That it is right and just that the non-corrupt citizens of the most anti-corruption capital cityh in the world should determine their fate?

Hah-= give your head a shake-- by next year- and the army has predicted this too- this town will smell worse than Sarajevo!

A coup w9ill bring out the reds and maybe even the yellows- (if the coup installed gov't does not reflect yellow demands). Stalemat3e will lead to foreign investment pulling out of Thailand. For the Gov't to aceed to the rebel demands will linvite condemntation and isolation by the int3ernational communiity- including loss of a seat in the UN.

Put down the whistles and THINK!!!

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In this country engaging in dialogue is akin to fornicating for virginity. There is no moral code, corruption is an inherent part of the Thai DNA.

They lie and cheat their way in all maters big or small. Perhaps it is time for the public to see the removal of the Machiavellian immunity from prosecution which is awarded to sitting MP's which only acts as a catalyst for malfeasance and a reformed judicial system that provides equality in law regardless of wealth position or stature. Dialogue with Yingluck or her lackeys will never achieve anything as history clearly indicates.

Such reforms are needed before there can be any question as to an election. If you keep doing what you are doing , you will keep getting what you are getting.

Though I think we come from different directions, this is a good and intelligent post.

My fear (for what it's worth) is that Thailand is based on the rule of custom- law is merely a guideline - a suggestion-- But custom is what matters.

As in every country stumbling into the modern, the primacy of custom will become eroded- and there will be no respect fot law to fill the void.

And Satan shall stalk the land. (ok- that's a bit of an exagterration- but only a bit).

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We have seen Thaksins minions in dialog and it was all for show.

The only way real dialogue leads to progress is if both sides truly believe

the other is acting as an honest broker for their side.

As possible to anti-foreigner trends.

This is the nationalism card being played in a land where nationalism is the glue that holds multiple groups together.

This is a crossroads culture and only 80 years old, the over-arching nationalism is the one COMMON, bond between all Thais.

So that there is nationalistic frothing at the mouth from both sides is easily understood, but not likely to come to much for foreigners.

And because governments like the USA have stated the simple 'we support the democratic status quo facade' press releases

that they ALWAYS put out as boiler plate, the people who don't see the bigger picture are easier rallied and maintained

at rally stance by some injections of us against them nationalism. Not right or particularly productive, but understandable.

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I keep reading that this amnisty bill was only to bring tahksin home. But it was not it was INFACT to clear all of murder charges from 2010 riots as well.

You have a vivid imagination !

The only one who should be charged with "murders" during the 2010 riots is Thaksin himself. He was the one who orchestrated the whole thing, bankrolled it and controlled the events from the safety of his Dubai penthouse.

The government of the time and the army did what any government or army anywhere in the world would have done, tried to protect itself and the people of the city from a hoard of murderous terrorists. In fact in most countries it would not have been allowed to go on for months and the death toll would have been much, much higher.

But such is the power of the evil despot from Dubai, or wherever he is hiding out now. bah.gif

What is a "hoard of murderous terrorists" ??

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This is exactly why the fugitive made her minister for defence, despite her being equally qualified for that role as she is for being PM - as in not in the least bloody bit !!

You're talking about the fugitive Suthep who's failed to report to police for 80+ murder charges and is running from an arrest warrant?

Running from an arrest warrant.? Jeez, last time i looked he was leading a throng of whistle blowing protesters right under the noses of the Royal Thai Police.

The Fugitive is in Dubai / Phnom Penh / Hong Kong / Montenegro / London or........

Protected and surrounded by a couple of hundred paramilitary thugs and figures on high.

It is no surprise that he cannot be arrested.

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This is exactly why the fugitive made her minister for defence, despite her being equally qualified for that role as she is for being PM - as in not in the least bloody bit !!

You're talking about the fugitive Suthep who's failed to report to police for 80+ murder charges and is running from an arrest warrant?

Running from an arrest warrant.? Jeez, last time i looked he was leading a throng of whistle blowing protesters right under the noses of the Royal Thai Police.

The Fugitive is in Dubai / Phnom Penh / Hong Kong / Montenegro / London or........

Protected and surrounded by a couple of hundred paramilitary thugs and figures on high.

It is no surprise that he cannot be arrested.

But, you have to admit phil, if Thaksin dared to come back to Thailand and landed at DMK, there's no way he'd be arrested. Why not? Because he'd be surrounded by a couple of hundred paramilitary and red shirt thugs No?

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I keep reading that this amnisty bill was only to bring tahksin home. But it was not it was INFACT to clear all of murder charges from 2010 riots as well.

You have a vivid imagination !

The only one who should be charged with "murders" during the 2010 riots is Thaksin himself. He was the one who orchestrated the whole thing, bankrolled it and controlled the events from the safety of his Dubai penthouse.

The government of the time and the army did what any government or army anywhere in the world would have done, tried to protect itself and the people of the city from a hoard of murderous terrorists. In fact in most countries it would not have been allowed to go on for months and the death toll would have been much, much higher.

But such is the power of the evil despot from Dubai, or wherever he is hiding out now. bah.gif

What is a "hoard of murderous terrorists" ??

A hoard of murderous terrorists might be found in the Bagram detention center in Afghanistan.

OTOH a horde of murderous terrorists are what the detainees were before capture.wink.png

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