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Yingluck promises reform council


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So 'Ms Original' has now stooped to the depths of saying she will assemble a 'people's council'... I thought she said it was illegal and outrageous to set one up.

It's one thing to blast one of Suthep's wishes, and other thing to go on and steal it for your own.

I would rather have a 'people's council' set up by Suthep and Co any day if the alternative was one set up by this bunch of corrupt retards.

Try reading carefully. The reform council will discuss ways of reforming the "social, economic and political dimensions". It is not a replacement for democratic government but a way forward for Thailand. Definitely not a clone of Sutheps nebulous "peoples council".

Well she seems to be pretty sure of her self about winning the next election. I believe she will win it.

But I would like to know why she is so afraid of reform on the election process. To me that is a must if the people are to get there wants. As it is the election is just another way to get money for taking 5 minutes to vote. They are completely clueless as to what the difference of opinion is between the candidates and how it will affect them in the coming years..

Besides who with a IQ higher than an Eskimo's igloo temperature is going to believe the PTP government will take any thing serious that does not benefit them.

Yes John all too stupid, coffee1.gif

PS; It's "their" not "there"

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Yingluck urged all the political parties that will contest the February 2 election are urged to sign a social contract to support the country's reform by setting up a people's council.

Is it the People's Council of mr. Suthep?

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So 'Ms Original' has now stooped to the depths of saying she will assemble a 'people's council'... I thought she said it was illegal and outrageous to set one up.

It's one thing to blast one of Suthep's wishes, and other thing to go on and steal it for your own.

I would rather have a 'people's council' set up by Suthep and Co any day if the alternative was one set up by this bunch of corrupt retards.

Try reading carefully. The reform council will discuss ways of reforming the "social, economic and political dimensions". It is not a replacement for democratic government but a way forward for Thailand. Definitely not a clone of Sutheps nebulous "peoples council".

Your point is not valid, she didn't confirm or even mention that democracy will be a fixed tenant of the reforms.

OK you disagree with me, but please make sense with your reasoning.

I think his reasoning is based on her past performance. Yes now that he has mentioned it I see no mention of democracy. As I said earlier she is definatly not going near election reform. Notice the council is to be formed after the election and yes many will be invited. also based on her past performance they will be ignored if it does not benefit the PTP.

I am just basing my reasoning on her past 2 and 1/2 years performance

fab4 on a side note what do you think of her increasing the corruption in Thailand. 37 points down to 35.

Look out North Korea here comes Yingluck.clap2.gif She has an anti corruption council.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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So 'Ms Original' has now stooped to the depths of saying she will assemble a 'people's council'... I thought she said it was illegal and outrageous to set one up.

It's one thing to blast one of Suthep's wishes, and other thing to go on and steal it for your own.

I would rather have a 'people's council' set up by Suthep and Co any day if the alternative was one set up by this bunch of corrupt retards.

Try reading carefully. The reform council will discuss ways of reforming the "social, economic and political dimensions". It is not a replacement for democratic government but a way forward for Thailand. Definitely not a clone of Sutheps nebulous "peoples council".

Well she seems to be pretty sure of her self about winning the next election. I believe she will win it.

But I would like to know why she is so afraid of reform on the election process. To me that is a must if the people are to get there wants. As it is the election is just another way to get money for taking 5 minutes to vote. They are completely clueless as to what the difference of opinion is between the candidates and how it will affect them in the coming years..

Besides who with a IQ higher than an Eskimo's igloo temperature is going to believe the PTP government will take any thing serious that does not benefit them.

Yes John all too stupid, coffee1.gif

PS; It's "their" not "there"

Sorry about that lapse in spelling. I am how ever glad that is all you found wrong with my post.

Did I get the grammar right?

Or should I have said.

Was my grammar correct?

Never could get a handle on grammar and spelling. Then (that was a close call I almost forgot to capitalize the t in the first word of a sentence) I come to Thailand and what little grammar I had is wrong they turn it all around.

Thank you for your input it was much appreciated and I hope I can count on you in the future to correct me when I mix up the spelling on various words.

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One more wise move of Yingluck and the PT. The only problem is that Suthep and the Dems don't really want "reforms". The only thing they want is to rule Thailand without having to follow democratic rules. With or without reforms the Dems can't win an election anyway. The problem is themselves, their attitude and their sense of superiority. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you new to Thailand? The PTP has been in power for 2 and 1/2 years in that time they have managed to increase corruption by 2%. This is not figures taken from a Thai Poll of 1,288 Thais. This figure is from a respected international organization. In the process of robbing the country they have been claiming that they are cleaning up the corruption. I guess that is OK with you because they are using democratic rules.

To be honest who wants that kind of reform. Would you turn your check book over to them so they could reform it? But you are gladly happy to insinuate that they want reform and no one else doe's.

What is this undemocratic way that the protestors want to rule Thailand with so far the election committee has said it is democratic. I believe they said up to two years. The only one's who say it is not are the Yingluck/Thaksin Shinawatra's lovers. Gee I wonder why they would say that.

Can't swear to it but I think there is a lot of money involved. All to go into the pockets of the one's in power.

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Yingluck urged all the political parties that will contest the February 2 election are urged to sign a social contract to support the country's reform by setting up a people's council.

Is it the People's Council of mr. Suthep?

No it is a council to be made up of Shinawatra fans. giggle.gifwai2.gif

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If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now

Why should a government that has been voted into power get together with the dems and suthep, who want a none democratic council to take over?

the rest of what you say is from the point of view of the minority.

walks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them.

please give it a rest!coffee1.gif

Would the government of your democratic country (NZ) allow some (idiot) minority to bring them down? and ignore the people that voted them in?

don't bother coming with the bought votes argument, it's getting boring. (both sides pay people to go to the polls).

Does NZ have a PM who is described as his/her clone by a fugitive brother?

Do they have a sheep mortgage scheme resulting in massive losses with foreign countries now doubting the quality of NZ lamb?

Has the NZ government tried to pass a law forgiving 25,000 corruption cases over the last 7 years?

If they did they would still have to be voted out of office, Not through anarchy.

If you want to win votes do something for the poor.

And don't try to take their vote from them claiming they are too stupid to vote.

If the gov. did in NZ, and if they rejected a decision by the highest court in the land, they would be arrested, tried, and put in jail for years.The fugitive leader would also have been extradited, jailed, tried for his other crimes, put before the World Court for human rights abuses and be spending the rest of his life in prison.

The Ombudsman and Government Auditors would also point out the illegality of certain schemes. Here, it won't happen.

Also, the NZ, UK, USA, etc police would have stopped the yellows at the airport and the reds in central BKK so none of what is destroying this country would have happened.

Finally, what sort of country elects a leader like this?


That is the difference.

Good post Soi Sauce

This line of posts puts forward the most logic sequence of reason for what democracy is to those who constantly put forward the "yes but...democracy is decided at the ballot box" while conveniently overlooking the abuse of democracy that is occurring after the ballot has been won.

Thailand has got past the point where deciding at the ballot is going to solve anything.

And as for Yingluck's declaration that she will indeed set up a peoples reform council...how stupid does she think educated people are especially in the same address where she also quotes upholding the law to the Constitution when her Master the people’s court convicted fugitive criminal Thaksin and his lackeys have been trampling all over the law and Constitution even right up to a day before this statement. Pheau Thai have been and are playing a short term power hold game that is having disastrous long term consequences for Thailand. Sadly it would seem with the Isaan "Darling Yingluck" vote the game is going to continue.

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Yeah, a "reform" council called by a lady with the Thaksin name does not exactly inspire credibility! facepalm.gif

This is better then having a dictatorship by suthep the murderer. isnt it???????? Do you realy think suthep is credible????? If you do you need to see shrink.

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So 'Ms Original' has now stooped to the depths of saying she will assemble a 'people's council'... I thought she said it was illegal and outrageous to set one up.

It's one thing to blast one of Suthep's wishes, and other thing to go on and steal it for your own.

I would rather have a 'people's council' set up by Suthep and Co any day if the alternative was one set up by this bunch of corrupt retards.

I think you should step back and read again. I dont think you understand the English language so before you open mouth........

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Yingluck is working within the constitution, the democratic process, subsequently she has the general respect and support of virtually every international diplomat and political observer. Suthep has no international support except for a vocal minority of farang sheep who can't see beyond their blind zombie hatred for Thaksin and have no credibility anyway.

Edited by moonao
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Yingluck urged all the political parties that will contest the February 2 election are urged to sign a social contract to support the country's reform by setting up a people's council.

Is it the People's Council of mr. Suthep?

Try a little research before jumping in.

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Yeah, a "reform" council called by a lady with the Thaksin name does not exactly inspire credibility! facepalm.gif

This is better then having a dictatorship by suthep the murderer. isnt it???????? Do you realy think suthep is credible????? If you do you need to see shrink.

I love these well balanced comments from Thaksin supporters.

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This woman would promise anything in an attempt to get out of the mess that her arrogance and ignorance has created. Numerous past indiscretions have shown clearly that she has zero credibility and will go to any length to preserve her privilege and position. What Yingluck promises and what she has the intent and ability to deliver are as different as chalk and cheese.

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Yingluck is working within the constitution, the democratic process, subsequently she has the general respect and support of virtually every international diplomat and political observer. Suthep has no international support except for a vocal minority of farang sheep who can't see beyond their blind zombie hatred for Thaksin and have no credibility anyway.

If Yingluck was unblemished she wouldn't have dissolved parliament........

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Yingluck is working within the constitution, the democratic process, subsequently she has the general respect and support of virtually every international diplomat and political observer. Suthep has no international support except for a vocal minority of farang sheep who can't see beyond their blind zombie hatred for Thaksin and have no credibility anyway.

From moonao:

"Yingluck is working within the constitution, the democratic process, subsequently she has the general respect and support of virtually every international diplomat and political observer."

Not true, not at all.

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For the Suthep Supporters on TV who appear to enjoy insulting Yingluck

"Thaugsuban has already firmly rejected the possibility of election observers with a colourful racial slur, stating that he doesn't "respect Westerners" "

In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions. In July 2009, the Election Commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the Constitutional Court to disqualify Suthep.

Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from Parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as a Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted his resignation was not a proof that he had done anything wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister

As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation.[3] The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate

So those of you who actively seek Suthep participation in 'developing' a democratic, corruption free Thailand.....absorb the above.....and remember he doesn't even acknowledge you as a relevant participant smile.png

Carry on guys, I'm sure old Suthep is having a good laugh at your expense!

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Castro, ideamin, and Now Suthep... Good luck if he let anyone else be the leader. In a democracy it's called ...... But look at the numbers of people I thought there were more than 400.000 people in Thailand. I think what he wants is his own country so let him have south of Thailand and call it .... As he is used to take land...

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