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WHat's this bamboo

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If you are ever near Saraburi or Lopburi there is a botanical garden between the two called Phu Kae Botanical Gardens, it was the first of its kind to be established in TL and in one part, on the side of the road opposite the main entrance they have apart of the garden dedicated to bamboo.

I suspect they have most if not all species there, they are all mature plants and are named.

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Hi Neeranam

I was there yesterday and saw some mature stands of golden bamboo.

They are on the other side of the road from the main gate, that's on your right coming from Saraburi or left from Lopburi.

If you go to your left when you go in through the gate then right up a double lane road with a median strip then keep left from there, the main stands of bamboo are on the other side of a small stream, you can cross by a concrete bridge.

There is golden bamboo beside the stream before you get to the bridge.


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Even with two apparently identical bamboo plants side it is difficult to differentiate. When I was cultivating chinese bamboo years ago I used a magnifying glass quite often, and that only on the new shoots. Best is to wait until they flower (every 100 years or so) upon which they will die so not much point... try the international bamboo society.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi Neeranam,
This bamboo is Schizostachyum brachycladum 'Bali Kuning', in Thai: ไผ่ทอง (phai thong), ไผ่สีทอง (phai si thong).
Schizostachyum is the name of the genus, Schizostachyum brachycladum is the name of the species, and 'Bali Kuning' is the name of the cultivated variety.
Propagation by cuttings is not possible with this bamboo; the only way of propagation is by division.

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