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Does anyone else feel Xmas is just another day.


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Tomorrow, I will make a complete Christmas dinner and celebrate with my girlfriend and her son. They love Christmas mainly because we spend time together instead of working. I enjoy the food and their company.

The day after I will just relax on the sofa and watch TV and on the 26th I will go out with some friends, get totally drunk and watch naked women dance...

So "Yes" for me it is Christmas time and I love it!

Merry Christmas! (Going to Central to buy some presents and beer)

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Christmas has no appeal here because of the temperature (yea Aussies grew up with it but nobody ever accused them of having any sense biggrin.png)

The fact that I am atheist also has its influence but the biggest thing is my family isn't here (Dutch part of the family).

Add to the fact back in the Netherlands many houses would have decorations out ect ect.. i just don have the feeling for it.

That's a good start with an airing of the grievances (AOG). I think you are FESTIVUS material. Today's the day!

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Funnily enough, on the morning of the 25th, the local school plays Christmas Carols over the community loud speaker.I like to go out and cuddle the babies at the local Orphanage then fortunately the brother-in-law has a birthday so its normally a few SangSoms etc for Xmas lunch.That'll do me.I agree that if I had kids it would be more meaningful.

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I like to to have a holiday dinner, but I enjoy the fact that the pressure is off in Thailand. If you want to celebrate you can. If not, it is no big deal.

Second that. Local expat bar in CM is doing a BBQ, drop in or do not. US is bad news, jamming Xmas down the collective throat of populace. Must be really distressful for the less advantaged families.

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Now listen here young man, get those thoughts out of your head

Christmas is fantastic, it's the best time of the year IMO.

Rent a flick - Love Actually my favourite Xmas movie, sit back and think about all the good. Wrap a gift for yourself and call your family, when you're lucky enough to have your own family ramp it up and keep the tradition alive it's what our parents did for us.

Merry Christmas & if you're lonely on Xmas PM me, it'll be an excuse to break away from all my monsters.

Sorry but the best Christmas movie was easily shared with the Griswalds.

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation!

Sorry guys, but "Bad Santa" is the best Christmas movie of all time. tongue.png

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I wish my Thai friends would stop wishing me merry christmas. I specifically make sure I am in Thailand for Christmas, because I can't stand the day. I find the concept of Christmas is offensive. I am not a pagan, and so many of the trappings of the holiday; the yule tree, the ornaments, the feasting and the merriment harken back to primitive times. I have no wish to celebrate ancient germanic tribes traditions. I don't understand how any christian would celebrate the birthday of the human form of their deity in a month and on a day when he wasn't even born. Worse yet, the guy was apparently jewish and many people insist on eating a ham on that day. I mean jiminey cricket, eating pork in celebration of a jew's birthday???? I still find it worth a laugh that there used to be a celebration of Jesus' circumcision, until it became politically incorrect to do so and that until modern times there people in search of the holy prepuce with many cathoilic church icons described as such. I can't stand that so many retail outlets in Thailand are playing christmas music. I was just in a big shop in NST and there wasn't a farang in a 5 km radius and yet I had to hear Hark the Herald Angels Sing. I just finished giving grief to my friend who told me he's going to temple on new year's day to make merit and I reminded him that Songkran is in April and he was ohh, but it is your new year and I should come with him and his girlfriend as it will be good for me. bahh.

But yet you like to be around people who still believe in ghosts and spirits and yet you talk about primitive rituals in the west strange..............
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It doesn't work at all for me here. Christmas in the warm does not compute, and I certainly could not stomach a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings here. Now New Year's Eve, that's a different story!! Can't really celebrate outside in Europe as it is too damned cold but here an all night party!!!

Tend to agree, Prague is my favourite place to be at Christmas apart from home with the family.smile.png

Having said that, I like to hear Christmas music anywhere, so many memories of my life gone by, both good and not so good, but none so bad that I could ever hate Christmas for it.

There seem to be many people with a hate of Christmas and my guess is that most of that hate springs from bad childhood memories.sad.png

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Understandable being away from family and loved ones... Consider the big picture with regard to the season... and the reason. Can help you connect with some nice folks if you like. PM me. Cheers.

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Christmas is what you make of it. Now I make (and do) as little as possible, wherever I have to endure it and all the ridiculous, purely commercial, lead-up to it. I disliked it in UK, NZ, Africa, US, Thailand, Bali, Laos - and this year back in the UK where it's much worse than when I left in the 90s! Nice for kids.

I'm glad I got that off my chest. Ho ho ho smile.png .

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Great day for flying back home. Nobody on the plane. BBQ with family, sort out multi O visa, then back to Bangers on New Years eve/day. Have a whole row of seats to myself. Feel like I'm in business class.

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I love Christmas and have celebrated variously with my Children and then Grand Children and now in Thailand, we have arranged for 11 so called adults to get together and have a full Christmas Dinner, including four Buddhists!! We will express the spirit of Christmas to each other in the way of love and kindness and yes, i will give my Wife a Christmas Present in the morning and yes, she will have to hunt around the house for it. All good, harmless, clean fun that will leave me with a feeling of happiness and well being. Temperature does tend to make you think, ho hum, will need to try harder with the imagination. But that apart, love Christmas and wish everyone at TV a Very Merry Christmas.wai.gif

Edited by robertson468
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I was screwed over by santa as a child,he did not get me one single gift on my Christmas list,I even wrote it on scented paper,the year after I sent another less pleasant letter with a far less pleasant scent.

A year went by and I sat on my fathers recliner stubbornly disobeying the New Year's Eve bed by midnight rule,rifle in hand feeling fresh as I ate the fat bastards milk and cookies that my mum put out.

To my surprise the only people that came down the stairs were my parents with a sack of the usual shit,luckily the light from the window caught my fathers profile or I would have turned his head into a canoe as I was sure santa had arrived.

After that I lost all faith in Santa,nothing's right these days,even KFC has gone down hill since the colonel died.

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Have 2 young boys and am proposing to my girlfriend on Christmas morning, I haven't looked forward to Christmas this much in ages but even back when I was single I would look forward to it back home due to friend and family. However maybe single in Thailand it could be a bit of a lonely or nothing day

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Christmas for me is a sad day, a day when people with no sanity celebrate a fairytale, Im always staggered at how many people "believe"

If there were no humans there would be no Christmas...........says it all really!

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