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every expat is a philosopher


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I'm not knocking experience, I respect expat's opinions very much...

that said...

if I had a best friend that spoke to me like my dad giving me a long long lecture about love and money, I would not like that friend much.

shape up please. .. dont speak down to people, use a bit of tact

there are things that even u expats dont have a clue about, so its embarrassing having to sit through a 15 lecture when you speak like some godly profit who knows all

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To avoid the lecture, stop asking stupid questions!!coffee1.gif

I can guarantee that if they are asking stupid question then they are definitely pissed off with your attitude.

I hear it all the time, a know it all expat, a captive passive young Traveller here to experience thailand.

they sit there nodding their heads, being kind enough to feed your ego with a question. wondering in their head how long do I have to put up with this guy.

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To avoid the lecture, stop asking stupid questions!!coffee1.gif

I can guarantee that if they are asking stupid question then they are definitely pissed off with your attitude.

I hear it all the time, a know it all expat, a captive passive young Traveller here to experience thailand.

they sit there nodding their heads, being kind enough to feed your ego with a question. wondering in their head how long do I have to put up with this guy.

I take it your one of those young travelers. You got a lot to learn and you will if you stay long enough here. I am different from the people who pour it on for free ill charge you for picking my brain and finding gems of wisdom you would never dream existed. cheesy.gif

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To avoid the lecture, stop asking stupid questions!!coffee1.gif

I can guarantee that if they are asking stupid question then they are definitely pissed off with your attitude.

I hear it all the time, a know it all expat, a captive passive young Traveller here to experience thailand.

they sit there nodding their heads, being kind enough to feed your ego with a question. wondering in their head how long do I have to put up with this guy.

That would be about the time that the 'young Traveller' grew up a bit, stopped nodding their heads and starved the ego of the 'know-it-all' expat.

Travel is a learning curve, sometimes you have to take the initiative to get ahead.....................thumbsup.gif

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To avoid the lecture, stop asking stupid questions!!coffee1.gif

I can guarantee that if they are asking stupid question then they are definitely pissed off with your attitude.

I hear it all the time, a know it all expat, a captive passive young Traveller here to experience thailand.

they sit there nodding their heads, being kind enough to feed your ego with a question. wondering in their head how long do I have to put up with this guy.

I take it your one of those young travelers. You got a lot to learn and you will if you stay long enough here. I am different from the people who pour it on for free ill charge you for picking my brain and finding gems of wisdom you would never dream existed. cheesy.gif

dont make me vomit

when old people dont understand that money is not piece of paper its a person's production traded via a unit of value such as a stable and rare commodity.

when old people like to describe another type of government as the bees knees when its just a subsitue entity for rape murder and theft

when old people belt their babies, who let alone not even able to walk, are supposed to be able to understand what they are doing wrong!

when old people feed their children pure filth, then make excuses for their ill health as hormonal and hereditary

when old people target children for sex, the ultimate abuse of some one with intellectual disadvantage,

then these immoral people, they sit down next to me, and lecture me about the ins and outs of landing an asian, or the immigration tricks

look in the mirror

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To avoid the lecture, stop asking stupid questions!!coffee1.gif

I can guarantee that if they are asking stupid question then they are definitely pissed off with your attitude.

I hear it all the time, a know it all expat, a captive passive young Traveller here to experience thailand.

they sit there nodding their heads, being kind enough to feed your ego with a question. wondering in their head how long do I have to put up with this guy.

I take it your one of those young travelers. You got a lot to learn and you will if you stay long enough here. I am different from the people who pour it on for free ill charge you for picking my brain and finding gems of wisdom you would never dream existed. cheesy.gif

dont make me vomit

when old people dont understand that money is not piece of paper its a person's production traded via a unit of value such as a stable and rare commodity.

when old people like to describe another type of government as the bees knees when its just a subsitue entity for rape murder and theft

when old people belt their babies, who let alone not even able to walk, are supposed to be able to understand what they are doing wrong!

when old people feed their children pure filth, then make excuses for their ill health as hormonal and hereditary

when old people target children for sex, the ultimate abuse of some one with intellectual disadvantage,

then these immoral people, they sit down next to me, and lecture me about the ins and outs of landing an asian, or the immigration tricks

look in the mirror

I know one thing as an old 39 year old.. that you need to learn a lot in the humor department.

However I could learn a thing or two from you about crazy rants. (not sure if i want to learn though)

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I experience that the most smart and most loud people showing their "wisdom" about Thailand, are actually the ones that have stayed here for the shortest time and have no actual real experience with Thai-people or Thailand. Meet with a person that has been here for 2 weeks on holiday or meet a person that is considering moving to Thailand and you will hear an "expert" talk...

The Farangs who have lived amongst Thais and worked here for many years, know the game and can´t be bothered to discuss Thailand and Thais anymore...

Of course you will on occasion run into the "old experts" on benefits from home, who also claim to also know everything. But that is mostly the alcohol talking...

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OP - in your post you're calling for tact from others - and I agree that some (many) posts one sees on TV are tactless and I'd even go so far to say some posts and posters are as blunt as a sledgehammer.

But my good man, philosophically speaking, your original post and subsequent posts thus far are also somewhat lacking in tact don't you think?

I would have been much more interested in supporting your argument if you'd highlighted your point with some degree of eloquence, but sadly, it was nothing more than a thinly disguised rant. So whilst I'll support your broad observation, I find I cannot endorse the manner in which you've gone about making your point. smile.png

Merry Christmas. thumbsup.gif

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Ok, Mr 27 posts.

Thanks for the sermon.

Oh boy, 1471 posts, Maybe the guy has experience on other forums? leave it out please, just take the post as read.

One of this fine gentlemen's 11 OP's thus far from his 27 posts was it?

Posted 2013-12-20

im new here and lonely, I need a girlfriend.

I dont speak thai thai yet, so I really was having trouble finding a girlfriend.

I said to my self stuff it ill just go to the bars.

the problem is bar girls are basically geniuses when it comes to men. they have heard it and seen it all from mens lips.

plus their bosses r on their backs to keep you spending.

I found a nice bar girl, we are still friends.

I decided to go to a local bar near my house. I got drunk and made friends with a really nice girl. Buddah only knows what she was saying to me.

finally she said u go home now. she gave mr a ring saying love forever and I left for another bar.

thats when a fat thai 28 yr old boy followed me, we went chick hunting together.

I payed for his beer. that when my face made contact with the sloppy mud. I open my wallet and the fat guy sees the 60k b in my wallet.

now when he sees me at night going home, he starts following me.

I guess he is trying to figure out where I live.

I always take back roads home now, and am xxxxxxx constantly paranoid.

it was a great lesson, im an idiot

The line I draw your attention to is ... "the problem is bar girls are basically geniuses when it comes to men. they have heard it and seen it all from mens lips."

Sadly, it appears that the Bar Girls are geniuses and have hard fought life lessons to pass on and apparently, we have naught ... facepalm.gif

In the Spirit of Christmas, I wish the OP, and recent member here, the best of luck ... though as more of a 'Brotherly' * rather then a Fatherly figure.

williamta20012 ... do stop, look and listen occasionally to the old farts ex-pats, their scars have healed and they are ready to share their battles experiences.

Otherwise, you might find that, once the money has run out, there will be a big fat bruise as the exit door hits your ass posterior on the way out.

* I am a hansum young man you know ... biggrin.png


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OP - in your post you're calling for tact from others - and I agree that some (many) posts one sees on TV are tactless and I'd even go so far to say some posts and posters are as blunt as a sledgehammer.

But my good man, philosophically speaking, your original post and subsequent posts thus far are also somewhat lacking in tact don't you think?

I would have been much more interested in supporting your argument if you'd highlighted your point with some degree of eloquence, but sadly, it was nothing more than a thinly disguised rant. So whilst I'll support your broad observation, I find I cannot endorse the manner in which you've gone about making your point. smile.png

Merry Christmas. thumbsup.gif

no no, I totally agree bro, im as guilty as the rest, but u have to admit the internet is very efficient and hammering out the truth, u cant be an arrogant knob here and people can put u in your place.

I really try to be gentle and humorous in real life, im no saint, its just that I wanna high light it... it a good lesson for every one

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